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HANDICAPPING. (To the Sporting Editor.) -_H lr,—l _ WOU t W llke t0 brln X -nder your notice what I consider rather remarkable Jr_S22P , __: and wh i ch makes mc w °°^. whether horses arc- handicapped on their performances or _re they just jumped at" I would draw attention to the Te Aroha weights and the handicapping of my own horse (Bay Dighton) in the Trial and Pla_„ Handicaps, in which my horse U called on to concede weight to horses which are winners and have beaten him in his lost races. £ l J c , Kultl King Q uln < 8 - 10 > w "on, my horse _f-°)„ las t: at Te Aroha King Quin Is given 8.0, Bay Dighton 8.2. On the second day at Te Kuiti Kiarito (7.8) won; my horse (7 7) ran unplaced. Now I am given 8.2, white Kiarito carries 8.1. Again, in the Piako Handicap at Te Aroha, Smoke is asked to give mc lib, while in the Trial Handicap he is called on to concede mc 101b, both races the same distance, and set down to be run on the same day. Why? Mumble and Bright Day, level weights at Te Kuiti, ran; Bright Day first. Mumble second. Now Mumble is asked tp give Bright Day 710. Again, why?—l am, etc. A. TOOMAN.

illy WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. Marli l—Psnnevlrke Racing Club, March I, _ —Lake Count}' J.C. Mar.;: I. ::—Nelson J.*.\ March .v—Banks Peninsula R.C. March .1, C —Te Aroha J.C. March S. 10 -Marlborough R.C. H. 17. — < Jiitiieuiurl .1.1.


-]•. .If •— liuapapa was withdrawn from I lie Takapuna Cup at 11.30 a.m. on the

Mr W. Sharp has Cupper Nob and Jolly Priii' ess going _;;alu at Ellerslie.

Mis« pio«s i= amiss, ana is to Tie turned ..-,, f,, v -, 1.-ngtliv spell. The trouble is la i :.,■ KboiiMvr.

In. |c Ned. which ha= not raced since th early spring! bus been noniiirited fur t- •| un'ranga Cup.

I'arn which lias been having an easy I fit r.l into, is dulug useful work at Kllvrslle.

iv.lini is to 'he shipped North on Saturday 10 fulfil her engagements at the Wat pitpak-iurl meeting next week.

.lust Qnietlv has changed hands, being purchased by" Mr. B. Hart, and is UOW an inmate of Mr. C. Hodder's stable.

The imported horse Great Fun has been nominated for the hurdle events at the Bay oi Plenty and Upotiki Meetings.

Brodick, which has not carried silk since the last Te Arobu meeting, figures among the acceptances for this year's fixture.

Mr. W. .Sharp will only have one representative at the Te Aroha mec-Llng, and will trtkc Flowing Bowl to Te Aroho on Friday Ecst.

Kareao, the winner of the Autumn Hnndiiup on Saturday, was not sent through l.y ihe I'ress Association as an acceptor for the event.

Mangamnuoe. which has been enjoying a few months' spell, is being backed about H«ain by Mr. 11. Eva, preparatory to going iiuo active work.

Senlac, which has been off the scene for _ long time, has been taken in hand again, and is now a member of Mr. M. Ryan's team at Ellerslie.

The victory of Tamatote in the .Tackson Stakes on Saturday, made the first occasion «.u which a Wanganui owner had succeeded iv winning the event.

Mr. .T. E. Thorpe was very dissatisfied with the weight alloted Nocturne at Te Aroha. and she baa beeu allowed to drop out of her engagements.

Sea De'il. which has not raced since the last Wellington Steeplechase, is due to make a reappearance under silk at the Te Aroha J.C. Meeting on Saturday.

Mr. R. Wynyard will declare the handicaps for the Bay of Plenty Jockey Club's .Meeting, to be held at Avondale ou March 21, on Friday next, the 9th instant.

Askari went out on Saturday to win the K.irle Handicap from end to end, but they got to him after a mile had been eovereu, and he finished absolutely last, well back.

No less than 65 horses have been nominated for the Greerton Handicap, to be decided at the Bay of Plenty Jockey Club's Meeting, to be held at Avondale on March 21. I

Loyal Irish is being kept going at EUers-l lie. and is doing useful work. The eon of Absurd moves very scratcblly when going slow, but when warmed up hits out much freer.

The yearling full-brother to The Cypher aud the Martian —Lady Lucy colt, purchased at the November yearling sales in! fhristchureh. by Australian buyers, have beeu shipped to the other side.

Enthusiasm did not show the form expected at Wanganui, for sue failed badly ln both her engagements. The racing will probably do her good, and she may be seen to more advantage in the autumn.

Semper Idem was galloped at Ellerslie yesterday morning in company with Gold Plane, but his showing did not please his trainer, and he is to be allowed to drop out of his engagements at the Te Aroha Meeting.

Taltaiata, which contested the Okola Two-year-old Handicap at Wanganui on -Saturday, Is Auckland-bred, being bj Lucullus from Avon Park. He wa*, vei> green at the barrier, and made no showing in the race.

During the progress of the Wanganui meeting Mr. E. Itiddlford disposed of Wheat-eld to the Auckland sportsman, Mr. K. R. Davis, and the son of Buckwheat is now being trained with Lucius and Queen March, at Woodville.

Wheatfleld looked like winning the Earle Stakes at Wanganui on Saturday, for he had a good lead turning for home. (He. however, failed to run on in the heavy going, but it was the best effort he has made up to the present.

Velociform, a winner at Te Kuiti, was one of the fancied ones in the Harrison Hack Handicap at Wanganui on Saturday, but though well placed when the final stages were entered on. he died out of it and was well back at the finish.

The Jackson Stakes, at Wanganui on Saturday, saw Tamatete at his best, and Ihe son of Absurd seemed to be at home in the heavy ground. He began very fast, nnd though Thespian was with him at the turn, he easily drew away again and won somewhat easily by two lengths.

Queen March made a game effort' to catch Tainatete in the Jackson Stakes on Saturday, but was unequal to the effort, the heavy going appearing to be against her. She seemed to lose a couple of lengths crossing the top, but finished well, and under the circumstances her showing was :i good one.

Muraahi, which won the Earle Stakes on Saturday, was ridden by A. Reed, -who replaced the Auckland horseman E. Keesiuir, who had tlie mount on the Camplire gelding in the Cup. He succeeded in winning, but had the luck with him, for most people who witnessed the race got an idea that ralestrinu ought to have won.

During the racing nt Wanganui on Saturday Mr. F. Davis received a wire from an ngent that Klliashandra, which had been under offer to a Sydney sportsman, had been sold. He had not "time to communicate with Mr. Dowry, who was not present at the fixture, and under the circumstances withdrew the son of Kilbroney from his engagement ln the Farewell Handicap, for which he promised to start a warm favourite.

I'eter Amnns was considered unlucky to l». beaten in the Westmere Hurdles at Wanganui ou Thursday, and ln the Fordell Hurdles on Saturday he was backed down to a very short price. Tie son of St. Amans jumped splendidly, and though his supporters were a bit uneasy when they saw him ' „ m _,i >ut wlUe at the home turn to clear ihe riderless Bnnogue. and War Loan looked like catching Ulni, he soon drew away again, ana eventually won easily.

st__ia St _ n wr n a 8 nn , luck y to lose the Earle nnishe'd'vex^Ta-^and 1 , f< V he head that W__._ m _£ t \™ «g %* :W__"__^«s^_W^ffi with the result tK_2, buik - up too much ground ,_, t , a _ kcdtomnke Mages. Keene, VhTroa'e he? engagements. Is probably n »« \.£, ° th J 1 " but he did not show to a4™K_l„ V&™*> uul. and with a stronger taE-2____ I _SP* saddle things might have Une can never tell. «--e___t

in framing his weights for the Tb -»„v meeting Mr. Edwards was hardly £S_-l.-nt in the adjustments for the Trial h_-L Handicap nnd the Plako Hack HanScaS f_ he run at the Te Aroha meeting Bnt_ races are run over a distance of_iVe- fW»lnugs. and in tho Trial Hack Smoke is weighted nt 8.12, La«y KerSJM 8.9. l'rettyman 8.6, Bay Dighton and BIS Marble 7.10. In the Piako Hack &_,<_>?* Smoke Is dropped to 7.9, Lady EeraUn t« 5.4. l'rettyman to 7.9. Bay Dighton to 7 8 and Blue Marble to 7.1. Smoke thus meets Lady Kermin In the Plako Hack Handicap on 1 21b 'better terms than in tho Trial Back 1 Handicap. Bay Dighton on nib Prett_m»i» on 61b. and Slu» iUrWe pa SI. "* -"

The V.R.C. Newmarket Handicap comes up for decision at Flemington on Saturday next.

Smoke Concert and Penniless are to be taken to Te Aroha to fulfil their engagements at the Tc Aroha J.C. meeting.

Fingoland has been blistered and turned on t on Mr. T. H. Lowry's station and Is not likely to carry silk again this season.

Mr. H. Eva Is taking Golden Hubble and Marble Crag to Te Aroha to fulfil their engagements at the Te Aroha J.C. annual meeting.

No Mistake, which has been leased by Mr. A. K. Tatley. figures among the acceptances for the hurdle race at Te Aroha on Saturday.

Narrow Neck is to fulfil his engagement at the Te Aroha meeting, and Mr. W. Gall expects to get away with him on Friday morning.

Emerald Hill is to fulfil his engagements at the Te Aroha .I.C. Meeting, and Mr. Kemp leaves with the sou of Marble Arch on Friday morning.

Mr. C. Coleman is taking both his hnrdle horses Regardless and Wharepoa to the Te Aroha meeting, and expects to get awuy on Friday morning.

Mr. C. Coleman returned to Auckland from Wanganui yesterday morning, his horses. Peter Amans and Tactful, reacning Ellerslie last evening.

The Wellington owner Mr. W. Iliggins has no less than twelve horses nominated for the Nelson meeting, and for the dozen races to be decided he has 36 entries.

Riccarton stables h&ve now furnished the runner-up ln the Wanganui Cup two years ln succession, Foo Chow being second last year and Palestrina last Thursday.

Considering his appearance Thespian ran a tine race in the Jackson Stakes on Saturday, and by the time the autumn rolls round he should be at his best, again.

The Ngaruawahla Racing Club have received record nominations for their annual meeting, which takes place on March 10, and a successful gathering should result.

A correspondent, ' 'Disgusted.** writes commenting on certain happenings at the recent Otahuhu Trotting Club's Meeting, but the letter is too libellous to be prlnted.

Steel Bar, which has built up splendidly during bis rest from active training, has made a reappearance at Ellerslie, and is back iv his old quarters at Mr. E. J. Uae's.

R. 'Reed is having a good run in cut» events this season, and has now won the New Zealand Cup on Scion, the Wellington Cup on Rapine, and the Wanganui Cup on Sunart.

Mr. E. Pope leaves for Te Aroha to-mor-row (Thursday), with Sycorax, Soulterlna, Gold Plane, and Shortland, which are engaged at the Te Aroha J.C. Annual Meeting, which opens on Saturday.

It Is an open secret that the Wanganui Jockey Club Committee arc now engaged on an inquiry that will probably result ln at least one person being warned off. The Inquiry should be finished this week.

Lochson, which won the Harrison Hack Handicap on the second day of the Wanganui meeting, is a half brother to the Auck-land-owned Irish Knight, the latter neing by Absurd and the former by Grafton Loch.

Peter Maxwell is the latest to ibe tried nt the Junyjjug game, and his initial displays are very promising. Peter Maxwell has been nominated for the hurdle events at both the Bay of Plenty and Opotikl meetings.

Ora's Delight, which won the Okola Two-year-old Handicap at Wanganui on Saturday, seemed to revel ln the heavy going and evidently takes after her sire Bisogne, which ran some great races when the track was 80ft.

Bonl-rook. iwhlch won the Wlrltoa Hack Handicap, the apprentice race, at Wanganui on Thursday, won a similar race on the same course in the spring, being awarded the iPntiki Hack Handicap through Mark Time, wMch won, being unable to draw the i weight.

Gasbag, which has been off the scene OTer since he ran second in the Stead Memorial Cup last November and Rapine, which has had an easy time of it since winning the Wellington Cup, figure among the nominations tot the Napier Park B.C. Autumn Meeting.

Sylria Scarlett is to fulfil her 'engagoments at the Te Aroha meeting, and Mr. E. Rae expects to get away with her on Friday. The daughter of Sylvite was somewhat unlucky in falling, for she trod on a hurdle which had been knocked over, and this brought her to grief.

Before the Wanganui meeting opened Deluge was doing great work on the tracks but failed to run up to expectations. He managed to get second in the Juvenile Handicap on the opening day. but on Saturday made no sort of a showing and was evidently affected by the heavy going.

The cross-country horseman, R. Conway, who has been an Inmate of the Hamilton Hospital since last October as a result of a fall off Milesian in the Farmers' Hack Handicap, has sufliciently recovered to leave that institution and return to his home. He is, however, still on crutches.

Mr. McLeod, who has twice sent Kick Off to Australia, and had to fetch the son of All Black back to the Dominion without racing him, has decided on another trip and the gelding is to be shipped to the other side this week. It le to be hoped that Mr. McLeod will have better luck this time.

Tussore, which won the Petre Hack Handicap on the opening day of the Wanganui Meeting, Is a four-year-old geldlug by Nassau from Brocnde, which won the Hastings Stakes in 1013, and is by Royal Fusilier from Finery. Tussore has a remarkable record since December of eight starts, one first, six seconds, and once unplaced.

Attractive, which ls-by Absurd .from Pinery, : was responsible for a good finishing effort in the Okoia two-year-old Handicap at Wanganui on Saturday nnd had he not run so green ln the straight would have reversed places with the winner. Attractive is a big lazy colt that time will do a lot for and he may be brought north to race at the A.R.C. Autumn meeting.

Tactful ran very disappointingly on the opening day of the Wanganui meeting, although fancied by his connections, and at no stage showed any brlUioncy. On the second day he ran much better, and but for some Interference would have given the winner, Waipatu, considerably more trouble. As It was he had to put •tip with second honours, his supporters losing a portion of their Investments.

Manun. which contracted blood poisoning after being operated on at the close of bis two-year-old career, has _een handed over to Mr. Lorlgan to tram at Trentham. The trainer mentioned Is shifting to new stables about a mile and a half from Trentham, alongside the Heretannga post offlce and in addition to Maunu. has a couple of further additions to his team in" a _lly by Bonl•form—Rosallte and a Ally by Kllbroney— Thames.

The two-ye-r-old Bathos, which showed 1 great promise in the early spring but has not altogether raced up to expectations, has been nominated for the Napier Park meeting. The racing at the meeting should tnne him up for his autumn engagements. In addition to Rapine. Gastiag and Bathos, the others of Mr. A. B. Williams' team In Grotesque, King's Trumpeter and 'Epitaph are also engaged at the __ture, so evidently they are pleasing Mr. J. H. Jefferd in their work.

It is a pity that the Auckland District Committee has not come to some decision one way or the other ln the Penniless esse, for at present things are most unsatisfactory. The gelding won a race at Marton, and the Btakes are still impounded, and he Is down for an engagement at Te Aroha on Saturday, nnd if he is successful' it is reasonable to suppose that the same sort of I thing will occur n.ain, and should he win rn_„t lß , a " rnh "onitv of the totallsator 2_*•* a,so heing held up. The nubile sre rhml^M-S? ■* in the laarrel between the shonM vi? anta for ownership, but they to start• ,__i P __ ,t *£ ion wb ™ he is allowed t° -_ie* n l_S_ »'»t>lct Committee ought matter mc Pronouncement on the

The l^aSStJ™*. H CLrß - the Pakuranga Hnif 01 „ the members of the Auckland RacT- __S_.. w,n bp held at day, March 0, a!: 12 noon l. rooi »s on Friofficers and metnW,T_? dominations for I of those MtSSfSLt SSP&* in PtaS [the secrnar, b? of

I OHINEMURI JOCKEY CLUB. ! The Ohlnemurl Jockey Club Have received l very large nominations for their annual meeting, which takes place on March 14 and 17, and a record gathering seems assured. Sixteen have been nominated for the Ohlnemuri Cup, and twenty-three for the Pnerba Handicap, the big event on the second day, while big fields are engaged in both steeplechases. Mr. K. Wynyard will declare the handicaps for the first day's racing on Wednesday, May 7, and acceptances close on Friday, March 0. TE AROHA JOCKEY CLUB. The Te Aroha Jockey Club's annual meeting, which is described as tne sportsmen's holiday, will be opened on the Club's course at HerriesvUle on Saturday, the ord lust., aud will be concluded on Monday, r<th Inst. The acceptances are good, nine having been paid up for ln the Cup and eleven In the W'alhou Handicap, the principal sprint event, and both should provide interesting contests. The various other events have also filled well, and the sport promises to be uniformly good. For the convenience of Aucklauders, and those along the line a special train will leave Auckland on each day of the meeting at 6.45 a.m., stopping at Newmarket, Green Lane, Ellerslie, Penrose, Otahuhu, Papakura, Drury, Pukekohe. Tuakau, Mercer, Huutly, Tauplri, Ngaruawahla, Horotlu, Frankton and Hamilton, arriving at HerriesvUle at 11.33 a.m. The return tr.il_ will leave HerriesvUle at 5.53 p.m., stopping at the 6ame stations as on the outward journey, reaching Ancklaud at ILIO p.m. THE 7.0 MINIMUM. There seems to be no doubt that next session a bill wUI be Introduced Into the House dealing with the question of extra permits, and the attitude of the Labour party Is decidedly interesting. One of the more prominent members of tbe party, chatting with the writer on the subject, said so far as the racing public were concerned they had nothing to fear that any action of the party would curtail their liberties in regard to the sport. They, however, were going to Insist that better provision be made for jockeys, and would vote against any proposal that did not provide for a 7.0 minimum in haudicaps, nnd a i.i minimum in hack races. Some clubs also had not made provision for proper ambulance facilities, and if the support of the Labour party was wauted, clubs would do well to take note of their views on the Question of the minimum we'ght and ihe ambulance question. SCATHING COMMENT. The Southland writer, "Sir Modr"d," makes the following scathing comment: — on the occasion of a young reinsman—a pilot who recently broke Into the first-class light harness racing game, but who ran nardly be classed as young in years—winning an important race the other day, his performance was adversely criticised. It was stated that ha "drove all over the h ' S CrltlCS falled to note that hnmnl J? were made durll1 S the race to S™H™\ progreas or " ockct hlm - & -k on be was compelled to seek openly P_ wherever h? could get them. Had he taken up a position at the start of tbe race rivni m drt ly ke jV„ t0 the -S, as* several to _nlsh l „nt S M tried t0 lnduce hlnl t° "». to nnlsh outside the uiodbv, all would hnv,. SS-tM-_ _" f had *c _oS»rt__SSe _J_ enterprise to act as he thought fit and win inN«Vy eS ? te „ ara - There are men driving f_,_^ wZeaand ' asters in the art of inter-' ___£V_S- d 0 not BCruple to «>e«y the! mon f °5„! tran 8 ers and budding local reins Sfsdieds i S nd ma } laer t0 Cover "P their owl, they rtn'.,M d a,Bo , as a means of defence if reaLn n? ld K c , Ver . be , caUed to account by reason of their victims squealing A fe»v "eeks ago one of these gentry was culftv Sis auceTb^ ,P h able '-tertereS-em_R£_ q __2i ' _ but he apparently "drives for -nd _s a aeHnn tandß lD Wlth tDe *£S_*r Srffl actions were not questioned _•_•, to w_v P __ a n i „°l that , the cauo'ffef _* lshed _, th_i P h. r . ty ferred t0 waß ««* P«aisnea is that his actions were so onenlv and d |J| berat _ r Un t alr tilat the onlXng offl own The^v^H 6 tbe evidence o/th-Ir v™* sy"2'5 y "2' T ,? e vlc tlms of this track freeb hfm V or ere wer,< mor e than one of n _n m '* are qnite weU aw are that the ml". e», P __ Uley * met Wl f h were TOt accld.nt_ly ca_-»e_. it is much the same ln all games men who have won high to believe that old age has overtaken them In due course and resort to dirty tacticsto keep themselves ln the limelight or nma_° riches, knowing that they will be £rot<-ctod degre-f Uated ' ° r * reedy P--*-i •* _£_

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 10

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 10

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 50, 28 February 1923, Page 10