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RACING FIXTCRES. ,By WIIALEBO.VK.i April 1. ,1 - Auckland T.C. -iprll (>, S—Manawatu R.C Ajirll 7. S —Southland K.C. April R—Hororata K.C. April lj—Tnapeka county JO. April 10. 17 Auckland R.C. April in 17- FeiMliifi J.C. April in, 17- Xlrertou R.C. April 15, 17- TCnlrarnuu R.C. April 17-Keaumont J.C. April 17. IS- Caiilcrhury J.C \ April 17- Wiiipiikunin J.C. April 17—Kninara K.C. i April lii- West la ml H.C. April Z!— Gre.nnouth J.C. April 22. 24 Av.uulnle J.C. April -M- Rcffinn J.C. April ai 27 illHwko's Boy -T.C. ; April 2N ai - South Canterbury J.C. I May 5. li-Marlbnrnugli R.C. May lv. 11- Kgmont U.r. May y≥. ia -Ashhunoii County R.C. May IS, 1(1- North Otago J.C. Mar IS, L'o Wanganul J.C. ' May 30. Junp 1. :i Dunedin J.C. June .-!. 5— Dtaki Maori H.C. June ;t. .'., 7-Auckland K.C. June Iβ, 17- NupliT i'ark R.C. | June 17- Krackeufield Hunt Club. j June l>l, 22-Hawke's Bay .T.C. June 24—itawko's Bay Hunt Clnb. ; July 13—Walmate Mstriet Hunt Club. ! July 12. l.j-Welllngton R.C. July 22—South Canterbury Hunt Club. j July 27, 2!>- Gisborne K.C. July lia-Cliristeliurch Hunr Club. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ! (•-.PORT (Onehiingm.-Royal Abbey carried ■ 9.:t In the tlrst divVlmi of the Jcrvols Handicap, 113 in the Rnnfiirly Welter, ami 12.3 in the Fitzroy Welter, all of > which he won. R.D.-The only way you eonJd get the exact | time would lie by writing to the secretary i of the Wellington ltneing Club, wi.-losing | a stainp-.-d envelope for a reply. H.T. —The riders were T. Clover (Starland), H. Robinson (First Salute), and It. Heed CUaeuag). PUNTHR.—A. .1. 'McKlinn rode Anomaly, and J. O'Suea Radiant Light. The latest Melbourne Tapers say' that Merrum is .iv good heart, and iiwy race again shortly. The death is reported from England of Aseti'S Silver, which won the Liverpool Grand Natiounl for Prince llatzfeldt in 1900. i Geoffrey is to be given a sj>ell. ami the son of The 'Sybarite will probably not he asked to carry silk again until next season rolls around. It lias Been decided to send No Bother south to fulfil his ensicMnts at the ■Mnuawatu Racing •Club's Autumn Meeting next week. Mr. W. J. Donovan, who trains Kick Off, the winner of the N.Z. St. l.eger on Thursday, also trained Duo, which won the event 'asit year. The TnUuranpa Ilnnt Club showed a bal- j anee in excess of Income on last year's working <if f-» v > 8. 1. The club has now £3000 on deposit at call. H is understood . that Mr. A. G. Wood will retain his position as starter for the Duncdin Jockey fhrb until the end of the [ present season. Lochella is reported to be doing good work In the South, uud tflere is every pro- i I bability of his being , found contesting llio ■Great Northerns next June. Myall King was tried over the bis eouni try at Ellerslie .>n Thursday marnius. jump- , ing the sod wall, double am', stone wall, giving a satisfactory display. Rapine, the winner of the Plunk'-t Nursery Handicap at Trentham on Thursday, was one of the outside division, and returned a dividend close on to a score. Althongb Gasbag has been paid up for in the C..T.C. Easter Handicap, he is nominated at Ellerslle, and also appears in the lists for the Avondale Jockey Clnb Meetifig. The Hawera trainer, Mr. J. Brown, has engaged two boxes at Mr. W. (i. li-wiu's. j Ellerslie. and v expoc-teil to arrive ac hea<l-qnarte-rs shortly,,with Rational ami another. Just before the last mail left Sydney Kolfanello was heavily backed for the Doiiciister Handicap and he wound up second favourite. Beauford being at the head of the quotations. Pctunln. which won tile Silverstreani Hack Handicap at Trenthain on Thursday, is a gelding, by Absurd from Bronze, and at <mc time carried the colours of Mr. G. D. Greenwood. j Trainers and jockeys requiring licensee for next season would be well-advised to make | themselves acquainted with the new reguln- i tions passed at the last N.Z. Racing Conference on the ficenelnß question. 1 . It is understood that the alterations to I the members" stand at Ellerslie will be of a I pretty extensive chara-cier, but there is no | prospect of anything being attempted before i tine Autumn Meeting is concluded. The Demosthenes mare Pentc which raced unsuccessfully at the Auckland provincial meetings, is now af Kllerslie, being prepared for the A.X.C. and Avondale fixtures by Mr. K. QninJivan. The locally trained horses Oruarangi. Comedy Chief. Gold Girl. Grand Voyage, Stormy Voyage, and Salamander have been nominated for the 5.7.. Metropolitan Trotting C'luVs Easter Meeting. Uaplne, the winner of the I'lunket Nursery Ha-ndicap on Thursday, is owned by Mr \ 1 11. Williams, and L-s a colt by Martian from I I'ineta. Rapine is engaged in the Great I Northern Champagne Stnkes. in which Mr I AVilliams also has Epitaph. • j K. A. Connolly's apprentice V. Sleigh I was nearly concerned in ' a repetition of ' tbe I'olytheist tragedy on the last day of the V.R.C. meeting. After his mount" Sir Andrew had won the Gibson Carmii-hael Stakes, it was only with the help of the i bridle that jSleigli could draw the weight. ■Mr. G. D. Greenwood has won most of the important classic events in.thp Dominion at mie time or the other, but the success of i '(Mourning in the North Island Challenge j Stakes at Trenthiim on sXhnrsiiny gave him | Ms first win in that event. Gloaming con- | tested the event in lfilO, when he wa* I caught in the barrier and Ml, Warplanc scoring a sensational win. Pluto was made a belter favourite for the New Zealand St. I«fr than Kick Off. Cleasauta the only other starter appearing on the big side. The latter set the pace, and at one singe had a lead of fully twenty lengths. Kick Off hems about three lengths ahead of Pluto. Cleiisanta was beaten when they reached the straight, and Kick OfT taking charge easily kept l'iuto ofT and won by three lengths, paying a surprisingly good dividend. Kick O(T now seems to be at his best, and it was bad luck for Mr. McLeod to lose his services In the spring. A writer In the rhrist.-hurch 'Tress" has figured It out thai Di-sert Cold with 23.133 soys. Is as yet the biggest stakewinner amongst the mare-.! In Australasia Furious, v.itli,r, soys. Is In fourth pl.'ice. but if she wins the A.J.C. St. I.eger she will be In second place and within; striking distance of JJesert Gold. At present, Cartitii in second with 17.K30 soys, and Wakeful third, with K1.G90 soys. Wnkeful's record is all the more creditable when It is remembered that »lip did not? race as a two and three-year-old. Tlie death occurred in Sydney a week I ago of the Imported horse Tressadv. the \ property of Messrs. Thompson llros.i Oak- i lelgh Stud' Wldden. Tressady was liv . Persimmon (winner of the Derby ' ami St. Leger) from Simplify, and out of ! his seven Starts In England whs only twl-e ' out of a place. In Australia he * proved himself one of the country's best sires. h*3 ' progeny winning many of the Important races. He was the slrp of Tliana, Tres- i snilr Queen. ,Str»tTire(lnle, Miilllli, Prince I Tres-sady. Colbert. Sue. Daarewin. Tressavr Theory, Sail On. and many other wellknown performers in Australia and New Zealand. season his progeny won I £17,400 in stnkes. H I Pitlsworth. RathJin. und Knmanr-e were- ! schooled iv company over the big fences al I. Klleivlie on Thursday raornine. They i jumped the sod wall and ilouble in good ] style, then Romance was pulled n(V. and the ■ other pair went at the stone wall Pitts- ! worth, which was leading, slipped as they approached tlic fen.-c. and fell Into the ditch in front of it. this frightening R.-nhlin. which - stopped. The latter ra (r : .cil ns«in and jumped it in good style, while Plrtsworth. after being lot on his feet again, was rp--fflounted and .lumped the water, hut nn making ajiother attempt a.t rhe etone wall ■ stopped, and was then taken oft. j

I The seldtng Te Itohae was schooled over the h mile* ;it Kllerslie on Thursday inoru--1 ing, feucins well. There will be no mectln? of tile Auckland M.-trlet L'ooiiuUtee until after the Auckland Hating Club's Autuinu Meeting. llOMe Buy and Silver I'enk were scratched or nil I'njjiiKenii'nts at the Easter .ueetlug ill HI o'clock this luorulug. Thi> latest mall from Rnjrlan.l stave the '•pinions of various writers on the chances ■ il' the i-aiHlidiitcs for the Liverpool Grand N'ntional. and tlu> general idea of t*e leadins screes was that Music Hall did nut stay 100 well, : ilr. R. A. McKeuzlc lias evidently serious ! thoughts of urliiKlnjt his team north at ; Kas.t-r time, for hi adilltion to nominating iat Kllerslie he hiis enjtaned Hid lio'.d, I'-leu-I santa iiiul Ankari m Avondale. 'Something nt a record was put up hv Mr. W. IS. Kemball ar the re<-ont one-day meetine lirld at Masti-rlon. when .1. Barry, A. Jieed. A. Oliver, (.'. Holmes, I) It. Ciinu. and L. (.;. Morris all wore his colours. It Is not oflen that .1. IVShea jiels ??ri at the barrier, Pnir in (he North Island . stated to have lost several lengths ill the ! i start. Kpoiliutf auv possible chance he may I : have had. ' Prliitcnips. the winner of ttfe Wellington i Thompson Handicap, relumed n double flsrure dividend. Anomaly wa.s a srood favourite, with Quest, Askarl. Insurrection, i Silver Peak, and Radiant Llsht best backed i of the others. J The acceptances received for the principal j events at the I'.J.C. Easter Meeting show several horses ensured at Ellcralie In the lists. Owners will probably not make up their minds deiiniiely until after the weights : for the Master Meeting appear. I Mistress Bidrly. the oxAuckland-owned I pony, after letting her .supporters down ib.-idly at a recenl Aspol meeting tbrc.uch dwelllui! at the harrier, made on March 22 by winning the second division of flic Unsobery Handicap, starthic a warm favourite. It was the intention of the stewards or the Wellington llnrlnu' Club to prohibit th,. apprentice rlrier* In [he Kllvorstream Handicap, run ill Trenthnm on Tlinrsdny. usinst whips and spurs, but as the programme had lieen puMUhed before ilu> new condition was suggested the restriction was withdrawn. The Avondnle Jockey Club have received record nominations for their autumn meetUisr. a larjjp number of outside horses being ( included In the 'lists. Mr. t'oyle will tot I declare the handicaps for the first day's raeinn till afier the concluding day's racing at KNersllo. Ancivl.AM) KACI.VU CI. UTS. F. 3, McMunemln will declare the handicaps Tor the ■Konler Handicap. President's Handicap. I'.riahton Hurdles, Onslow Stakes. Autumn Slee>.!orh.f*e Nelson Handicap, and Eden Handicap on Monday next, the Hril inst.. iinrl a'-eeptan'-o.x for the wh..le of the ev.-nl< mervtloned close with the secretary. Mr. \Y. S. Spcnee. on Friday next. 7th Inst., at ."> p.m. Says the Dunedin "Stiir": The Dimedin I .Jockey Club has not yet received word from the Minister of Inlernnl Affairs that I lie has jrranted the permit for the special I race uieetlns propose,! to be i>.'id nt Wliigitut for the ber<»m of disatiled soldiers o:i April i. , . ibuf there seems to he no reason for anxiety on the subject the permit «-1! I pniliably come to hand all rijcht and nil that U feared is Hint the delay will menu of preparations. The committee has n>I solved that Jill who nttetlil wll! hay.> to pay fop admission on this occasion even tlie stewards, and the officials nre jrlvlng their services gratii! as a contribution to the \ The "Dominion." in Its ncennni of the , r.iniilni of rho Tliomp.s«n Handicap, snys: [ The field was dispatched well Io time, liurt 'Rlackmail immediately took frnra Oasliaa. Quest. Anom.ily. an.l Print em px. At the half mile Anomaly was nearest t.i tt>.e leader, mid he lidned her tit th.- stralirht entrance. Two furlongs from home Ga-shat; was with the other p.U r . and Mnrnneienr dor up on the inside, rriniemps then shot out. and Hashne was nearest to him. Inside the distance Silver l'enk put in a rim on the outside, ond a great race to the post saw Printomips win by ,i neck from Silver Peak. with. Coaling ahead away. Manpiiiueteur was richt up In fourth ula.-e, nnd then came TTespiis? and Rl'iekmail. Iho l>ist •to finish belns? Asknri, Aureate, and Martial Pawn. The race was very cleanly run. thanks to the fast pace set. ATTKi.AND TROTTINT, fLFB. The acceptances for the second day's raclnn of the Auckland Trotting Club's Autumn Meeting, whkh takes place on Wednesday, the in«t. clo«e with the secretary. Mr. C. P. Mark, on Monday next, ■the 3rd lust, ar !i p.m. THE FENCES ON THE niLly. Now that another jumpln; season is commemlns. those who have riven Ihe nutter any consideration, are :iL-aln trying to solve the question as to the eauee o> s<, many horses, unions them recognised kooil .iumpers. cumins to (,'rief at the lir-1 r -n.-o on top of the hill at Kllerslle. Time and acaiu, the latest most noteworthy imtiiice helni; Uiat of (,'orosleii in tlie last UivMt Northern, horsey have tOjipled over at this I portlcnlnr terms, whi.h cannot by any i means be classed as formidable, .-o tliat there must be some nttier cause. An experienced aiifliorlly ha.s the matter considerable consideration, and gives it as liis opinion that, the fence is not quite high eiiousih, nnd that horses as they come up to the incline to it see the top of the second fence a little further on, and really <lo not sight the first obstacle until they are rlpht on it. There eeeuis to he a lot in this contention, which is nt anyrate worthy of BefloUH consideration, and It is to be hoped Uiat the committee will s.'o Into the question and eveutually effect an improvement. A 810 DISAPPOINTMENT. I The withdrawal of Gloaming from the Treirtham Golil Cup will cause considerable disappointment throughout the Dominion. for racegoers from the North Cape to the Hluff were looking forward to a meeting between Amythns and Mr. Greenwood's 1 champion with iinn-uaHy keen Interest. -(iloamins's defection practically means that the pair will never meet, and one can only surmise that: Mr. It. J, ..Mason is of tlie opinion that, two miles is beyoud the compass of liis clinrße. Of course the cases horses are nominated for races, which are a hit too far fnr them, but this is an owner's privilege, and there is always the probability of the field being a weak one. However. Amythas is to he on hand to defend his title. ;ind will have n couple of I stood three-year-olds In Kick Off and Win[nlnsx.llit to oppose him. while Mr. Kembnll, las is always found to be the case, when possible In races of this description, has paid up Tor Trespass. Tlie race should be a jtood one, hut as before mentioned the absence of <Jloamiiift will cause tbe hiKcest disappointment supporters of the Kporfi have had for many years.

* MANAWATU RACING CLUB. THE ACCEPTANCES. PALMERSTOX NORTH. Friday. The acceptances for Hip Manawatu Racing Club's Autumn Meeting are:— Karokarc Hurdles (if SOOsovs, one mile nml three-quarters.—Mnniahera 11.11, m<l <;old 10.12. Wamba I<>">. No Rotbor n.i). Ooldsrene 9.3, Mnnirawan 9.0, Misly Wave fi.o. Wliizz Hang 0.0. ITlune of Wales Handicap nf .".OObovr, nine furlofists.— Volo M.S. Konuetter X.7. I'aonui 7.!1. Martial Dawn 7.10. Asknri 7.!), Strategy 7.0. Little River 7.0. Detroit C.7, American Beauty (1.7. Woden 0.7. WoodUey Hack Handicap of 2DO3OYS. six furlonc-s.—Danger Zone ll.!i, Mort Avis 8.12, Red Hind 5.9. Inland 8..">. Scotch Mixture 8.."i. Wrnnirle 5.4. Warpatli 5.4. Comic S.-i. I'rossUrc 8.:;. Jackaroo 7.13, Ambitious 7.K1, Lady Nassau 7.12. RllssfuliK'ss 7.5. Merrlfi Queen 7.8. Atlnpo 7.5. I'aiu 7..".. Mounstnick 7.4, Yankee Van 7.3, Tekurl 7..'!, Santiago 7.2. Kunny Sjjw 7.2. Ronectn 7.2. lConmark 7.2. Orchid <1.12. Will Prosper 6.7. T.lntoii Handicap (hnek conditions) of SODsovs. one mile and a distance. —T.a I'Hloma fl.O. Kerle S.W. Spook S.H, Anselo 8.0, Kilreld 8.-"i. Sir Wnl 5.3, islainl S4, Dissertation S3. Crossllre R.I. I'ctunia 8.1, All Cet-iae 7.13, Ilaflowroz 7.1", Redlnsnie 7.9, Datilloff 7.9. Antler 7..". Kdemlale 7.4, Mattock 7.-1. Miinmnln 7.4. .Flve-eisliths 7.-J, Pantler 7.1, P'.oasuffi Telejrraph Ilnndifiiii of 4(ifisors. six furlongs.—Silver Link n.i:), Surveyor 9.5. Rouen 9.2. riilmern 0.1, Mustard lot 8.13, .Still Sea T.i::. nirl.l«. T.ll. rnilatrlimi T.IO. n.-i.-k----shcesli 7.10. Trliintllct 7.7. Jovial 7..\ Irapnl;n n.IS. Martian Miss H7. Kuia U. 7. Automoana (i.7. Awnpnnl fJold ('up (weight for ace* of KOfIsOTR. one mile and a-iiiiartpr. Amytllaa 9.2. Marciuetcnir 9.2. Trespass 9.2. (j'asbac 9.0. Kick Off 8.0. Thespian S.(i. ClPasanra 5.4. Autumn riHte of I"iisors im:ii-lnn 2 c.12. 3-TCnr-olri.i 7.11 ,-md'lsi snven riirlonjJS.—l'iinihlr.e 7.H. liaisan 7.11. <;.-.->,i Mart-7.1t. Mnrtnlla -7.11, I'ppp n Drt 7.11. Subrapree 7.11. Wooletta 7.11. VnUndc 7.11, Bonny Narsc 6.12, Diamond Rins 6.12. /

THE AWAPI'NI GOIJS CVT. An acceptance of seven for the Awapunl i r...M Cup. to lie run next Thiirxday. is very I Satisfactory, and whatPvcr tlip result of the ■, two mile race run ;it Trcnlliatn IhN after- i 1100:1 the meeting of Amythas, Ki.-k Off. WlnnliiK Hit. llllcl Thespian over the mile , nnd n quarter should provide a iiroat strucgle. In addition, the Rood handl.-np performers Murquetenr, Gashap, and Tipspass are also pnpagpd. nnd the event promises lo he one of the best yet eouteatetl at Awujninl. ! rANTKRBI'RT ACTVMX MF.RTING. (By Tpte?i*pli.- Prfs« Association.) riTnisTfiiunrn, Friday. The folluwiun acceptance- have been received In couueciluii with the Canterbury .10-key Club's fonlieomlnj! niiliimii nieetin-: Great Easier Handicap, seven furlongs — Vespucci !1.5, Hutu 0.8, Clean Sweep 8.9. Souxblnl X.M, Oiluieni S.ii, Silver leak M.4. Sunny I.oc-h K.S, Onnhng S.J. Scrlmmace / T.Ki. 'Battle Seene«T,">. lion Spec 7.5. General Advane,. 7.4. fnllavhan 7.4. Mirensonta 7.3. \ lii-luilltik I"U> pennlty. HPiicallon 6.10, Tatan 1 Tiitau H.O. lloniiius (i.7. I Greal Autumn Handicap, one mile and a- > half Vespuei I i 1.4 I'liiln S.lll. Casbnir R.O, l-'oo Cliow s.c. KKnllsm 5.4, l'lilpstrlna 8.2, Sunny I.oeh T.i:t. General Ailvnnce 7.K'.. Sycnrnj: 7.10. Clean Sweep 7.5. KKgnnr 7.8, 7.7. Mythology 7.1. Martin] Dawn 7.:(. Bonnie Winkle 7.0. ciiitnipiißnp Stakes, six fnrloncs.—Mountain Lion. Muni-. Inn-pur, Tressayr. Triernmln. Ares, tllu'litand. .Monrlantl, MM10? Klttlr. filly by Ueseworthy Gaze. inc. Farceur.' \Vinninz Hit. Mlreusonta. <'leasantn. Mountain I/Inn. Highland. Moorland. Little Kiver. Kilrcid, Pantler. Ashlea. FlePting. AVONDAT.F. JOCKEY CI.CB. AfTUMN MEETIXI! NOMINATIONS. j ! The f.dlowins are the nomiuation? re- , r-eived In emiupeilon witli the Avonda.e Jo.-key Club's Autumn Meeting, which la j tixed lo take place hu Saturday and Monday. , April L"J and ' Maiden I'lnlc llandloap. Marble Glass. ' {'11 Btiiil. Marble eras, l'otoii yueen, l'pnjjwen, Hetty r.ruce. ttaraugl, KOBCWUtir, Semper Idem, Golden Gluss, Qullit llllan. D.ltllon I'otfll Salvur, Wl'Kt Abbey. Itosul;us. Vii.le Ja-'-U. lien Nevis, llecrcatlou, lienipsey. Kiinuim Omana. Sussex. Ksp anade. l'rincess Hell. I'as.sionate, 'Ie Akital, Wnnlgnii. Kiuki.ra. Arch yuill. lTlnce MeiimlilknlT. Auilfonn, Gold .Jacket, Kcono-| Lille. Nauahty Girl. Audltur. | I lolisdiivillP'lhirdlfs. -Complex, l.uperlno, Old Colli. Ktiirjiml, Kxijk.i-er. Keystone. GiiPrre-n-Mort, «he.|shook, KoXK'love. Guianaform Gi.i-er Mli-k. Snake, Auburn, .No Itother. liuynl ITin.e. Wbukamukn. Cro*-, hurst. Tenacious. Sinmnides. Clon.nel I'artdlnaton Green, Thrace. I'ui l'ol. Sa ai.nle, Daddy"!! Glßl. Knlhlln. I'oanui, Blui- Cross. r.e/.ani, KlKanl, Tinokaha \vondale Handicap. Tiiiiia-a-roa. Khunlnl Khan. Cleasanla. Askarl. Mansainahoe, l'prfect Day, Iloyal Box. l'eiHP. Tiuohoro, K.iyiil Abbey, imele G«jJ>aß. Itro.nwimd lleci-fiil. Martial Duwn. Prince Jewel. Truthful. Dovolel. Insurrection. Boomerdav. illeomi' I'Ail-est Uo.d. landslide, tlluminntloi). Archie. Sylvan. I.nyal ' r J Rh . !^ r h . I\T,V^C,nyU,dr^r1 \T,V^C,ny U,dr^rn 1 an i k i : :,, Uud l.lpht. Tamnletp. Oakley Hark Handicap. Merry Prlnep. I'Hntorls, Marble Cilass, Salvaless. Klslc Aroha Princess Charmlnj.'. Sliortland, Siilrlt Level' Prince Charles. Sir Burnett. \taehrpp \ri7.ona Maid, llon'l. Miss Hester. Navann "Nlnn-nwhi-r... Jol'.y Gay. St. Walpn, liitholia". Gamboola, Kleetlon. Lady Vnreo. NtshlmWlT, Peter Maxwell, Merry HniPs. Marble Slab. Marble Bell. Kuphnrln. \Vnlknma. Tlr.-u-ss. U.Mlnniitr. Pentitmim. Jolle Princes Pollni IrNh Kniirlit. ltnynl I rrsem. Lady !!oll.V. Gold .1,1-ket. Ki-onoinlr. I.nne Star. I.n Pii'-elle, Gold Bud. Morbllss War Tank. Flowins Howl, Formalin, Neva, rtaktira. ChovallPr Steeples. Active. l.upenno. W-iinrti Old I!oli1. Silver l'lne. KlliiorPr. Thi-anilnl. Keyslone. Myall KIllB. Siiakp. rurnplPii. Totara .lack. Foenian. Tenneions. 1: rami Canyon Toddy. PaiMtnslnn Greon. Te Toa Oak Abliey. Kiistpurt. John Bunny, Rathlin. Oaloopiu. No Surren.ler. Konrn. IMttsw.»rth Fibre. Onk'idch, Homanop. Tinorot". Se:. npMl. Hallway Hamlienp Tnma-a-roa. Namnt,.re Awake. Voluble I .inly GHhwis. Royiil r.lood I'oyal Ron. Sir Kurnplt. Conncmnra, Kineral.l Hill. Tdlpnmep, Prince AWey, Oneen Ahbev. Lady Patience. l.oeli Abbey. (irniosniip. 'Still Sea. Callachitn. Prln.-e Teivel Surveyor. Alisnrdurn. novelet. ITlpo. Mißtl'in Prince Charlerol. KtaniniPr. Illnminilnn.'l.Nnl Konllworth, I.oval Irish Pavo. Gulden Drea'n. Blnnclif Abbey. Sr.ulierina, GnMen Hubble. Uedford. Willi lancn. Titlrnnsl Welter 11.-iudleap. -I'nntnrlfl Khan Voluhle. Tresor. ■fv'ki IVnnna ' Prince Carl. Gn'.dplane. Sir i:nlph. KeL-eni. Fa«lili.n. MlralwhnnB ata \rlz-.n.i Maid. Nnvnnn, Boynl Abbey, luf-iiite Hiiholia. Kumara. rtepredntlon. 5,,« w 'Mumble PaMnithiin. F.le.-tloii. Trutnfnl Gr'eekson. Ornnsii. PovelPt, Forest Gold. Illumination. Areliie. Syivnil. Areli Ma rent, Ni'ht Time Fort Iteral. H.iyill Present. Poamil CanowiTid-M. Wallop. Glen Cnnnv. Howins P...w1. Spirit Level. SF/'OND PAY. Waikntnete Hurdles. -Complex. I.uperino old (told, si.irland. Kzplurrr, Keystone Guerre a Mori Shellshock. Guianfoini.' Ginger Mick. Snake. Coroßlen. Auburn, Master Hrnce. No Bother. Whakamukti. (.'rowhurst. Tenacious. Sinmnides. Puddiiiaton Green. Te T<.n. Thrace. P.d Pol Salauuie iuiddy's Girl. Mansawal. Poaiui! nine Cross, Ilpzant, KUlnrd, Entente Cordialc. Tinokaha. Dominion Handicap. Mni'ble Glass. <'n lioni. .Marble C'rnif, Potoa queen. Penu'wen. Hetty llnn-e. RnraiiKl. Itosi-wulpr. (inprre 1 Mort Semper Idem. Golden Glass. Quinillian I'oten, Miss Hester. Salvor. Navana. Itosiilh'S, b in by .Marble Arch—l'hlra. I'm-le lack. lien Nuvis. Itpcrpallnn. Uempsfy, imaiia. F.splanade. Princess Keif. Pnssiomito Te Akital. Marble Slab. Wani 'an Forest Gold. Arch Qiill, tSattle Pinue, \miform. Koyal Present. Gold Jacket. F.eo--10ml.• Lone Star. Marbliss. Auditor. Nursery Handicap. - Viyella, Mountain Uon, iMundanr Flnelli, Dorlnda. Unspvella. Llftbtwnod. (Junieblps. Far North. Florent. Arc-h Lily. Just, ltretliuid. lUipine. Our [Tinee l.'nde Ali'jc. Hay Dli;lilon, Ituapapa. S'oeturnp. Bustler. Kins Cheops. After Dark Steel Bar. Nliphang. I'oloa KlilK, Uelinemenl Kleel rode. Sheffield. Vexation. Lady I.'ds.' Owen. Ntiatelief. KnlliUßlasm. ■'ahrikoff. Bonny Canny. Gipsy <;irl. Rafa. Autimin llandlcnp.—(Rational. Tamaa-roa. ■antorlß Kluibliil Khan. Geoffrey. Vohrble, ■leasanta. Askari, Hans. Man;.'amahoo. Perfect Day. Penona. Royal Box. Penle, l'rtnce 'nrl. Gold Plane. Spirit Level. Some Fashion. Tiuohoro. Royal AWhey. fnele \'ed Infante, illilholia. Gasliai;. P.roadwood, flaeeful. Martini Dawn. Prince Jewel. Itadiant I ight, Foresl Colli. Income, Marble Bell Stork. Nlcht raider. Boomerlay. Insurrection. Dovelel. Truthful. Landslide, illumination. Areb'p. Sylvan. SMebt Time. Irish. Fort Rppnl. Itnyal Present I'MROWlndrn, Silver Link. Arch ■ialute, Wiip Arch. (Jlen Cranny. Gold Bud. lolden B*ihWe. Flowing Bowl, War Tank. ■Mount 'Ivden Slenples. -Luperino. (Silver

Pino I.ady Lyddite. Ksplorer. Thisantliu. Keyxtone. ' Sliellshivrk. l-'oxclovo. Mynl! Kins, Snxkr. f'OToitlPn. Totaro Jack. Fopman, Tenacious. Grand Canyon. Toddy. Paddlnnton Green, To Toa. Oak ATjbpy, Kastport; John Runny, Katlilln. naloopln. No Surrender, Koura. Pittsworth. Fibrn. n.-il:loit:li. Rnraniirn, Tiniroto, Active, Old <;nM, Spa r>e'il. Walmaf. Waitakere Handicap.— Tamn-u-roa. 'MeriT l'rini-c. Niunutero, Awake. I.ady Rnynl Blood. Tpnona, Klsio Arnhn, .Rpgont. Elrti'fonn. I'onnmara, Wiusnnu' Arch. ICmornlfl Mill. Danton. Tolerance. Star T.ovp. Qiiopn Aliboy. Lady Patience. St. -Watoa. Loch AOjbey, Fife and Dnim. .Still Sra. Unynl Fancy. Rurvpyor. •ibsurdnm. Oranira. novelet Hlpo. l'rlnce Cliarlprol. Tireless. Lord Konilwnrtli. .lolie Princess, l'avn. OdM.'Tl Drenm, r.ady Roily. (lo'.ilen P.ul/lile, Mid-'et. King

Neva. Mmml Koskill Ilaek Unndioap.—Merry I'rince. Panlorls. Marble Class. RlppKns. Elsie Arolin. Princess Clrirmiiig. Spirit 1,1-vel. HWwater. Prince OUarlcn, Marine. Arizona Maid. I'nlcn, Don't. Salver. West A.M>?y, Mangawhero. JoHp Gay, St. Walpa, Hituolia. Ben Xpvis, Rppn'alliin. Dompscy. Kumar.-i. Sussex. Oamhciolu. Kli-i-tli.ii. Esplanade. I.:iOy Varoo. Te Akitai. Nishtraiiler, IVtcr Mnxwt-11, Merry Times. Martjle S!ib. Marl>le Hell. Knphoria. Kinborn Waiknretii. Arch Qiiil. Tireless. Ro«iuante, Jollo l'rlncpss, Pollnl. Iri.-li KiilfTlit. Fort Restal, (iolil Jacket. Kei rifiniii , . 'fli.ld ".ml. Niuitfhly filrl. War Klowlnjt Howl. Formalin, Klnsr Neva. Ct.'ikuni. MorniUL'Klde Welter Handicap.-Mei-.-v Prince. Caiiu.ris. Cv Ji.nii. .Vwake, V.ilulile'. Askari. Salvalesa, fflTTi):. Tieki, IVnona. Ruyal Jinx. Shortlrtlid. Sir JLilpli. Itosent. Some Fashion. Mimin-liaiiKata. Sir Buraett. Machrt'P. Winsome Arch. Arizona Mnlil. Toleran.e. Nnvatin. Ohlnewalrua. Royal AW)ev. Lady Patience. Infante. Rltlinii.i. Crotosane. Tresor. (inldon Walton. .\rcli Saline, (ileneamiy. T.lancli<- Abbey. 1.1 Piuullp. Soyl'erina. Klowinß l.owl. Spirit I.evol. Hedforrt. Danger Zone. Kuiiiara. Dppr"i!a tion. iMumhle. Kleilloi. T'lire Jowl, Truthful. Purveyor. <"l<inm**l. Incom**, :ian. Slammer. Forest Gold. Wnikaretii. Illum'-nat!nii A-vli'c Sylvan. Tirolpsp. Arch Marpni .lollie Princess. Nichr Time. Polini Loyal Irish, Pavo. Poanul, Canowinrtra.

At KlWslie this morninc the steeple- ' ehasp coarse was open, and eight horses wore schooled, ffoinj; over the hill. Dnlnopll, (iraml Canyon, Myall Kins, and Ulailwln comprised the lirsl quartet, all setting round safely, iviili Urnnrt Pnnynn and Myall Ktnjr tnsjether in rrnin nt tlie finish. rittswnrth. l.ady I-yddite. fciriilin, .'.nd Romance were Hie next division, I'lttsworih l.oim l.ndlv left, unmani'c Rtnppoil at the first feme" on -the Mil. and i-nuld nut lie lnduied tn Jump It, the others fi-U'-lng in gouil style. ' :

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 78, 1 April 1922, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. SCIIOOT.JNV? AT RLI/URST.IE. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 78, 1 April 1922, Page 12

RACING WORLD. SCIIOOT.JNV? AT RLI/URST.IE. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 78, 1 April 1922, Page 12