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THE SUMMER CARNIVAL SECOND BAY'S RACING. ••TOTE"' l'.lXKli'TS DROP AUAIX. pfCOME'H GOOD PERFORMANCE, j The Auckland Kacinp Club's Summer Carnival was continued at Ellerslie yestertlav in tine, warm weather, the attendance being g"o<l for an off day. The track was in good order, and the raciug interesting, the feature being the good performance of Income in the Summer Cup. ' n which the Taranaki-owned peldiTig carried top weight (9.01, and won in s punishing finish by a. neck from tlie three-year-old filly Gold Light, the imir bciiis three lengths clear of Iluraination. the third horse. j The Islington Plate was not as interesting a race as anticipated, The Hawk winning comfortably by two lengths frem the favourite. Winning Ilit, with Highland threcquarters of a length further back, the three-year-old being a uood way back in the early stages, , but finished on well. Rapine, Solfanello and Royal Present were nearly on terms with Highland. A lengthy inquiry was held nftl'r the race into some alleged interfere ..'e with Koyal Present, the stewards deciding that McCormack, the rider, had himself largely contributed to the bumping, and decided to take no action. An inquiry was held after the hurdle race into the handling of bxit no further action was taken, and the „mishap to Broadwood in the Summer Cup was deemed to be accidental. During tl;e afternoon Mr. YV. Schollnm. owner of Royal Blood, the winner Df the Railway siud Electric Handicaps, entertained the Press in their room, the success of Mr. Scholium's colours being enthusiastically toasted. 1 THE TOTALIZATORS. Speculation was only fairly brisk, the amount passing through the machines totalling £80.10."? 10/. a decrease of £13,269 Id/ on last year. This makes a total for the two days of £203.489, as against £224.491 10/ for the same period in 1921. Particulars are:— TWO GOOD PRICES. Flying Planet was the only defection from" the- Bowcn Handicap, Santonio being just over a couple of hundred pounds better fancied than Pillage, with Sheffield the only other to get anything like decent support, although Sir Burnett, Conncmara and Smoke had a few friends. The favourite division failed to take a hand in the _finish, and after Heisler had led from' the five furlong post to within a short distance of the post Malatour just got up to snatch a neck victory. Nocturne was half a length behind He'isler, and Connemara right np, fourth. Both the winner and the second horse hail from the Waikato, and each returned his supporters with a double figure dividend. THE HAWK WIXS ISLINGTON. The weight-for-age mile race, the Islington Plate, saw Pavo and Mountain Lion decline their engagements, leaving a field of seven to go to the post, the t-is-year-old division being represented by "Solfanclio s<nr! Trespass, the four-jear-olds by Royal Present, The Hawk »nd Winning Hit, and the three-year-olds by Highland and Rapine, the older horses' beinc the outsiders of the field. Winning Hit wound up favourite, three Lnndred and sixty pounds better fancied than Royal Present, both carrying over two thousand pounds: while Rapine, The Hawk and Highland were fancied ; .n that order, Solfanclio and Trespass being at fairly long prices. Oliver, on Solfanello, and Bagby, on The Hawk, were a bit eager at the post, and both went under the tape? before they were let go. The Hav.-k getting c>ar, then Solfanello headed him. but Winning Hit took up the role of pacemaker at the end of a couple of furlongs, and carried the field along to the home turn, where The Hawk liad'moved up into second position, and the others, with the exception of Trespass, were well placed. The Hawk ran past Winning Hit at the distance, and was never afterwards troubled, to win by two lengths. Highland got third, threequarte'ra of a length behind Winning Hit. with Rapine. Solfanello and Royal Present almost on terms. The race was not run as fast as expected, the times for the various stages kindly supplied by Mr. J. K. Douglas being: One furlonj 13 2-ns, two furlongs 25 3-.">s. three furlongs 37 2-ss. four furlongs 50s, five furlongs 1.1 4-5, .mile 1.38 4-5. ROYAL BLOOD WIXS AGAIN. Finelli and Viyella declined their engagements in the Electric Handicap, Royal Blood winding up favourite leventy odd pounds better fancied than Pavo. "plenty A)f money coming for Epitaph and Killashandra and a little for Mustard Pot, Alfort and Golden Bubble. The delay at the post was a tedious one, nnd rule" 0. part 24. of the rules could well have been applied, but the starter thought otherwise, and Alfort, Go\den Bubble and Landslide were given a lot Of latitude. Thn eventual start was an fven one and Royal Blood running to the front after a furlong was was then simply a case of follow the lender. Alfort and Tactful made a big tffort to citch him in the straight, but fibyal Blood easily kept them off to win TOmfortably by two lengths and a half, Alfort beating" Tactful by three-quarters of a length "for second honours and Epitaph fourth. MAUD WILSON FAILS. Tassin' Through failed to put in an ippearance for the Ponsunby Hurdle . Race, Maud \Yileori*being a good favourite, over fight hundred pounds better fancied than Snake, a lot of money fur Shell Shock, Guerre a Mort, VUaiioko and Explorer. The favourite had charge for alx.nt six furlongs, when ■Kevpr Despair took charge and at one •ta-re tlic outsider looked like making a runaway rare of it. As they came to the last fence, however. Explorer. \Mia•Doko and Maud Wilson were all handy, ami Never Despair tiring over the last half furlong. Explorer 'got up to beat him l>v Three parts of a length. Whanoko was half a length further back third and Mi.n.l Wilsou fourth. !X< U.ULTS KECK VICTORY. When the numbers were framed for the i-Hinmer Cup Trespass was the on.y »1.-.c,:tc.-. leaving a field of thirteen. The tW-j ear-old filly Gold Light finished U]. favourite three hundred pounds better fiin-i,.il than Income, Maioha and Kir. X - f Trumpeter beinp solidly supporlH. t!» or.lcr of the others in the bettin- IR-;,j"l R -;,j" Illumination. Tinohoro. Broadwood. "kmnet ler. Lucius. Forest Gold. Clen Canny and Royal Star, with Ares the i-titftider. Brond»•«••] .lrcw tbe rails with Kinge Truui|vur in s-cot,,! aiu! Illumination. R o y,i| star Oien Caimy. Injoaiis, Xlaioha, 'Tinuhoro. Gold Light, Forest PoM. Ari's. Boiiiii'ttfr :\rA Lucius drawn in tli&t order, hut the twisting and turnIng at lh;. post aitereil these positions Coli»iiipr?b!y nnd il was hard to sec the «act places they eventually did start from. There was a lot of squeezing *Hen they did jump off and Broadwood

tost his rider in the first half furlong, Jmohoro setting the pace with Lucius, Income and Illumination always well placed, while Gold Light had worked up into a handy position as they entered the last half mile. Tinohoro led the field into the straight where he was done with and Lucius also fell away beaten. Gold Light dashed into the lead at the distance to be at once challenged by Income and the pair had a great tussle Income getting the better of the final struggle by a neck. Illumination got third, three lengths further back, with King"s Trumpeter, Bonnetter and Royal Star well up. The times for the various stages of the race were:—One furlong 13 4-os, two furlongs 26 2-sb, three, furlongs 39 3-ss, four furlongs 51 4-os, five furlongs 1.4, six furlongs 1.16 3-5, seven furlongs 1.28 3-5, and the mile and a quarter 2.7. QUEEN MARCH WINS NICELY. The six carded came out for the Criterion Handicap, Tarleton finishing up favourite nearly a hundred pounds better fancied than Queen March, which ■had a few more followers thaji Bugle Note, Murihaupo and Wild Hind being well backed with Kilris at a long price. The favourite was slow to move and did not run up to expectation*, the early running being made by Bugle Note and Wild Hind with Queen March handy. Wild Hind had Bug-lei Note beaten at the distance, but failed to stall off Queen March which won nicely by a headBugle Note was four lengths away just in front of Tarleton. RUAIPAPA A WINNER. Election dropped out of the Waitenrata Handicap, leaving the good field of twenty-three to contest the event. Wheatfield wound up favourite, just over a hundred pounds better fancied than l'ara, with Danger Zone and Te Akitai we'il backed, while Ruapapa, Pentagram, Far North and Glen Cairn had some friends. Far North delayed the start for a while by breaking away and galloping a couple of /urlongs before he was 6teadied and when they were despatched the favourite was left taking no part in the race. Para began well and made the early running, but Ruapapa getting to the front about five furlongs from home was never afterwards headed, winning by half a length from Danger Zone with Pentagram and Vindictive a neck away a dead heat for third. THE FINAL OF THE DAY. Mountain Lion was the only one to drop out of the Plunket Welter Handicap, seventeen lining up at the poet. Viyella was at the head of the quotations, with Refinement a good second choice, while plenty of money came for Zircon and Bretland and Bright Day, Gold Jacket, Master O'Rorke, Royal Abbey and Poteen had friends. Bretland and Cool Stimulants got to the front early and carried on the running to the straight, where Bretland shook liis companion off to be at once challenged by Viyella, Bright Day and Gold Jacket, a good finish seeing Bretland score his first win of the season by a head from the favourite with Bright Day half a length away just in front of Gold Jacket. Later details are:— SUMMER CTTP of 1400sovs. One mile and a-qiiarter. INCOME, b s. 6yrs, by Gulanoforte— I'oinmery (Mr. E. Andrews), 9.0— (McFllnn) i UOLII LIGHT. <h f. 3yrs (Mγ." W' T Hazlettl. T.B—Wiggins •> ILLUMINATION, b h. R.rrs" "(Mr." Ernest Allieon), 7.7— JlcCorinac 3 Also started; Trespass S.& Bonnetter 8.7. Royal Star 8.7, King's Trumpeter 8 2 Tinohoro 8.0. Forest (JokJ 7.13. Maloha 7.10, Ares 6.11. Glen Canny 6.11, Lucius 6.11, Frnadwood CIO. There was a long delay at the poet before they were let go, and when the barrier lifted there was a lot of bumping. Broadwood being the sufferer, losing bis rider. Tinohoro. Illumination and Lucius were the quickest to beifin, followed by Income, Ares and Klns's Trumpeter, jKi«h Glen Canny last. Going along the back Tinohoro was oi't two lengths in front of Lucius, with Income and Illumination next, and Ares, King's Trumpeter. Gold Light, Royal Star, order. Glen fanny still h=ing Ijiat! Crossing the top Tinohoro was still tbe pilot, with Lucius «nd Income together Just in behind; and then came <ioM Light. Illumination, Forest Gold. King's Trumpeter, and Ares, with the others already beaten. Racing round tlie turn Lucius fell away beaten. Gold Light moving up fast on the outside, and with Income was on terms with Tinohoro as they straightened np for the final struggle with Illumination, the only other within striking distance. Gold Light beaded Tinohoro at the distance, then Income challenged, and getting the better of the three-year-old over the last hundred yards, won by n neck. Illumination vraa three length* further back, third, and then came King's Trumpeter. Tinohoro. Bonetter, Royal Star, Lucius. Ares. Forest Gold, and ' Maloha. with Glen -Canny last. Time 2.7. Gold Light was favourite CRITERION HANDICAP of COOsovs. For two-year-olds. Sis furlongs. QTTEF.N MARCH, blk f, by Lueiillue — March (Mr. Eliot R. Davis», 9 0 A Reed 1 WILD HIND, b f (Sir Geo. Clifford) S.ll—H. Ynnns 2 BUGLE SOTE, b g (Mr. A. McDonald), 0.7 (W. Bagby)- 3 Also started: Murihaupo 9.8, Tarleton 8.0. Kilris 6.10. Queen March moved first, but was soon headed by Bugle Note and Wild IHnd, the latter pair leading across the top. two lengths clear of Queen March, after whicn came KUrls. Tarleton. and Mtirthnupo in that order. Wild Hind and Bugle Note were still In close company as'they entered the straight, out Just as Wild Hind hnd Bugle Note settled. Queen March came nlong with n well sustained run. winning nicely by a ! head. Bugle Note was four lengths further hark, third; and then came Tarleton and Kilris. with MuMbaupo last Time 1.14 3-3. Tarleton wan favourite. ■WA ITEM ATA HANDICAP, of oOOsovs. i One mile and a-quarter. ! RUAPAPA eh c. 3yrs, by Polydamon Queen Elizabeth (Mr. A. Asprey), 7.9 —MoCormac ~ ] PAX.TEH ZONE, br g, 4yrs {Mr. B. L. JoII), O.O—R. Reed .'. a •rEXTAGKAM. b g, 6>rs (Mr. F. Waller), carried 7.13—C. Keed 3 •VINDICTIVE, b g, 6yrs (Mr. K. D. Duncan), 7.C—'Stuart 3 *Dead heat. Also started: I'ara 8.7 GlencaLin 8.6. Marble Bell 8.3, Marble Glass 5.2. Far North 8.2 Spirit Level 8.2, Peter Maxwell 8.0, ■Wheatfleld 8.0. Golden Gins- 7.10. Te Akitai 7.«. Kahikatea 7.1!. Soiilterina 7.3. Daddy's Girl carried '.'-. Kairainarama 7.0. Marble Cra; carried 7-1. Merrj- Times 7.0. Ml>e Hester 7.0, Narrow Neck 7.0, Iteretoa 7.0. When the barrier lifted Wheatfleld wag left, and practically took no pan in Hie race, only cantering round behind the Held. L):mger 55one, I'ara. Unapapa. Pentajn-am ami Kahikatea being quickest to begin. Para showinc the way out of the straight ard a lons the back, followed in order ,iij- nunpapa. Pentagram. Danger Zone, Kahikatea, ! Narrow Xe<-k. Vimlti-tive anil I'.-ter MaxI well, with Golden Glass heading the others. I Huapapa ran past Para crossini; the'tup ai:d piloted the Seltl into the straight nitb Pura. Pentagram. Peter Maxwell, Far North. Vindictive. Hanger Zone and XaiTuw Neck aj well placed. Rnapapa was well clear at the distance, and keeping tbe opposition oft* lv iiic mil Tioine won l»y half a li from dJanger Zone, which was a - neck In front of I Pentagram and Vindictive, which dead heated 1 ffir third place. F'ara was next, and then j came Golden Glass. Narrow Marble !,r:i:iss. IVter Maxwell and Soulterlna. the i l-i.-«t to Snish being Gleacairn. Spirit Level 'and Merry Tli-ies*. Time, i'.:i ;i-.-,. Wiitat- : field vras favourite. ! PI,UNKET WELTER HANDK\U', of j eOOsovs. One mile. ' BKETLAXD, !>r |£, Syrs. by rarbie Ar.-h—lJueniad I Mr. E. A. Price). 7.1:! —R. Hi Thompson i VIYKI.L'A. br f. :iyrs.- iKxors. lale TV. J. Douglas), 8.7— H. Keed a DP.tciti PAY. <-he. 3rrs iMr. S. Tai.pi 7.7—Ha1l ,'! Als.i sf-artitl: Zircon S.VA. Cool Stlnmlintfl 5.7. Refinement &7. Roya? Abbey ».."», I'itbolia 7.1-. Master O'Rorke 7.31 Amlf<'<rni 7.0. Poteeu carried S.H, Kmereld IHill carried 7.5. Greekson carried 7.8. Xizhtraider carried a<i, Tresor 7.7, Conflict 7.7, Gold Jacket 7.7, -Sir Otway 7.7.

Greekeon was quickest to begin from a coojl start, but -when they were fairly cB tnelr journey Cool Stimulants and Bretland r'lijnf to S eth er in the lead, with Erneral Hill. Greekson and Amlform following In «at order, and Gold Jacket and Viyella heading the others. Bretland and Cool Stimulants were still the pilots ax they raerd across the top with Gold Jacket handy and Amlform. Bmeral.l Hill Viyella and Bright I'ay racing in that order, the others being hunched. Bretland shook Cool Stimulants off when they straightened up for the run to the Judge, then Viyella came throug i next the rails and Bright Day and Gold Jacket challenged on the outside, a good finish seeing Bretland get the decision by a head from Viyella. with Bright Day half a length further back. Just in front of Gold Jacket and Cool Stimulants. Refinement was next and then came Uoyal Abbey and Zircon, the last three being Tresor Emerald Hill and Greekson. Time, 1.40 3-o. Vlytl a was favourite.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 308, 29 December 1922, Page 7

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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 308, 29 December 1922, Page 7

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 308, 29 December 1922, Page 7