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TO CITY RESIDENTS. JSIIIbIbhBhH IB HlnHlSr TO COUNTRY CUSTOMERS. T m,nH * ble *° h T- Un i der T* rO ° f ever ything you need is an advantage which 3IIBIBBBBeBB I 3 E Slllli Although all "Specials" are on sale in our Warehouse for ONE DAY ONLY, counties new intends of the Fanners' Union Trading Company greatly J ]flilllnlMiTlffliftHlff ill l^fHrMfLff Hftl HHB you can secure the big savings offered below by posting your order, WITH appieciaic. Another advantage is our policy of giving the highest value in COUPON ATTACHED, not later than FRIDAY, May 5 (four clear days every article, and only regarding a purchase as complete when the customer W Wi '"■ <™"> date of this paper). Cash must accompany orders for Specials, unless is completely satisfied. No purchaser is expected to keep something he or the Specials are to be sent with other goods. Order all your other does not want we are here to render service and not to drive hard and mt requirements to be forwarded with the Specials, and save frei B ht. fast bargains. We hope to serve you TO-MORROW. -I fife **»* m Miff VIEW OF OUR WAREHOUSE FROM NELSON" STREET. To-morrows Money-saving Specials AT THE DOMINION'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE BOOT DEFT, ■ C V £ •' C* * 1 HARDWARK DBPT. Footwear for all the Family. „ Jr£s>-*r. Uearance oi a.fvT™!L.. Savings for 36 Pairs Only L.die. , Patent Court Shoe,. Made White Calico. V* F 1000 Ckt r<2*sk>. 'Vt.-4 mad, of good quality THRIFTY 1401 T<sF WIVF^ of fim quality Patent, with small fancy Special Price, jv I IUUU Or ; |-- Longcloth and Embrc" I MKlf 1 V MUUStWiVM. buckle Leather Cuban heels. Machine lldvard. Ntv /1/M\nnrnn -/*&«*& 3\ dery and Fine Torchon Emery Table Stone., shaped a. steels. Will put Bl wn soles-Usual Price 45/6. JA/OJ J /\ \ I lIRSK |S \ *QFg? E^'"K ' , k K n edge on any Pri«, 2/-. p PeC '* 1 39/6. 10/9doZ. yds / I J V*V/I\»jf!j 1 fcJ SF; » S P ™.IO/11 Half Price, 1 ljd. r,Ce, ' I Q / J l\ aßrMi*" Price, **/ * ■"• Each. Steel Fire Shovels, all steel, stamped from one A» we have only 36 pairs we cannot guarantee / / ••.V5iJ? I (D. and A. and Other Brands) S~j\ " >. vJSSg?- ' solid piece. Japanned Black. Sires sin., to fill Mail Orders. I / AT" I ¥ A I C r»r> I/T \ "lP; ' 6in.. 7in. — U.ual Pr.ce. 1/5. 1/7. 1/10. M . ~. lir . ~, CL , I nncrrlntK ( Al HALr rKICt. / f£>ii'-!r\A \s&f% i Sale Price, 1/1, 1/3, 1/5. Mm. K <P Shooters, water-tight LiOngClOln. I xW\mlr S ?* „ . , γ-clil j k ji C tongue, two solid leather sole, right through 36-inch. IWBBKtt Perfect-fitting Corset, for every figure. / J R^,rt&Mm < ' KlllckerS. F,r %f hove Wlt q h . ,tron l ß F wo f 1 """ 1 ";. ™«" : E};sS='-£r:HH f i P EE' |H . IP s - 2 "° 36 - yliranU *- -iK^k^;^^:'"-^ One of the strongest working boot, we make. bleachedland shrunk U J fflWi U.ual Price. Half Price, WieMml/ M Longcloth Knickers, fin Fibre Door M.U, for outside use. These are Our OQ /Q Special Price, ft Kltffl l 6" ■• - 7/11 I]wf U \S fit ■ ■ , '-V i.hed Swis, Embroidery. very strongly made in cocoanut fibre, and p JL,*J J. - . , B tJUfnIJI •/** MPMI Nil l^Bff/te^ , '* , *** are we " known for their long wearing Price , ***j t *~ 1-yard. LflfnllSei4*4 2,/ - •• 10/6 fI W \W fes* o peci *' 4/11 qual,,y size. 24 xm. 27« ie. 30, ie. Girl.' Black Glace Derby Shoes, leather lined . VVVflr«& „,, J ]■ I Pr.ce, **/ 11 • 33 x 20, 36 x 22. Number, 12. 3. 4. 5. Clnce toe cap. leather toe and heel rtiffener.. 11 / » CIOZ. ydS. \3£BI&eC/AL ' " U / 6 4Mi \\ If'" ' ' L « ht, 3/4 \ 4/4 ', * /7 ', n G/ JU , solid leather heel. machine-.ewn «ole,. _—_^«——__ 32/6 IR/-1 "SUI +/ «J* Medium, 5/1, 6/4, 7/9, 8/9, 10/7. Sizes 7to 9 10 to 13 I to 2 /aIUJSaU M " " " > /' J - ' Alffi^ll^A l , ' G«ts3 XT , L J A 1650 Baking Dishes, English manufacture. Price, 1/1/11 1/«/ in IT/I 1 CL I iBfIBTOLw 40/- .. „ 19/11 NlghtdreSS. a> illustrated, stamped from one piece of 14/1 1, ID/10, 17/1 1 Sheeting. \l|gW 19/U /; nT . , , N . . , , .teel. ™ joint, to leak: heavily tinned, wir.d / > /* v >*«/** 7-.m,-h \fflW , 48/- .. 24/- •■'• : Longcloth Nightdre,,, top, and strong handle,. Sizes lOin.. I fin.. AA " r *£itti lfc ?^ w I BEST QUALITY GROCERIES «t KEENEST PRICES. I ftfs/11. 2511> . Sizes 4-6 .. 4/3 .. O/O f ' Edmonds' Baking Powder. Lemon Peel Our Price, Salt (tor table use), in 71b. I A really good, strong, serviceable scale O/O Our Price, 10d 1/3 per lb., 31b. for 3/3. (not 51b.) calico bags— Price, 1/5. Size, 7-1 .. 5/9 .. A /£• ™" *•■! I/* medium tin; Matches, Wax Vestas. Our Price, 1/3 per bag. IT J 1 •_«. Spring Balance., with dish tray, chains and hook *r/D BretOlUie Net I/7 * '"'** ,iß * Plaids — Our Price lOd Soap (Lifebuoy) — Our UnOierSKirtS. to weigh 251b.—Our Price, 4/3. 36-inch, in Black and Yes". "" White Swi " A1730-B«ket, Clothe. Very strongly made mi., ,/• iiL ■/» mi. V/-' : Japanned Uresa- per dozen. V~,U rn ;A, T v of woven willow and best cane, good stout mrW*j#M4rmrm**MM**M**Mr**liT*Mm*MmrMm****mmrm Wh,te - l/ 2; Jib.. 2/3; lib.. 4/3. Ed—Our Price, 33d per Hudson. Extract — Our Embroidery Underskirt,. Handles- popular shape. Size at top, 25in.. N Special-!//; Cornflour, Brown and Pol- lb., 61b. for 1/8 1 21b. for Prjce, 2/4 per dozen; Special J1 1 1 28in. t 30in, 32in. Price, 11/4, 12/6, 14/3, COUPON for MAIL ORDERS. $ Pri "' 1/DY " J pc; o rb:,To/3 r prrTo',e n oi,l 3/3 ' 10/6 P erbo,. P "" f ' ll ' "3 « ~~"^"" mm ~— mm -^^—~- ~™^^^■"•"^^i^«__.^___ -— _^__^___ J 'I ' ■ " Sponge Baskets, well made in woven and twisted %£srttttEttLTZ %Z\ FREE MOTOR BUS le - VM foot of w " ndl » m s *~' f » « w " eh ««» e «« 5 minutes - ~ m^ —'»trir paper),, entitles you to secure any or all of the # 9 T T # T , 1 • /A 1 \ Bread 8 0 *' ,,, ' round - we " made of « aaone d quoted at Special Prices in our "Star" advertisement,fc I ■ ,-> I -m M „. — ■ -_,_ # „ (AUCK.) wood and nicely carved. Width aero,. lOin., s-'«fi rarmers Union 1 radins ua. cJiHKSLiizi: NOTE.—Cash must accompany order, for Specials, unless S 7 r °° m Whe " ? &e sped.!, are to be W nt with other B ood. J Corner Hobson Street and Wyndham Street. '— __ __ ,

LADIES' VELVET SLIPPERS 5/11 USUALLY 9/11 Beautiful Black Velvet, Real Leather Soles, Charming Presents I Ladies' Superb English Slippers Satin Camel Hair and Felt In Navy Blue. Scarlet, Wine, Brown, Black Fawn and Pink Kiddles' Slips at Low Prices JAMES ADAMS and Co. WELLESLEY STREET, EAST. ZEBOI LIQUID i STOVE POLISH J Tim Tin tiith fftc Strlpn. j Mαit h Rtckilli The name ZEBO is a Guarantee Ihvk contain. NO GASOLINE f pn tin. J| / ZEBO WORKS LIKE MAGIC '•■- Mad* la Gtaat Btka'a. RECKITTS (Over Sra) LTD. Wcllastoa, N.Z.

Get Well!!! Don't you want to ? "Ask Loasby about it" All my business lire —over *0 \<-ars—l h»ve been successful v t Prescribing cbcmlst.* or your fHlow-citizens in ill parts ot Sew Zealand will tpll you this Is » truth. I hove a Tew tested medicines th»l l rely on—one of them is a tonic that 1 Have called "Bat Well" (Leaeby'a). It is a wonderful blood maker— enrlciies It, riving- you plenty of rich red blood. It cures Insomnia. Anaemia, ' Headaches, Nervousness, and Low Spirit?, constipation, indigestion, and always takes away that tired—always tired—reeling. "Oat Welt" has stood the test of time and numbers. I have relied on it in my prescribing business for years, and It lias not failed. A LAOY WRITES: "Dear Mr. Loasby,— "Many thanks for your 'Get Wall.' It bas absolutely made mc feel well. I am full of energy, my household duties are no trouble and I am as happy as the day Is long. "Before I wrote to you I was always tired; I could not sleep, djhdirestlon and constipation troubled mc. My nerves were very bad, ana I bad lost wfilg-nt. iam now normal in every way, thanks to Loeeby'a 'Oet Wa11. , " Loaaky'e "Oat Wall" always acts like this. It is a mighty Tonic and soon ..lakes you feel full of life and energy. Business men carry their burdens much lighter ir full of rich red blood, vim, vigour and vitality. Women will nnd "Bat Wall" a boon. To them relief from suffering means so much, and "6«t Wall" will do everything medicine can do. LtMsby's " Get Well," price 4/6 per bottle— Post Free for 5/6 Prepared only by A. M. LOASBY. The Only Prescribing Chemist, I 24 HIS MAJESTY'S ARCADE, AUCKLAND Ohranic Rhaumatiam, Arthritic, Neuritia, Narva troublaa cure* by Vlelet Hay High Frequency and Loaaby'a medicine and advlee. Faa, Ct/Jt/- weakly, including Msdieine, payable In atfvmae. ' J Are YOU Competing in the mf * POLISH Jingle Competition? See next Wednesday's "Star" for full particulars — or ask your Grocer THE PAGET M'F'G Co., (N Z.,) Ltd., 120 Hobion St., Auckland. bx d^

yfi "ALWAYS BUSY" 4R SILK SALE NOW IN PROGRESS, A wonderful opportunity of securing Silk Fabrics and Blouses at prices that are irresistible. Be convinced of these Reductions by an early inspection. FABRICS. BLOUSES. 49-inch WMhing Satin, in .Saxe, Lemon, Henna. A Superior Quality Crepe de Chin* Blouim, in atlracPeacock. lirey, pink. Black ami White Excel- V i\v* well-made stylos, roll pointed rollers, trimlent for Evening Wear—Usually, 10/6. A mod with hemstitching. In Pale lircen. Grey. "Silk Sale" Price, 8/11 \ " <v,io - and ''""J— 'dually, 30/ G. 38-inch Foulard Silk, in V. Rose. Black. Navy, Brown. \ "Silk Sale" Price, 29,6 and Saxe, with effective small White design— A Usually, is/0. \ "Silk Sale" Price, 9/11 0 Pretty Crepe de Chine Bloueea, with round neck ami Usually. 13/6. A —i.suans. ■i-V-. "Silk Sal*" Prioe, 8/11 \ .. eiM( 5 ,,,,, Price> & 6 \\ 40-inch Silk Crepe de Chine, in Peacock, Snxe, Lemon. V II Navy, Maixe, Brown, Henna, White, and Mack— A Usually, 8/li. '.■ ueeful and Smart Jap. Silk Shirt Blouses, reaturfnir "Silk Sale" Price, 6/11 A step collar, and rronts trimmrfti henistitchlnp 37 inch "Shet" Ohiffen TaffeU Silk, in rich fashion- '* ' '" sUe '■'■ lv i r — Usually, 1 </«.). able, colours, for smart Frocks— Usually, ls/«- 'J "Si.k Sale" Price, 10/6 A s,,k s,u Price ' 10/11 27-lneh and 36-inch White A \ "fieisha" Jibiiiam Kilk 0 reliable fur «ahin* ami £k \ AHo SVX . P \'tr Um r0 " ro,la "- "' ail S,ZCS - -wcar—Ueually A/6, 30/6. () ' snal.y. 1 0. (.. "tilk tale" prices, M Q "Bilk Sale" Price, 16,6 «O-ineh Crepe Wirocn, M A Well-made Jumpers of Good Quality Jap. Silk, In in IVlfCPer and Black M * Q Brown anil Grey; Mas.vai- style: round neck Very serviceable for # «*U \ \ ,rlmmecl hernsiitchinp-Usually. 15/6. Frocks—Usually, 27/6. M- V "Silk Sale" Price, 10/11 ■•Silk «al»" Price, 19/11 M I ■■ I % V _ » v.v.L- — »————» . F "Ji Silk Blouaea, or superior ATTAB wearlner quality, reaturin? %P I Mil #*4 1 I I ronnn rollers and rever?; riillSpci afctttr Scfyict gy Sli«pmb^ (| rsuaiiy, 23/ c. "■ i,k ••••" Price - " 6 Stripes, also pram Pink— Usually, 9/11. Exceptional dT Value. Star Attraction Price, U m 7/ ' ,l - Tβ.—*!!,!,,!., Orepe de Chine Jumpers or pleas£L mm ine acsign and rfliaDlc quality. /Frem 9 to n a.m. only\ sa £sns /Wrf (Mm t "ShA a. % select-Usually, 95/6. m % "Silk Sale" Price, 19/6 JOHN COURT Ltd. The J.C.L. Queen Street — Auckland's Leading Drapers.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 101, 1 May 1922, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 101, 1 May 1922, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 101, 1 May 1922, Page 11