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The clearing out of Odd Numbers in Domestic Goods — Underwear is an ever present need that should be filled when makes wonderful buying for the Housewife J([ # & (}'g # COMBINED SUMMER AND the opportune moment arrives—and that is now. -—. Durinp the difficult period followin-r the «»-«»-,«. LADIES' WHITE COTTON CHEMISE LADIES* WHITE COTTON WOVFNT MssZ war our stock s included many lines AT TkKATTiiN QAT 17 VESTS, round neck, fhort sleeves. Outsize KNICKERS, closed shape, wide lees trimmed which, although of excellent quality and AL lEd IXA 11\J IN OALILt —Usually 4/0. Sale Price, 3/11. with lace—UsuaUy 8/0. Sale Pricf 5/11 undoubted value, were not our regular LADIES , WHITE LONGCLOTH KNICKERS, CHILDREN'S WHITE LONGCLOTH i •(' AS ' trimmed with lace and insertion, open and KNICKERS, trimmed with embroidery closad • nliiHs^-"-X, 'YU With the return to more normal condi- closed shape. Women's size—Usually 8/9, shape. Sizes 00, 0, I—Special Sale Price 1/fi "'\r~^=^ tions, all our old numbers are again 10/6. Sale Price, 6/11. CHILDREN'S WHITE WOVFV T?AT7n WK SSSS'SsS'Hr THE CONTRACTORS COME IN SSwSS /// \W I\V Jl t f,h ,I Pr °fS S S PP " ,g ? P Pr"r r " nicely trimmed with VaJ. and Torchon in & =r- Price. 4/6. lal ¥/ \ , e^dtr^er^rgtimr THE GOODS MUST GO OUT «™> ;i on and l r -S P ,c ia!ly 7,, oiRLS. WHITE PRINCESS PETTICOATS, '/•// \ / \ XT—-TrenffOßflil WVI HERE ARE \FFW TNSTAX.FS lIJJJ UUUUO 111 UO 1 UUUUI ——* LADIES'WHITE COTTON SPENCERS, Rood trimmed with flounce of Val. ins-artion and // II \ X \ \ Vill I OAi I Niimhfrt fn WHITr quality. Women's and Out sizes. 1.0n X sleeves 'ace. To fit a ß es from 4to 13 years-Usuallv <V t W ?iln 1/n 2/2 SH ETING, -Usually 4/6, 4/11. Sale Price, 3/11. 3/6 to 17/9. Special Pi-ices, 6/11 to 11/6. * //'tH ( I \ MIPPM — //. T-CK- V \ /lllMMiwJ PURE LINEN FINISH TWILL More of the old Premises are required within the next few weeks for the new -iCUI' \ /«ffeef Us " a,, y 4/7 - 4"IU, 5/4. Sale Price! building ' a " d W<? mUSt antici P ate that < ime >" order to minimise loss by repeated _^^^ \ V IllalUißl 3/6 ' 3/U " 4/6- removals, dust, etc., by REDUCING PRESENT STOCKS TO A MINIMUM. , TllPSfia V , *! Tmnnrtanf heavy plain double w\rp flWt(m>^M% ucauajf & linporialU JjLj K^.^.t^ln 1 ;:, 5/3: The Eenuinc characler of M - and c reductions are tco we " known t0 re<luL " e licK^P , Millinery Offering for 5/11. emphasis, sufficient to say at the moment that in our desire to effect the """^^^^^^r^ w"«»«jg ODD NUMBERS IN WHITE CALICO, pure Satin finish. Fine and absolutely object in view prices are the keenest possible. V. " 3,t 29/6 dependable: ;'.oin.- IS. for l'-i!; I'lo, for 1/SJ. *-^Ss=ss^--2 36-INCH WHITE CALlCO—Splendid Value at 10} d, lljd. This •■ ,h e time to satisfy household and personal needs with satisfactory THe HatS Sl6 ° f Fine White Pedal, in a veTy OD O NUMBERS m a, „„„.„„, p rtcra . . ~/#7i » 4 "IS Wonderful Value in PLAIN WHITE FLANNELETTE, 35-6 in.—At 1/U yard. . iwfflwV V Eoft cd S e s of Tulle or Aerophane. WHITE TWILL FLANNELETTE—32in., 1/1J; 36in., 1/2 J. irfilfllKwilw V ! \V f*\li' n n *i. odd numbers in tea towelling. A Few Reasons why Men should make lilff \i fo 27 LsuaLly the pnces range from 69/6 t0 im - i^:- U 2 /rfof^o. Sheeting ' splendid d^^- 1/9 - Sa,e Pri -. I/**- now their Buying Time M * SSdSS" iS adViS6d ' " the qUantity " FLANNELS. Heavy-, Superior Quality, All-wool English Government Army ~t * f*l Flannels, wonderfully good wearing. In Khaki, Natural, Silver Grey, Cream— V- — Just . at of l ? e year the need ls always felt for 4/11, for 3/11. /V «v a co °' , com f°rtable Suit—one that has a good appearance, ODD NUMBERS IN MADAPOLAM. 36in. Perfectly Pure Cloths, with nice /Tiw fiJ 'a* Suif is P ? The SPECIAL TABLE OF COLOURED TABLE OF MATRONS' HATS, in Black, body—Usually 1/2, 1/41, 1/54. Sale Prices, lljd, 1/I|. 1/2|. Mf/W *i f/\ Beach." These Suits .are obtainable in smart Grey or MILLINERY AT 21/-. Nigger and Navy. All fashionable shapes, "NAINBETTER." Haslam's Well-known Lingerie Cloth, 40in.—2/6, for 1/11; AI / V / « \ Fawn Mixtures or Stripe. Chest 34 to 40 inches. These are Midsummer Hats of the smartest with feather and ospcey trimming—Usually 2 11, for 2/3. I s-\ \ Th«» «?nort<i imnaliv on/ =,»«« «.«•«• .cm' shapes in Maline and Plaits, treated with suit- 69/6 and 89/6. Sale Price, 39/6. "TELATINTA," in Pink and Sky, 40in.-2/11, for 1/11. 7/' if \.i \ \ s l to them B able floral and feather trimming. The colourKOLLER CRASHES, Cotton, Union and Linen—6Jd, 7Jd, 9|d, lOtd. Ifc-P*" ■ f tf*-ILj£\ a *v ', • ings include Nigger, White and CHILDREN'S PANAMA HATS, embracing TTI , ATrv m™*T,yrrvPTT.n r,TT/-c i j-j * v j 4 i , T V' I fo- <- \ M Another splendid Two-piece Sports Suit is represented in Blue—Usual Prices, 63/- and 69/6. both blocked and soft shapes—Usually 10/6 Sat Pricr« 2Vfi SJ> Or Q Scotch Tweed, Herringbone, and Plain Patterns. These BLACK MALENE HATS. and 12/6. Sale Price, 4/1 L 69/6, 59/6. Sale Pnces, 29/6, 19/6. \ ,t \\ specially made to our own instructions, and are usually Usuall 79/6 and 84/ .. y[ * ,S 89/6 ' Tuesdays Price, 49/6. SPECIAL TABLE OF LISERE AND TAGEL i \\\ \ Another line well worthy of note is the All-wool Fine This special embraces large Hats in a HATS - *» Black » N s««' Navy, with Just as important are these savings on U; I h S t%' 118,, with ST si p^T;r~ Usually 29/6 and Home Furnishings. 1 \ I \ 2 pairs for 7 6 ~ Just Half Price - ONE PIECE ONLY, BLACK GROUND BLOCK PRINTED ART CRETONNE. j <. h 1 V Exquisite design for hangings or coverings; 50in.—Usually 19/6. Sale Price, 7/11. ' I M li I BoyS. An exceptional Sale Of VOILE Equally attractive are the Sale ioTS. TI A S n U 6/fi S: in beautiful Li^ht and Dark ds - u - I ; \ boys-dark grey all-wool colonial Tweed BLOUSES. Early removal neces- Prices for SPORTS COATS. LUXURIOUS SILK CUSHIONS some of which were priced I I' j \ I\A tfs SitatOS a Complete Clearance. As Sports Coate share in the space of the Blouse ,! fL^." CeS : " piJiovirpJ 11- > M r v ■ ■': U > t0 14/6 - XOW A " One Price « 8/U - The Blouse Section is one of the first that will be Section they must also share in the fate that the 36-INCH ART CRETONNES, in desiens suitable for hansrmtrs coverings or - :*™L ri : si: :ii_/i I ■~,-, ,■ , • , A i ~ dresses— Usually 4/11 5/11 6/11 Sale Prices 1/11 and 2/6 yard „ / I "• |7 ( BOYS , PANAMA HATS, with leather linings and Black affected by the building alterations, and rather than unusually heavy sale reductions will bring. Out messes usually t/ii, o/n, o/ii. naie rrici-s, 1/ n ana z. o yara. V .i I bands Suitable for lads to 8 years 11-snif Price v> H\ subject the stocks to the handling and dust oT ~ PLAIN CASEMENT CLOTHS, in Amethyst, Green, Brown, White, Biscuit, \\\ \( Sale Price 5/11 years-Usual Price, 12/6. rem J oying they are all beinp MARKED DOWN TO the y must 8». regardless of style, quality or Electric; 50in.—Usually 2/11. Sale Price, 1/111. 'ii/ 7\ ' .'I \- 1 f ' ' PRICES THAT CANNOT FAIL TO RESULT IN colouring, and a splendid opportunity such a clearHEMSTITCHED BORDERED CASEMENT CLOTHS-Usually 3/6. Sale I'// /LJ UJ t/ — SMALL BOYS' WASHING TUNIC SUITS, in Maize A COMPLETE AND SPEEDY CLEARANCE. ance presents for those who take early advantage Price, l/ 11. |lii / Svl■ - rp^L—ft—.' -fT Coloured Cotton, piped collars and cuffs, with smocked m ,p M[ ,,, rT)fTf>M\irc • j • -i vi i- i . )■Lγ— -^JSkfeSTMiSfe^'ri*r= 3 fronts. Fit little chaps 18 months to ■! years—Usual The following quotations pive a definite idea of the of lt - f^y^,,? 1 ??, 1 ; 18 ?,- 01^010 ™ 18 ' ln deSlgn9 SUltable for dress P«Poses-ll}d, Price, 8/6. Sale Price, 3/11. " savings to be effected on VOILE BLOUSES. l/4i, I/", 1/11, Z/D- TT . . .. - . ..,, .. __ - Here are sale quotations for Artificial Siljc and BEAUTIFUL "SUNDOUR" BLOCK PRINTED CHENILLES, exquisite Nothing is being withheld from the sale pencil, so _ „.„ <3 ,, nr . P . aft ,. coloui'ings and designs—Usually 35/6. Sale Price, 19/6. Ift £V ° 1 O SH "1 #N 1 tllat one may P urcnase with ec l ual advantage from Bpun OIIK 0 " 5 sSrss mi CANVAS,inBrown,Amethyst,Blue,Biscu:t ' Green;soin - IVlllnp at, lihnvpp'Q Ssi Ip s ss^ji^' M/ . and » /e .. FINEST QUALITY DOWNPROOP SATEENS, beautiful designs; 31in._ lUllllO iJU UllU VUC O LllXlC/ UsuaJ priceg g/6 9/u 13/6 18/6 21/ . 24/6 29/6 Sale Price 49/6 57/6 67/6 Usually 3/11. Sale Price, 1/11. w Sale Prices 5/6 6/11 9 6 13 6 15/6 17/6 18/6 Usually 97/6 and 99/6 105/- 115/----nTTI7I7M QTDI7I7T Usual Prices 37/6 42/- 55/- 57/6 to 79/- Sale Price 69/6 77/6 84/----(Second Floor) V(UJj£lil Oll\£iCil. Sa l e p ri ces 24/9 29/6 37/6 39,6 to 55/-

-••••■■■■■■■•% fc -*#* ~,. .ill i nuiitiin I' J|Ha H fcumSwFAaSSi jilt l |i;i Jy Ijfl Bfc l'BiA''i [CLOTHINGFACTORY] •i.^iitillliiiiniiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuM,.";';^The End is Saturday Next! In the meantime you have quite a lot of opportunity at your I disposal —and "H. 8." Sale Bargains. Buy yours today, i.e. before the final rush. MEN'S CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING. MEN'S PYJAMAS. MEN'S HATS. i-oiial <;•■« I'sual Salo rsua! Sale ■> „. t« s..rt. is/-' Ta/e Buckekin Knickera, all J rlrp ' p ' ,,ce - Lounge Felt Hat 3 •.., 12/0 8/6 Men c Tailor-cut Suit* 115/- |e/e > Men . s Pyjama suits ... te/e i 1 '9 An F Z r Felt H , te v , . 13 , 6 ?■?"«* Tβ P el . l?»fi/' Iβ' Tweed Knickers, all size.-. 10 i .7 11 Fine Quality Pyjamas .. 23/6 14,6 e.B. Borsalino Felts 30/6 27/8 76 S.mplee S«c Suits IS6/. 80,- 8 Kniokero, all iizos l-J-fl Sβ Crepe Pyjama Suite. ... 9i/fi 14/6 100 Sample Hats 83/- 18/6 Gabardine eports Suite SP/6 37/6 H ardv.-e«r Knickers .... I n /,-. 8, G Warm Pyjama Suits .. 17/0 12/6 Boys' Panama HaU ij/fi 6/11 Sett, ~^': 1 " I*//. X^- 1 o;,\ "A 'it ».'£ P fcl&ii «>I ■•»•••»" H.lm«. i,'. 3/11 ROYS' nnTHlTvr LADIES' FOOTWEAR. iSUIO L/L<Ulrlll\lj. Mr'M'c lurDrrDv isnai sale MEN'S TROUSERS. • isimi sale MEN S MERCERY. Price . Prjce . Prli-o. Price. renal c,i n Ladies' Black Suede Usual Sale 20 0 Washing Suits, nto V "■' "■'" Court Shoes, Cuban PriCP. Price. .jo. f, 4 S Cashmere Half-hose Iff 2-ti il"?\ri 21/- 14/9 Men's Hardwear Trousers 16/6 11/9 Children's Rompers ... lli.C 4 6 Koavv Wool Sox -i ■> % a Ladles' Best Quality Saddle Tweed Trousers 27/6 21/- 'Varsity Summer Suits, Men's Handkerchief. '' i V a* Patent Court Shoas 35/- 25Heavy Serge Trousers.. 35/- 21/- jto io 15/r, 8 n Prosfdent arlces \"\ 1% Ladies' Glace Kid Derby Heavy Tweed Trousers 33/6 28/- Summer Sport Suits, i Flannel Unders ,„',, f'f Shoes, Cuban llools ..28 Q 22,6 All-wool Trousers 35/- 19/B to 14 1<1.6 10 6 ' J 8S Ladles' "Dorothy Dodd" Men's Riding Breeches.. 32,6 26/- Gabardine Sports Suite, Button Boots, smart . 53/- 25'-Boys-s°trong shirts :: a/o 4 T MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S FOOTWEAR. BOYS' CLOTHING. MEN ' S SHIRTS. ,„„.,.", Usual Sale lsnal Sale p.'/!, p*,'* Bo» Calf Derby Boots 37,0 27 6 Price. Price. Prim. Price. Summer - weight Sing- Lejther Chrome Derby Boys' Tweed Sport Buitt, Striped Neglige Shirts. . ».« ell lets 4,, 3/e T nn- 1...W.. b.~,,,- 1o all Sizes.. 49/6 39/e White Band Shirts .... 10 r, 811 Under Vests and Ta 2 h( , Leettler Bp °9 ue ~,. _, . Boye' Donegal Sport Striped Tennis Shirts. . '.".fi 511 Drawers ... -~ ~ ac nl ßnoeS \i „ U,. 3, 6 3 Suits, all sizes 75/- 42/8 White Tennis Shirts .. f., II 7 6 Men's Llama Singlets. '.' H./o S'/?* °V* ~* nd Box C " f JO/a , 0 c Boys' Tweed A*on SuiU, Strong Working Shlrte in/fi. 7 6 Celtex Binglets, all pize, 7/; |>2, t.? b h " ?f a 2to 8 39/6 32/e Fine Quality Shirt, ... ,o/« 7 6 Celtex Drawers, a,. Mz,. r/S I, 7 " Boot. !?•* «'S WE PAY POSTAGE New Zealand Clothing Factory, Queen Street Karangahape Road TmiiiFiw 111 imblwiiiiwinii 11111 imbMiilll 11 ■ Printed and Published for the rror>rictcr«, -The Brett Printing and Publishing Cnrnjia nj\ r.lmlroa." by Henry of Lake Takapuua. Journalist, at the OfiVe of tl Conisaor. SUortlanJ Street. Auckland. SATUKDAY, JAXUARV -S. 1022.

t Remarkable Value in Seasonable Apparel. M Special Table fftvC \[l MARABOUT VStM / I// ! 111' VOILE Blouses. v\ Nlμ A smal, shi P ment have I F" 1 v F/l -rtl m 1 i M j In J us *' been opened up. I \ m^m>' \\ M in 5/1 IRr fi/11 \IM °\ J Brown, Mole, and Black I Mr^ I// i 1 f I ' ' KzZsM ? re '"eluded. Your early If " jf T W 1 1 1 "emarkable Value ' ft inspection is advised. U HL I Smart \l. I J ! CRASH COAT. ' M f CRASH COAT. .similar to abovß illustration, ana | «lal 10 i smart s,yl M IIIu '"," rut to the smart style similar to _- , A \\ Iriled, with lontr step collar, u.-lt illustration, with long step collar, I Tlftf ll (Sk\ \ ,n d - Pa,Ch P orke,s »nd setlielt all round, patch pockets and I VIUIU \ NT IX m sieves, set-in sleeves. NOJKJk REMfIRKABLE OQ ,'c Sr RKfIBLE 29/6. J Costume VALOE b ideal for everyday wear during the lio\ fl«l illl *" t^ rTL-JTffTtl / WHITE CREPE SKIRT. ||ll| ]$* ■ Vvl ff S^nflffi //A ■■■ ■ llihW/// aml ar ** fJatllerp ' l ln at lbe waist; tell I v!**-m£!?' \ \ (qflß '|P JAP. SILK JUMPER. I gpORTS are nrcttilv trimmed with hem- f ■ I a " I lures. Colours: IVattter, AmessiKSefc? Smith & Lauffhev ">"«°"u~,—• LIMITED. QUEEN STREET |lJ%ffgjgga£K^ TO j AUCKLAND.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 24

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Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 24

Page 24 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 24