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MAORIS V. AUCKLAND. j AT EDEN PARK TO-MORROW. •A real cracker-jack team, the best I Maori combination I have ever seen,*" was [ the opinion expressed by an Auckland 1 enthusiast this morning of the Maori team that is to play Auckland at Eden 1-ark to-morrow. The speaker bad travelled to Whangarci. and had seen the Maoris in a-ction against North Auckland, and they had made -him their friend for life by tbe sporting spirit ami utter abandon of'their play. There was never a moment*?; worry by the natives about the win or otherwise, he declared, but they seemed to be playing for the sheer joy of the game, opening it up and throwing the ball about from beginning to end. and although hall" a dozen scores were thrown away owing to the game being played in a -thunderstorm in the second spell when mis-takes in handling were inevitable, they worried not a whit, keeping -he play open and fast, and the general spirit of the play most sporting and enjoyable, 'this opinion fully bears out the reports from Australia about the combination thai will play Auckland to-morrow, and the bright, spirited aud spectacular style of play which is so characteristic of the team, in bringing oft" surprise tlhrllls and turning defence into attack in the most unexpected fashion, will not. only make the Maoris popular with the crowd, but also makes thcra most formidable -opponents for the Auckland players, who will have to be at the very top of their form -to uphold the credit of the province. The team which has been selected for tomorrow's game is one of the strongest of the visitors' tour, and will be captained on I the field by Norman Stead, of .-"outhlaud. a younger brother of the noted "All Black" live-eighth of I!X}">. The game will be In charge of Mr. A., one of the most competent of local referees. Incidentally, it may be mentioned thai the team thai played "Northland speaks i;i the highest terms of the referceing of -Mr. Nicholson, of Whangarel. Au Interesting guest >f the New Zealand Rugby Union at the game will be the K"t. Hon. V. Srinivasa Sastri. the Indian delegate to the recent League of Nations Conference at Washington, who is at present ion a visit to this country. The game will I' preceded by two curtain-raisers, the first ! starting at 1 p.m. The teams are:— | MAORIS. | Fullback: .Matui. i Three-quarters: Phillips. Blake. Tapsell. Five-eighths: Stead, 'Potaka. Half: Akuira. Rover: (Hell. -Forwards: Tresize. Parakuka. Bannister. Gemmell. Brougtrtou. Love. Garlick. Reserves.—Racks: 'I'eina. Tate, Wihapa. Forwards: Pine. Park. McGregor. AUCKLAND. Fullback: Flndlay. ] Three-quarters: Wiseman, Briusdeu. Williams. 'Five-eighths. MeManus. K. Ifwersen. , Half: -L. Earl. Kover: J. Thomas. Forwards.—-McCullough. Casey. Mclnnes, O'Connor. 'MeWilliams. Knight and-Righton. Reserves. —Backs: M. Grierson, Hardy. Forwards: Taylor ("College Rifles). .1. 'Nicholas. JUNIOR TEAMS. GRAMMAR OLD BOYS. Second Grade.—Partridge, Freeman. Marsden. 11. Harrison. S. Harrison, Badeley. La Roche, Potter, Gould. O'Hara, Lincoln, Preston. Bridgens, Burns. Stevenson, Rishworth. McLaren. Third Grade A.—Gaw. Eady, Conway, Turley. Ryan, yon Stunner. Singleton. Page, Robinson, Whelau (2). Cleal, Hayson, Gregory. Trenwith. Clarke. Third Grade B—Gwilriam. £rawßhaw, Belcher, Haydon. Crum. White. Belcher, Morton. Bell, Clarke, Chapman, Empen. Coylc. Truman. McCarroll, Allen. Fourth Grade.—Belchamber. Doonin, Jury. Patterson, Haines, Smith, Rankin, yon Stunner, Savory, McAneney. Astley. Bell. Latta. Manning, Brown, Preston. GRAFTON. Second Grade. —Lipscombc. Thompson, Gasparich (2). Johnson, Randall. Noakes. McMillan, Wakerley, Farrell, Shoreland. Stevenson. Glover. Christian. Ross, Hedlev, Wrathall. Third Grade.—Cooke 12), Griffiths (21. Laurence (2). Ross, Ilassel. Cleaver. Pemberton, Corr. Hunter, Woods, Thomas. Olson. Gillespie. WheatcroftFourth Grade. —Newbold, House. Gillespie, MfltcHell, Dudley, Alcken, Cookson. "Mo Gowan, Brescheit, Waters. Petersen, Bowden. Clark, Bowen, Sella, McLoughlln, Forsyth, Eyre. Fifth Grade. —Cowley, Robinson. McQueen (2), Graydon, Seagnr„ Smith, Davis, Jackson. Neilson. Cooke, Stack. McLaren, Kcane, Harvey, Flay. Coban, Andrews. Price, Groome. Edwards. McLaughlin. EDEN. First Juniors.—-Wheeler, Anderson. Hanlon,. Strong. -Hawkswood, Robertson. Brown, Young. Stnden, Strugnell, McCarthy. Stewart. Stokes, McKenzie, Martin, McGregor, Murry. Thirds.—Geard, Dare, Morgan. Gallagher, Murphy, Rothville, 'Laurence. Dare, Prince, Hooker. Mclnnis. Green. Cox, Cooke, Walker. Cook, Hutchinson. Me'Keown, Bleakley. Hardy. Fourths.—Neil, Biggs. Wilkin. Ott. Liuden. TJsber, 'Birkenhead, Brown, Blakcy. Norton. Alexander, -Cocks. Watson, Howard, Armishaw. McKenzie, -Cathy, Lucas. •Fifths.—McKenzie, Turner, Vincent, Buckley. Reeves. Hardman. Mackerall. Simons. LangJey, Young <2). Bigham. Lawranee. Richards, Bnsor, Seoles. ELLERSDIB. Second Grade.—.T. Hill, Brisbane. Peebles, O'Halloran. Robinson, Knight, White. Foss. Hill, Main, McMahon, Cameron, Davies, Clayton. Smith. Liddle. Darby. Fickltng. Fourth Grade. —Siebert. Jones, Christmas. Kcesing", McCormack, Clarke, Whisker, Walsh. Macklow. Campbell. Hollingsworth, Shaw. Bond, Bevin, Leach. Whitehouse, Harford, Elliot. White. Webbley. MARIST OLD BOYS. Third Grade.—Foley. Hosicaux. Sweeney •Oorden. C. Courtney, B. Courtney, Kelley, l'rcndergast (21, Butler. Boran, Burke, Hyland. Fourth Grade.—Wright, Lannigan. Cullcn, Cornthwaite, Clayton, O'Suliivan, Smith (2), McLeod. Millar, Develin, Belcher, O'Connor, Rose, Johns. McKean. UNIVERSITY.. Second 'A. —Parkinson, Inglis. Good, Lindsay. Craig, Johnston, Blakcy, Mellsopp, Munro, Irving, -Macke.n, Winter, Sinclair, Brown, Bannister. Bone. Second B. —Defaulting. Thirds.—Keith, Parr. Worsfold. Macky. Box (2), De Clivc Lowe, McDonald, Grant, Edson, Short. Derrett, Dixon, -J-atterson, •Lochore, Hollis, Hobo. NORTH SHORE. First Juniors.—Walsh >(2), -Firth, Lee, Bolton. Graham, Wilson, Pardington, Ross, Terry, Emirali. Pearson. Ellery, iPaitry. McAnaly. Ralls. Dudding, Kalaugher, Johnston. Fourth Grade. —'Jackson. Stokes, Lindberg. Iluttcr, Nicholas, Curtayne. Wake, Johnston, D'Authreau, Reynolds. McLevift, Windsor. Trevurza, Bailey, Ens-or. -Harvey. Fifth Grade.—(Stewart, Shea. M-eUougatl (2), Redmond. Redman, Turbott, Stokes, Harrison. Hayward. Eaton, Hopkins, Clarke, Hodgson, Downes, Slnton, Broughton. • PARNELL. Fifth Grade.—Corson. Green. Booth, Chapmau. -Stevenson, Perry, Neaves, Houston, Leithart, Brown, Heath, Nottingham, Beatty, Gardiner, Geary. ST. DAVID'S. Churches Association.—Fletcher. Comes, Coltman. Thomas, Bissett. Nicklin. Ellis, Cooper. Taylor, Rae, Sheffield, Geddes, Taylor, Smith, Duncan. Bell. Third Grade. —Coltman, Hyland, Jackson, Gordlne, Menzies, Dean, Stone, Elliffe, Capill, Wheeler. Bissett. Mafhew, Stone, Johnston, Bell, Thomas, Wilson. THAMES HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS. Second Grade. —Dare, Percy. Baker. Cobb, Maingay. Gunn, Penman. Williams, Davies, A. Peters, Elcoat. G. Peters, Waterhouse, McCarthy, Edwards. COLLEGE RIFLES. Third Grade.—Pascoe, Wynyard. Gunson, Spencer, Martin. Thompson, Taylor, Wright, Gordon. Miller, Wilson, Nicholson, Sommerville, Edwards, Moresby, Johnson, Mitchell, Weir. V.M.C.A. Third Grade.—Nottley, Webb, Pierottl, Good, Cole, Millar, Blake, Rutherford, McKenzie, Lambert, Wilson, Hefleran, Lewis, Bieleski, Todd, McCulloch. CHURCHES UNION. Kingsland. —Aplin (2), Bodley, Bulford, Clark, Gardiner, Hayhow (2), Miller, Heape, Jenks, Jenkins, Kayes (3), Mooney, Ryan (21. Sharp, Speck, Taylor, Watson. Gordon. —Blakcy. Trayes, Brown, Seager, Salmon. Soloman. Stewart. Sussex, Woolley, Harris. Bainbrldge. Gilmorc, Lovie. Simpson, Pilkington, Gordon, Drake, McCredie. SENIOR CADETS. 24th Company (ML Eden). —Barnes," Cordes, Gloyn, Farrant,. Shelton, Harley, Hoar. Cathey. De Latoiir, White, Graydon, JJuckiey, McDonald, Coburn, Fraser. ( :

KING'S COLLEGE OLD BOYS. Second Grade.—N. Matthew. N. Gribble, J. Macdonald, L. Adams. T. Heard, J. Swanson. G. Eddowes. G. Cos. F. Hosking. H. Heard. A. Miller, A. Hodgson. G. Charter. R. Walker, R. Farquhar, G. C'alder, S. Barclay. MAORIS V. NORTH AUCKLAND. WIN FOR THE VISITORS. 13 POINTS TO 0. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.! WHAIS-GAREI. Thursday. The New Zealand Maori team, which has just returned from Australia, pla3"cd their first match in the Dominion to-day, when they met the North Auckland reps, at Kensington Pnrk. There was a large attendance of the public, for whom a special train service had been arranged. Dull, threatening weather prevailed at the commencement of the game, the ground being dry bnt somewhat rough. Following on half-time rain started to fall in torrents, to the accompaniment of thunder anil lightning, which made matters very uncomfortable for players and spectators alike. These conditions prevailed to the end of the game, and spoiled what iv the first half had been one of the anest football games ever witnessed in the North. The ground soou became very slippery and the ball difficult to handle. In spite of this the fast pace set In the first half was maintained, the visiting Maoris showing better combination, especially among the forwards, who packed around the ball better, enabling them to carry the game more often Into their opponents' territory. Had the weather remained more favourable the result would have been difficult Ito forecast, as North Auckland more th.-it i held their own in the first half, at the end of which they led by G points to ;">. Mr. E. Nicholson was in charge of the whistle, and controlled the game well. When the teams took the field it was seen that the Maoris had the advantage in weight, the North Aucklanders. especially in the forwards, being more rangy. Early In the game Weston nearly beat the field, but was collared by the Maori full-back Matlu Soon after this off-side play by the Maoris led to a penalty. KerrTaylor took the kick, aud put the ball over. North Auckland 3, Maoris 0. 'North Auckland made the game very strenuous, causing tbe Maoris to force on more than one occasion to ease the pressure. On one occasion. Wittner made an opening, waich Crawford and Arncil improved in front of the Maori goal. Wittner. who was waiting, took a splendid mark, but failed with the easy kick required. The Maori forwards then got working well together, and swept upfleld till Garlick dived over. Peina added the maior points. (Maoris 5, North Auckland 3. Trying to Improve their score, the Maoris met with good spoiling tactics. Several good rushes and passing bouts were set in motion by tbe Maoris, but clever play carried the ball back to their twenty- . five, where Weston started a good opeuI Ing, passing to T. Finlayson, who over-ran the ball, but Pai Heta was handy and j managed to dribble over. Kerr-Taylor missed with the goal kick. North Auckland G. Maoris 5. Shortly after half-time was called without any alteration in score. The Maoris persistently invaded their opponents terrltor.v aud showed to better advantage. After three successive scrums Aye yards out they were awarded a penalty, and Akuira kicked a goal. Maoris 8, North Auckland 6. This was followed by a try by Phillips, which Akuira converted. Maoris 13, North Auckland 6. North Auckland made persistent attempts to even up the score, Weston and Kerr-Taylor getting through, beating the Maori full-back, but the ball was kicked too bard, spoiling an almost certain try. Later T. Finlayson took advantage of an opening by Wittner, passing to Arneil. who secured a try. Harding failed to add the additional points, but true kicking was impossible under the circumstances. Maoris 13, North Auckland 9. No further score resulted. The Nortn Auckland rep. team proved themselves an exceptionally strong combination, which will improve when they have had more practice together. L. Weston. Kerr-Taylor. Wittner. Fletcher, and White-man rendered invaluable aid to their side.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 171, 21 July 1922, Page 8

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RUGBY FOOTBALL Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 171, 21 July 1922, Page 8

RUGBY FOOTBALL Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 171, 21 July 1922, Page 8