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fßy -WHALEBONE. ,, ) RACING FIXTURES. M.irli 1"'- Waisnatc RC. jliir •:-. 17 "i-uunkc H.C. Mii.'-ii IT 1-- ■•l.::icuiurl J.C. -,t ,:■-■:> 1- -1.,.-:- :...p R.C. ;.fi,-h :■-■. ■-■ •■•i. iiri!.i i i:.c. Mn.vli 'J). -'•". '»'■ i-:i»ti J.C. March : ; ". April ; Wellington R.C. AN.-wri!.- Tv ciiiiIiKSrONDEXTS. T. 1... Taih,i:e. - r..i!Li:~it (G. Hrlcp. i. Solu:i'.';i (\V. -. Aurauis (C. .lenkiusi :;. \l ; ir;,.ii I awn. ■- rein "v it a distance of. a n:ilf ili'.'l II bill:". The np!'n-n:ii i- Molt been engaged to r 1,1,. iJlcii '~:,:...■ ii; Hie (ihliiciuuri Cup "n Frld.iy. Tii" ::-■»'■-■" ni'prcntiro Fanning is to have ::..■ iu.-uh: "D I'riii'u Carl in the Ovine- , niiir; I'up. .Mr. W. .-'in-,. :- i i»ii:g Polini. Nighttime, ami ■>■■•>> '' r: ''- : " I'acroa for the UlilucMr. J. C!d.<. .;;ii Nk IVpin to I'aeroa by ste •,:■ .-i .-v villus, t' fulfil his engageni«n:.- a: ill- olnm nuri .I.e. Meting. Mr. v . Siuitli is only taking two of his u .ain. G'.M -1: i ---~. r rind Gi.-n Canny, to I'aerna for :he lihiuejiurl J.C. Meeting. i .mi Siitunlanis is a! present having an easy i in i. - ■•:' it, and will not fnlril any ..f hi- 'en^.i-im>-u:- ;ii ihe "hiucuiuri J.C. MeetIt is understood that Mr. E, Brercton ha; taken i.ver tlio coiurnl of the horses racing in the i.-.kurs of Mr>. Veery and Mr. VV. !•'. Licsha. I At til' , Napier rark Meeting, the riders, Kavlv and Kerry, wire uneJ for j-i.IiM-r ivltlio-it >kull c-aps. It cost the funnel' U. I'ittsw.,-;:, .!■:! !_ Iy r.yddiie were sehoole I ovf.- tin- ] -'.i i< iK-i-s :ij Kllci'slio oil Monday morning, i.n ].;.; get;!itg ihrough their tasks without D.>ll;:i'. Totara Jack « i- .lumped over a foupic n£ hurdles ,i: ni T-lif yi—ienlay morning, giving eviclei,.-c that lii- resi has not inipaiieJ. his juuipm- :ii'!ll;y. 11,.ma:.■• i- :: r •■:iu i iu.i] nil Ihe opening day of ihr li:i!iii-i,:ii:i .I.e. Mn;ing. bin Mr. j. Lmiiilic.-- • i.t'-.'.ix l.mi in I'aerua fur iue second day „{ ilie lixlnre. | Arch Salute. wlili;h i-.mli! Hut fulfil his engagemenis a! il.c 'i'c Aroha meeting owing to slightly ricking liiin-cH", i.s working ugain ou the tra< U- at lillerslle. Mr. E. !'«!«• will >■ have n tpam of two ai the llilin-iiirrl -i.' , . Mctnlug. and 101 l this morning ».:;. and I'rtwv I'arl,- bulb of which arc at the lixrure. The waikaiu-.'wiii'd liorsi-*. KinclU a;ul St. Wains, and tae Aucklaudonueil Royal Wood are the only innuluatlons from this end of the Islanu fur the Welllngtou Uuciug Club's Autunui Meeting. Rattleplanc was allowed to drop out of his ensageniei;; nil t lip opeiiing day of tlie Ohiueniuri Meeting, but Mr. F. Weston is taking him to I'aeron ft the Ilikuiaiii Hack Handicap on the second day ~f [he fixture. Toddy gave a good exhibition of jumping over the big fences at Kllerslie yesterday morning, afterwards galloping a strong on<e round. Tin- gi-ldUm i< in fultil his engagements at tlm Diduemurl J.C. Meeting. Mr. A. Julian is raking Fidget to Faeroa for the Ohinemml .I.e. Meeting, and with War Tank ai.d l'lowlna Howl .-Uso io make the trip, tlie Messrs. Roulstou will have turee liurscs to carry ilu-ir colours at the fixture. Bezant and nine cross were schooled over a couple of ihi.' pony hurdle*, and then four of the higaer ■■lies ai Kllerslie yesterday morning. Neither nude a mistake, although Ulua Cross jumped some of the obstacles a bit slowij-. I Mr. C. Coleman is handling 3 hay full brother to Poauui. which was recently purchased, by one of his patrons. Tlr Kll.-rslio trainer is only taking the two-year-olds Sir Otway and flwen tot I'aeroa for ihe Uhincmuri J.C. Meeting. l<. Reed, who was somewhat knocked arout when he got a fall from F.pitaph n week or so auo, is making good progress toward recovery, lie was ::t the Napier Park j Meeting, but only as a spectator, being art ' yet unable to take his place in the saddle. The Southern apprentice, A. Dixon. will he ridinz at the Ohiuemnri Meeting, and has b"en engaged to ride War Tank in the Ohi'iemurt Cup. Th? writer has been authorised to make engagements for the boy should auy owners require his services. The recent form of Kick Off suggests that the son of All Black is now back to what he gave promise of in the early spring, and his ■presence in the New Zealand St. Leger and Great Northern St. I.eier will greatly add to the interest in those even;s. The Demosthenes gelding Doric, which was purchased last season by a Whangarei sportsman, but which owing to a mishap done very little racing since, is now located at Kllerslie. where he is doing his tasks under the supervision of Mr. W. Tozer. The A.J.'C. handicapper is evidently of the opinion that there is at least one horse better than Kurythmic over a mile in Australia, for he has assessed Beauford at 10."), asking him to concede lib to both Eurythmtc and Gloaming. Over two miles Kurythmlc has to give Beauford G'.h. The steeplechase horse Coalition is evidently to lie tuned up for the jumping ser.ou by being raced on the flat, for he Wellington R.C. Autumn Meeting. This step will have to be followed by Auckland owners if they are to get an opportunity of givinir their cross-country horses a run. The conditions of the Autumn Steeplechase at Ellerslie confine it to hacks only, which is a mistake, for there are no less than eight horses at present working at Kllerslie which are rendered ineligible. AUCKLAND TROTTING CLCB. Nominations for all events to be decided at the Auckland Trotting Club's Autumn Meeting on April 1 and 3, together wtlh entries for the Great Northern Trotting Derby of 102:1-24. rinse with the secretary. Mr. C. F. Mark, on Friday next, the 17th. inst., at 5 p.m. MANAWATr RACING CLUB. Nominations for all events to be decided at the Manawatu Raring Club's Autumn Meeting on April G and S. together with forfeits for the 14th Manawalu Sires I'rodu'-e Stakes, and lSth Manawatu stakes, close with the secretary. Mr. .7 M. Johnston. Box 52, I'almerston North, tomorrow. Thursday, the 16th lust., at 9 p.m. A HORSE KILLED. While lining a gallop on the No. " grass gallop it Ellorsllc yesterday morning. In company wlih Sjl.nmic. (1,,, thrcesi-ear-old gelding Sunny River was seen to falter and Ihen fall heavily by the three furlong post. His rider. J- Conquest, soon regained his feet, but ihe horse was unable to move and ou examination was found to have broken one of his forelegs, and had !.. lie destroyed. According to his rider Sunny River seemed to she way behind ihf saddle, and in trying to recover himself broke his foreleg. Sunny River was; owned by the Messrs. Foss, ana was by Sunny Lake—Orange I'ippin. and had only started once, when he ran unplaced in the Avondalc shakes last season. OIIINEMURI JOCKEY CLCR. The Ohinemuri Jockey Clnti's annual race meeting will be opened on the club's»e at I'aeron un Friday, ihe 17th insi., and will he concluded the following day. Saturday. the lhth. inst.. when the sport should be. of a very standard. The principal event. the Ohinemuri Cup. has a field of fourteen engaged ..c i ,:,<« ~: , d a stirring coniest Is assured. The various other events have drawn exceptionally large nccejitances. and everything |iuints to the racing being of an i-haracier. Am-klanders wishing to attend the UxMire will be well catered for in the mutter •.•!' transit, for the Northern Steamship Company are running a spc-in] excursion, tlie ».s.' Taniwha leaving Auckland on Thursday ai midnight. returning leaving I'aeroa on Saturday a; 11.311 p.m. Special trains frnii, Auckland have been arranged for on both days, being timed iv leave :b.- city I at C.-ii a.m. on Friday, ami ten minutes later. ■ 0.30 a.m.. on Saturday. These I rains will | stop at Newmarket. Green Lane. Ellerslie. Penrose. Otahiilin. I'apakura. Drury. I'ukekohe, Tuakau Mercer, lluntly. Ngarnawnhla, llorotlu. Franklon, Hamilton and llorrlnsTilie on both the outward and homeward i journey, and are limed to leave PaeruA on both days at 6.30 p.m. .- _ J

Mr. Murray Hobbs. the well-known Kiccarton trainer, has left the Dominion on al inn ;o Knghind. The Auckland apprentice, H. Wiggins, was rid ng at the Napier Park H.C. Meeting, but lulled 10 steer a wiuner. The weights for the first day's racing of the \\ ellington Raring Club's Autumn Meeting are due on Friday next, tue lTtli inst. Insurrection, whi.-h has been a shun Kpell, is hack again on tlie tracka at in-mhaui, looking yrt-jitly benefited l>y his Jslalld, tnp gelding by Finland —All's Well, has won in three out of hhs last font- starts. and looks like repaying Mr. lliggius for liis past disappointments. The Hawk U .-, noticeable absentee from the principal events at the Auckland ana <'miterbury autumn meetings. The Hawk is engaged in tlie Great Northern St. Leger. Mr. W. li, Kemhall has not nominated either \ag!ili,)n(l or Trespass for the principal events at Auckland or Canterbury, and will probably race nearer home at Kastcr time. ; Mr. E. W. Alison, jmi., left for a business : trip to the far nortii on Monday, and will not be present at the Ohinemuri meeting i Aureate, the full sister to Desert Gold. has not been nominated for the big autumn handicaps at Kllerslie pr ltieourton. but is engaged iv both the < Trait Northern Oaks and Great Northern St. Leger. There is some talk of No Surrender being , chases Ht the A..l.C.'autumn meeting. The cost "f the trip would he no greater than if lie was laken to the Wangamii fixture. The yearling* from the Okawa. Waikanae and l-'laxmore Studs, totalling just on 30, whirh are to be offered at the Sydney sales. are to be shipped to Sydney from Wellington at ihe end of the mouth. 1 Australian papers to hand state that Mr. E. A. Connolly refused an offer of 4000ss. fur the two-year-oid Polytheist. which it will lw> remembered lust the Federal Stakes an Canlfield recently for weighing in short) weight. The exAucklaudcr General Advance was responsible for ;i good performance at tlie Core meeting, when he curried !).O into second place behind Ronnie Winkie in the Racing Club Handicap, conceding his opponent lillb. The mile and u-.niarter was covered in 2.6 :',-3, a record for the track. : Mr. J. r.uchauan remained at Te Aroha with his team after the Te Aroha J.C. fixture, and tl.e.v will be rucinic at the Ohlnemuri J. I", meeting on Friday and iSulurday. ■ Mr. <;. 1.. Stead lias loft Koyal Box iv the New Zealand St. Leger, to be run at the Wellington Racing Club's Autumn Meeting. The sou of Nassau is down to carry silk at the Oulnemnri meothis. when some idea of his form will be gained. nriirlitliqht is to be given a chance to earn i!istin.-tion as a jnmpei, and was Riven his Hi>; lesson over the obstacles at Kllerslie yesterday morning, when with Salaunie in pive Mm a lead he negotiated a couple of pony hurdles. Brlghtlight shaped with confidence, and may develop into a useful hurdler. The Trenthani Gold Cup, to he run at the Wellington Itaoing Club's Autumn Meeting, has attracted an entry of eleven, and although perlupri half of these can have no possible chance, n great race should result if A.-uytiias. Gloaming, Winning Hit, and . uossibly Kick Off g<) to the " post. The 'ethers engaged are Pluto, I'alestrina. Trespass. Vagabond, Insurrection. Aureate, and Foo Chow. Mr. J. Williamson took No Surrender. Koura Fort Hegal. Paro, Irish Knight and Golden Drram to Paoroa this mornlna for the Ohinemuri I.C. Meeting. Loyal Irish is engaged on the secunrl day of the fixture, but uutii his owner reaches Paeroa and sees the condition of the track, nothing will be as to whether the colt will be taken I to the Hxtiirc ur not. Miss Pluktrtou which realised OOOgs. at the Victorian bloodstock sales on Monday, is a stable companion of Kurythmic. Tangaloorna, David and Co., and is trained by Mr. , J. Holt, whose name is given as her new I owner. She Is hv the great performer Bobadil from Butterfly, and on the concluding day of the V.X.C. Autumn Meeting won the. Nurtbuote Handicap under 7.7, beating 14 others. A private letter received by Mr. Paso from Ii H. Hewitt states that the much-travelled one was riding for the Chief of Kagal and his nephew, the of Kolhapur. two prominent owners. Jurft before the mail I left Hewitt had a fall but escaped with a bruising and rode two winners in Archer and Bathurst at Bombay. Since the letter was posted a cablegram has been received that "Tod" rode three winners at the meeting held in honour of the Prince, and has now a retainer of £1000 a year. In commenting on the Marlborough Trotting Club's Meeting. "Templar" pens the following:—"The Oakhampton two-year-old. Ahuriri, brought a great reputation up with him from Christchirreh, and 'caw an odds-oa price for the Dash Handicap. ' He soon showed a taste of his quality by racing past the other limit horses, after starting none too smartly. Half a mile from liome. Handsome Lad was the only one that was pressing the leader, which at this stage was pacing along in front like a ple.-e of machinery. Though he had to be given a reminder a furlonz from home. Ahuriri came along when asked for a final effort, and won in great style from Handsome Lad. It was one of the finest efforts ever, made by a two-year-old in the Dominion, and suggests the "son of Cathedral Chimes and Muricata as having the makings of a champion. In his limited proportions he is brimful of Quality, with good manners and plenty of gameness. \lto-etlier there should be a brilliant future in front of Mr. It. M. Morten's juvenile." Ahuriri paced the mile in 2.20. which is stated- to be an Australasian record for a two-year-old over the distance. THE AUTfMN HANDICAPS. The nominations f»r tae principal events to be run at the Autumn Meetings of the Canterbury Jockey Club and Auckland Itacin" Club show a preponderance of uoiniritions in favour of the Auckland fixture, the figures beiug:— A.R.C. Easter 'Handicap, 55- ('.IC Easter Handicnp. 45; A.R.C. Aiitmnn Handicap. 47; 0.J.-C. Autumn Handicap. 32. A large number of horses appear in both events, hut while a fair representation fruin Canterbury are engaged at EUersHe. no Auckland horses have been nominated at Riccarton. The horses claiming double engagements a re: -Oleosa nta, Askiri Vnomalv. Blackmail. Sunny Corner. Cnllazuan. Martial Dawn. Fulsome. Gasbag Grotcstine Mockery, Quest. Strategy, siher Peak Sunny Loch. 'Cold Steel. Danger Zone, still Sea. Egotism. Vespucci, rinto. Syearns. InsirrertlonT Radiant Light. Truthful, and Scion The C J.C. weights are due on March 17, but the Auckland Handicaps do not appear until April .1. MATAMATA WEIGHTS. The rnllowln? <ve:ghts have been declared for the Matamata Racing Club's meeting:— Tiiranea-O-Moann Handicap, six furlongs. Te RanSa 0.0. Avrareka S.I-'. Sister Abbey s 7 Itichou S 4, Rarangi 8.4. Malatowe 5.4. Ornate 8.4. Rangirirl 5.4. Tiuotoa *■■*■ 3*<* Ouietlv a.4, Master Amans 8.4. War Ribbon 5.4 Lady Abbey 8.1. Miss Flirt S.I. Irene li'riice SI Ches'sey 7.11!, Royal Babe 7.9. Taihoa Hack, seven furlongs.—Golden Vbbev P.O. Elsie Aroha n.O. Navana S.o. ['-'alvaless S.O. Winsome Arch 8.2. Signorella 8.2 Master ■Curran 7.13, Hypothesis Ml, Mail Coach T. 3. Firewater 7.5, Snuuaven 7.5. Gipsy Quinn 7.5, Just Quietly 7.5, \Vaitamahine 7.5. l'eria Maiden, five furlongs.—Te Rangti 0.2 Victor Abbey 8.6. Sans Gene 8.6. Tino-to-i Sβ Kanairiri 8.6. Quintilian 8.6, Tangapai (in. Dondidier S.C, Richon 8.6, Ornate q (i Mairehau 8.6. Master Amans S.G. War Ribbon 5.6. Rarangi 8.6, Puhirahi 8.0. West Abbey Lady Abbey 8.3. Inness 8.3. Miss Flirt 5.3. Sport's Queen 8.3. Irene Bruce s. :. Chessey «.O, Opium 7.11, Royal Babe Waharoa 'AN'elter. seven furlongs.—Forest riold 11.0. Tiuokaba lft.O. Hu-hnian 11.10. I'enona Glen Cairn 8.12. Great Form S t> Winsome Arch N.O. Firewater S.O. Raymond ;-i.O. Hypothesis S.O, Shell Shock S.D, Fi.rtlet S.O, Valeta 8.0. Matamata Cup. one mile and a-qiiarter.— Tama-a-roa 9.5. Forest Gold il.O. Queen Abbey U.O, I'euona 7.10, Keystone 7.i>. Urortick 7.0, Glen Cairn 1i.1i , , Master Currnn <; 7 Kaymoud G. 7. Sailor Boy (5.7. Moriln Abbey <i.7, Great Form 0.7. Quintiliau c.7. Valeta U. 7. Ladies' Bracelet, one mile. —Tinokaha U\7, Keystone 11.7. Glen Cairn 11.2, Hypothesis 10.7, Sanhaveu 10.7. Fortlet 10.7. Sport's ijueeu 10.7. Irene [truce K>.7. Te Kara 10.7. Uinuvra Handicap, six furlongs.—Brodick I'.i.'J. Aroha (1.2. Golden Abbey U. 2. I Salrulexs S.i. Xavaun 8.7. Shell Shock 5.4, I Winsome Arch 8.4. Signorella 5.4. Te Ranga y:i. Awareka S.I, Master Curran S.I, Mail I'oach 7.7. Firewater 7.7. Gipsy Quiun 7.7. Just Quietly 7.7. Waitamahine 7.7. Sans Gene 7.7. Harauirl 7.7. Sanhaven 7.7. Malaitowe 7.7. Moreen Abbey 7.7. West A'obey 7.7, Dondidier X.I, Mairehau 7.7, luness 7.4, Opium 7.0. \

TURF TALK FROM TTIK SOUTH. CANTERBURY. ,Special to •estar.'i CURISTCUURCH. Tuesday. 1 ne weather has -neeti threa:ening of late, but rain hns held off, and the ground is becoming very hard. A shower of rain would ihi a world ul goocl. and would en.oura-'e all trainers to let their horses go at ton. There was a lot of interesting work ai Rleearton this morning, and tralu.-rs are now beginning to hurry their charges along, in view of the uiltmilU meeting. The Waimate meeting will he held on Thursday, and acceptances suggest that the Southern club will enjoy a record tisuire. It will be mostly on account of Kin-niton horses if such a ihing does happen, for local stables are very well represented. l'alesirina went South this morning, but most of tile others will go to-morrow, rulestrlna will be ridden l\v Geo. Young iv this race, and such a vigorous horse man should have her in a good position early. She is a very slow 'beginner, but once under wav shows great speed, and can stay. She nniv be very hard to beat iv '.he Waimate Cup. Red Gown has been improving steadily, and her chance In the Waimate Cup cannot bo ignored. She will be ridden by C. Emerson, who should handle the All lied gelding well. Madam Chiron and Corn Itiggs will carry penalties of 41b and ."illi respectively iv their different races. The former won iv such convincing style at ihe Banks Peninsular meeting, and so nicely, that her chances must be highly thought of. Cerberus is the latest addition to the ranks of hurdlers, and the Menschikoff gelding shows distinct promise. Pyjama. which is engaged at Weimate, ran six furlongs this morning in 1.13 4-ii, and did it easily. He will be hard to beat ou Thursday. W.-irlike broke down this morning while galloping with Red Gown and Clean Sweep. Red Gown and Clean Sweep finished the seven furlongs together in 1.31 3-3, Bed Gown going particularly well. Horses likely to run well at Waimate are Rellrock. cjuuny Loch, Tatnu Tatau, Filigree and Liqueur. Gloaming has been allotted J0.4 In the A.J.". Done-aster -Handicap, a weight which all here expected him to get: in fact, it WHS generally anticipated that, he would be at tile top of Hie handicap, instead of receiving lib from Beauford. This morning Gloaming rattled over half a mile Iv less than "■<»». which shows he is well. The lioncaster Handicap is sure to attract a big field, and as most of Gloaming's races have been in tic-Ids of two. three or four starters, he may nut act ill ii bIK Held too well. ■Farceur, the two-year-old Absurd colt in Mr. Mason's stable., is going on the rijtht nay. and is developing inio a really g..0<l one. He is cue of ihe most likely at Uic- ■ arton to make a good Derby colt. ' A stable mate in Tressayr is more than useful. Bert Wormahl Ihe Riccanon horseman, has accepted un oiler to do Mr. Kemball's riding over jumps, and when the weights still ou the flat, during the present season. The Cheviot meeting Is to he held at Rlccnrron racecourse on March 24. The nominations, which are fairly numerous, .losed tuiesevenlng. rnfortunately Winning Hit is not engaged in the "Wellington tit. Leger, and sir Geo. Clifford will depend on a good sort in Whipping Boy. The latter has not done a sreat ueai yet. but when ..nire e\,i. ■ » j will do well. He is one of the few progeny of Sanquhar racing, from Counterfeit, and is therefore a full sister to the Easter Handicap winner Miss Mimic. Though Silver Peak won two races at Gore last week very easily, it is said her task was made easier through one or two not being anxious to catch the mare once she got in front. Steeplechasers in the South Island are a very moderate lot, and though Calma won a double at Gore she is only a second rater at the best, rt is a wonder some North Island owners do not plan a raid on the good stakes offered in -cross-country evelits by Southern clubs. The Welllngtou nonilnut'lons Include a fair sprinkling of Canterbury horses the be«t !n tr.iiuiu<j locally beinn nominated. Riccarton horses generally manage to pick up one or two .stakes at this meeting. Amythas. which is nominated, is bowling along in good style, though a lilt sore Mr Jones Is confldi'iit that he will stand a preparation. A shower of rain would suit the gelding admirably. The Westport races will he held on March 24 and 2D, but no Riccarton horses are engaged. The handicaps, as framed by Mr. Noble, seem to jrlve Dpmrvrmlnto c.i,-\ .tock. Mlsslaud. Golden Morn "arnhAe! and Lady Pallas a good: show or running prominently. * t*, Ah^- n i Waa ,he ou]y lo ™' no " ( s <>nt to the 'Marlborough meeting, and for all the money he won he might as well have been left at home. A.J.C. AUTUMN MEETING. SYDNEY. March 14. The following weights have been declared for the Doncastcr Cup:—Solfanello 0 1 Kgotism 7.10. and Listowel 7.0. F or the Sydney Cup Kgotism is weighted at 7 !> (A. and N.Z. Cable.) -N.Z. ST. LEGER. The following remain in the New Zealand St. Leger Stakes, of SoOsovs, one mile and three-quarters:— Mr. W. Hlgpins - br f Martial Dawn. Sir George Clifford's b c Whipping Boy. Mr. William Couser's b c Songbird. Mr. James Dealy's b c Bodyguard. Mr. J. C. Monte Sore's b c Marble Crag. Mr. F. Davis' l> f Aureate. Mr. G. D. Greenwood's I , lnto Mr. .1. S. McLeod's Kick Off. Mr. W. A. NichoUs' b f Masterpiece-Adra. Mr. D. Kemp's b c Patuki. Mr. G. L. Stead's eh c Royal Box. Mr. G. L. Stead's eh f Leith'fleld. Mr. W. G. Stead's b f Radiant Light.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 62, 15 March 1922, Page 9

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 62, 15 March 1922, Page 9

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 62, 15 March 1922, Page 9