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April 13—Timpeka County J C. April 15, 17--Aurkland R.C. April 15. IT- FeiWing J.C. ? April 15, 37-Xiverton K.C. . J April 15, 17- Wairarspa K.C. Apri] 17—Beaumont J.C. Apri! IT, IS—Canterbury J.C. ' April 17—Waipukurau J.C. l April IT—Kumara R.C. April 19—Westland K.C. April 'J2— Greyniouth J.C. 1 April 22, 24—Avondale J.C. I April 2K— Reefton J.C. April 28 27—Hawke's Bay J.C. April 28. 29—South Canterbury J.C. t May 5, 6-Marlborough R.C. ■ May 10. 11—Egmont R.C. t May 12. 13—Asuburton County R.C. t May 18, 19-North Otago J.C. M»y IS. 2O—Wanganui J.C. May 30, June 1. 3—Dunedin J.C. I June 3, s—Otaki Maori K.C. * Jone 3, 3. 7—Auckland K.C. ' Jnne 16. IT—Napier Park K.C. 2nn c 17—Brackenfielil Hunt Club. June 21, 22-HawLc's Bay J.a ' June 24—Hawke's Bay Hunt Club. < July 13—Waiinate District Hunt Club. I Jnly ll'. 15— Wellington R.C. July 22—South Canterbury Hunt Clob. July 27, 29—Gisborne K.C. ! July 29-Christchurch Hunt Club. » ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ' TOO LATE. —Tinohoro carried 8.6 when he won the Paeroa Handicap at the recent Ohlnemuri meeting. REMUERA.—There is no record of Corogleti ever having wou a hurdle race. DIVIDEND.—Sunny Spec was a starter in the Adderston Welter at the Manawatu Meeting on Saturday. PUNTER.—Gasbag was withdrawn from the Awapuni Gold Cup at 11.30 a.m. on the day of the race. A. J. McFHnn is to nave the mount on Silver liuk in the A.R.C. Easter Handicap. Raceful is to be ridden in , the A.R.C. Easter Handicap by bis trainer. Prince Menschiioff is now being worked at Ellerslie, under the direction of his owner. The Canterbury District Committee have cancelled the Jockey's license of D. E. Cotton. Poteen is again In work at Ellerslie. under the supervision of his owner, Mr. X , . Dickey. ' The consistent little gelding Gold Kip has been turned out at Tβ Aroha for a. well earned rest. The steeplechase horse <Jrand Canyon has gone Into the charge of 'Mr. J. Cbisholm at Ellerslie. The first race at Ellerslie on each day of the AJR.C. Autnnin Meeting is timed to start at 11.30 a.m. The pacer Oruarangi has been taken south for the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club's Autumn Meeting. The geldinz -Danton nae put in an' appearance at Ellerslie, where he is working -under the supervision of his owner. Irieh Wynne has been secured by a patron or Mr. TV. -Gall's stable, and is now •under that trainer's charge at Ellerslie. A rising three-year-old colt by General Latour—Peggy Pryde is the latest addition to Mr. W. Sharp's team at headquarters. The defection of Te Maire from the Brighton Hurdle race was due to the gelding bavins hurt hitaself through falling while being schooled. Mr. K. E. Brown recently had an-jiddi- - tion to his team at Kllerslie. tbe Eljslan mare Elsie Aroha being handed over to t him to train. 'c Auckland owned Treeor U to be •iUn south to fulfil his engagements at Felldina J.C. Meeting, which opens on. S •■ rday nest. !'•■• Te Aroha- trained horses Arizona ;'.-!:,, Archquil. Some Fashion, Gold Bud, s I Hosewater are expected to reach jjii»rslle to-morrow. :<-retoa. which has not raced since the i*l iTakapuna J.C. Spring_Meeting, has resumed -work again at Ellerslie, being in charge of his owner. •Entente Oofdiale. which has not raced for over twelve months, has made a reappearance .it EJlcrslie, being now a member of Mr. TV. Smith's team. The geidlng Hokemai. which looks nice . and fresh after his rest, is now ' workin; regularly on the tracks at Ellenslie, unrter tbe supervision of Mr. F. Conway. Fife and Drum, which has been having an easy time of it for a few weeks, is again a regular attendant on the tracks, doing her tasks under the direction of Mr. r. Scally. Mr. Joll changed his mind about sending The Dunce north for the A.R.C. Autumn Meeting, and it looks as if bis only representative at the fixture would be Uncle Alex. iScrap-o'-Paper was somewhat badly knocked about on the trip north to Kaitaia. and -was unable to fulfil his engage--•ments at the fixture, while it will probably ■be some time before lie races again. The death of the hurdle horse Stirrup Cup occurred recently at Te Aroha. The gelding -had been blistered and turned out. and it is thought licked some of the blister off bis leg, which poisoned him and caused his deatb. The imported horse Vnlkyrian. which met with a slight accident recently, which necessitated his beinj thrown out of work has made a reappearance on the tracks at Ellerslie. He is still under the charge of Mr: C. Hodder. ' , The apprentice iD- K. <»unn is to ride Ag-kari in the A.R.C. Easter Handicap. Gmm bm& also been engaged to ride the torses owned" foy • the Messrs. Koulston •when the weights are niltable, and should get plenty of other riding. With the exception of J. C'Shca, the Auckland horsemen-riding at the Manawatu Racing Club's Autumn Meeting each rode a winner. V A. 3. iMoFHnn scored on Scotch Mixture. W. ißennle on Xo Briber. ! H. Wigjrins on Detroit, and H. Goldfinch en Jovial. iMr. R. A. MrKenzie arrived in Auckland en Sunday, on a short -rinit in connection with the 'engagement of iis nonses at the A.R.C. Autumn 'Meeting. 'Mr. McKenzie •will not be present to see his horses race at Ellerelie, but will go south to Ulcearton, where he has Mlrensonta engaged. After his good showing in the Awapuni Gold Cup, Trespass -was given a good show of winning the Long-burn Handicap on Saturday. although Volo was made a much better favourite. Trespass put in a fine finishing effort, after Paoamil had been entrusted with the pace, and Jnst got up to score a popular victory lor Mr. Kemball by a head. Tamatete may never run a journey, but about his brilliancy there is no doubt. In the Manawatu on 'Saturday he ■besan very -fast, and reall v had his opponents scratching all the -way to go the pace set. He came Into the straight with the race in hand, and /geally won. comfortably, though had Winning iHlf begun with him he would probably have had a much harder task. It transpires that the thoroughbred stock recently imported to the Dominion was a consignment of trotting horses recently purchased in England by Mr. Eliot Davis, the local sportsman. The lots consisted of the the brood mares Gimetta and Bonnie Jean, neither of which bave vet raced. Al Mack cost IQZOgs, Gimetta 730 pp. and Jean SOOgs. The trio arrived safely, after a rough trip, and, on reaching Auckland on Monday, were taken to Motuihi to undergo a period of quarantine. Mr. T. Honleton, one of the trustees in the Douglas Estate, informed- the writer at the Manawatu meeting on Saturday that The Hawk was going on all right. The •brilliant son of Martian gave himself a knock while working at .'Wanxanui last February, and. although It was not considered to be anything serious, it was decided not to take any risk with him. but to ease him no- in his work. The Douglas Estate were to be represented at the A.R.C. Autumn -Meeting by Mountain Lion, Vlj-ello. and The Linnet, although after the poor showing made by the latter at Awapuni on Saturday she may not be brought north, while it may also lie mentioned that both the fllly and Vivella have ine en ttn aTOel ' Ud *or »t the Waipukurau

H. Wiggins Is to have tbe mount on Royal Box in the A.R.C. Easter Handicap. A. 3. McFlinn/is to ritle Highland in the Great Northern Champagne Stakes. X S Bagby is to ritle Insurrection in his c engagements at the A.R.C. Autumn Meet- b , ing- . _ j T? Mr. A. Gordon will he the stipendiary I " steward officiating at the C.J. C. Autumn]" Meeting on Monday and Tuesday next. The lightweight horseman Orange has I h been engaged to ride Br6adwood iv the . ° A.R.C. Easter Handicap. ';' Fenona is to be ridden la the A.R.C. | £ Easter Handicap by the apprentice Fan- i R ning. a Xo Bother is to fulfil his engagements at a tbe Feilding Jockey Club's Autumn Meet- * ing, and Mr. A. Julian leaves for the south to-night to superintend the final gallops of his charge. * The Auckland-owned Prize Vearl and t Rostrevor have been shipped south to fulfil a their engagements at the N.Z. Metropolitan | \ Trotting dub's Easter Meeting. ; '•< Mr. S. Hodge is now located at Ellerslie Ii with the Messrs. Alison's team, consisting h\ of Landslide. Illumination. Refinement, ,j Electrode, Sheffield. Tireless, and Sylvan. 11 If present intentions are carried oat both ( Mr. A. B. Williams' horses. Oasbafr ami '1 Grotesque, will be. started in the A.R.C. r , Raster Handicap. R. Keerl will have rh" -j. mount en the former, while the apprcnti c A. Dixon will ride Grotesque. s= Winnine Hit was nnlnekv in the Mana- ! j -watu Stakes on Saturday, for he failed t» jump out well at •bn.ri-ier rise, and had to f (th-e Taroatete a big start ove- the last. half of the journey. Winninz Hit fin : s!iert with a great burst c-f speed and .just fa "led to reach Thespian, which ran second. Aureate bruised her foot just before being entrained north, and was very sore when she was taken out of the box on arrival at Ellerslie. only being got to her stable with difficulty. The fllly is now under tbe care of Dr. Ring: and hopes are expresed of her being able to start in tbe Great Northern r Oaks .on Saturday. c THE TCRF REGISTER. > The second publication of tbe pocket s edition of the "New Zealand Turf Register." ji : Which covers the racing and trotting from I J December 10 to April 1, has made its | ( ■ appearance, and with the autumn racine so |r handy no student of form fan afford to be | \ without it. The issue is to be limited, and ] i those desirous of obtaining a copy should ; j make application to the publishers, the i."Christcburcn Press" Co.. without delay. j 1 NORTHLAND TROTTING CLITB. '■• The annual race meeting of the Northland 11 Trotting Club takes place at Whancarei to- I morrow, Thursday, when everything pro- i miees for a record roeetiug. Aucklanders wishing to make the trip ran leave by the \ Manaia this evening, returning leaving Whangarei to-morrow. Thursday evening. J after the races, reaching Auckland early ! Friday morning. j' THE MANAWATU MEETING. |! Although tße Manawatu meeting did not j' draw the attendances of the past Tew years, i and the totalisator receipts, as is common nowadays, showed a falling off, the fixture was in every other respect a most successful one The 'racing was interesting throughout, and in both the weight-ror-age races; the Gold Clip and Manawatu SiresProduce Stakes, surprises were recorded. The Manawatu Stakes, th« third of tbe classics, fell to Tamatete. which was .an odds on fancy. In the handicap events keen competition wms witnessed, and in this the sport was as good as ever seen at Awapum. The clnb's course and grounds have been lung considered An the first flight, but from Mr. Johnston, the popular secretary, I learned that quite a number of improvements in the matter of accommodation are , in contemplation. Mr. Johnston makes quite a hobby of racecourse architecture, and the new totalisator house, which is second to none in the Dominion, was designed entirely by him. This building has been bnilt on the most up to date lines under Mr. Johnston's own supervision and | everything possible In the way of making for expeditions receiving of investments and ; paving out under the most favourable con-1 ditions h*s been well thought out. It Is a , building any club would l>e well proud of New lavatories, both inside and out. have been erected on the most hygienic lines, and with ordinary condition* prevailing. I it will not lie long before Awapuni will be | one of the best appointed courses in New j Zealand. _ ELLERSLIE TRAINING NOTES, • There was no work of importance at Ellerelle. this morning, drainers being contpnt to let their charees do useful tasks In view of the final gallops to-morrow raornm Crowhnrst was schooled over hurdles, siring a satisfactory display. NEW ARRIVALS. Mr F. Davis reached Ellerslie yesterday with Aureate. Highland arul tncius, Mr. G. .Tones with Surveyor and Absnrdum Mr. G. Ring with Rafa and Whitianga. Mr. W Karnor with Thespian, and Mr. O. L. Sleail , with Royal Box and Ptarland. . This nomine Mr. T. Lloyd put in an appearance with Askari. Cleasanta and Old GoW? and Mr. W. ManUc with Silver Link. ■'".., . SCRATCHINGS: Paonui was withdrawn from all engage--Bt^o Ple ßo a th c cr at w« a s m withdraw, from the Brighton Hurdles at 11.10 a.m , . to-day. -WAIPEKURAU .T.C. ANNUAL. THE ACCEPTANCES. Hatu'ma 'Hack Handicap, of 5 fur9.3. Comic MO. *ren«ns B.IOT Big. Pn*h 8.». Communicate 8.0. Ambitions 8.5. Pitch 8.3. Some Red 8.1. Golden Light 8.1. Lady VColnwa 8.1. Mor«>nl a §5' Martstrate 711* Ble Chief 7.8. Day Fly i.«. Hh?£\av «.12. Poh»hc 6 12, a Morgen 6.12. - Absurdity 6.12. Forniplet Sea-Bar 6.1------•Hack Hatfdicao, of SOOsovs 1J ml 'e-— ' Correspondent 8.2. 8.2 Halcyon 1 82. Suspicion 8.2. Five-eighths 8.2. Antler , 7.10. Fera 7.10, Sweet Song T.S, Kohu r.i, . Mystic 7.7. ' ~ 1 "Waipukprau Cup. of ssosovs. H mile.------l Festivity 8.9. Bagdad 8.2. Onwui T7p_ B -®- Tari 8.0. American Beauty i.Ti Cleft t.ll. Crown Gem 7.11. Royal Gift 7.9. Ham-a'isi • 7.8 Dissertation 7.8. Earthshine 7.2. TVoden • 6.13. Eheipa 6.12. Correspondent 6.7. Con--1 vention 6.7. Marcus 6.7. 1 Orlngi Handicap; of lSOsovs. o fnrlonss.— . Morose 0.13. Ad .Astra S 1.3, Viyella ail. t Good Hport 8.1, Firwood 7.2. Rill Boy 6.13, The Linnet 6.7. Kahik.tea 6.7; Ludles'' Handicap, rof ir,osors. 1 mile and 1 3 furlongs.—Cleft 12.8. "WaniUa 12.3. Black i Art li.ll. Eheipa 11,10: Ethiopian 11.9, War ! Loan 11-.1. ,R«d Ofint 10.10. >nsty Wave 5 10.9 Tatimi 10.0, Tornea 10.7. Fornick 10.7. ; PuTimu Hack 'Handicap, of 200sors. B , furlonge.—"Wrangle 8.8. War Path 8.7. Big Push J5.7. Ambitious 8.3. Pitch 8.1. Go'don I.'igh't SO, Some Red 7.13, Morzonia 7.12, i Suspicion 7.12. Mystic 7.6, Bis Chief 7.6. T Day Fly 7-5. Crown Jester 6.13. Fprmative I gelding'6.l3, Whariti 6.9, (Stiver Lady 6.9. 1 Morgen «.e. Absurdity fi.o. Pohehe 6.9, i Merry Bells 6.9. Sea 6.9. - 1 Flying Handicap, of 250sovs, 6 furlongs.— > Tart 8.9, Crown Gem 8.8, Asterina 8.8, r American Beiinty 8.6. Bodyguard 8.5. Civilform 8:2. Hyttus 7.13, Hauransi 7.13, Aγmorel 7.12, Rurnwai 7.11. Kikini 7.10, t .Woden 7.8, Golden Ligat 6.10, Convention 1 6.7, Antler c.7, Maraetotara c.7 , . •■ Maiden Race, of ISOsovs, weight for age, - 7 furioDge.— Revelrv. Painia. Mom?, Lake b Robin, Black Tea. Sweet Heather. Merry 1 Bells. Crown Jester, Big Chief, Morgen, - Reality, •Whariti, The Linnet. a . - 1 RANDWICK TRAINING NOTES. k '. . STDXET. April 11. " The semi-final gallops at Randwick this '■ morning were- registered on the course c proper, where the going is good. c I Tangaiooma -beat Speciality by d leneths over six furlongs in 1.18 3-5. Tres- '. sady Queen covered seven furlongs in k 1.30 3-5. flnlsbing strongly. Salitros did '■ ten furlongs In 2.12 3-3. '• ' Eurjthmic and David went nine furlongs c leisurely 'in 2 mlns. Kennepit ran away it from Thonghtful in 2.14 4-5. Beauford and Grey, together, completed ten furlongs In 2.13. n Furious displayed a fine torn of speed it over nine furlongs in 1.58 3-3. •t Solfanello was contended with sprinting, c (A. and N.Z. Cable:) v S •t FEILBING ACCEPTANCES. o ( B y Telegraph.—Press Association^ 18 . FEILDING, this day. c The following should not appear as ac1. repting In the Kawa. Hnrdles:—Te Toa, >r Mangawai, Silta, Misty Wave, Whizbang, it and Lead-on.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 87, 12 April 1922, Page 8

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 87, 12 April 1922, Page 8

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 87, 12 April 1922, Page 8