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TO LET. \ CUE. orchard, fowlrun wired; Su.-d, 30 ■**- x 1.1. and fowlhouses.— loo, Balmoral Kil,, Dominion n<l. 88 ~\ I'AUTvMIvNT Mouse, on lease, 11 **- room*, fiirn.; city; £."> l.y weekly.— Address nl Star. 140 B~ INCAI.ow. r, mums, modern, to I.ot. liv*?. station. I'enropp —1!.. r>l2 Star. 237 TJUNCALOW. a rooms. parTl'any - fiirn!, J-J nvery ronv. : h. c. water, ,",inin car.— W.. 471. Stab. IGS iF\7fA7Tn"\V,~Kiirii.. 4 roonisT and kit- ' ohenette: reasonable.—lD. Mackcliie St', I'oriKnnlij-. V,K Br.WJAI.OW. r," rooms, half acrn Tand ; hantl.v Clly; rent 30/. —John Crichron, l'n 1 MKTHton UulldingK. 101 /"IOKNHK Wimp to" i>l, VR i 23, Oreut vv Xorih H>l.. ni-iir Keservoir, from OcinbiM- 1!S.- 8.U., 44K, Stah. 32 ~1 louT-il-H, fjre'eii I.a He r"2/e ," -*- Ml. VAen £-1, Mevunport C\ .",,. llemnera £H. Kpsoui jc:i .'! , City £3— Vulle. »!!, Queen St. 141 fII.KICSU.VK HIJKiS., illfth Sγ. -OfDiTO (.> T l.»r, either siiii,-!v or ell suite; lireproof l.nllilliiß. ele.-iric :iu>l every convenience. Apply Hill hlson ami KIHITe. Premier P.lilas'.. I >iii-|i:i in St. I'.asi. V Ul4 oi'si-:. (i ruinii-t. fiirn.. few DiiiiK. Narrow Xwk hcai-li.—Tin , Home I'lndert, SR, KUKWIt I'AW, tt "l'nlly l-'iirnislnil :«- ---r.i.-nir-J l'lat. fii-.-t class order, 42/. ■ I'ltinni. f'li4 Is riinmliors. 1 !) £ MIJ.KoHI*.-- House. 4 rooms" all i"iinvM.. turn., to Let ; £•_' wok : next Rutrher. Mllfnnl Hi!. Address at Star. Ti'.ti T AIUM-: Work room "and "liflii-p Acoomin. <Ifl- *■■> ili-ii; centre I'liy: Ci week.—Horn*, 1.-. i.. Sliortlnnii St. '>" MT. "aLUKUT ■■, Udoiii.i. iinfu;-:iislic<l; ri"-l-ii £-J 1" -Iturrett. t. Durham >.•<. Tlm:>i. ;;:,is. _ Xl AIT. KKKN -li ItiKimV. mrii. ; motor shed, t- ,1 - [ilioiic ;;i uiunliiK. -Tin , Home .■"lnclers. MAN". yi>iii:a. owiiins ■"■ UimhikM Uiiiirh--1...; rc-t . ' Id.ii,,' to ri :i;-,-.l ii'liilt r.-imily for !'ar::,i'l ISunril nil I Small Wei-kiy U»nrai: n-fi-rrnccs riM|iilriMl. /... •.•.■••». -.Ml HIM SKS. fnrnislieil. In In reliable femuits: refK i-ssenliul.—i;eo. Mnylnll. 5, I'huiMilx ClinmbrrN. JTM > T (HVnii , i)TK. !"•■:. i [lit-t ■• rum. IliiaK"- , * low f.. r :: miMitlis; every coiiv:.: reasontiiile t.. sm«! tenant. Aililress Stab. SS TJAUT .if Mnilpr'n Hnnj.-alow. partly fur h. anil .-.' servi'.-e]_\\,l,l.-Vss StaiV '__ "I'liO 1 JOINT rilK\".\l,!K!l ■■Jinipil'nv. modern eonvK.; p-irtly fiirnl-lieil; .» per week. .1 .1. Seymour. llollal'.v'H HiiiMlllfts. AUk Him!. ln<) QI'RKN'S IU~ r ll,l>l.\i;s. Wi'Uesley Si.— SniMll IHIUe to I.Pt.—Apply T. 'rnlmer- ; Hlon lllilps. 7.1 KOOM. Hiiitnlilo f"r Dressmaker, In k" ~<&\ Mi'iirl.: no iippi-glllou; 11/ weekly.— j AiMri>«< at Star. oTji Vj'HAi'K i,, u-i: suit wyrkins man: 4 O weikly.- Arthur Tlimlp. irtily a<lUre»s. New Lynn. r>49 |Q~!lof\ ~l(i. Pifr St.: laru-e wiml.iw, living « iMoin n].stalrs, t» 1.C1.--1.", DundonaM St. "I'hnnc .'HiliiiA. 614 Vj.HDI , ami 4 ilmiiiT. rpiitrV I'lty: Irleal l' lallir. p!i.i-oi:r:ipl'iT. e|r; 4." weelt. - l Hiri'O. I til.. Slin'llanil St. <>7 I , to larue. brick; .ounter. lit- ! *-* t:i-j<: Mi. Kdi'ii IM.. iiP'ir teriulnns; any InimilPm. Simp. :,'X\. Stah. 110 oMITIi "ANl>'"SNf|r,lS flnlMliTg, Albert ►J St.. • >ni. •■-. Sliownmin. single w suites: sulxllvl-leil In milt.- Kmnuel Vallo mnl Sons. Kl. Ijiieeji St. lot ri\AKAi'I"NA. minute e~ir jiTiTt l,ea< h -J x Rooms, hoard optional, for summer holiday* -Address nl Stah. 23 a\.VKATI'NA. Knrn." iloii>e.~ ;, rooms. • fiiuvft.. to; lieaiitlflll vien. 7 mins. lirai-li: term. .',.'■ S.. r.Oii. Star. i:H I TEXT Sites i,, |.et. !• olvTeTily~iirTirnr7. I _.\n.lf In ml; ls.':inl if n-.|»irP"l.--J "»HCTOit'lA ST. West Workshop' * Ii .--Smniii-l Viil'i- aml Sons. 1.t1.. i SH UUeen St. _ 1251 i \-\ t aii!■:nm• s \T~7r r \r^ r.:: - :-. anon •» S,)iiaro Keet or Moi-p. Modern ronerete linlldiiiß. Close to Queen Pt. Splendid llk'ht. fionrls nnd fuissonspr lift.—Frank Duncan anil Co.. 1.ti1.. ?fi. T,f.n-e St. D 4 rp r> i, k t. m i i, v or n A i: llllllMKU KKSinKNrI-:. Mo.lprn. Teiei hone. Winds, rt,-. la.-re. Vi.e l'roneriy. At I!"a.-li. I SMITH AM) HAI.COMnK. LTD. C ! "p! N X SriTi: (IK I IKFil r t'" T'l I.XT I -~- f':■ :i term. Kxivntlnnnlly nlee front , suite, vlfimtpil I'niiiii HuildinL's. I'ustoins c !ree' Knst; Inriie oluVe. oiiipr .iffi-e typhis ii.ldiy: Inn-r stmni: room: lompfli:: e-s,,r .•,!■!.I piip-l<:i!>r furniture and titiiuis A'.t, moderate rent. Apply. I - . SIXi'I.AH! VATKS AND CO.. T'llion Itnlllllllus. l'll>l.inis S-lree t n-:;ist. 11!> rp <> I. X T. 1! X "Si f i: )i A - ( SITKUP. KKSIHKNCK. 7 Itoorn--. \it.v Stylish, nnd New. rnusuMl I'entures. I'liie Itooiny Allotment. .Motor Siniate llniahu Itun.l. SMITH ANT) llAl.fliMHi:. 1.T0.. .". ('iisfoms Street. f DYERS ATO CLEANERS. TF Coßtumes anil Suit yon wlsll cleanea And nhnbt.J clothes rwlpcmpd With dyes tliat are true and fust. And linlshed with Incomparable cast, With i-harzes all can tolerate. I Heeause they are so inoilernto, jThen be .sensil.lp and en ITo the expert ail Flioilld know. Who nt this work cannot he deit. Thp (leaner nnd Dyer named PEAT. Cnstumes a:.d Suits Dry ripnned, 8 U fostiimps and Suits Dyed, l^ , ii. Kvery .Us.ription of Cleaning and I'yelng done. Over .'!< l years' experience. I \rouriil:is orders at a few hours' notice. .1. (J. I'KAT. S«i. Kden Terrnep. ! Two Minnies fnun Symonds Street Telephone 3131 C. and D. Open Kveuiugs (J.;io rill i:m. WS rpm: i'i:i:ri:«"r way: Symoods Street is now recoculved as a J leading liUKinixs centre, and we can I truthfully say tlint one of th,. Imsies. places of business ill this street is our own. Yet ii Is .inly a rocoh inn house ' Jest the -nine as our l.r.inell at 171. M.inukau Ho.iil in. Our renovatiui work I is executed ai our Mi. Kden Kaetorv— ] e.[uipped with all file latest, in.-irhinery 1 anil npi'lliilicox for ilie currying on of i Hie l:iri;it<l liiikliii-o of its klml in the I 1 linioii. We have liumlreds of rejtu--1 lar ciistoniers who lipiievp thai "The i rmtlmll Wny" of renovnilnjt .-Inililn.e is I the only i.erf.-ci way. If y.m arc not I ycl iiinonicKl our iiinihiiipiv. try us. Send I us old garments to l.p made like I new. The i-tmt is lei.mparutively) i trllliua. 'rpllK jpHOTHAKL VyAY /COMPANY. Itenovatluc Speeiailsts and Practical I Tailors. IH7. Synionds St.. and 171. Manukau lid.. Auckland. I'hone iio-i-iA I V.'oTks I'houe -ViTRA. Mt. Kden. C ! A REVELATION TO iUi:SLA.ND CITY AND I'UOVISCa. Yes! X nas really been a REVELATION' to thousands that no jrarinent Is too far I gone for "THE EMPIRE." No matter how ' ]OLD, FADED. TORN or DILAPIDATED, , your Suits or Costumes may be "THE I BMPIBB" ran still make them as new ! again. Our Dyeing Is the beat In the World, j Our Cleaning Is done by the atest French I and American I'roi esses. Our remotlellliiK ' and Repair Dtpartments are second to nnne. Tbe cost is trlllinjr. but our Work-' manshlp will be sure tn piense. King 'Phone ; No. 3987 and our van will call. Country : orders specially catered for, and return | postn>;e pa 111. ' KMfIKK CI.KANINr; AND DYKING CO. I , Furriers. Etc.). 358. Qneen Sireat ! (Opp. Main Kntrnni-e Town Halh , By Special Appointment to Ills Excellency t Viscount Jelllcoe. o • (\(\(\ I'HOXK—Carpet nenuiiig; Electric' ■JJIJU p.eatiuc and Vacuum Process.-Doin-stU >acu'im Cleaning '.'o., Strand Arcade I\ T T AiTni Clinning Co.. 15. I.orne col-| * lect. i-lean nnd return Carpets ;Hd per sq. yard.—ri!"n» lTli'.l. 1 ];{ TTilff TO irr.NISH WITHOJ-T CASH. *--*• COVSI.I.T WICKIXS AND SI'I'CI.II'I'K. 41', K:iraii!,-ah:ipe sl<;

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 2