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NATIONAL THEATRE. The high-clr.-ss programme at tUe'National Tbeiitre. lieaileil l>y :i Mm* picture. "Tin I'likliuivu." will lie s.-reclie.l finally tins evening. The ma lime iMinietliiliK j c«lici-iaU.v stood to offer it- many patrons to. I morrow, when the latest Iniversal Jewel production. "Tbe Storm.' , will he given its : Initial s.-reen presentation. TUf picture. iailapted from UeorifK Brua.lhnrst's pronuc-tl.-.u ~f il.uus.loii 'McC.irmli-k'K stujte play. features 11..u5,- I'p[.t>. Virginia Valll. ainl Matt. Monte. Containinc an excellent story [ ful a ] In ;i stinrlltiK nuiiiiipr. z 1 acting by t.'ic principals ami ■•tlier- In the lone cant. 'nn.l ex.|iiUlt.' .iii.l beautiful s.-enes sllllM til.' jhiils an.l snow.- ami i.e. "Tile. Storm" is sa:.l t.i lip :■ remarkable picture. It is sail t,. i. uver nver anyrliiiiß of Its kln.l ever presented nil the sereeu. while the vital tin-,,!, i., the ...nfli.i hot ween men fi.r n woman's love -an ase-old st..r.v iiiclileiuall.v wii:i iiumanlly nti'l reality ami cra-Oiins: ilrirtim "I" PMTiitil r.iinniK-e viv ili.-.l to rlie liial>e.-t ilearee. The National or.-liestra I will play a specially selected innslcal pro isniniti.e i" full -vinpatliy with "Tlip Sturm -, lat the evenins sessions. The box plans am Inr l.i-wls It. ami Knn. I.M. nirronitoMK thkatre. \norher T.ftn Mix picture, full ~f stunts and n-iiu- Hti.l humour, ivill 'ulieii ai the llljiiKidMinc Theatre lu-niorrow ;Ii is .-, V,,:, pro.hi.-ti -nlii-l -lii iin.l 1i;..1-.-" -i »t.»ry ..r Hie Canadian North , West, ivrltt.'.i 'i.f Mix iiml hi- direct..!----i I.vnn Reynolds. For action and plcttir- ' esi|ueiic.-s "lii and linlns" i- sal'l to lie « ,-vll " ~ most p-.tertnliilns picture. The pi.; : tare was mad" in mi- north .-..iintry. -nit n its siMW. it- Menkes-, ii- fast flow Ina 'rivers. nn,i Ii- silence, and with i characters niii.-.i. lint made of either pure iiMld ..r a hasn hum:.], one .if in- Ida wi'iir* ;is said t.. lin n riirlit nndf." iviiier lietwccu Mi; .in! Si.l .T.Tdan. In thi< pi.-mre .there are Mime beautiful iimonllirlit cinuip -eeiif , " [am] thrilliiiK rides Ihrcnigli rapids. Kvn \ovrji nlnv* ..|.,..,-ii.- Mix. Thp secondary Mi!.j(»is wll! iii.'iiide a rolll.-klns Sunshine 1 .•finteily. and the hile-i tnplcnls and a cari loon. TIVOLI TIIKATRE. ! Rt the Tlvoli Theatre, "Nortll ..;' the Kin (Jrande" and sityportlnj; pictures will end a Mi.-.-essful weeks showinc Toiiiorriiw tin! iie.v pncrainme will be presented, having as the headliner an absorb-s.-reen v.-rsion ..f \V. Somerset .Maiifrliuin's stiirtlins piny, "The ordeal." The se.ond pi.-Hire i* entitletl ■The Travelliux Salesman." with ltoscoe i"Katty"i Arbuckle portraying the rule of the traveller. Tin- latest American Paramount Cazettes. a Mack Sennet comedy, and another of the Interesting series .if Uurtou , Holmes Travelogues will complete the pro- : gramme. STRAXD THKATRE. : The aniioiincement that Mary Plckforo" will lie se.-n .it the .-'tranrl Theatre, liesinHim: to-morrow, in "The I.lslit." a L'in..:i..iKii drama, is one that is iouiid to prove of sreat interest to her llinii<aml> of admirers. Since the "World's Sweetheart" amiouu.-ed her policy of avoiding the ■Miuventi'iiial and hackneyed forms of photoiday, and try not only to advance herseir '.:u the motion picture Industry as well, lier productions have aroused neiv and unusual interest iuiioiil' the patrons. ■"The Love I.lubt" Is the story of v little Italian Kir! in an Italian flshlng vlllace anions the ellfTs Jmrderins on the Mediterranean in N.iriiiesn Italy. How the little Klrl i.resides i.ver the family of her orphaned .iirothers. how a sreat trageily .■omes into lie.- life, the final realisation .with Its aecompanylii); sn.'rltl.-e. makes not liinly an unusual story for ,the screen, lint Is a startling iuiiovation for Mary PK-kford lirrself. Tliere n 111 lie :1 full supportiu.^ ; PRIXCKSS THEATRE. The prosrainmi? at the I'rincess Tlieatre. uiii.'h im-lu.les "Se.-oiid Hand Rose." with Gladys Waii,m as the star, is t.. lie repla.ed in-niurruvv at the tir.-t session liy "The , Spenders." taken from the novel liy Harry Leon Wilson, with an all-star r.-ist. inclitdin- Joseph liowlin-. Niies Welch. Claire I Adams, and ltol.ert M.Kirn. As usual a .nost entertaining l>lll i»f interesting supporting; suliject* will also lie siiimiitted. KVKRYItonVS TH'EATRK. TMids" and "Ladles Must Live." the two n::in features on the pmcnimme at Kvery:....lys Thentre. will lie projected anally today, when to-morrow the starring attractlou n-lli lie I'iiv.llhc Freilerick in "Rond« i.f 1..up." while the ..;!ier liijr picture !■» I entitled "I iie Three Live i;::..,-s " i>. irnurae there will he other pictures Iα support. I yi'KLNS THK.VTHH i "<;ieai:i "' rwwn will i-otiKiience ,n week's enzaftemeul at the liead <>l' tiie new Mil to ■he -lioivu Initially to-morrow at the Queen's Thi-a:.-.-. It Is .i'..!ni ii! iiirt's flr-; starring ! pli-tnre.. anil is h:i-cd on the {mpliliir novel i liy Arthur Coodri.h. There will be other I good tiliiis ia iHj.nH.rt. 1 liltANn THEATRE. j A eomplpte chnnse of proL'rn:nme will lie i effi clod at the. Grand Theatre to-morrow, j wllen the new drama "No Defence" I-will intike its lirst serpen unpearniice in I Au.-klaii.l." 'WU.iaiii iMincan and EOith ..luuiison are starred In the main role.", and nre said lo (rive ex-elleilt portrayals. The , .-0:111.111 -Id.' f.f the |.r...'raiiinic will lie well i served i>v tin- Inlpsi pieliire starring the ; kin- ..f ..'..iii.-diaus. iliarli-s rhapiln. in . "The Idle I'fcisp." which is easily his he>t pli-iiirc to rlnte. On Saturday at the ; mallnre !>;ie<-i«l Minis will be Miuivu for the ilwnfll of the .hlldren. ■n-PKRA Ht'fSK. I A« well as the fine proaraninie of House to-nl-'n;. 1 lie sf.-ond series of ain:i- ---! ii-cr trials ui!l tie sul.aiitted. Excellent : enitrlps have lieen received, nnd a good 1 niijl!'"a eiitpr;aiiiiiieiii should lip in .«tore 1 -for :h....... who a.lend. Ulieral prizes are i olTered. and »o:t.i< jjw.d talent s-liollld hi; I hruilKllt oit't. ■■Ell fJKK YOE." ! Tli- fhlnesp play. "KM 'Ice Yoo." win-h at Its previous h.'.iriiij: attracted favouralde comment, was ri"|iea;pcl las; evenluj: In the H.iits - Ha!i in another larjje puheririK. Mr. V. M. I'ow as .Mr. H.i.., and Mr. Yip Yll Chime as Mix. lino save a lively portrayal if domestic interludes will 'h were iiuite undeiwtaildahltl t'> the \Vestern uilnd. although every svilaide was riiinese. The 01 her eharaeters In tho play were nl>:y inrerpreted hy the e;ist to the entertainn.ent of all present.

. . j AMTJSEMENTS GtJTDE. I * i OPERA HOUSE —Vaudeville and Revue and Amateur Trials. TOWN HALL—Auckland Choral Society's I Third CoiT-ert. DIXIELAND CABARET—"Egyptian Month." ! RUSH MUNRO'S CABARET-' Jazz Dangn?. I PICTURE THEATRES. NATIONAI Hirlianl Talniadße In "The I'liknnwn," Knld Hennett in "iveepiiigl'|i Willi I iz/.ie." STRAND—Constance Talniarljrc in '-Tnn I'rlniltlrc lover." Charles Chaplin in "Tin: Idle Class." HIPPODROIVIS — nitstln Farnum In "Ptrnniri' Irlols." TlVOL! —liclie Daniels and Jack Holt In ".North ur Hie Uio lirande" and Constance ninney in "The Mafric Cup," PRINCESS —CIartys Walton in "Second Hand Huso." GRAND —Sylvia Breainer in "My Husband , ? I other Wife." I QUEEN'S— Tin-, :.;;* in "The Roug-li Diamond." 1 lyric—Kathcrlne Marnonaiti in "The EMPRESS--' "The Idle Rich " BROADWAY—"Heliotrope." WEST end —"My Lady or tlie Dugout " BRITANNIA —"K.\|icri<-iiee." ROYAL —"Married Lire."

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 248, 19 October 1922, Page 8

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 248, 19 October 1922, Page 8

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 248, 19 October 1922, Page 8