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(By WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. j February L'J. 24— Wansannl J.C. February -5. Marc!) 1 — l'anuevirke B.C. March i. :-' Lake c'o'imy J.C. Mar.-h :. '■'.— Ni-lsou J.C. March :f—Banks I'eniusir.a K.C. March l<, ."»— Te Aroha J.C. March "5. :O— M.iri:iuiui>4li R.C. 14. 17.—Ohliieiuuii .l.i". The \-.ii-s>i mil l!'ir<-»mii!i H. ti«.;.|fli""h >vaiii ."it li I v.-i haw .i vi '"iii '■' Mr. Mnrlndnn hns derided not In p.-r | •u-veii , with Hezsmt. and lias iilv.-n Imn .twin i... a l li.rul. The vi.-r-.r.v ..f .-■nn.-.-t in ih- Wnn viirn 1 ivp tf :ni. Mr. I!. A. M-K.-nz'.- h.« 1%--« ill I Ilill l>Vl'l!l Kent tried t> win Ihi , Wnnunnni Cup Ir-mi Mr. .1. I.nwe intends Imvijnn; tli.' mare Y.-llnw Hammer qi-HlinVd a< a liiint-r this season, and nil.' wIM nuo in l!i" hunters" I event-! ilurlnjj Ih.- year. Inii-iiif.' iln> proj-res- i.f the Waimaii'ii i till!.' Mr. T. M. Wiltord. M.1 , .. pur. ha a I r-., m Dr. Newman a I w.. year-old ■-'■■I'lii::,' li.v Happy Maid. Mil ran hi il:iN:ii-<I vii.v fas: in I n- YWitu-i ! Thr> apprentice. 11. Wlirsrliis. was i In- only Aii.Haii.ler to a wliim-r ..n I hi- npei'irK day i.f (in- WiiiiKiinui mootitiyr. xircrine Tiiipuini In victory in lln< Stewards" 11.-ni-ll-<ap. J Hpptins was a sin.ns lip for [ho Klvlns Iliitiillcnp lit Wtiuiramii and was a v 1 I liir<l favourite. She lii-min very Imilly anil Ihniitth she linished very last was |il*l ' ■■''■ side a |.lv •(. in tin- finish. MlKlilnnrl has -n uivhiK his I i-h :.i--r j sunn- tr..Mill.- with mil*.!,. Miimni-rw. :inf] i< at present hnvlne nn easy lln-e • ..' it. II" ' will 1..- siHrt.-<] nniiln short h in \i.-w uf Ills Hiitunin i-nitasji-ni.-nts. j (Pinalui looked a tri'li- |>>lly v. h.-n ~:i.i-11 .1 up l!n- WiiUKiiliii: liipiin-l i\:is Mill" li:l>-k 111 the finish 11.- should ho 1;npr..\..l l.y til.- ran- „,„! with 111., lumpinx sen-oil ciniiny .in should I■<> ii-cfi'l Kn'Mii«in.«in ran n-ry ill«.ip;i.>i'irins!y ', ■ \ the \\" iii.-aniii Tup. ami am . «:as,> .lvi ~■•!•> - ! n wlnmilß .-!;.i1..r. >■!,.■ !„.,! a '■•<■: j ivplslir, t: .«. f-i- .i liiw v,..i~.,,:,| i!!| V :„.! tiii< r.M111.1 h.-r "lit. Clnrrir- riniy r-w-t Hip pi:ii;rrs .: .i t.T | !>nnil'nlMii Ir.-iiifli -r..' ' At i:.,. : ■,'■■;;■■ i-i'rn i • j hi.ikfil t.. iiavr Mi.- run- w-m ivlii-n lir- .vimii I r.i a I rr:tk. .Hid was a |i!h -i- ■■: : i- | titiisii. ; The Wnneniiill ..ivnir. \~. <;. M <iirii<>' siipplii'd fivn warm,.ii rav.uirili-s ..n ! Thttrsday In l.istmvpl ami licliijn- mihl li.-tUu I wi-i-p licatPii. li.-his.-. li.iwi'viT. ran -.-. ..i.d land r..|iiriiiM| his siippnrlpr." » at ihi-tr I invpstm.nts. , i Klne's .li.y. vvhl. -h won the .lnvpiiili- li.ii ! ili.ap a; Wiinganul on Tluirs.iav. is a ir.-1.1- : ins l.y Absurd Slur Oii.-oii. and is a *;n!i|i. I i-.Mlipanii.n at Itati-mal. hrlns train.-.l l.y Mr. IJ. lln.'wn. ..r llaweni. Kins s ,i:,v sli.nv. d ] n Komi burst <.f spood am] i> a likely s..rt ; for spiint ..vents.' . Ta.tfnl was .-..ntidi'iitiy f\ -J.-d l.y hIK .■oniip.-ti.iits t . rii.i pi-.niii...nt:.v In Hip I'l.v--inn ll.'indi.nii ai Wanu'itmi mi Tltiirulny. f!;d":;:'-a, 1 :;T;^;:;;r..r,,!::''-;;,s i ;,?. i, ;; l j:: lj, '"" r ' '"" ,r 'iir ; '' x :, "' i ilnndi.ap on W>dn.'«dny a« il'arrip li.iU-.v was i.vPi- h.-r. l.nt she "»nv» a iii..-i ,\\< Jippi-ilHlllß displnv. Mild .i ip-i ii,.t ;.- ;..-:i- I-. >■•■ a« n-.-t! an sti.- %vu« at tin- 'smiiiiii-r Mpetlng. Smrk ran a rPa!l c.i 0.1 ricr hi tap \Van:a titll Cup. an.l was iinin.-k.v i-i; 1.. Inn.. -. ■• h.Mi.mrs. II- :....k.-d to 1... I .-Visit Hip li<.-ip turn ivhfMl riii:nni_- sc ■-•iirl '.:ii i-aiiic n:r'r. and up nn tin- liioidijust fnilPd l.y i !,,.... | 1,, ,-„:,,.|, p., Stork i-arrlfil ::;:'. ..i .■rw.-i^'.it. Wlioii tlip Au.-klnnd mid fltiiliiihn TMttina ("liilM broiislit 111 Hip rule li μ-sph not trotlini; up t.. n-Ulilu .",< ~f n,,. limit. thorn K-as c-n.-ral .■iniimPiidali >n ..r th.-!r ii<-tion. T!i» m'lkins sif thi> rulp nppnu< i" pvnr. anl ir would !>.-' latPrpxtlna't'..' kli-iw whpii i: is t.i he put int■• Thpspiiiti. who imf hml n rn<-p sinrp i the- spi-inp. inudf n rpapppiiritn.-c nnd.-r silk !it W-unpßnul ..ri Tlinrsdav. wln-n ho was snddlfd up t<. rniitiwt the Klylng Ilimdlrap. TI.P Lie son r,f Al.Klll-d l.i.rlii-d a hit n b..ri< himself, hut saw n real giiotl race and will do bolter later. A ?pniiinp sripi-am-o of pniitprs wlm al- | Inditing uipptlnss is tliat n-hnn thorp Mire a number of iiorsps .»ii'«tln- limit in a Inu-p, no draw as to their rvisltioiK is I posted. I;t is som.-time niiiioylUK when you hnrp. YinPkpd a horse to find hp is in flip hack row. ami tin- mfllti-r is su.-h a ■simple one thai it is to he hopml |,:-,i V |«ioii in this resjiect will he made fur the fi:lure. Pani has marie womlerful Improvpuiont since ir.iiri- info .Mr. A. Julian's inu lip won the Fn rpwi-HI Ilntidi.-.-tji in Hue style oil Wedno-day. Paul was hox-.l in hiHly nil the way dim-it the 1.a.-k ami a.-mss tintop. and it was not until Hip xtrnlgiii was rea.-lie.l I ha-! he iznt ,'le,ir. 11,- then finislie.l "11 splendidly to pet a len-t'i ami :i half deelsl'Hi. ' * M.-in-r.'-war speins tri lie til his hest on tini:ps,.ni tra.-k. mid his pe«r..rmiin-e in Ihe " i"i"n llan-li.-.ip mi We.lnes.lav. wh.-n hp won fn.m :..>iii.>d in \ :■ : ::..-, -.n BOlne that was on ihe ,!e :: ,| .i,|,.. «■„, „ v ery !,f"s ,','."''' M ' ln -"'- Wi "' K':o«'r-I a l-hmi -nirst '■larrie Daley iil.'i v''ha v.''i.e.''!'.-n' •'■Vn' ' iV'for hreiiklnsr. It β-iihsi iinvc bee:, a -...; ,:■■■■. The colours of her Kx.ellen.-i l.ady '. Thursday, wlien (iarimore, the iv.-'year-'Od ' SeldlllK hy IV.-liide. was sadilled up to ,-ontest i Ijp .Inv.-nile llamli. ■„.. in I whirh he was ridden hy i he Ali.-kl.-inil aiiI pientl.-.-. ii. Wljißins. <;arlmore showed pae<> in the early stages. Inn failed In Slav, !mi anil was hisi t,, finish. ' j ! rotor Ainnns «ns a strona fafniu-ltp for! i the w.-stmere Hurdle l!a< i> on in,. ..p.-nintr : day ..f the Wancaiiiil m.-.-liiitf lie was r i,,iI lllni! HloilK ni'ely in h.m-..ii.| p,.siii,,,, b ,.lh K i J riNillK tile lark, when he liit ; , fen.P near 1 Hi.- half mile post pretty hard, lie his' position and ihoimli be .a acain Ihe! mlsliap seemed to take all Ihe steam .nil ~r him and Ihe Lest »,. ~,,„■,■ ,|,, Wlls ~, rul , third. Mr. I-:. li. Davis 11<i<i ,|,e p..-:i-un- .r s in,' two iif his liiijiorlations ;.■■ .;■,- it Kii,-.i:-i on Wednesday. 'Hoimy J.-an \ win-iin'- til. Spo.-1.-fl llamlleap and Al Mark tin- Mamiki.ii lianilii'ip. Sioth reliirniiiK uh-mI ;.ri-,-s \l •Mack pavr a tin.- exliliiltion of i:-..ttlua. ana stanlnit from 14-!y.N iio.ilnd never ~vi a foot wrillia. UfttlllK up ill tile las, few strides In nn Hie (ie-ision l.y a m-.-k it was a (lood performaii.-e. and Mr l.ivisiiilnnrx s.'t a iv.-inn r.-.-.-p-ion ul Voriiiati i-iiniiliiKhuin limiißhl the h»rm> h.i. 1; i,, ihe " I-Hl.-.snlna was ridden a p.-.-ulia.- ni.e In Ihe <'up. and h.-r rider may iuive liein netlni! under inslrurt ii.ns. Imi h ,M,| mil seem good business to rush Ihe mar,, i<, i the front live furloncs from home, wiih 1 the steadier of N.N on her. I'nlesirltia was I fiolriK nicely in b.-hind I'era and Slm-k wln-n I she wcnl init. and to the onlooker il an I ppal-Pd us if hoi- rider was n hit too anxious ■ and made his rim 100 soon. Ii was only i:i thp last lifly yards Unit she failed, and those who witnessed the event will always hold the opinion fliar with the hors.-nvn reverspd Palostrina would hiiv.- been (ho Wanganitl Cup winner or 1!IJ.;. The death of Sir William Merries. M.1 , ., will be ?riri*l.v regretted In sporting circles, fur the deceased was a keen supporter of ■ the turf anil for many years took a JH-oini-tent part ill the lnnnaspuipnt of the sport. iHe was patron otf the To Aroha Jo-key Club Ttiul took srrpat luttreW in the dolnpn of that dub. A keen student of lireodin:.'. he compiled a hook on the Sllhjeet, ilPiillnz iar-ely with the subject from the number pninr nt view, and the work, which a labour of love, t= a most valuable addition .to the books deaflln'R with the nutter. ?i r . William very rarely missed a meeting at Ellerslie and tiie loss of rqicti a true sports--1 mnu is one that will be deeply felt by all who had the pleasure of bis friendship.

The cross-country horseman, S. Wall has i' decided t.i take up vis residence in Auck- 1 land. ! An offer wns made for Whcatfield during j Hi.' |iini_i'css of ihe Wanganui ineciins, but i n i-m. _ resulted. ( Lxplorcr mud.- no race nf the Victory ', \ Walter in Wanganui on Thursday, and looks l . ii he was back io his best lorni. , Whipci.i-d. which wsn the W.-stmere ', Mill-ell- Kuri' at Wnugamil on Saturday, was ridden by I. Kaynor. who scored Ills Ilrst ( winning ride in a hurdle race. j . 'I'll.' Hawk, which was recently purchased l , by Mr. .1. M. Cameron, was shipped to j' Sydney from Wellington by the steamer 1 . %wii. Ii I. ii tills week. ji Allhonsh he did not have anything rae il.. Mr. K. .1. Mason was present at the w .iLniiiui Meeting on Thursday, having coin.- up from t'hiistcliurch to attend the sal.- ~f ihe Ivoatanui yearlings. I'arn whs mndf .. very warm odds on prop.i.i|..ii in ihe Wiriioti Hack Ilandicanjil .nngiiniii ..n Thursday, but after looking a winner nl (lie distance, failed in the last I'll, .'md w: ls beaten by I.onibrook. I.: .«"•!, on the stiingih of his running hi in.'<. t,\ iin;.-. wns marl.' an odds "ii lavourito for the Stewards' Handicap nt "anuaillli on Thftrsdilv. hut ran v .y disaii'ointlligly and llnished last. I.istowel l»..ks hardly ready yet and the racing] - iiouiii do him good. T.lipilirti was sold niter (he Woodville I m--.-i.iig 1..v Hie executors of the 'lioiigliis j l.<l:iie. and now races In Hie nomination I '"-"■■ A. '• She is train-d by A cer. mi Awapuni. „ nd , m Thursday. Wi.'ii 5,),. won lb- Stewards' Handicap nt ' "'"l.i" ".' -"' HS ".'"■'!'"- '"''' "•'■" , appearance! ,v ' / I!i'..vmi l,„s hren out of hi.k for so .■ii-.- that '.cry few will he.rtidge him his •'". * "'•'" "•'•'"id Junior in the rjover- :','' " l '!•'" ;?P ",", We-lnesday. It is a lung ■ ' ■' ''• ll'irold has won ,-i race, i .'.'." I :!l " li-r-ry .mis |„„ a ~,-er.lui.. Mr. I i ...mi was somewhat iinln kv with Red "Icr in Hin l'.ire»-c!I Handicap, f,.,- the j ■■■■I ding had jii . run to ihe ...,'t when he • '■' ' ■1j."..;'. '' - I'll mml I - f -ikin:: his | Kilhishandr... which won Hi,, riving Han-1 '.!'•■'!' 'il Wansnnui "ti Tlnirsdav. registered' ii .' . gallop al Wnmlville hef.ire lenvlug Hon-■ .md public suppori sent him out a ' !.-0..'l r.'iv.uirile. The son of Kilbrnnev l,e?»n oiibkly and gelling next the rails hud 1 Rational on llir on I side of him all the way. Ibis suited him splendidly, for the gelding i lias always sliown n disposition to him. "lit "il :i left-handed curse, hut he run kindly ell"l.--ll f..r A. I! id was staving nil nh''- 1 '"?" li' ly had n head to snare al Rational was responsible Tor « fine per-, ...riiMtn. In Hi.- YVanganiii Flying Handicap mi riiursdiiv and is undoubtedly n sprinter of .lass. He had the big weight of no In the siidilb- .111.l ii was only by n heiiil that lie wenl under lo Killashuiiilra. lo whi.-h he was ,-,, needing 21Hb. The latter had the • n..1» and thli, won him the race, fur" anm... 1,. head hini in Ibo -Iriiight. Inn K_ Ir-shandr.i came again iu:d Jn . got" the verdict. With Ihe positions of Hie ra.p reversed Hationnl would have I Siinnrl. which, as the rare was run. was somewhnl lucky to win the Wnnennui Cup. | -ins been morn or less sore of late, and wns I la ken In New l'lvinoillb. but could not be I Mai-ted there i>„ Thursday Ihe sting was "in of the iind thousli he carried a blindage in front, the going suited liim. nnd he llnished tip his task in good style. lie was exceptionally well bundled by R. Rood. who is one ..r our l.esl horsemen riding al present. Heed rode n very put lent m . "ii the so,, ~f Sunny Lake, and gradunllr w<>_ mc uo t.. a. bandy position, when he made bis rim two furlongs from home, his mount proved e,-,„nl to catching Palestrina j nnd heal in- her half n length. j TIIK •-i.VEHXMKNT . "('IT ." | The reiiiru to the (.nverumMi. by ~„■ ~r rr.,111 Ihe ..nlinhii Trotting Club's summer meeting totals £7_St2. Most of <h is from th 1„.,,|„ s M ,, 10 „ f ~„, ~„,.,„ he l,.n||s,,i..r lav belli., ceai. a he .i In..lend 4.,,2. The tax on stakes J ~' ''~"""■ " ml 'he nnitisenieiit tax £I*ll while mi was paid us privilege tax. Till. KLKCTRIC BATTKRY. S'ime time itzn the writer made the state- ' I'K'i.i that in inldltiou to (he electric I'l'tterv in the lei,l bag. a hand bntterv. •Ml., ii .cry 11.-nd lo dele.-!, wns in use "ll .oir .-..urses. This was poo ], pouhod hy ri-'se i„ aiiili.,rlt.v. I,t.t word from South Australia states that lliere is even- i" ,c,j,-\e that It is in use there, and per- • i-'ps now those r. . ponslble wil realise thnt I was not n ,-ry „f wolf. There is no wish to try for the sensational. Inn it is the tiuiv !,., , u , r ,"'' rs '" tO "'"I protect the public, "id the assertion Is au-aln made that batteries are In , w . |„ x ew zealnnd. TIIK OTAHCIII TR(.TTI.N(i CUB \J_ !".":" 1Y, ! UI "« n "'>' s Summer, .\l[ee inif. which concluded at Kpsom on Wed mis let Held. n„. racing was ...,od lillouithout. nnd a ple„sin K feature wns the keen Interest taken hy the stewards who I ere iinii-h more alive (~ their duties than j usual. i-rnm the finnnilnl point of view llie gathering wns a big success, the totnllsntoi' returns showing an Increase of flTOfj I reached ■"'"' Whm r '' cord lis " res * era DANNEVIRKE ACCEPTANCES. (Hy Telegraph.—Press Association.) DAN..EVIRKE, Friday The followiuß iiceptanccs have been" reMeetlng.l- "annevlrke Racing Club's lli«l,iveight Handicap.- Black Art. vnt ~,s i'l'iT 1 "" I ".', }"V '■ War n - »«•" acl L ii i• . '""• ■'* [ ,t,,v( ' lrv ' ! »' 7 • 11. ne_'' . !-. """'"••"P—Chimera, !».]..: ~. '.'..' : - V " ,l,lt '' l ' UK ' V: <'<■<<"» 'fern I ilme 11,1 ~n; Mountain March, 77Nursing Sister. 7.-I ; I.ei.ulcde 7 3 ! Taloraife Hack Welter Handicap.!- Bliss-1 fulness .1-1: I iiss.ire.-ii.c, : Honibrook. !i.l:| I.old Star, s.l I: Tbele. Makepieee. s 10-----1 loiiMiro. s.P: 1t,.,| Cnerry, .Master Heck' -~' S ;'. : M ,'" n ' l ' ""• ,1:! :'Mountain Chief, ..!_: Menthe Snttn. suspense (.elding. 1 11 c Autlmr. .Nllklllnai, 7.11. Ilaiinevirke Cup.— Hitters," D.O ; Pnonnul ls.11: Little River, K.Hi; Ifallowroz Nli : ice Speaker. 7.7 : Crneelle, Askari. Taipairn' ;,-. : Ciwn star. 7.:. : I'ern. 7 2 ■ Five! '.ighths. 1i.13; Royal Clft. (i.ll) drlngl Hack Handicap.—Ai.itura ooSuspicion. Ml Santonin. N... ; Western Loom, h.i : Megan, Maunu, S.l; Larkspur Mountain I'eer. Master Keckwith, 7.7; I'rln! , .yss I'rnn. 7.3; Red Courier, Sunny Valley, j Rakaiatai Welter Handicap.—Pencils ».i:i: Buttle Knight, ti.ii; prince Hal ii I ■ j Wnipatu, -.11: Amber Tips, s.ri ; Hep'tai j Makirikiri Hack Welter Handicap.—Fivei eighths, '.1.1.5: Thelc, Mcrrimns, Slave Mart, 1 S.S : .Xiissim, ; Kmpvrenii, 7.11: ('.•mi.. 7.,|; Monrinn, Tnhumatn. 7.7 Maiden Plate. —(irace, Sensible, The Author. Slrtnrlnii, Mungn, Rose de Vai Ma li'.uglial, Klvaette. Mountain Chief, Miss (.'nzeley, I'avonlnn. Logic, I'urlmu. SALE OF BLOODSTOCK. Till: KOATANIT TKARLINGS. |HR(l.\/.!-: COLT KKTCIIKH 20(10 GITXKAS. I illy Telegraph.— Sjieeinl to "Star."l WANT.AXt... Friday. The tiniiiial sale of Mr. Ceo. Curries I jeui-lings from the Koafanui Stud was held I '"day. I here was a good attendance from 1 .111 parts ~r the Hominioii. and several AusI _ ! ." ;"'- v "' rs "' , 're represented. Bidding «as n.,1 ns iirisk as usual, hut there was keen eoinpolit...,, f„ r the colt by Martian ,n -.1 I-, ',' ..'''' "■" f " 2ntmgs. before r i.ii. ~Z '""'" ",' Mr ' ''• Kobertson. «.___■, «n _ *'"'«."" _ W " l 0 Wellington s|..irl.-mnn. Mr. F. Itiddifurd \ full bro.her l„ Bathos was passed in ... snogs but was sold privately fnr KHMIgs ami it is Ulidersl.,.l.l goes to Alls! m Mil. After hein_. iinsscd „ the ~,1, h, Absurd-Comment was sold to Mr. V. Riddiford privately I, the price did n.-t transpire. The f. 11 of". W. .' ■ .;;„«" aW n "' - r<ll " ?1 ">- -serve of I.iflflgs., and was passed in. as were the fillies from Pennon and Lndy Beaufort The lots disposed of were: Hlack liljy hy Absurd— Cowl. Mr. Jones, Brown filly by Absurd—('lntra Mr n Thomas. 170irs. ' "*' Brown colt by Absurd—Ursula Mr F Shannon, .'««igs. I'.rown colt by Absurd—Kmpvrean Mr F Shannon. KKigs. Briin-n c-olt by Martian Bronze. Mr I, Robertson. Melbourne. 2000gs. Black fllly by Absurd—Yes. Mr. Oleeson. Hawera. HiOgs. Bay filly by Absurd—Liquify, Mr. G. Riddiford. 100 gs.

ivixxkks at uTAiiriir; tugttixg (LIBS MKKTIXd. The list of wining owners at the rcent .ahiihu Trotting < lull's summer n ring s:—l'. Riddle, t.i-"-": J. It. Corrignii. I'l'nO: lv Broniwi.-h. i'47u; S. Garland. . t-Hlt; C. l.c anipioii. C. >: K. R. Davis. Cam: P. •■■ ilasheeu. £:«.-.; .lames Conway, ti.": A. w . Paul. _S.: A. Brown. fi_7fi: 11. U. Turuhull. _.i: J,.s. i 1... __!"": W. McCarthy. il'iKi: M.-Kendrick Bros.. i_!HH; M. Conney. t'l."H>: K. .1. Morrison. fl.To: A. < . Hunter. £14": I!. M. Morten, t'l'"': 1". and ('. I. T. Young. t._; W. I.oosemore. t'7.": 11. V. l-iiiilev. am: W. McMnster. £.»: .1. Iliggs. ti'.il: Ceo. Philips, fen: W T. Sarah. £..l: L. A. Beaumont, t-","; I. Monk. -•*'": It. A. McMillan. (.'.*.: I. W. Griltiii. .1": .1. Whitlen. £:t.-,: F. i . iinn.l. .:'.-. Mrs. K. Xb-bolis. Cm: A. Moir. CXi: lira .ell and Ballard, Ci: I'lltts Bros., i'o: .1. Wade. CI. WANGANUI TROTTING CLUB. A.VXIAt. MEETING I II'E.V l-:r». AN AI'CKLANH VIITIIRV. n'TK i.Ai, wins err. /By Telegraph.- Sue-hil ;,, "Siar."i WAXGAXI'I. Friday. Tile Wanganui Trolling dob's annua! meeting was opened io-(!:iy in line weather, hut a strong wind "lowing ~IT the liar. made matters unpleasant. the dust nuisaui. being very had. 'i li»r» was n good iiiietidnuce. which Included a iiuiuii"r of Aucklandeis. Auckland owners were well reprefe.ired. Dolly ('live. Golden I'ark. Ilingen -I. an. I'llv Hell. Manna. I'nl'baiin. liiueia. pita roil and llovcoti all fiilfilling [..•:•■ engage nienls. Kairhaiin was the only one successful, and he wns awarded l ',-' I'resldents lliindicii;i through peter lienti. ih. winner, being dlsqiinliiii d. pit a run. paced two line races, but had I" pul up w'lh second honours in liotb the Cup and Morton Memorial Handicap. In addition io being awarded Ihe President's Handicap. I_lrl.ii.. n ran sc.nrt in the Kirkwood Handicap. .'l'd iio!il"ii I'urk ran second In the Kaslbrook llandVap. itingen .i.-an was solidly su|,pon-.l In l.oth her bill failed, and wa- very disappointing. I luring (he afternoon the sum of 1;.i....2 was passed through I he machine, as r.galn«l ..lii.'i-l."- last year, a dc.t.ase of tl'.i::. a I'oui: FIELD. (inly f • were e.irded lor ill' District Handicap, a saddle event, and the, all i\ in lo th" P"st. Wee Thorpe being tavnuri •. with Lizzie Franz and Tire Crown well I, ck'd. The latter refused t" strik■• a gnii. "1 Wee Thorp" pul in a l.ig brink. The I, -kmnrkei- I.izzi ■ Franz caught and passed Ii r with n round to go. hill Wee Tlwrpe !• i.ied her ncaiu. -iii'l eventually won easily I fifty yards, ■villi The Crown n hundred ■■••ds a\.,:v I bird, and Finelli hall" a mile 1: ck. last. AIVKI.ANDI-.RS F...ATF.X. Thirteen ,-mo ..ill for I" • l-'osl.- Hand; cap. Hie withdrawals being Fl.vnwav, Princess .c.lnhnn and Wi'd llai-v The Held included the Auckland hoi .s Holly dive. Golden Park. I'.ingen -lean and Manna. Blngen .lean was a red hot ''avon-ite. with the bracket ' live Bell and Manna next in | request, and tliere wns money for l_< y | Fran? and Colder, Park. Th" favour.le badly disgraced herself, breaking un l.dly when they were let go. while Cold . I'ark also "niixed il" ufier leaving I lie murk well, both thus spoiling any chance (hey may have had. Liiev Franz began well. and. although lmllv Clive i which was otic of the nut sid.'is of Ihe Mobii and Manna look, d like catching her over th" l:isi half mile, Lucy Franz slaved on l" win by 'lire- lengths from D.dly i'llv. was iw.. lengths in front "f Manna. The Infant was fourth, and lb<mi cam" lndy Khony, Ivy Audubon and Morning Light. AI'CKI.ANDERS FAIL AGAIN Rose Blngen and Rio Cramie dropped j out of the Kirkwood I liiiidi.ap. while after Big Ben had registered his preliminary lie was found 1.. 1,.- lame, and was withdrawn by permission of the stewards. The An.kland horse Fairbairn and Pel or Dean divided favouritism with Meritorious and another Au.klander iv Hineta was P. I backed <>f ihe others. Pr.nd H..y was in the lead for about half 11 mile, ihen Mar eelle took charge, foilovr.l by Fnirhnirn. with Plunder third. cinela. whi-h not trotting kindly. was well up. Mar.elle broke going along the buck, and Fairbairn headed her. bill Marcelle s gol going ngnlu. and. .niching Fairbairn at Ihe home turn, bent him to tlie .hl.igo by hair a length. Plunder got third, three lengths furl her bn.-k. and Ihen .nine Roe Bell. Peter Dean. Proud Boy. and (.biota. The winner was the outsider but on" of the Held, and returned a two-ligure dividend. PITAROA BINS SECOND. Nellie Audubon. Goldman. Azelzbin. nnd WTlliam the First dropped out of the Wnnennui dtp. Auckland being represented ny Grey Peter. Boycott and , Pitaroa. The bracketed pair. Wailarere and Ramnrnn. were barbed down to a very short pric . Willi Cute laid. Avenue, nnd Pitaroa Hje only others accorded decent support. Boycott failed to go oil,, properly.- and Grey Peter led the field f ,r about Mil a mil . Tlicn lie let up. and Boycott hud a turn in Ihe lead, followed by Cute Lad, Ramaroa Pitnroa. and Waitarere. cute Lad run to the front before the stand was reached Hi" last lime. Pltarou rniining up se.-on.l. and the pair had flic tinish to ilicinselves. Cute Lad. staying tlie longer, won by two lengths. It.-imu. „i w.-.s ihird. four lengths further back, and then came Boycott and "Wiiifnrere. with Grey Peter last. ANOTIIFR SMALL F11.1.D. Cnlniness got the hulk of the support in the Autumn Handicap, from which Rovpllrwns withdrnwn. hut the "good tiling"' came undone. Rainbow lead all the wnv and won comfortably by four lengths from the favourite, vrith Jimmy Richmond, a hundred yards away, third, nnd luorn fourth. A REVERSAL. Big Ben. Rio Grande and Ginetn were not asked to contest the President's .Handicap, and for some reason or other nearly wanted to he on Peter I leaii. though Lady Nan was a good second favourite, and there was n little for Marcelle and the Auckland horse Fairbairn. Tlie latter made tlie running, nnd looked like seeing it out. hut Peter Dean had bis measure, nnd drew away in Ihe concluding stages to win easily hy four lengths, Roc Bell got third, about a dozen yards away, with Plunder nnd Lady Nan following. The wiuner hail started in the Kirkwood Handicap earlier In the day. but wns never prominent. In the President. Handicap he improved considerably on the time he registered in the lirst race, and the stewards held an inquiry into his running, with the result thnt Peter Itenu was disqualified for the nice and Fairbairn placed first, Roe Bell second, and Plunder third. The stewards will probably hold n further Inquiry into the. matter. A PROTEST DISMISSED. The Morton Memorial Handicap saw Avenue 'Goldman. Reveille, nml Lord Minto decline their engagements. Nellie Audubon, a stable companion of Avenue's, was made favourite, with Boycott. Pitaroii. nnd Waitarere well backed. Nellie Audubon went out fnst. bul was not pacing true, nnd Wnitnrere went lo the from before n round was covered. followed by Pi 111 run nnd Great Audubon. A duel between (he pair was witnessed. Waitarere winning by a bend, with the favourite four lengths back, third, and Axe Izuin fourth. Waitarere ran unplaced in the Cup. nnd a protest wns entered ngninst lmn for inconsistent running, bul after hearing the evidence the stewards dismissed Hie protest. GOLDEN PARK KINS SECOND. Racing concluded with Hie r.uslhrook Handicap, nnd the Auckland!', s. Clive 1 .11., Golden I'ark. Blngen -lean, and Manna were harnessed np ngain. while Morning Light. Flyaway, Caprice. Aero Maid. Wild Duisv, and The Infant were withdrawn. Florrie Blngen was made a very warm i favourite, with tbe bracket. Clive Bell nnd Manna, well backed, nnd some money cnine for Biugeu Jean. The race wns the good thing the betting indicated. for the] favourite got to tiie from early, and nit hough Golden Park came fust over the, last half mile Florrie Biugeu always had her measure, and won rather comfortably by three-quarters of a length. Maunn wns n hundred yards away, third, nnd Wee Thorpe fourth. Details of the later events follow:— Wnngunui Pup. two miles. -Cute Lad (J. Jones iI. Pitaroa 2. Raimiroa :t. Also started: Boycott. Avenue. Grey Peter. Wnitnrere. Prince Akwoo.l. Won by two lengths. Time. 4.17 1-. . Autumn Handicap, one mile.- Rainbow (I). Bennett I 1. Calmness 2. Jimmy Rich mond :i. Also started : Inoru. Miss Havoc. Won by four lengths. Time. 2.0 r , President's Handicap, two miles.—Fairbairn (L. Roei 1. Roe Bell 2. Plunder 3. Also starred : Marcelle. Grace Gruttan, Meritorious, Lndy Nan. Peter Dean. Peter Dean finished first, but was disqualified for inconsistent 'running. Time, -1.r,:!. Morton Memorial Handicap, one mile nnd n-quarter. - Waitarere iWilleUs) 1. Pitaroa 11. Nellie Audubon :t. Also started: Boycot i. A/.el/.ion. Queen Chimes. Won by I half a length. 'Time. :im.Fast brook Handi.-np. one mile and n-hnlf.—Florrie Blngen if. Skill i 1. Golden Park I. Manna ... Also started: Onkhumpion. l.c Merial. Princess Audubon. Lucy Franz, Lady Ehonv. Wee Thorp. Bingen Jean. Clive Bell, indicator, Lizzie rraua. Won by a length. Time. 3 1. 2-3.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 47, 24 February 1923, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 47, 24 February 1923, Page 12

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 47, 24 February 1923, Page 12