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AND LAND SETTLEMENT. j COMPULSORY HERD TESTING. FOR CITY MILK SUPPLY. Rapid strides had been made of recent years in connection with the dairying industry in Canada generally, and in , .British Columbia, in particular, was the , opinion expressed yesterday by Mr. K. ', \v. T'aiUon, of Vancouver Inland, who is ,at present in Auckland. •'! think we , get more out of the co - .v over there," .I he -said. "But that is a maUrr of opinl I ion. and I will not comment on that , phase until I see more of this country. . j But there is one thing in British Colum- . I biij we have made up our mind? about— •[ we do not keep "boarder*.' You will , j know the term." It is the intention jof Mr. Paitson to visit the various : j dairying districts in the Dominion. He I has 'been so p>.aeed with what he has , j already seen that in all probability lie will settle in th» country. AN UP-TO-DATE METHOD. There is one system according xo Mr. I Faitaon that the New Zealand dairymen I supplying milk to the citien should adopt. It is the glas? bottle system instead of can?. For the past two yeaTs it has been compulsory that all [ herd* for city supply should be tested , by Government supervision. The milk I wa.s diepal/rhed in individual Tjottles containing pints or quarts as the case ; might be. "It is a cleaner and better | i' method, and I think you would do well j 'I tn adopt ii here." hp remarked. By this I ' I mran« tubercular bacillus wp.s pre- ) ' J venter! from being carried and spreading ■ j infection. i! Cow testing had been recognised as a i ' necessary measure, and the Government I j had been given every support in eonnec- | I. tion with its educational campaigns, j , Testing associations had 'been formed in I I various localities. "We have come to j the conclusion that it -is absolutely ' ! necessary to cows, otherwise one is i keeping 'boarders.' The campaigns have ! been most aucosssful. At the GovernI mpni Agricultural College in my dis- : J tris-t. β-bout almost every 'breed from | j boef up is kept, and the various milking j i and other tests are followed with much j i intsrest. ; \ THE FAVOURITE BREEDS. ! .' ".Tersey* and H (detains arc tho moet [ ' favoured breeds in British Columbia, j . I The Jersey is the most economical for t ■' production. The- Holstoin. R.* you call j her—we call her the black and whit* , — ] is, of course, s much bigger cow. She | j requires more food. Th» Jersey can go j ; anywhere, whereas the Tlolstnin is jr<"n- ---! Prally to 'b<> found on the low lands. ; The Jersey i? also the most economical I for bt'tt-crfat, but when it come* to the ; f|uestion of milk for the cities, the black ;«.nd white is the most favoured." i Dairying is carried out all along the ' Pacific Coa.?*. There is also a certain ! amount of fattening going on at the j : same time. Fruit farming is also an ' , important factor in the life of the coml ! munity, but. of course, lumbering is the • industry in that part of Canada. . j CALF CLUB?. j "We cannot sell bul!> over there j , unless they have prepotency and pro- j I duction behind them.' , continued Mr. | • Paiifflon. "You cannot sell them oth?r- \ I wise, unless of course at grade prices.' . Much had been done tiy the farmers j ' through rhe British Columbia Cattle! j Club to encourage calf chibs among! ; boys. Each boy is supplied with a pure- j i bred calf to rear, where formerly only • ' grade i-attle kept. The campaign > '. for purebred cattle was meeting with ! ranch supcwis. and the C'attfc , Hub had | J I>een unable to supply all the demands j ■ made upon it. Calves had to l>? impor- ; i teri from Eastern Canada and other • j parts. NEW ZEALAND BUTTER. ! He mentioned that a good deui of | i X»w Zealand butter was imported at ; different parts of the year. Just before j ihe left a large consignment had arrived. ! ; "It U very good, only the farmers do ' j not. like it. which is quit* natural under ! j the circumstances, as it under-selb the ' I local production by aibout per lb.' , ' j Unfortunately the local farmers did not i I supply enough butter for home con- . I sumption. The New Zealand article was j dispatched all over Canada and the ; United States, and enjoyed an excellent ■ reputation. i j All the dairy farmers had theiv silos, ; I filled with maizp. oats. peas, vetches, j I and in • ertain place* sunflowers were) ■ also 'ncluded. more particularly in the • ! prairie provinces. The sunflower idea j j had hot. been popular until the la. c .t. two , I years, but. now was coming into favour, j ] Sunflowers were fttrong. and would grow | I where com would not. Jii was, in addi- \ • lion, a very heavy yieldcr. Theie silo* j i gave succulent food when the ground \ n-ai frozen hard, and the stock housed I indoors. The housing oi" stock vra,> an j I expense that t.Jie New Zealand fanner j j had not io contend with. Conditions I were very different in the two countries. j H waa quite impossible to make comj parUorrS. Tn New Zealand fho farmer j worked tor eittht or nine month-; and ' then turned his cows out. In British j i-olumbis milkisg vras continued all the ■ yeflr round. j LAND PRICE.*. ( Referring to prices prevailing for I land. Mr. Paitsoii -*id the very best I couM b» purchased from £30 to £60 sn eitp. Ther?> were two gT&de-s, in most countries. The moratorium was now out of existence, and consequently made a difference in the dkoosal of properties. In common with Xew Zealand j j and other countries, the province had i Wn passing through *a period of finan- : cial depression. There had boen a , severe drop in pri.-es. "T think th«t we : were harder hit than you were here, but j Iwe arc nicking up again a little now," j i remarked Mr. Pa.itson. "Xo countrr ' j can prosper if the farmer does nut | ! pro'por.- I ; soldif.t: settlement. J Brief reference was inarlr> by the vi«:- | 'tors Io snldior k.n<l sCttleni?n*. Hβ I J r>\pve?sed t'-.c opinion tha.t the Xow | : Zfalai:d Government had hecn very J j libeva!. mure i'wrnl than tha. Cairadian ! aiu!e-.ritif>;. in it.X treatment of r?Uirno<! j men. The majority of saldW setfWs | in Canada had done well on tlie whole, j with the exception of n fpw. who would , I never have nisde good. «* they -.ver,- not suited for the life. A hard winter had j weeded the men out. anJ those who bud ; withstood it were the men who v,<-re I going to make good as «ettlers. j

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 104, 4 May 1922, Page 5

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CANADIAN DAIRYING. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 104, 4 May 1922, Page 5

CANADIAN DAIRYING. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 104, 4 May 1922, Page 5