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APARTMENTS VACANT. I Advertisements in tbete columns brlryt immediate results.] BEDROOM, single, u> Let, furnished; _ _ ___?_ p r wgeh -— r ' B - Wellesley St. 53 U"!) Bictiug Koom to t-et: rehned people; AA arepiace, c.1.—11, Upper Y'lncent St., City. ■ T»il "DEDROOM. double, partly furn.. use of T> convs., suit m.c. or 2 friends.—Address Star. 216 P'ED Sitting itooui. double; suit 2 business T» girls or gents; 15.—7, Suanyside ltd.. Mt. Eden. 96 pEDROOMS i2>, aud sip. kitchenette; AA furn.: also single, suit gent or lady.— Address :u Star. 12j DED Sitting Komi, (loulde. furnished; AA fireplace, gas, convs.—2S. St".' Mary's Rd- Three Lamps. .SIS "DED Sittiug Room. Large, suit 2 young T* men: 11 o e.n-li. gas iucl&led: 2nd swtion.—Adilresri Stab. 24 DtJi) Sitting ltooi.ii. furnislica: suit friends A3 or m c.—37. Sentinel Rd.. Heme Bay. Phone 4335 (3 rinjr-O. i),_ DM) Sitting Room, double, turn.; e:ec_rlc AA ljffht; kitchenette: private entrance —52. St. Mary's ltd.. Ponsonby. ntS. "DED Sittlna Room, double, furn., with SreT* place, use of eonvs. :• suit business people. —77. Carlton (lore ltd. .144 T>KD SKting 1.00 ii.. double, use of convg.; •A3 m, linen: tl week, sas included.— : Wilson, Stationer,- Newmarket. 577 BED Sitting Room. lar#e, furnished. 2 single beds: cbuvs. Also. Sinpie Room, furnished.—l 7. Princes St., City. 58 -piEVOXPt) XT: — Itoow.. (2)7" rum. or aA nnfurn.; c.!.. gas cooker, all eonvt—7_>, Albert Kd. __=, TVEVONPORT.-Oi Beaoh.—Bed Sitting T" Ro.iii. liirge. furn.. sunny; over'-iofcing water: gas stove, convs.—Address Star. 1.7 T)ININGROOM and Bedroom, furn., with A3 use convs., small private family ; 2nd section.—Address Stab. 32 FLAT, superior, furn., selt-ccatainetl. Parnell.—'l'hone 25120. 157 TjM-AT. furn.. phone, own gas meter: reaA sonnt-le.—ll, St. Benedict si Si. 122 Tf.LAT. superior, furn.. 2 rooms, KitchenA- ette; c.1.. snit m.c.—24. Beresford St— City. ' 53S "I7ILAT. furn.. :t rooms, .kitchenette, e-L. all a convs.; phone _»6.—Harkins, Grey St.. Devonport. 133 TV.AT. 3 Rooms, uhfjirn., sep. stove and A meter: ."mins. Ist section.—l. Cleveland: Ri.. I'.-irne!!. 19i» TTtLAT. netv. s;nln. Newmarket isratbin, A- 2niin. Bpsorn or J.eniu'era cars.— Address Star. 73S TM.AT, 2 rooms, with registers: own kltA chenette, meter: quiet; car stopj Henie Bay.—Address Stab. _. .. ■ 14<» P. 'AT, llf rse-unfurn." room, kitchenette, own g_g stove, c.1.. separate' entrance: I'onsonby.—Address Star. S3 TjCLAT i 3 or 4 rooms). nnfurn.. self-eon-1 A- talked; 'sunny 7 quler. near Ist' se'cfifln. at Stab. •" l«l FLATS, Rooms. Beard and Resilience.— Tourist aad Accommodation Bureau, '-'"' Strand Arcade. Phorie HBBS. ...52" FLATs., superior, 3-and 4 rooms, rum.; self-contained; garage: hand,- Syasohds ISr.. lmin tram.—Phone !«*>■ - - *1 F~ LAT, "un."!!™.. large bright- rooms, cioee , Alhert' Park; also Single Boom.— I Mowbray. 22.. Short land St., ■__ '__ . 88, FLAT, Fnrn... 2 rooms,and "ti-chenette,. electric light, separate : gu meter, pb©n<V ; motor- parage if required.—lß6, Poii9onby ; _*j •'" •'" -:' ____ ___-_ "'" r '•"' — FLAT 2 rooms, bath, kitchenette; separate entrance ; modern." complete;. Sit. Eden :- excepitonkllv ',- comfortable.—Refined, ■' 484. - • Star. . - . . , . . . . . *■'- CTI P" LAT three rrfoms, "_aSc_afiAW-*-«i'',o7B-' jet-tl'.n .children:..separate entrance, meter.-— --Waione Tjjdge,"".'Bront Square. | Ponsonby. ______ ________________________' FURNISHED ■ Room, e.i.. c^nVehlences.W l .- --, I!*: St. Benedict"'Bt_"' City. ' .-137. Ijn'ttN. vNleftf Double -l_o_>ni;- also, ■ Cosy Single Uouro. 1 mm. -from;car. *Ter'i«is moderate.—l. I'icton "St.. I'onspnh'j. ~"_»> ROOM, large, unfurn.. use of convs.— 15C. New North Rd... ">S6 OOMS, furn., comfortable; -suit single men.—<Ss. V_______a___t_ ' ■ ij» ROOMS (2). unfurn, use convs.; adults ;_j only.—Address at SrAa. --' _ "■7 :" 12i6 ROOM. furn,. Smin from city.—No. !i, _____ Vineeii't'' St.; _t_itj-'7 ■ *". • VTti EOOM. large, front. upstairsTSfurn.: elec. . lishr: city.—Address at Stae. 1lt"> | DOOMS (31, •; furn, or. unfurn..-op" will ITV Board. —31, .Vermont Sfe Ponsonby. 12 "DOOM, large, nnruru.t suit business A*> people: 'phone.—Address at Star.7"S4 R4X>MS |2>, unfurn.. I'onsoaby waterside: 1 suit m.c.. ho children.—Address £>TAJ£. _ __ ' -, " - ' ■- .- :14«' "DOOMS .2),, mifnrn.: fireplacte, wllh use ■*'* al! convs.: £1.-34, .Oiipliant. St.. Ponsonby. ■• *.. " 219' KOOM,. 2 single beds;'suit 2 respectable Indies Or. gents.—2o, St. Benedict Sf:,; Newton. ,-''-. : ''u'A KOOMS - .2). lafgc utKl neat, part furn-: •also Kitchen.- .with gas> cooker.'— lSfX; Q" e * n Si-' - ' — 14S" ROOMS (J or 3)', unfurn;. refined: ill' convs—Evenings, 19', Bath St., Ist- sec-' tion. Barbell. _ IS2 i "DOOMS (21, large, nnfuni.; ejeetric. Helix, iA. separate stove and >neter.'-rs,< Brighton. i Btl - arnell - ' - . .- '■ 18' ROOM. nice, targe:' fireplace; sunny; suit , dressmaker or music teacher —30, Clifton I Rd.. Herne Bay. , ■'.•". 75 ] T>OOMS (2). unfurn-.. vacant.-with-use of. j A convs*.: terihs moderate."—l 9, Dominion | Rd. (near bridge). _______________ |T>OOM (11. unfurn., and. kitchenette: use AY ironvj... »ep. meter, elec.- light.—#2, Disriieli St.. Grey Lynn. . "68 TJED Sitting Room, superior, large. »furn. A3 „ r nnfurn-. kitcheuette; private entrance. 2(1. Shelly. Beach ltd. . ■ 29S ROOMS (21, use or all convs.: . 22-u, 1 including - Maiiutau Rd.. I Greenwood's 7S9i R' OOMS, Single atid Double., tireplace, ninv».: nice ' loyalitv, close tram. —». I Bond St.. Arch Hill. 543 I "DOOMS (3). kitchenette, furn. or unfurn.: T* adults.— 20. Clyde and YViliiamson St.. j Epsom, near Newmarket. 124 ] "DOOMS (2). unfurnished, near reservoir: :TV ngf. ponvs.. firenlace. and gas; refined people. Stab. 352 ROOMS (2). furn.: 'suit 2 refinSf"bnsiness ladies: separate cooking accommodation. Write L.T. M~. Star. ; 32 ROOMS (2). suit married couple: use 'convs.: terms moderate.—N. Smith. I Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. c -j R~ OOMS (2). furnisiied. fireplaces, kitchenette, own meter, c.1.—52, Williamson j Ay.. Ponsonby. Phone 205.0 A. 35? j "DOOMS (21. large, nnfnrnlshed, on. with ITV arepiace: convs.: Mt. Albert; c'^« ! tram, train. —Address Stab. __* \ TJOOYI unfurn.. Hoor covered: share kit-| TV ~hen for mtnls: all convs.: no objection I I baity; 13 6.— Bungalow. 6tg>. Stab. 42 j OOMS (2). nicely furn.. front: use | convs • suir m.c. or mother and dangh- J ! tpr; on tram line.—2o<). Ot. North Ud. 775 . ROOMS (21, large, front, unfurnished: few minutes Queen St.: fireplaces*. | separate gas stove, meter, and. entrance-— J Address at Stab. . ' -121 I SINGLE Room, furn.; also' 1 Room. 2 heds; electric'light.—4B, Wynyard St.. city. ' ' ■-•-'. . ■ ■ K>2 QINGLK ijetis (4). .good, for getttlenien: O califont, phone and c.l.—it. Lower Vln-' cent St. . _■ "■'.'. - ■ . -. , 145 rpHE Hr-mff.Finders.. 38.. Queen St.. near A Cooke's.—To Let. Rooms, Flats; furp. and unfurn. .... ■-. . - "227 IRI VIEW." . Narrow- Neck- Bearh.— Furn. Flats, kitchenette*. eonvß.; 20/: 10'mins. wharf.—Pbone 146. Devonport.' 139 mHE REUABLF. SERVICE. 15, Queen ! T st.; 21!.3A.. have Flats and Rooms from j 8/; Partial Board, il. IST TTACANCY for working girl, flth private » family.—Address Sta». 704

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 156, 4 July 1922, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 156, 4 July 1922, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 156, 4 July 1922, Page 1