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£■■■■■■■_■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■F- w i-"- Fg=g CfOOZ&C CbZl*Tc& 0072S jfy* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■p_i jßgjjcj TO-MORROW IS THE BIG DAY. Ren_L |-:n?a|M@a.| toeJwee|thu| mil sml ■ "fiST and Js"\ \mS7~l JT"? Scores of Hundreds of I <C Gl 7 A \ 1 1 I Specials other Specials \ !<_>-» \tS LEV-1 at are TUT T ¥_• C_ Half Price Half Price. J[ Jfj[ Vl JKLw ■ -*f\_ j[ Under * Starts 9am HALF PRICE DAY. Starts 9am mm r_i-_—_i ii_iiia_Mi-a_a_-_a--j __j_ii__ j ■_■__■__■ i ii i — ~ , ■ hi i i Drastic Reductions in the Showroom -- J~ w * usiim'V Drastic Reductions in Men's Wear. SB 'rocks in Taffeta and Crepe de Chine, with round necks, three-quarter and full length jTyf __L ML. Wmm4 ____■_• JL X m% — ■ a Men's Tweed Sport Suits, about 20 only—Usual Price. 75/6 and 84/-. Bargain Thursday Price, Magyar sleeves, trimmed with braid and beads. Shades: Brown, Fawn, Grey, Navy— ™" wmm mm mmmw mMwamT mm mm w mmuUmT mm mm mm m 35/K). Usual Price, £5/5/- to £7/19/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 69/6. Men's Cotton Worsted Trousers.' Sizes 3 and 4 only—Usual Price. 14/11. Bargain Thursday —Bitted Silk Procks, Cream piped with Black and White, Saxe and White, Lemon and White, T||a ~_rl"i_"il*» #__■* I_«*_T_» «t-".r»lrc Price, 3/8 pair. .__. .- ~ _ , __. finished with wide sash—Usual Price, 63/-. Bargain Thursday Price, 29/6. * * a_ * WUWIC Ul UUT KUTgC Men's Tweed Vests, a good line for the labouring roan—Usual Price, 10/11. Bargain Thursday B^Sf^/6^^^___^/l^j_^ ngs Bt6P C ° Uar beU "* lo*'*-**"* of Present SeaSOn's Millinery « JSNLu Tennis Trousers-Usual Price, 22/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 8/10. Smart Coetumea ia Pawn aad Orejr Oabardlne, with and without belte, trimmed with cable .__ - _ _ *«■'» »rUI Working Shirts, Navy with White stripes. Sizes 14. and 15 only—Usual Price, 7/11. Will be SOld at uJ m^ffl^ W band and soft cuffs. AU sizes_U.u_l Price, 7/6. Bargain MAI P THF CAIC PPirTQ Jl_r?W Price, 21/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 14/10. Two-Piece SWrta, aathered at waist, with belt, Plain and Stripe Sponge Cloth, Stripe Fuji, 11-r*JLir 1 -TIE. 0/\JL__-__- I Men's P_ji Silk Tennis Shirts-Usual Price, 27/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 16/10. Cream Cotton Gabardine—Usual Prices, 19/11, 21/6 and 29/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 100 Ken's Pur Pelt Hats—Usual Price, 21/6. Bargain Thursday Price, Lf- each. 7 / u « Man's Tussore, Striped Silk, and Bern Cotton Collars. Sizes 134, 14, 14*. "t 1% ». <*_, 18— n *._. IV. aji • l ww if n . j Usual Price, 1/6 and 1/11. Bargain Thursday Price, 6d each. Blouses and Jumpers Less than Half Price. Cotton Dress Materials at Hair Price and Kent Knitted Ties, assorted B hade_-usu_i Price, 3/11. Bargain Thursday price, _/_*. * I Oddments in Men's Shirts and Flannels, slightly soiled—Clearing at Half Marked Price. Good Quality Crepe de China Jumpers, round neck, three-quarter sleeve, embossed design. I-sCSS. Sbadea: Rose, Pink, Sky, and Ivory—Usual Price, 27/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 11/6. Rmwaina £_-__• Rnvtt While Voile Blouses, roll collar, neatly hemstitched—Usual Prices 7/11. Bargain Thursday Batine Check Zephyr, good quality novelty cloth, in smart checks; 38-inch wide—Usual DaXgOAIIO IWi MJVyo. Price, S/U. ' Price, 2/9 yard. Bargain Thursday Price, 1/4J per yard. Sbantnssa, high-grade dress fabric, in Tussore shades, with smart patterns, at an excep- Boy's Dark Tweed Sport Suits, well lined and made. Fit boys from 6 years to 12-U-nal Prices, U_t_ _-v I___J__ „*_>_««_%_» .•% I T M -J-_._.«.1-*_-l_:-«~ tionally low price for One Day Only; 38-inch wide—Usual Price, 3/6. Bargain Thurs- 35/6 to 45/-. Bargain Thursday Price, 83/10. neaVy I\eUUCUOnS Ul V/naerClOUling;* day Price, 1/7. per yard. Boy's Flannelette Band Shirts, neat stripes on light grounds. Sizes 3to 6—Usual Prices, 3/6 T._l_t __■_. M_« -.-■-- ~ . ... „ . _._«. Cotton Oeorgette, best quality uncruahable make, in three shades only, Reseda Green, to 4/3. Bargain Thursday Price, 1/10. -.solas Strong oalico _n e nt_ressaa, Magyar shape, withV. and square neeka, trimmed Swiss p_l e Blue, and Vieux Rose; 40-incb wide—Usual Price, 4/11 per yard. Bargain Oddments in Boys' Shirts, comprising Tennis, Neglige, and Striped lines. Odd sizes—Usual embroidery-Usual Price, 7/11. Bargain Thursday Price, 4/11. Thursday trice, 1/8 per yard. Prices, 5/6 to 7/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 2/10_. _&n. * a * ]Uh ow P"' U - ht _ound « with ■ tri P M > "■* in th « Allowing plain shades :-Whi„, Boys' Suits and Oddments, in Washing Suits, Tunics, etc., for small boy. only. These are the embroidery edging W. and O.S. sizes-Usual Pnce, 12/11. Bargain Thursday JWca, T/11. Marone.Tink, VieSx Rose, Grey, Green, Brown and Black; double-width goods; 38- 'last of summer lines-bsual Prices' 5/11 to 9/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 2/-., _ Dainty Hand Bmbroldered Lawn Chemises, _aUo»ed neck, and threaded with narrow .ilk inch wide—Usual Price, 2/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 1/1 per yard. ribbon—Usual Price, 22/6. Bargain Thursday Price, B/7§. ' ' • #•/«■* . _-«i«i» ■_ •__• L * Wtt "*" ' extrft ,M qQaliiy - U8U ' 1 Prfee^•l3/1L *"«•- Bargains in Dress Fabrics. Embroideries at Bargain Prices. Oood Quality Sateen Underskirts, in Saxe, Henna, Pink, Green and Navy—Usual Price, 5/11. Big Lot of Muslin Beadlngs, fine quality, smart designs, £in. to lin. wide—Usual Price, 6Jd to Bargain Thursday Price, S/11.. 1500 Tarda Dress Fsbries, assorted oualitiee and shades. The materials include: Taffeta 1/4. Bargain Thursday Price, S|d per yard. _-~-_. 4* 3_° xc .' JPr*P?r n . d Chine, Cord Strip* TaffeU, Poplin Mimosa, Tricoline, Poplin, TT-lnch Muslin Skirting, with frill, smart designs, suitable for underskirts—Usual Prices, 5/6 aad CorSet Ba-fgainS. gfj )£* ▼«_, -te.-Uai_l Prices, mi to 5/6 per yard. Bargain Thursday * 5/11 yard. Bari__ Thursday Price, all f/U yard. * ____-' _/ _ .. ' ~ . , ,-, ~...._._ ..v _ i _I-_eh Muslin and Cambric Fld-nclnga, small neat designs, good quality—U-ual Price, 3/3 yard. A_OTted make, in Batra Strong Whit. ContU, wdl and medium busts, long and -M 3_B_!_. C_S-m«T«ffi. tfcj-n we«^U._^Price & l37r P "VSffi B " galn ThUMd,y PrlM ' IIH yK *- U,PeB Size. 21 to 36-Usual Pnoe, 27/6, etc. Bargain Thursday Price, 6/11 per yard. 7 * ' ' H__a U Q ksi 9. and A. and Twilflt CorseU, in good ooality Coutil, low and medium busts, long skirts, 17........1.... _ BargaillS Ul BeaCll OlinShadeS* elastic insetj, four and six ..spenders. Vhite only. Sizes 21 to 30—Usual Prices, §1/- and OOlt rUlTllSning ODCCiaiS. _- v_ - . ___ixt a tt i-o■ K m _ *,->■> 17/6, etc. Bargain Thursday Price, 10/6. ~ 9 r Oiled Beach Sunshsdes, Cane frame and Handles, Navy grounds—Usual Prices, 6/11 and 7/11. 30-Inch Bordered Casement Oloth, splendid value, neat borders—Bargain Thursday Price, Bargain Thursday Price, 8/11 each. _T*|______________ !>.__-.,,... •__. _ni__.2lJi__.__a I mm •_!•_- I H|* P«r yard. Beach Sunshades, in Cambric Floral Covers, light grounds, on strong frames, with pretty handle dealing FriCeS Ul Children S and MaiClS JP rOCkS __.„ „ _■ „____,. _, „ « „ ,- v, n ,t> «/ „ ««,a -Usual Price, 12/6. Bargain Thursday Price, 4/11 each. ~~ —.--—. >->«•*-_.« » .wvna yjm OoQiue Bed White Marcella Quilts, reliable wearing—Usual Prices, 25/- and 26/6. Maids' Frocks, in splendid quality KngUsh Orepe. Shades: Saxe, Pawn, Reseda. Biscuit, Bargain Thursday Prices, 19/11 aad M/ 6. !>«__._«___»_. __% T_._«.__l IT« -_-._«___. im _~_.w-v.Anf a trimmed yandvke braicL Loose tie sash at waist—Usual Prices, 39in. 12/11, 42in. 13/6, White Lace Curtains, good deeien, 3 yards long by 47 inches wide—Usual Price, 12/11. l-KUrgaUlS 111 IraCCU Ull*lllaaC"Up VlCtl-I-dllS. 45m. 13/11. Bargain Thursday Price to Clear, S/11. Bargain Thursday Price, 8/11 per pair. Children's Dainty White Frocks, embroidered Voile. Sizes 30in., 33in.. 36in.. 39in. 42in 45in - . ...... -.«-..-.. Coloured Cotton Crepe Traced Kightdress-Length, good quality at a Bargain Price. White, —Usual Prices range from 27/6 to 59/6. Bargain Thursday Price to Clear at 1./ll 64-Inch Art Burlap Csnvas, real good wearing fabric; in Brown, Fawn, Green, Blue, Red Sky, Pink, Lemon, Vieux Rose, Helio., Grey and Nattier Blue, traced smart designs. and Black—Bargain Thursday Price, 3/U per yard. —Another big lot going out at Bargain Thursday Price, all 4/11 each. -S~--«. -i mc. ~ ._-_._] rV.._.___.ll D____ __• —*•_-__-• _—■ *% • tiOMClOth Traced Hightdress Lengths, smart designs on good quality cloth, plenty fro choose Jvimono and uverall oargains. Bn? Reductions on Floor Coverings. iro.rr-B__gain Thursday pnce, s/n each. ~* ° LOBgcloth Traced Camlsolei, pretty designs, serviceable quality—Bargain Thursday Price, 1/H T._il_i lHi-_B ft :__>._. ;- __ll_jft .. a TinvT. _, ' 12ft. by 9ft.—Usual Price, 59/-. Bargain Thursday Price. 29/6 each. - -~„ . _> • 1_ • Jumper Silk at Bargain Prices. L^6. K Bwl^%lS^ft„?,Tll? W ' ,,,, •* ° W ' h,P '' bUte ° ned " sid<s - Ura « l Pri< *. '»P«ese Mats, 54in. by 72in.-Usu.l Price, 4/6. Bargain Thursday Prlee, S/ll each. Tm> bi? , ot of odd colours in splendid quality at » Bargain Price - Bargain Thursday Price, 3/11 per 4oa. hank. Bargains in linen Cloths. Laces at Bargain Prices. Bargains in Veils and Veilings. Pure Irish Linen Damask Cloths. Remember these Prices are available for One Day Only— Hand-made China Laces and Insertions, to 3|in. wide, big lot to select from in good Size 54 by 54—Usual Price, 17/6 each. Bargain Thursday Price 11/6 each. designs—Usual Prices, 2/6 and 2/11. Bargain Thursday Price, 1/8 per yard. Besdy-to-Wear Veils, smart serviceable lot in few odd colour?. Browns, Navy, Greys, etc— Sire 63 by 63—Usual Price, 24/6 each. Bargain Thursday Price 18/6 each. Cream Blonde Laces, suitable for Millinery or Frock trimming, 34in.. 41in., and 51in. wide Usual Prices, 5/11 and 6/1 L Bargain Thursday Price, all 2,11 eacn. Si_e 68>y 68-Usual Price, 20/- each. Bargain Thursday Price. 18/9 each. - UsUal PrioeB ' 101<1 ' lh ' mi 1A BMga ~ ThuMd »y Prlce ' « *» d ncr **&. SUk Veilings, plain and fancy mesh, good range of colours. ?" w «-Javy, ' Greys, Magpie, and Size 72-by 72-Usual Prices, 19/6, 22/6, 30/-, 32/6, 35/-. BargainVhursd-y Prices. 18/9. Black-Usual Prices, 1/11 and 2/8. Bargain Thursday Price, all 9d per yar* « ■ M/n _*~_• - WOOU at Barcrain Prices Odd lot of Coloured Silk Pode.. smart effects and pretty colourings-Usual Prices, 3/11 and 4/(5. Size 68 by 86—Usual Prices, 25/9 and 30/- each. Bargain Thursday Prices, 17/6 aad 19/6 VYOUIS »L OdrgOUl riICCS. Bargain Thursday Price, all 6d each. ___ S-Ply Sngllih Fingering, soft good quality Wool, in Black only—Usual Price, 6£d per nr • I_I_»« A «_«■ 14aIf Prif_» and I P«« Oddments in S__rlrtt At R»_-_»Aira skein* Bargain Thursday Price, SJd per skein; 8 skein. foriT/S. WOlTien S HOSC at ttaiT rttCC anO l__eSS. \_fUUIIlCIlla HI VslUlUren S OOCKS ai OargaUl raCeS S-Ply OolonUl Fingering Wool, White. Black, Light and Mid Grey, Saxe, Kingfisher, _. . , . _~ . , L _-__..—__. Vieux Rose and Cardinal—Usual Price, 10.d per skein. Bargain Thursday Price, 6|d Women's Coloured MercerUed Lisle Hose, bright finish serviceable quality, wide tops, in lan Big Lot, of Oddmentsiln, White Cotton Lace, Black AU Wool Cashmere, Black SUk and Cotton per skein; 6/4 hesd of 12 skeins. Price, 2/11. Bargain Thursday Price, 1/- pair. Children s Half Siocks. Sizes oto 3 only—Usual Prices, 1/- to 1/6. Bargain Thursday «-Ply English Fingering Wool, White, Black, Natural. Vieux Rose, Saxe, Heather . w-m.-"-. »__k Artificial Silk Hose, wide Lisle tops, long length silk lee, spliced heels and toes, Price, 8d pair. texture, etc.—UsuaTPrice, B_d per skein. Bargain Thursday Price, »Jd skein; 8/11 .«ml.™ Liebt Grey and Gabardine shades only-Us-„ Price, 4/11. Bargain Thursday Children's Three-anarter WUte Lace Cotton M Bockß, good quality, smart designs. All sizes, head of 8 skeins. Price ?/114 pair. 4to 10_U.u_.Pnce., 1/9 to 2/1 L Bargain Thursday Price, ill 6d pair. ■" «al_?_s2_ £_* AU Wool Cashmere Hose, wide tops, seamless leg and feet, fast Black, ' Silk Bargains. _,_£_____ ?***, am. Bargain Thursday Price. 1/111 pair. I -.HIM l_l-V_r_aS af Half Mms*A _*_#! I __._._. ° Women. Silk Faced Lisle Hose, stout quality Lisle stocking with silk surface, wide tops ladies UIOVeS at Halt fnCe and LeSS. orep , fc OMj^4Bo ,„„ Qurii|y orcp<> fc OUBe 88JJ Ww> The toe Si in Tan «4-cid W«, Til. B.rgain Thursday Price, 2Tll Odd Lot Of Olovee, .lightly soiled, comprising White, Kid, White Doeskin, and Coloured Kid. V fi_lt' !„hf^_^__.TTJ-_i c, pri n .*' i^^ k faS" 1 ' :R * B *l_• Wom«'s Pure Silk Hose, wide Lisle tops, full fashioned, extra quality silk leg, in Tan onlygood serviceable Gloves that were 6/11, 9/11, and 12/fl. Bargain Thursday Price, all 3/11 g«*jjg Thi,oay Prtee'l/§p« jart Tom • t<> - ÜBU • , Pnce *' 11/6 » ™' 6 P M »«* ufuL Price? 12/11. Bargain TbursSay Price, 8/11 pair. 8 - B _s is__?jss_?_s_i i# , _fr si - k mehMse *?-_»•' a fi^ hed siik > - ith • twm - r^ d — d K-Gfy^M^^vrta^VtS Idtf % Mnm jfiiffi t 7 , _ri_o F 9%V?_r ; d 36 - ,nCh Wid - US °* l Frice ' 16 /" »« ri »»•-» Green. Light Faw n P -Usu_l Price, 7/11. B_rgain Thursday Prfce, 4.11 pair. quality, soft kid glove at a Bargain Price—Usual Price, 18/11 Bargain Thursday Price -«»—ou»y *"«-» -/" *-» J »• Women's Black All Wool Cashmere Hose, " Pesco brand, high-grade stockings at Bargain 9/11 pair. ' ' Coloured Silk Shantung, a rehable weaving quality, showing in a wide ranae of colours; Prices > w i_ e 8 ' ' u , n legs spliced heels and toes—Usual Price, 8/11 and 9/1 L 1/11J pair. 34-inch wide—Usual Price, 7/11 per yard. Bargain Thursday Price, 4/8J per yard. Bargain Thursday Prices, 6/11 and 6/11 pair. Get in Early, I I Countr y °™ ers B | this advertisement.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 15