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LIVELY SYNOD DEBATE. ■ DIVERSITY OK OI'INhiN, Krw and eaiidid u-n» ihe order ~f i.n« ili-i-iUfion at ilio Anglirnn Syihi.l la~t evi-iiiiig. when the aiijf.urnf.l debate »•». re-UTHPd tinder the li'iuor fjuPsti<lll an--ing- out of a motion moved by 1 aim,, l>. S. Smalltirld and seeondod by Mr. c. .1. Tunk«. urging the peoplp ~ 1 "11,,• flntn-li in vote tor 11alion.11 prohibition,

An>hdcKt:on Ma<-Murray said linn al [hough not » total iili-taiiifi- ami ai though a few year- a Mro,,- ..].]... iretit hi' jirohihition lie tvuulil now -up por: ;hal iss,uo. Ho did nut lilk,. the view that prohibition was die mean* o< building u(> ideal i-ilizon-. l>lll ihnv had tit take fa.--t« 11- they found them ami not as tltfy would like thorn In l>". Tlii»y iiad'toasL whai wore tin , I'nrl- ni tin , trail*. A Jeatling |>irv-k-iaii thai prn hitiition rtoulH ini-roa-o licalili >unl morals ami would l»'l|> in tlio -U|i|Up-.-■ion of one in rjiir norsl scoiirjp , *. wrtiiW also U-Hil In in.-rcaM'rt pfti.-ipmy. Kill, il ira« n«i l'»i any i.n lim-c r.'a eon* iliui lip iiad iiiaili* ii|> In- mind t r> \MP proliihilion. II wa~ ljp«-«n-« In- n»w l»okp.l bark o\or a Jong lii> and -an and rertnetpd upon the <lejaxuding 10.-ull.- vi drink Iraftii , . But Ihat was not .none thp i'Pßsuii. lli> li-alirPd tliai tin , fruit-. •if \\u- irail.- id-clay would b,- tin- finiljor pvil?. ol 10-niori"nw. Up (In , ivniPiidmrnl urging >->mc utht'i , :ii;i7.ii.- remedy favoured proliilition l>lll j iliil not *;ay so, II \va> md a fair i-ri" . The speakWeaid that it \va- bruit oil a.houl at'lpr Ui'iicral Svihkl thul I lie Chuivh hail tiniiPd ilowu |ir»!iibilion, anil lip tli<l mil di'-in , thai f ' •jfpilr atrain. Tlip Hp\. Ciordon r>ll -~i,l iliat wh.itthPrp were parnpst nipn on tin- -idp "f ipriiliibitinn, lip wa« airaid t lipy ilpalt in tho argument fur tun mv.-li in sioitiim-ni. It was much |li<- mi imp with Dr. Mary Armor, wlm ili-ilarpil. inter alia, lliiiv any volpr who voted ngain-=t prohibition was re»poiisi'olp for ihe .liinL I'vi] and pvprv pvil tliai cniiiiiHtiMi from it, Tlii< \va< nu'no pcrver.'iun of fa.-l. Far too much si'ii*iiiHMii was put forward, li wa« •-o pasy to harriivY ppople's fei'lings by sad vrord or vivid pen pirtnrp* of troiiblo. l>ut these magnilii'd <"i)ii#lderatious iiid not lichi toward* solving tinproblem. Hn ronlil Itn<l uuthiiig in the Itiblp tliat favoured prohibilion or iinUpportprx wliose opinions, if followed |:i tlipir logical lomhision. would mdi.-l Ond and -lifsn- Christ, who .hank and inado w iiip, about whii-li tin- prohibitiun-i.-i« indulged in ail -on- of ijuihWo.. WinP wa- wine as it. »n< known tli.-u and nun arid use,l for -a.ram.-ntal pur po*c"s. Afier referring to domorraiy and to the use of power' by nmjoi ii ie-. lie «aid he decidodlv opposed lho-e win. considered it v long for a man 1.. drink h of ale. It wa> unfair to the uioderato drinker. A \oirc: What i- a mode rule drinker? The speaki'r a-Ucd w!iai about the moderate drinker* in the SyimJ, ••vpti iiii'lnidiii>f Ari-lnlcai-tJii MuoMurray. an'!. bn.l be ever been U>llip(Prl to Ui'ls ovPl' the uaues? fT.aughtri.i He a;is aniazrd at tiie totally diffprcui atiitmli , be ■found in Kiiglaini on this ,|iie~ium. Tlit- Knglish |K?i>|ile wc-re liroadiiiindpd. and liieie was in ehilllee wbate\er nl prulliirition ewr y. iiohl in the Old Und. lie won!.l bewail the frn-l if New Zealand followed Anieiirau bys teria rather ihan eonmioiisejise. Xbure was ample rocv.n for reiurai if i< w< tarkled properly. Jf tbp\ had a poliiv wui.:l.i (He-ppluted witii private profit ill Hip tratle and elpau. ile.en! liquor tiifre war- hardly « tiian in I ha) ; hall n-hii «..uhl lip wiiii prniiioilitrni«l<'. vvlui, he ilei-laicil. bad killed the temper- i abnorptiou. *v lliat it was impost-i;.!,- in tlic- yy\ for pri>)irli;lioii 1" ->tand [or I hristiH;i leiiiperam-e. "My oj.poiition h> pr ilii ihioii i -urinas from |.i in,-i|)bv.'" -aid Mr. Rpll. ■Throiifthoiii in_\ life | have ] 11 total a'.i.-tainer. I ha\e ueier i la-tCil lieer. a:i,| I have hud -pirit« ..nly in Hlll I elaiui t» Inni> lived ; the eviit- of dtnrk and oilier \ things as mii.h a- any other man. and I

• ■irtiiit. (hank liod. n> regard mi* matu-i with a rlear. o.|n-ii anil im-niialili- mind Tli<-refun> I pray yon n> j.un-.- Hint weigii lieloro yon cuininil tliv < hiir.ii. 1 a.-fey. ii i<, iliiiik and a.-t uiih irUiimu balaiur ii tid modri'.iiioM. and nut i»: dragged ii! iln> lie.>|s ,»i [amitii-- «lvi will nu l I lie Jay tlioy fniijriii !■> foisl liiis :*eup. |>iu!iiiihi.iii. mi tlir |iiiiili«-.' i Vnplanse.i KIF<>KI> !■"(»»! KKI'OIiM. Tlw Hr». .Im-ikm < a1.1.T .-..inpliim-iu,-. I Ik' (Hi-riou-- -jicrtki-i iijinii iiis iiintriiiii (ion u> iln- di<*:Uf*iiiii. Mr. Tiniki. Imi >rii<l liiric »•»-. nut ;i Mii'hll ««irk«-r »in wat no! in favour nf prirhiliilion. li.i. in- urn-. IJi , rr>jEr«'iU!<l thai '-"!■ > and «,,,,l ~i.-i,,r,.« tt .Mv |.m f... war<l on liv , niiitier. Ii «a- an iii-iili i.. iiitollijjniii-P. 'I!.. i.;«l ,-,j :.. ' i,< i-oiifhlaioti it. whs I'm- lifUi'i' i'.ir ;i :i..i.i 'i !>■• ;i I'iirialian than » jiroliiiiitionir'. I >n f«rin«'j allowod iiiii, in .■,»iitiin.v in In the fref agent !i»- "a- iiuiu. aii'l i.i . \--. 'lie and to allow ether- d> i-xi'ivUe (i.cii frep wills, inn t!,,- |.r.i;iili!ti..i,Ur di.l i...| Iwlievt , iiiai ii'iiijitalinti- n<Tf jt.iii i! tin- mi lii<- an.i liMj'O.l t" rnak. r<>al iiiPM. I'Jh- |irnliiliilinn nr..ii ::.:■■ -.ran. miiViv li:-i. 11-., «-\>t. ii a 111"-" fiat t'i.> irri'ii: in:i iorilY mi \>w Z.'iilamld.- nunli ■.•.!- ;. u«f iliiiUs»llil)i wotv iiMxli'iali- ill'ililvi'Viiinl were t'ley i.i -ii> tiiai iliink was r\|l 'ni'iaii.v ;i Sow I !i< in Rclvee ait.l .iliivrs: 11.- d:.l m>l i.'hik Iliat l!ii> . nun: rv , mhI.I In- jii'iini'tili i. I'roliiUittun would nnri'ly |>miiilfi ; I:. , inoilfrate* *m\ n<H tin- \?:\ >-l«r.f : '.< al)ii<cr- i>t liio lii|iii>i i.ia! i' 'a.- '.- sillied lu'-. Nmim- u> t:n..-o fin ~i->!i ■'•; lion put Furnonl any >-.iii-n ;..-t'.vf i.lrai or oni , it ilpim. , :>■ -ijii ■!- .>■ )>'iin. Tiiai \»ii- ■-pi-niiei" liif.v "••if not after n.'foriii i>r m t-.<r!i n <-li ■ -11aim or st'lt'iMiinrol. T-μ--. iyiion'.l »\] Christian m»>iliod~ and i'\i'U tinCo>|)p| nf .ic.-,ii, (liri-t. Tiifir •r.i^(, I >l ua.- jii«t prnhiliitioii. wliii-ii \\;t« nimlanipulklly. fliiif-ally ami ni.-ralh «rnn». Tiip -irti'iu'r llli'y ivi;*il "'.ii |ini:iui;tiiiii tlip winner reform unlll.l '»■ a .in* nlishcd. lli< iiiviti.,| >yn.H|. if :• on.

ill SPiU'.M nf ICl'mill. in lislen I" 111- C\-IK-iii-iii-c Mini -taii-l slnmldi'l , in maiilillly an<l .uliiH;. U. .1 iii.n,. .nunIhintr. He liail inte: \ iiuvi-d iii» i.r-.M-i - and iiil'Tf-!- iiinl |iointf<l uui tin' -miU nf t!ip nail.-, ami Mr. Mil--'-, yiaiilel ,1 ruiittriii'tivp roinni!*«ii)ii t" in;ii liir

matter. f. iiforiiiiiali'lv fur ilih .a u~r of rcliirm Mp»-i-. Uiti. Wiixhi ami llaivi-. M.P.'s. tt«MV »|)|ioiiit-'.l a.« mem lipr- ■>! liip roi)iini~iinii. mid llicv ;ill

"raited." an.l -poilt tin , upp»rtimir> for reform. Air. Harris. M.J , ., went furtlmr than dial in oiilcr. (isleiisilily. to «iv the favour? of prohibitiunUts. and rtUclosed certain details without nani. -. but did not have tlw , vommnu dwpni-v t>> give tin , full euntext of remarks mjiili , lK»f»rp thf ■omnii'rci-. After referriju lo otlicr j'liant ot I'M- i|iic.ijiin, ili' speaker ?aid thai New Zc.iliiiiil nn r .1 sii'mt I'uiniiiiiiiii \ a\u\ -\ iii!p tir mi ii river-inJiiljpn'.r nr >irmikciin< > i> < a* niti- ii a* anvUoilv ols", iip tin- ,••-■ abilities, as a social viurky. for leiVrui. iApplau*e.; , -

Mi. I H. Kray said Thar prohibition \\a- !ik.' a low i-atcbcr ill tin- wrouj; end ..i :i train.. A- ;. •i.l' , . ho lould .-»ny x l;t:!••■ ]iiii"l nf ivimi' w.i- not due i.i drliik. In miy .iis.-. In- w.-), ii..t in I ißMiiir nf folliAvinjr Ami'iii-an prfn , Horn. W'licrr* would «.-• ln> if w.-MiieU ! Anii'rira's l.'nd in ili\nn-f. or her leiitl in the <;r<-«<! U:ir.'

Tlip \>\. (inilll I ii«fii said \\<i >lid iv.i liko i !)►■ |iriiii-ifili' "I" prohibitioii. Win h \va~ tin- U'ssi'i- nf two evils liefore Miodi. li' ilic iradc hsitt siioun wmi , tuiijcihlo i-tl.Mi u> .lean ii« liii?iiiii - s«. l>\ pruvidinp lh<- ..|ii-ii i-afi- (inn inoiiliil nystem. and llii-r.'liy prnvcil il>. Ij.ina tides. In , did m>l iliiiik '(iruliihitinn u.uil.l l«- iMiU'ruihiPil. Ho did it..; think now 'lint |in>hiliitioii w;i- tin. Iβ-t hin >. way i.. sn v\i\ of ill" \(;s!i:d inliMi'-l- ;uid In |>;ur ll.p way fur reform. Tlii- Kpv. K. S. Mam -.ii|.|«>it...l Mr. Bell, and «iiil lie i-ould u»\ ivcincile |iro!iil>iiioii «i;li t lit- I'rt'.- aiifl ii-iii-hiiini vi .leMi« Christ. Wlio m:\<\c « inc. A \nic": Quest inn. ■ •|ln< sp.-uk.-i- : An> ».'.i..lar li.-iv "ill Upiinlil mc. i.\pplnii»e.l Mr. \\ . C. ll.uviii s:ii,l ln> »va* m>l all al.Ktaiiirr. anil nut ~|>]io-.-,i ... lii|iior. In , win prnliibitioti wa< Hi.- mi l.v way ... u'.'f rid nf tin- mono |>ulv. Ileforni would tl.fii mmc ahoui. Tin. ili'liaie \mi- Hi.■>, adjourned.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 7

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THE LIQUOR QUESTION. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 7

THE LIQUOR QUESTION. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 247, 18 October 1922, Page 7