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I • ■ NORTHCOTE BEATS V.M.C.A. i **' I - j BROTHERHOOD AXD EVERTOX DRAW. PHILOMEL WINS AGAIN. AH the competitions were continued ' on Saturday under the best of conditions, ! {rood football being the order of the day. | I Corinthians went down to the men of the; (Wiltshire to the tune of 1 goal to l>.j I Xorthcote sprang a surprise on V.M.C.A. heating them by 3 to 1. Brotherhood I and Everton had a drawn prame, 3 goals , each. Philomel had another win, defeat- ■ injj Ponsonby by '.i <ronls to 1. PHILOMEL V. PONSONBY. ! I'onsonhy immediately commenced to I press, hut Hopkins eleurlns Bare the ball | !to Lewis, who raced down :md nwun« I across a perfect centre. Iml M<-iklo cleared | , well. A mlKklck liy ronsonhy-s left hnek . I 1.-t Hooper thmntrh. but Wallwork over- | j takine him kicked th<> i.nll upflpld, nnd j I saved :i danire-ous nit nation. Poiisonby pnm- . mrnn-i! to press nsrali-. nnd Sii,.m Iv tricky I footwork threatened Hie saimra glial, and : a corner ensiifd. from which Dickson ■ aoore.l. Kivlnjj Pons-onhy Iho lend. Play ! enntlniiPil In 'th- sailors' liiilf. rooil work | liflntr done hy Watt nnd tnnes until Portion plii.vlnß well pave ne.-itley tli.- ball. 1 nml centrlnß forced a corner, which Pouj Miiihy cleared. A penal! v was piveii j .'iraiMst M.'iklc luit Plniniiier savpd Hip i i shot. A regular bombardment of Ton- I 1 sonby's ponl ensued, the !>:■ 11 cvpiituallr | bpinc cU-ared l.y the cnalle, althniißh i S-Vvton nnd llrwrnir sent in some splendid I shots. Th,. sailors continued the pressure, : nnd forced a ennier. but Anderson taekllna wi-II cleared. Kxi-hanscß were v.-rv equal. : and both defences were kicking well, Tor-; I l»'tf and Xleikle Rtan.line out. A nice pipce ! Inf head work l.y Ileutlcy put the Ponsonby in danger axuln. Inn Plnmmer. who • was kepplnir well, punched clear. A proI lon-n-d atfa.-i,- l.v ihe sailors ended liv : I'lummer l.rlllluntly wivlna two 1,,,t shots friiin, eventually coneedliiK ti I ■ c-iiniiT. whleh whs kicked behind. A nice • .ci.fre l.y si,inns rlie first half, with - lie srorp i -<, 1,, r,,,,50ii1,,,-s favour. Inirae. ;dinleiy on (he resumption the ball travelled I well into the rMliirs , ari-ji and m.m -i I corner Lewis ~nee a--'a In kicked behind. • '..rl.elt Hooper were ).!:iyinir a i-..n- '' I sls'er.t iranie. the latirr puttl'iii; in som" ! ! si-leiidid lmiu shots. Meikl- and Koberfs ■ were keeping tl.n forwards or the honi,. I ream from seorine until a ni.-« pieei> of ' work l,v Sexton and lleath-.v resulted in the liter Hi-iirliiß the .-.inalislnt snal. On : the kick-eft- 1Te.1t1,.,- was clv-ll offside, and ' the pressure ivas rell.-ved i, v M,.|v.,r workli.e- hU way down, luit i, B eod klek resulted w'h]"'.Vi cl YaK ■!, i, . r '. kii " X : ""' 1 ,h,r,tl - ,I|P '"1" ' ;-|.- | .r../l\;v' 1 |Ihn1 hn- i ;/L'MVe'''!lpnUey ,l ;hV'l,Mli: ] and a eontlnued plTort In- Hie sailors saw Spxlnli HeiKlHuc In .1 splendid shot, whleh ! list MkiiniiuMi ihp har. Wallwork w-is i IU-kllnp well, and p»s«ins out to Tnies »■ "-'■■■' WyM.jr. bn. the ball wenl l,, h | uh \ I I'l.v now derrlnped a more slro-nti'l-tiiki-eharaoter. and ihe win e men nf P.'ngiinbv wpre vpry proniliipnt. and ev»ntu:illv Cor I'ett retrieving :, daimerons situation s»t ill.- Hallnn g,,!np. and Soxton netted the thlr,l b..«1. Siinnm now became prominent. l.v IFo-.kins. who was'„*-,„ hot feet wen « '-I in.- Lull went to ,„, f,, r , h ,. "„! I. I where Marsh and Heatley sent In winsriuu The attack on Pin m .N,er-s s.'.'al lad I'een in operation for five minutes wli"i .'f'n-i"i n ,< Ph, n lom , er , B he f a^ , ;: " UU " s,/ " n ' NORTHCOTE V. V.M.C.A. kicked o!T. a spell of even play enuulnir ■urius whiel, the hall travelled ;, n",i i«Hson reeeirtng a -nod pass from' Tremnlu seorcd witli rienderson out of his -oil I Xortheote 1. V.M.C.A. f>. y.M.c J.. immediately invaded Northeote territ.,rv Ent-wi-:le sending- in a shot which was'fisted away by Crawford. Northeote ajraln pressed, and Wilson had an uher sllrt whleb was Wen red. V.M.C A aeain j presort, out Crawford cleared well, "and Northi-ulr■ bm away, only to be ruled oIT- «£;*■, sii ::; the stiiniMliiK hloek. Kenshaw had hard , nies with a Rood try. and Currln irot the ' ball nway. For a spell the bal' wits In the leeatre of the flekl. Then a corner came to ' Northeole whieJi was put ■nrtilnil. Hands .mil lettinjr his forwards away. Williams missed a great elianee of equallsinc Another pood shot came from r.-.t'tv wh 1-h Just missed hy ipehes. Half-time now ti"!'"'' nnh th ° bU " "' Ule mltW,e ot * hLJ i V.M.r.A. immediatply presspil on rpsuminir. Patterson missing an open ffoal From the klekion , Northeote pressed, and Tremahi and Kniilt both had a try. vvnl.-h went over I- ojiowiiiL' a series of throw-ins the ball eventually went behind, and Yil 0 \ pressed. Xortheoto'B poal heln B subjected t o n severe bombardment. Crawford making a couple of great saves. Wilson was reHp.iiiHih)n for n j-ood run. but Tit ken sent > Bi.-k, and Williams pot away, and it was ' hard lines on V.M.C.A. not equalising with ' Irawfora on:. Up. however, saved at the s expense of :I ennier. whi.-h w.-is cle-ire.l 8 More exeltins pl.,y followed, with n lot of hlsh klekiiiK. and Ikjili shies shootii!" -ir ' jnniJ without elTeet. Ueushaw shot wh.ll.> ' u>. the run. and Crawford nsaln saved his ' -i.:e. alvliiß a, corner, whleh was elt-ared ' North.-on- here pot away per Tremniii and c ' passing to Knoii ho be.-it V.M.c. v< backs < blvliib Henderson no chiinee of savlnj: :\ fast ► hoi int.. the corner of the net. North- Sl rule I. V.M.C.A. ... Nortlnote asalu -.'l ' away from the kick-off, and altliouirh Hi- '', k.'Jl partially saved another coal .••■me i.i V Northeote per Iviioit. Nonheote :■, V.M.C.A. a V.M.C.A. tried frantli-nllr o (.(uallse. ami Neeshnm swidinjr in a hi-h one Crawford misjudged, and V.M.C.4 were one less down. Northeote 'V I" V.M.C.A. 1. V.M.C.A. eontinned prfssinj " and only pood play hy Eekman, ColvJti ami ! Corin save.l the situation. The ball was ,'", sent behind by p«o,! Rheto from Kenshaw i and Williams, and play eontinned in North- ~' cote territory. The long whistle went with ' V.M.C.A. pressing stmnsrly, and they have only themselves to blame for not seoriu-' more. c Xorthcote -t V.MiC.A ..'.'... i CORINTHIANS V. WILTSHIRE. , oi Corinthian won the toss, and Wiltshire v kicked off before a fair number of sue.tutors. Caui.y. at centre, was ros,,o,,'JiMe " for a tine piece of work, and his shot lust mitred. Corinthian, who were only phiyinsr ten men. soon found out tliar they were ui~ acHinst a pood learn. McCarthy and Cranin were playinp well, nnd paused nut to Il> Murphy, who made no mistake wit the , ball and beat Praxton. Wiltshire l c,. r : , v thlan 0. Corinthian now took a liand liilT thiiips, but failed to beat the Wiltshire 11 defence. Webster made v cood run down le and put in a itoo.l shot, but Webb in -o-,i e> saved well. Tlalf-timo whjsile blew ,vl"l! ( the score unaltered. WlilM:lre 1, Corinthian c J - X I'rom the kick-off Rowatt received -in.l II passed to Mel.ean. hut Ashv.cll tai-kled 'ii,.l placed (he ball well up to h:s forwards Play was now becoming very hi'«rest !■-' A and there was some fine pieces of'f.iotl"iTl displayed by the Wiltshire men. CruiiVivl iljiain showed the si tators he knew the Corinthian eojilie. Jtnrph.v a" d' ""wi'l'sl.'."-' on tl c left wlmr. were piayins a sound' It wr.s only .-oo! Jv.rk on the Ci.ri:i'tl;: : i:! ;:.!.• play now' f. Howe.! until ''>■■:'..;;'^ Co-inthlans n'ere T'U ''on ':';','„ a'.'el'Llv,-'. \ lf Mr-CartHy and rranny then )...,,I n Hue p '• ' 1" of Association footl.-ill on their own. and a ,', PBL-er. and le ro'bb'e I ~'f r ; u-oal. Tie r;ori.ith!a.i team could not -el l\ llnishiuji touch to. Thw.-site, our left i.iif . for the Corinthlaiiß, played :1 sound nng , „', Hut he would do better at inside hft mid V, the whites would do well to alnr their m forward line, as all their matches are lost m tlirougll the forwards not putting tlip tin,! y touch which is requircrl in Association font- n ball. The Wiltshire, ,1.,. ir win " nml on the day played il-e l- f .= t fonthtill* Mc-Carthy. Crniiny. Klphi-k. and Murphy !' Idayed well for the Wiltshires! The lin-i'l r ivhißtle blew with the s.-ore: , VTiltshires 'i L ' L'orinthians 0. Mr. P.ovvie acted as referee 'Ih

iFrom tlie start play hung in mid-field, nntii the Shore forwards started a nice piece of combination. From a guort centre from I'ulman-Woolley recoived uml placed into the net. giving WoKteiitiolnie little chance. On resinning play was enndnod to mid-tflcM. From l):rt-ix' to Woolley the moment looked d#UiitCul for Presbyterian. . [•illman tried the cusmdiaD with a nippy : ground shot, hut Wolslennolme was safe. At this st.nse l'ealing was obliged to retire. Although s-hort of a forward Shore still kept up the attack, but were taking the j frame too e.-isilv. From a centre by Uacve. j pVooiley had a golden opportunity, lm'. shni I i wild. From the kick pay ran to tlie Short's Igoal, but uothins eventuated. (live and, jiaiie play followed, until from a nice run | by Sh.lie's outfide right a melee 111 front i of Presbyterian* tfoul took place. A score seemed imminent but Woli<!e:iln>i.i'.e cleare<l. Shore now put (ill the d>fen-I slve, until Kairjrrav had t.i retire, linviait j eiinie in ci.nt.-H-t Willi "Lire" Hn>:rr. •Shore, backs wen- liaving :i bit of worte to do until | Craig kicked well up io his forwards, wlm rushed d,,wi, only to be held up for off-1 side play. From the kick the I>all was, returned' to Preshyterian's end, wliere play : hung for some time. From a foul against I .'lavson Dacre placed to rouell. ' n nice | .-hot by 1-iiiman Wolstruholnie fisteil out.; iiudiLucas brou-lit play to Shore's end. i I aiuke°so "d aS Hny rctnrned i'o micl-jteld fo. la lime, until I're.-liyloKan i> outside It-It , j brought pluy" hnfk lo Shore's end. where; play ivas conliued till the whistle blew for i nuff time. i On resuming --Life" Dacre carried play to j Presbyterian's end, having gone into, I'ealiiig's position in the forward Hue. Piny i was v>>ry tame. Shore forwards lai-king lliiish wli'cn within shootlilK lilstaiiCP. I'ia.v , w;is brought back to Craig, who found relief in touch. From a spectator's pout | of view the «Aue was a very poor exposition of the code. Shore forwards rallied lor a' I moment, and carried i.« ball to their oppoueuts' end, and from a series of , ipasglug bouts L. liacre found the net with j la ground drive. <~>n resumption' play was | : lirouaht lm.-k to Pres-hyterian's end. only to i Ibe returned by Suenkin to .:i:i.irield. Sho;-.-I I were now on the defence fur some moments, j At this stage play was in 1 re-by-: : terian's favour, bat t iic.V could not peneItrate through the defence. Play was v.-ry I I much of an even Mature, the ball being i subje.-ted to long kicks from one end «t : the Held to the olaer. Woolley tried a shot, lint was returned 'j touch by; h\Vd.-teaholme. 'From a series of tUrows-ln | at mid I.ueas ki'ked high to MUier, wh> i pk-ked up outside his area, il-'rom the free I l-cggatt placed in the goal month, but; Millar 'listed out ;o Craig, who sent Ins for-] wards away yn the attack. The Shore forwards, wlio were now rallying to Ihi oeoislon, kept iilay in their upponeuls hall. Ali-,.n Lo 1.a.r.-. - Lo Woolley. a:ul again t» Iliacre brought matters to a close for the time being, the latter rinding tlie net with I a ken til Presbyterian's end. Give and take nlav followed, and Presbyterian had a good | rliance, but failed l.i s.-ore. Play was > • returned to Presbyterian's end. and • ■ liiii-hanan sent in the Lost shot oC the game, j giving the custodian no chance to save. , , I'lav n-as again Brought bade, and off-side j 01.-iv bron-ht relief for Presbyterian. Presbvt'enan now took a hand in matters, and , l.ucas gave his inside men a grand oppor- • tnnity. but Miller was equal to lue ,icca-'ion. The gaiue was now being ramed on in semi-darkness. At this stage appeal- | ing was the order of the day. The garni- . lin'ished practically in the moonlight with the score: North Shore 4. Presbyterian U. SECOND DIVISION. Evertou 3. beat W.Y.M.I 2. Ponsonby 1, drew with Metropolitan 1. Devonport l'resbvterians 4, drew w itli Technical Old Boys 4. THIRD DIVISION. North Shore 3, beat Metropolitan 0. College Vnited 2. beat V.M.C.A. 1. Northcote 4, beat Onehuuga Methodist 0. FOURTH DIVISION. Belmont 1. beat North Shore 0. Metropolitan 2, beat Devonport MethoY.MVC.A. fi. beat Tedinical Old Boys 0. Corinthians 1, beat Brotherhood 0. j FIFTH DIVISION. rielmor.t 3, beat Northcote 1. North Shore 1. drew with St. Helinr's 1. Metropolitan 0, drew with Mt. Kdeu 0. Brotherhood 5. beat W.Y.M.I. O. SIXTH DIVISION. Relmont 2, beat Devonport Presbyterian I. o. North 'Shore 5, beat St. Helier's 0. SEVENTH DIVISION. St Helier's fl. beat Mt. Elen 0. Napier Street 2, beat Beresfo-rd Street 1. Point Chevalier 1. beat Parnell 0. North Shore r>. beat Devonport Presbyterian C 2. Devon port Presbyterian B 0. beat P.elV.M.C.A. BOYS' LEAGUE. i SRXIOR HP.ADE. Swifts 2. drew with Kivils 2. Rovers 1. drew with Rangers 1, Spurs 2. beat Celts O. JINIOR GRADF.. Spurs 0, drew with Celts 0. Rivals 2. beat Swifts 0. Hovers '-. beat Hangers 0. THE BROWW SHIELD. THE AUCKLAND TEAM. The following team has been s»iected by Messrs. ,T. Ball. 11. Banister, and O. W. l'.agrie to represent Auckland in rbe first nrown Shield match o£ the season against South Auckland at Victoria Park on Saturday next:— ! Goal.' Batty HI-\[.s. Fhilouiell, Meikle (l-ousonby), "Pitkin i V.M.C.A.). C'orrin iNiiitlicolei. cap;ain. Neeshaui j V.M.C.A.I. Haycock (North Shore i. Siiuiu (Ponsouliyi. i. 'Dacre iXorth Short'l. Trentalu i-N'orth-cotel. Sexton (11. M.S. I'hiloincll. Inlies (l'ons.mby,. Reserves :—Fnll-hsek. Roberta (IVnsoubyi: half-backs. Feibig ,Y.M.C.A.i. Huehanan (North Shore): forwards. Williams I Y.M.C.A.i. Walker I KviTlon), Wilson (Northcoti-i. TMK SOUTH AITKLAXT) TRAM. .\ trial match was played be'.wcr-n :1 n A and P. team on Saturday on Seddon Park, which ended in a draw, one all. nod afterwards the rollowins team w:;s plekpd to represent Hamilton against Auckland-— Davidson. King. Wtlli.i.ii*. Walker. - McLennan. Campbell, UJdle. Ila.vfs. linrneir. East on and late. Keseires : Allen mil Brown. THE OTAGO TEAM. (By Teleprrarph.—Press A'ssociaton.) DfNKIHN, this day. Otngo's representatives (o mem Australia in Wednesday are: -Mautill, Dickie McAuley. Smith, Uai-e. Kennedy tbacks/ I'.rmidell, liobinson. Munsic. Ilaniou. liaritv i forwards i. N.Z. REPRESENTATIVES f I Tlie first test mateli betvven the Anstta- I tan representative .Vjwnrlatli-n foothnll team i • now louring New Zi-alaii<i. and New Zealan.l ' will lie played at Hun. din oil Saturda v next' I E rbe followlns Auckland players rbiisru by ' Mr. P-. I. Salmon. N-w Zealand selector ! cave by the Main Trunk express to-morrow-•vening to take part in the match ■ I; raxton I ("oi-inthiansi. go.-ilk.-eper :l' I'lirhett (H.M.B. I'lillniiif-n. 'ct-ntrp-liair: w" ' '•Cnott (NonhcuKM. Ins-ide left forward': w' i Hooper (lI.Ms. I'lilinmet). centre forward. ' j AUSTRALIA V. SOUTH ISLAND ' ' j VISITORS AGAIX nrTORIOUS. ! BY FOt'R points TO n\R. j rr.y TelPjirnrph.- Pivot Aiwirintlnn.) : | fHHISTi-ni'Ci'll. Siif.irilny '! "■'■ * '■• "i- inai-h Australia v s.'.inh Island wr.s nla.Vcd »t i. : .,,,.....,.,,. v 'l '" :i»!.-ii,il.l leather. Ti... -ra.-ill' v .-U lv «,!' men. South o- V n ,.',"] ' <;.."-:...V,', \,5<- "i.iH ' '«•!",?,'. •pulped. A fine rnn t>\ Ti-.onms.m n-n-'v l.t-oUL'hr result for A,,<--•-:,. ,„,, , •v :!.-,!. null i-i'pvatediy broke up the' "so"it'-i , ulck"J"uc'. * ™ d * ° f Uaunder. bann.'lrnd\'-u\nb,. r !'' l ','';,' S ' sl ' l '".J^ ,1 " nidflel.l position Norman went „ „, M.Prble ■„;„,„,,, ,„ ~;,. ZX?™™ but Norman ;.-.:t into (artwrk'hfs "hands' nii.j :he latW el f ar«l. The ~) :, v was " 'pe.-tac,,!. lr . j UBt ~p f, | iair ., i!lK , T,,,,,"; 1 •oil received .-, ki'-k <~. the knee at-d | in ! rerire. At hi.lMlm.' the score » a , ,° 1 S '. Pmuh Isrand n. Australia | Pnst give and take play opened the secord ' « iau. A South movement put Aor raan in I

possession, and he put back to R ace wh scored. From fast piny Australia We nr rtoOT on the right, Danu Ira ting the dcX ami equalising The Australians were showing soo.l combination From Thompson Maunder received and scored. rj e prated attacks by South were r<-piiised. and Shlnton sent play to T!:..i,, : ,..,,n. The latter went to the rnrn.T and centred right to the jroal. Wilson piirtly, cleared, hnr ilealten ran the tall Iliroiich. Australia were all over the South in tbe conciudinß stages, ami Maunder asain haired from H transfer by Cumbprfiird. dnatJi rallied, and furtwrlgUt Rtopped ;i shot In Norman, bat Anstr:iii:i ran out easy uiimers with the score : — Australia 4 South Island i

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8

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ASSOCIATION. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8

ASSOCIATION. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8