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UNIVERSITY BEATS GRAFTON. POXSONBY 15, XEWT'OX S. GRAMMAR AXD RIFLES WIX. Tlie chief attraction of the A.TI.U. club championships on Saturday was tlie University-Grafton game at Eden Par]f, where a large crowd attended in an- | ticipation of a fast, exciting game, and I was not disappointed. It was largely a duel between the Grafton forwards and the 'Varsity backs, who were brilliant in spasms, under ideal conditions. After (Jrafton had got the lead by gruelling forward rushes the student backs showed \\\> in a scries (if fine passing bouts that enabled them to pull the ffiime out of the lire and win by Hi points to 14. Ponsotiby and Xewton played a hard fast game on No. :! ground, whore Ponijonby won by In points to 8. Eden made :i much improved showing against College Rifles and held them down fairly well In the first spell, but were run off their feet in the second spell by the superior speed and combination of their opponents, who won ■22 to nil. At Victoria Park the Grammar Old Boys defeated North Shore by 27 points to 5 in a pnme that rajrjjed. the winners scoring more frequently from individual mistakes by their opponents; than from clean-cut scoring efforts on their own part. GRAFTCm V. TTTCIVERSITY. In Ihta game the score al half time was M In lirtifiou'n favour, and when tinwhistle went University hail the win by Hf-11, n-lili-h Indicates as inin-h as anything the I'Xcititig nature »f the piny. Ilrinsden eppnod Hie aeorlnjr witli a try fron a l"Ul-ver.-Jty passing rush, and llion Nicholas. S. l.amb and lynch scored tries for Grafton, all rr.rin forward Work. Karly In the se.MUil spell Perry sconsl Trom a passing rush for I Diversity, and Millar gonleil, but Immediately after a Crnftun forward rn-h ended in Uucklnnd mtirlujt mid I'reutiif convert in;. . In the last twenty minutes lioth sidi-s were aaitreßsive in turns, and il was eventually [he students' backs that turned the tide in their favour Willi another of their snappy limits that ended in Wiseman scoring a try that 'Millar converted. .lust prior !.. ibis Inlvershy had bad a scries of yhors at goal from gon.l positions, and oue of these was got over by Hopkins. With the ioial sen- consistiiis ot sevull tries and a from a mark it can be sevn that the play was marked by plenty of incident. The rour trb.s of ' firilft.Hi were all the result of good forward work, reinforced ..11 nslons by Individual b.icK play, in which W. l.anih was the handy man, while the three tries by liiivcrslty came from the line combined wurlc of the backs, win. were consistently fed in ruck an.', loose piny by Hopkins, tbe half, and Mllllken, the rover. I

Pl.iy tbrxiiiKhoiil was hard an.t fast, and while' it was not always h.-Kliant there were flashes ..f excellent foi.tbui:. MUllken. Hopkins, Hardy and Brlindon were the outstanding players for the studen:<. The strong running of MUliketi, t lie nlppiness of Hopkins, ami the hradlness ..f both Hardy and Brlnsden on attack wore iveil backed up In a0..,l bundling by th.-ir supports, but rmvi-rsitv generally stood off the defensive work, and guv* Grafton scoring opportunities they should not have got. illelander. Nicholas and Moore were nearly always at the head of the heavy forward rushes of Grafton. and W. l.ntub played a great lone-handed g-.nio in support of ills forwards. The hamulus of tinGrafton harks was wretched, and it was this that lost them the game, despite good all-round individual defensive pluy. NEWTON V. PONSONBY. Conditions were much more favourable on Saturday afternoon, .when Newton met Pon*oni)y at No. ground, than they have lieen for sometime. The game was fairly evenly contested, hut resulted In a win for the. latter team by 13 to S. Mr. B. Hayson wan in charge of 'the game. Newton kicked off. and pressing the attack forced l'onson'.iyj who came away from the dro»-out to set up an attack, which was maintained throughout the rest of the gaum. PoEsonny pressed, but the defence of the Newton hacks was too strong, until Wade saw his opportunity and passed to Thomas. «ho was slopped ouiy a few yards from the line. I'l'iiii Hcraufbllnc piny some time bier Dougherty scored a try which was converted by Gregory. Ponsonby ii. Newton 0. Elated wtlh tliclr lead Ponnonby again attacked, and r# m a forward rush Newton was compelled :o force. From the subse- ■ liient ploy Newton look a turn on nttack, twice forcing Ponsonby arid making the game more even. Eventually Kelly for Newton ohtiUnei a surprisingly easy try. but Karl railed with she ki.-k a'ud the Bnell ended: Ponsonby 5, Newton :i.

ronsonby continued with Uielr attacklnc tactics with the resumption of play, and; wen: continually in their opponents' territory. The game was fast, with Mashes of individual play, but showed little combination. Wade got across for p.-.nsonby, whl h converted by Gregory brought their total up to It). Shortly alter the opening of ihe flnal quarter Thomas scored another try which Gregory again converted, making Tonsonhy in and Newton .'!. On resumption Newton ag.iin attacked, and the last ten minutes or so of the game was very iiile:c.iLing. ISubh scored a try. which Karl converted. There was no further seme during the rest of the spell and when the whistle Bounded both teams were af.a.kiug in turn. The game e;;d<>d:

I'onsouby 13 Newton s GRAMMAR V. NORTH SHORE. The match between Grammar Old Boys aw] Shore at Victoria Park on Saturday was not an attractive one. The opening spell was ehuracterUeil by forward iilav in which Shore held their own and they kept tlic I tall 11 way from the Grammar 1 backs 2>y r««t following up. X Ifworsen niinle 11 cuuple nf attempts to make an wpeulns, but the tlefenee was souud, Martin, at fllll-iioi-k, however, being shaky Shore pack parried the game in the Bfrulili but the advantace was lost when Martin was well tackled in running across after receiving a relieving kick from P.adeley. N Ifworseu immediately .-mapped up the leather, and made a "dashing run, and his side were almost in. The piny veered across to the oUier wing and came from the scrum nffnin to N. Hwersen. who dropped a neat field goal from In front of the posts. Shore's solid tilckllliK and smothering tactics prevented Grammar from pluylus their favourite oi>cn -aim., liut after some close forward work a (jnii)i* forward threw ou-t a lons backward, pass, which Ifwersen secured, and the latter equalled his brother's feat by droimliijr the second fiebl goal. Grammar S, Shore 0 By hard uround kicking the marine team carried the game to Goodacre jur.t as the change round sounded. Peebles made one or two runs in conjunction with his forwards that pressed Shore, but hard kicking ami quick following up jrot them out of trouble until Knight caoie through with the "ball at toe to the corner. Shore forwards worked the same luck Into firamnvir territory: they held the same in the scrum Mid bustled the ball past the white backs, but lark of finish spoilt many opportunities. Taylor opened up to K. ifwersen, who punted hard over the opposing backs' heads but Martin forced. Shore forwards were running over the oppoMtion towards the end of the half iwhen Can- replaced Gemmell) but their five-eighths spoilt two or three chances made by the vanguard by standin" too wide from the half. (ieddwater went into five-eighths after half-time. Radoley and Williams were started in a nice run by .1. Croociacrc. the former being stopped on rhe line and immediately afterwards Williams was forcedi intu tou'-h. Grammar irot their first try soon after, McCullough ru-hing the ball to rhe corner, where the other forwards "ot possession, and after a couple of others had hai.rilrd. Kulzht ran across under the posts. V. Badeley converted, increasing Grammar's total to thirteen. Grammar Continued to press, ami for the first time in the camo 'Wright ..pencil up for all of his backs to handle, but Williams was stopped on the line. Shore were penalised, however, and Batieley kicked a penalty n s the last quarter sounded. Goldwatcr snapped up a mark from the toes of the Grammar pack, but his essay at go:,l went a bit wide. Another, infringement by Shore enabled Hartelev to lock a further penalty, brinjrlnc the total to 10. Inwards the close of the came Arnold stole n try o n the line out at. the corner, and V. Radelev with n splendid kick added the minor points. Shore jjot a

try at last through good individual work by Speed. He ran straight through the Grammar backs and kicked to near the line, and of tor a HiTuuimape here he again secured and went across near the posts. Boswell converted. Grammar retaliated immediutely, and Gondaere. ut full-back, ran I through, making n nice openlnx for Peebles; the latter had too much pace for the opposition and scored 111 the corner. Badeley I missed the kick, aud the game ended— Grammar 27 ■Shore 5 COLLEGE RIFLES V. EDEN. Although soundly beaten by 22 to nil, Eden were 17v no means disgraced on Saturday afternoon. During the" first portion of tlu> game they lielil their opponents well, the footwork of their forwards being quite Kood. anil their following up keen and dashinc to the end. At half-time the score was only s—o. The tackling of Helen, liotli buck and forward, was a vast Improvement on their previous exhibitions, but though lieliind the scrum they showed several capable players their efi'orts were solo ones, or breakdowns from lark of combination. Hyder was prominent In several brilliant dashes, anil Lovejrrove, n i as t year's primary school representative, made a (food showing behind the pack. Collew ti.oTv Hie upper hand in the con i-luillllK ami piled on most of their points Ilieii. Tlii'lr liack work was us a »•!■' :s:i[.pointiiitfly wild, tlio foregone | conclusion of the winie prolmbly accounting j for this. lirierKon was inclined to he an individualist, hence the etiirvlntf of the wing*. Pilliim's IdrkinK was consistent. Mcl lines. Lane, and liaguall, were proSECOKD GRADE. j Collcce Itltlcs S. beat Shore 0 Tries were iscored by (ritallon.n and Welch. Sievwriifht cimverted one. I C.rainmar Did Hoys 3.T, boat Thames Old jHoys 0. Tries were scored Tiy 11. Harrison (It. S. Harrison (J). Freeman ill, Battye (21, Potter in. I'enalty irmil by l'nrtrUJgo. l'resion converted one try. Kllerslle ::. I- at University A i>. TrnlntaK College -12. beat Swunson 0. THIRD GRADE. St. Ilelier's Hay 12, beat V.M.C.A. 8. Cnlloee Killes (;. drew with Post and Telegraph ii. IJrey I.ynn IC. beat Newton 0. Crnmmur Old Hoys A 1-!. beat Training ColliW S. Tries were scored for Grammar by (iuw in. Kaily i2>, Tuiicy (l>. Conway converted one try. Te!eirrnpli 1., drew with Collesre Uilles (i. St. Heller's Hay 12. bent V..M.C.A. S. For «t. Heller's tries' wire scored by Diamond i.'i.. Wakclin 1. F. <v "V.M.C.A. M.-Kin ley 1, Cole 1, one or which Cole converted. FOURTH GRADE. Grammar Old Roys ."in. heat Technical Collese Ohl Itoys v. Tries were scored by Preston i:,). Ilaines rJ>. Manning 121. Itrixs-i i- , '. I.ntta til. [toll ill Ashley ill. Ilrown converted 2. Preston 1. ami Jury 1. Kllerslle r>, ljent Papatoetoe 4. FIFTH GRADE. Ellerslie 0, dren- with North Shore 0. CHURCHES' ASSOCIATION. n.K. M.Y.I. 0 beat Gordon f>, Onehuuga 3. beat St. David's 0. SECONDARY SCHOOLS. SEXIOR GRADE. Sncrod H<\ ir t Collesc IT. boat Mount Albert Crammar School 3. The new school put In a teniy that will add inrj'rest to the competition, and the pa.r.e ~.-.s a keen, clean and rast one. SKCOND G«ADK. Mount Albert Grammar School 6, bent Sacred Heart ". THIRD GRADE. Sacred Heart 11, beat Mount Albert dram mar H. FOURTH GRADE. Sacred Heart 1? heat Mount Eden Oran, mar l>. PRIMARY SCHOOLS. A GRADE. Newton East 21. beat Cornwall Park 0. Kdenfliile 11. beat Maiingnwhaii C. Rrtniiera 2n. beat Baytieid :i. nichmond Road IS. beat Ki-hmonil West 0. Mount Albert '.), bent Mount E.len fl. It fiRADE. ntahului 3 bent Vermont R 0. Avonrtale 0. drew with Kpsom 0. Takapuna 6, beat Point Chevalier 0. C GRADE. Te Papa 22. beat Newton West 0. Mount Kosklll :!, beat Hrey Lynn .".. 1 ariiEll 13, beat ileadowhanlc 0. D GRADE. Newmarket 11", beat Normal 0. rSrresford Street s. heat dneliuima 3. Nelson Street .'!. beat Napier .Street 0. JUNIOR GRADE. Rcmtiern 3 beat Ellerslie 0. Orey I.ynn (>, beat Newton Fast G Edenih.le 14. v. Meadowljank II Klchmoud Koad 13, beat HavHeld P. Mount Albert 2fi. Newton West 0. Mauncawhaii :i. drew with Mount Kdcn ::. \oruioiit Street lii, beat Napier Street 0. MANUKAU UNIO». Mannrew.-i Seniors LV,, beat l'apakura 3. HAMILTON. (From Our Own Correspondent.) HAMILTON, Saturday. The matches at Steele Park drew -i bicrowd cm Sntunlay. in ideal weather Tin. afternoon was remarkable for three proata lielim dropped fruiu Hie lipid, and lirillian! |)lac,.-klei;iii S lin the pan of IVaih, ot Liordoiitun. City v. (Snnlonton. — City who -m-,. leadiii).' easily for this rears e!iamniin< snip. »•„,. ex, e ,,,i -i K nt up to ti,™ p !;;"t luiiiute. (Jordotitun fornurds putlliw im a itiKMl flsht. Pe.nh. (Jord.nitons skinner distinguished himself by dropplns one pretty jronl from tli« Held and kk-kioc one rroui halfway. In the end the hettertraiiied team had the advenlase. City ninnlng by l(i t v n. Mr. Courtunay made a .u'ood referee. Stars v. Marist Brothers.—This game was rather ragged for the first half Marist Brothers having the best of It the lirst spell ending in their favotii 5 to X. Afterwards Ihe same was better (he .Stare' backs opening up and threw the ball about in pood style, and eventually winning I.y 14 to S. Mr. li. Bryfleu was referee. Krauhton v. Old Boys.—This match provided a fast, open same, the ImII quickly travelling from one end to the other. The weinht. of the Kraf.kton pack told in the finish, that team winuiii- by SI to HO. Tries were scored for 1-Vankt..ii by iSaiwcn :s. Bailey 2. Hamilton 2. Cissells 1. and for Old Hoys by Kan das, Hollow. Kein,p. and Tanner got a. goal from the fieid. Itolh teams , half-backs played Kix'd (rallies, there being little to choose between them. .Mr. l<. Ku.'e was referee. Juniors.—Weslev fl. heat City 3- XH-'u School 33, beat Star 0. ' WHANGAREI. Results of .Rugby matches played on Saturday are:—i Second Draiie: Hiirh School s. beat Tort laud .'!. Juniors: H!ku rariffi 9. beat Ilttrii School o;,i Boys 0. Seniors: Maungakaramea US. beat IJi"h School Old Boys G; I'nited 11, beat sJarsden 5. ROTORXTA. Results of Saturdays cup competition": are: — Senior?.—Vnitpd 11. hpat Kahnknra 0 Tries for the winners were obtained by Farrell (21 and Taplrl. Farrell kicked a g<".al. Junioi-s.—Wnlkite S. bent Mamakn 3 Henley anil Tlmuifia econ-d trl»R and Munr.: converted one for the former. <;. .'Smitli scored a try for the latter. Kahukma 20 heat United 3. Tries were scored for the winners hy Moran ('.'l Clarke, Walker, ami Butt, and goals by Lamb and Hicks. Lee secured a try for the losers. Third firadP.—«rhoo! 0, v. Knhukurn 0 Elkinston and Phillips scored tries for th« winners. United <;. beat Walkite 0. Trie? for United were obtained by Pownnll auO Corbett. THAMES. The Rnirby m:it«|ies played on Raturdaj resulted: Seniors: Hc'timed , Soldiers 33 v. rity :: : Colle»c Old Boys rt, v. Pirates 3. First .Tuniors: Matariri 1.". v. Pirates fl Second Physical Training 11. v Pirates 0. Schools: Central 42, v. N'ortli O.

MOHRrnjS7II.I.E. Morrinsvllle Cup matches on Saturday resulted:— Terriers 11 (a goal, a try, and a peualty fc-oal), heat City 10 (2 tries ami a Held goal. Juniors. —Terriers A 7, beat Waltoa 4; Kereone 31, bent Terriers B 0. During the Terrierss-Clty senior game two accidents ha]i|iciied, .Newman breaking a ;lejs and H. J'irrit fracturluß an elbow. PAEROA. Tlid match AVest against Kouiata, at Paeroa, ended in a draw, no score. Suburbs against Konmla, at I'aeroa, resulted in it will for Suburbs liy I~> to 11. Suburbs against Kctlierton, at Hikutala, was won by i Suburbs by i> to a. Juniors. —Kiist against Netherton. was I won by East by G to U. WAIHI. The Kueby Union competitions playcil on Saturday resulted:— i Seniors.—Waitcte 11, beat Plains. 0; 'City ,'i, boat Katikatl <>. : .Second tirade.—Katikati 15, beat Plains 0. I Schools.—East :i, bent Central 0; South 0, jdrew Willi Combined 0. I Third School 3C, beat Plains 0; Wulterte •">, bent City :i. I Second tirade.—City ::, bent Wniktno 0. I Aslier Williams, one of the City team, had lib* collarbone broken. TE AROHA. Te Aroha juniors defeated Manawaru ! j '"tm- y seniors were victorious over AVnllinii MMilora by 14 to 3. For the win- | neis Holmes jacked a penalty Ron], tries, 'while 'l'aec eomerte'd lii.s try. For Waihoii Tiininiii.s kicked a penalty goal. CAMBRIDGE. At Leamington on Pfltunlilv llMulapii had n run-away victory from City, defeating them hv 2.". I" il. Leamimrton de tea led after a fairly even and liar-l-foujilit match, by li' point* to i>. .limior matches: City an-1 Juniors played a drawn Kami-, without score. Ilautapu beat Cadets by S to 5. TAUEANGA. The Rucby fllion ohampions'hipfs were continue.! on -Saturday. In the Jordan Cup ■coni|>t-tlti"ns (juniors), Tanranea nervate l Knuaatntia by S to :!. In the .lonian I'n'i (seniors), Ta'uranga ami Kangatana dr.-w. II poll/* each li. Ill's scored for Tani rnng-a, and Kcnctl kicked a penalty soal ; lor ltjiiisiitaua. TArTMAKUNTJI. Okahukiira R. v. Athletic S. Tor Oknhu- ! ktira iio.iian scoroil, Lattimer c-ouvwtlnj! and kicking a penalty. For Atliletic | score.l. GilfllHis converting and kicking :i penalty. Maminul S. beat Oncnrne .'!. For Mil Mlmil Tlju-ne .iii<! Thornton scored. I.cllovenconvertftiß one try. For Ouganie Cnshmoru klckeil a penalty gosil. Jiuilora. Taiiiiiaruuul n, r. Owbanso 0. OJOAKUNE. The /■vii i-ompetltli'iw on Patnrday re. milted: Junction heat l.'liited " to 0: I'okaka defeated Kannatiiua liy 11 to 0. MARTON. Playlns for Koiihlnetnn Rupliy Shieiil Kaniritlkel iholdi-rsl defeated liush lnion by S to (J. after a very fast, even fame. MASTERTON. Wairarapa Uticby Culon's championship muti'hes on Saturday resulte.l: -Ma-ter-lull Seniors beat Tlliul by L'J po'-its tc. ;i. The ifanie was a poor exposition of f.iotball. itlailHtoup defeated (jn-yiuwii seniors by :> p.dnts to li. I'artPrtuu Seniors defemeil Featlerston by It! to •". Juniors: Opakl I'd. beat .Maurieeville r>; Carterton IS. beat lied Star 14; I'ioneer 14. beat Taueru I.'!. WANGANUI. The senior Rufrby CT-ade contests were resumed on Saturday. Oμ Boys stru-k form, and defeated Inilny. the crp lpiiderx. by :t pt'lnts to n. Kaierau liad a win over] fmlays (the runners upi by to 11. ■WTELi^XNGTON. Pntunlny's mntchps resulted: Poneke is. : bent 'Varsity :'■: I!erhan:pore 1(1. lipat Marlst ' 0: I'etnne rj. bpat Old Boys 3:-Selwyn 1 li. j !>eat Welllustou 0; Athletic 8, beat Oriental ! 0. ! CHRISTCHTJRCH. i Ruchy results are: —I.inwood :!. drew with I Merivale ?.. Sydeidiatn-I.yttelton 17 beat Old lioys S; Marists Jl. beat 'Varsity 8. DTJNEDIN. Senior Knebv results are: -Tirates in. beat Kaikoral :'.: Southern 0, heat Talerl Hovers 0: 'Varsity •J.i. heat Tort (1: | Dunedin 15. heat Albambra S: /.Inu'arl 2!i. bent Fnlon fi. At Oaniam. Cniversity A 41. beat North Otago ;•. MAORIS V. EAWKE'S BAY. \\<XS BY MAOHIS. (By Tescc;niph.-T'res« Asanelation.) XAPIER. Sntiirday. j Jiaoris IS. beat Hawke's Bay 11. The I home pack held the Maoris in the flrst half, but in the seronrl half the Maori backs were overwhelmingly snrerior. It ■was a clean came, and exceptionally fast. | Tlie Mauris, at full strength, wnth ; another tame or two. prouiUe to lie a ! smart side. The backs arc a =ood lot, hut Ihe forwards could be Improved. Tho team plays Wellington on Wednesday, and, sails for "Sydney on Thursday. J REFEREE'S DECISION DISPUTED .rrxion team to i;k reported. (Hy Telpprrapli.— Press Association.) | WANfiAXI'I. Saturday. j Tn the fourth snide Uusrliy contest to-day ' Hie diarists' temn were alleged to have used iusnltlUK and offensive, liinsnace to , ihe referee. They constantly disputed any ■ nilltißS navlusl their lea in. and. in rouse-, ' (jiience. tlie refene is reportinrr i\\c whole ■ team to th L . Union. THE INGLEAVOOD AFFAIR. INGI.EYVOOn. this <lny. | \ Points, the eaplain of the Inelewood . tram, which left the field in a body during '. Mast c-aturday. has tendered an apology to j ■ •both the referee and the union. lie regretted the Incident, and asked that he I , be treated leniently. The union accepted tlie apology. Imi awarded the. shield and pobl medals to School, and the silver medals to Stratford, the runners-up.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8

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RUGBY FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8

RUGBY FOOTBALL. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 137, 12 June 1922, Page 8