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ARTICLES FOR SALE. (AdvertlMiiMßia In Ules* colnuiot brine lnmtdlitt roanlt*.] ACCORDEOX Jileatin; I'lani for Saie, -**- cheap; going one iff friidinp.*?. - "Tiia Modera." 2, Wriles.ioj- 'St. -Hii AST iTnitlin^ - \Vool, teau- ■**• tiful eliaden.—Smart's W<j-.ii Shop, next impress Theatre. I+4 "AUTHORISED Edison Dealers. Diamond ■**• and Cylinder Machines aud Records. — Wade ami Co., Ltd. Karangahape Rd., ' Newton. ' l> BE.VI'TIFrI, Hats foY~T.abour Pay »t ■2S» «l. 33,U and a»,6.—"The i \Ve!le.s!cy_St. E. H B"\T.~HBJJSTEAI». wlro Mattres* «uU~Mat- • tres-s. as mm-, (5.-132. Hlchmou.l fid., Orev Lyun. 54") f> RI fli H vTirseH. WbtteHK. isiroshine fupetts, rttitd Bags In tiuede ami Ileal Utiroivo. —Thompson. •*«, 'Newton. T7« pAM Klt A. jiilKi c Kodak, jida te or film, V. electric printing 1«>I. irluud, et<\: SH :ot. l>l. Klein Jt.. limy T.ynn. <V-"> pb-NCKETK FOUNDATION BLOCKS, redu'-eil to t/.—r<>wperthw»He dement Roofing Tile Co.. Mt. Eden. Telepliono I xi2HA - l > I pAIU'ENT KRS-- QuanTity Ttnvber. House I v,- Addliione and Repairs"; plans, estimates, prompt.—Ray, 73, College ltd. Pliom- 12ftS sCrj aTky I'ipatiL--, TneiTrdTiii.r *'reu'in as, siraliHTs. Hnrifi,.. Vain. <"heapc« House in Aut'k'land. ■ Hen. U Amlrew, 1} DOLLS , "lYnms "i large «lwl. with Bdju'stiibU' lmod ; in Auckland. -». l'onsonliy lid. _ 549 I "C'LECTRIOAL APPARATUS.—New cMpment. fittings: inspect ; open Friday evenings,— Turnbull and Jonen, Welloalev sr. K. d ELK CTKIV "Shaden, Silk, artlst<Tselecnion. eiqulslte bead frlnses: designs snfrtnlited.—Alekin. 34. nrenttvoud Aye.. off Dominion F.d. D fIKKY Still 7 size 4. quite new. never v;I worn. 31-. • Robertson. 6T>, Manuknn R<l.. I'nrneU. ITI /jYMNAsTI M Maitreßs, double." alniosi ik-w. ittr Sit , * , - reasouablu offer accented Addrcas Stab. 237 H'KA\ V Motrin* 7'hains. TO feet, fiM-~Kal« 4.1 per tti. --"-', Aslrtun »d.. Mi. j IMci. . HK3 i i_J~KA YY M7,mii,.d Ilpdsioa.l. Sln'sfi- | ,■*-*• lr..n and Wooden Redsteads for Snle : I also small Cli«\it of lira wit*.- Apply EvenI Iru-s. •(. '■niiinwr lid.. I'otisopby. f.3S HOT Water Service.--Tea Boltars. all models. Water Urate™. Thousands boiay installed.—King, Pluraher. Beach n<l. IK rhe.-.' f,ir 'Sale: :ir; <Hi wide; »i£eutlld .-.7. lilen Trrnu-c. WW "I ' i:iJ( iSENK Stove. 2-buYnef. with < >ren. " -* v for Sale; unite new; £5 la.c.—Address - st Stab. 824 J I f b7t7 : KK Lantern for Aile, 4* i-nndeiwer*; -L' hultalile for iiali or tlu-airo.—Address at M..\Kyi i-:"k; for i?nle (lh if.'Sli: a liargaiu: r may !■» Jem pitched—Apply v.M.r.A. . U»!i-*li-y .'1..-! [ i VAMK"I!rooJ-ht-s. •/6; Kiir Kliigii.""Nei , kl f .ti! 1 I PaiiKlea. Itutiy Kllut Cilasswure. —<»olil | H'ir,' Kinir. --"Vi. Karsneahapp Rd. D | I>KHKKfII(J.V I'Jllnraer rtiovp. «>i> Smnd. I ' ."ill H: us new.- Karxulu Shop. Klu« lid- I »hM I'ani'lp. nevonpiirt. 10 j iH'.A.M f;.r .Sale. Sea?ras» body ami lav : hood: In -rood ...nuliilon: JS2 lrt'.-Sft Si'i-via SI.. _Ni"Wltiii. J(*> I liiiAM fur in ei'lcrulid o?d«r and iiuii-n. -riill piini.-iilara ou apwMrnil..n to l> f A.. |!.IT. Star. 2. os I>isrr ( iiliir. iimml twn wti>k«: ■■•xt 611,'. : " iiiiiy .".". . Iviirifiiin Shop, liing Kdwui'd j l'arad.-. rir..npi.r:. 11 KIM! iTliiliuf" Room' SuiiVs. Ij"" ptei*», ' 1". yiilnt>Ms, dfllvercd. —'jibinelnmker. I • <Jalr<-m ltd.. Mornii:g> CJ .l.>orK .-an. 121 |» IiJIXiII.K Horse riongb. Lerer Harrows, t' k ~ rnitlvaior. «iili rxLra blades, for Hale. '' \V. Walker. Vlrir.-ni 14.1., Mt. AlUcrt. li4<»' ! SI Ni;KK ilacliliif. Infest «<t; Bond as new'; til! Hi/.— i, Hedmond 81., Throe Uiii|». SJKT of A very »ca\<f* and Weight/. I.Mb ' £5 liar, for *ale. all liniss; a si:ip.—Mans.-11, J Grocer, Moralu««idc. «« ' uf'«>RTfNG llitii: nret-class; aperture ' " sights. blln(r and cover; cheap for c«Hh. 1 >o>r. -lrt:i. Stab. !ii° UTOVR Sbm-icluvk'n Orion, fur Salr, in f *? good condl-lou. Also 1 Itu.-L-.--M., 475. - Star. _ 1?J d H~ ASHES ruade tn <7J.T. Shop i;ud dm Fit- " tliiirs, Wasti Tnlii". I'lpiiiK. Wo buy any- • tUing s.ileabV.—Vi.kersiaff. Kllloti Si. 101' STESOtjUAI'IJEUS , llm>k. S i~5, ' ]«) iwjies: ::<J iloieu. Unry, Manii&K- ' ti'riin.- Stationer, 22". Hou"o:i St.. Au«-li- » ' S~EAURASS Pram for Sale, in »oo;l rondl- ' rtoii.—ai L _M»nnt St. '"ily. 3« . kJK.Ai;KASS I'raui. \vitU Keagras-s llwri. ~ <-iill«r» I'.isli ilmir: »'.»•' Collapsible tJKT is:a _ im:on , «"' - in'wi"fi>r «ali-:" foil'eji*: «ii.»l nnlrr. —W.M.. 3»l, Sta_k <■ nSIMiIKIt. Stoves' natllT Dnors, Windows. 1 -*- and Snudrlt-s. ilugnctos.—Jen--=en. Stniilfv St Thojifi 2410. ion •• rpEX'i^efi - it Nft. •■oiuparstlirely new.-- j 1 *- Address a- Stak. 200 '■ J TKNT. rrer'io.l close to l*eacjj; do rea*"!'- | able c.flVr n-fwnl.—Adrirens at Stab. OW riMCVT," lli I tromplete nlTli •L poles; pi-rfei! order: tin.—King 383<V 1 aOT J ""pkis-'I , and "v,}.' li'i'k IS wdW-s; tieary " 1 materia!: ncn : .-j.cap. Ten<. :«W. •' STAB «l) * rnEXTS. 'J. now. with fly.; S x 10. 10 t IJ. 1 A rpinft.rrp'l dn.k bra« e.v«iet.=. cUcan — r :«0. Btak. j: r, fpEXT"< and F!;n 3fr walls and material | -•■ cum rant eel. i. x .«. n, ■_ $ x i<, 57. : n> x 70. MvCartby. Tent Maker Xi ! Kden T,r. J p ; Ami Oveniiui! Tlooke, 1/. -I»ar7, »» Printer. Ttulili-r Stamp Manufa,:turcv. i L'i!<t. HO-1.-011 y:-. Tek-phop'; ITJO. 15 J r\rixi>6w. i>a..4-. eft i its, t.>-.. slijinK I '» Door«, glase, for Sale.-Address ht.^ ff«TAR. _ -J4l >g •Ji"! RlMf Press an.! iil.oise stauris" for i<i Sale: J>resrf Stnnd. Nickel Rod - iinrtt: ills.. Button Mai-hine: all new.—-! 4*2, Ijueen St. __ 127 j A XtlKKW'S.onposilte ReterTolr. Xewtoa- +*■ <;..M and Wblte. Heat Kneilsh. Large . J i-ize China Cups and Sauccrsi Iβ each: a<l., half down. B BAMS.—/Jiiy S. S Cl*T%t . «*ejr running , J I'rame. Kent |?rnd»« at lowest prlcee.— | 104. KiTangnliapi* R<l *' q -\ rU\l ; Better by flttlng w.jn.i«rfnUy iin]iror«il Burner.—'Westi.uliotise. Hii-ii and '"iiancery Sts ; H] Ol'u Improved Heiixine T.iifhtlujr, Coaklag IMant-s are Cheaper than older types. \\>stoii')ion>e. High and Chancery Sta. H 1 Srrrrril Kiir.tnrlled Baths and shikc: I , .ln-otTS! riitc*: Kiiiitnrißl Tools, full '■ vMrtKiv. n.ivle. "1 Vl.-torja Ht. Ti , ~ ifllK Irish Unfi Slurry 28 .lervoln Kfia<f, ' 1 |».,i:sonb>-. fi<» Serviettes. ' Ti.wnN. >?!indkori-iii-fM fro:n nelfnst. 1* ] J γ-irjrcilur Irons: K ;i«rnntenft "no year: j., ■»J Knelisii nj«:iurtt<Tu:-e: i" <-aoh.->B J. ! I):nir,V. Dariiv St. « | / iltAMl'D Attac'iinetit?; no ]j. v • Ebakv no sag. Bell's VIO-'f Auction i(f<:i,w --opiv Town na!n_ B^ rrtKNTP. Tents, Tents, complote wtth ftys. ! n 1 ,; \ .«. 'Jft v.alU. CI 17'fi: nT 8, 8«i '■'- I" , /: S x ,0 - 2|,f walls. £2 \~ 17 1: >• \ If" SCt nails. £3 10/; 1O x 12. ":t walls, ZJ 10': 10 1 12. 3ft wall*. £4 |a_ lii. , Jl»ary roinforced materia! and nbso-I ■ lii'-'ly depeiidable '.'i ronch weather. Best, villi" in NX orders liv post receive imuie- , rli.ite attention.— -Anchor Bxclianee and - - loan Co, 05-iJ7. Victoria St. West, Auck- J llind. Thonc Dj * T μ-vts for Sale, all, i];i'4llt.r: 0 SUarantPMi: barsaln prices.- >T. J , Rushton. 10!>, Queen St. D \ PAINTERS - Ladders. Trestlee, St<>pe. Ir ] WheolliarrowK. Wasb Tnbs.—Pelliam I 1 an d Sone. 150. Victoria 81. W. p| J aI'VWTSO Machine?, ill tnaiteg. UnrtH I s O prices: Treadle* from S 10/- Hands . from £2.—Thompuon. S, Strand Arcade. DI ' S~~EWING MacblneT—Thouipeon'e, &, [ Strand Arcade. Cheapedt, beet: uo T Queen St. rents. Dellve- free. Agent New ? Home. . D J SEWING Machines, all wake*, all prices: y Needles and Parte. -J. H. Kogera, 23 . and AS, Welleeley 81. W. D SIfTGEB. New Home end White Dropbeads; Repairs a speciality.— J. H. ~ Rogers, Welleeley St. W. 'l'Uone 3-106. V WASH Tnl». «Rom 57/B; ladders, 1 Trestle*. Stepe. f< tension Ladders.-- J emjtb, Mackey St.. «C WsUwley Bf. W. D 2

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 246, 17 October 1922, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 246, 17 October 1922, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 246, 17 October 1922, Page 2