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(By "WHALEBONE.") , RACING FIXTURES. 1 [Jan. 2S—raiiiatira R.C. jJuu. -2S, 30- -Takapuaa J.C. • ; Feb. 1, 2— K-gmont R.C. t> I-eh. 4—Canterbury J.C. • I Feb. 2, 4—lM«borne B.C. ". i Feb. Si, U—Poverty Bay Turf Club. 1 ' K.b. a, 11—Taranaki J.C. .'j Feb. 8, 11 —Duucdiu J.C. . ! Keli. 11—To Kulti It.C. , j Feb. 15. 16-WoodTUle Ditstrlct J.C. 1 I Feb. 15. Iβ—Hiimiltun H.C. 1 ' Feb. Zi— OpotiUi J.C. -, ! Feu. -Mi, 'J5 -WaiigaJiui J.C. I Feb. s>, 27—Thatuea J.C. 'j ANS\VI-:US TO I'ORUKSPONDEXTf. ■ I \V. l>, VVliausnrrl.- Iu ihe Manp-re llautll , ! mil, Jit ilu- A.X.C Autumn Meeting of \KSi. 1 Tlniiluiru w:is tlrsl and No I.other sp-oiid. > KXQI'IUER. Kami K.iw.-i. Vl.ll have nr '. claim. The mistake was crrtainlv an un , j l.iriumiu- ,iii,., but the f.-icts mi- iuiruly .1.----.vuii suite, for utiUti.'uUou of the error way '" posted iiji loiik hefore bellilif: on Ihe race 3 ,i]iene,l. and everything' possible dune l< , I pn-vcnl anyone heiiiK viclimisud. ' j liisiirrei-llon, The Hawk. ltol.Vßu.-ird. anil ' j,.nlpss ivi-n- all ilnulii- n 1 the . 1 Welllngtmi Undng t'iuirx Siuutncr Meeting. 1 ' ,: Accordlns to "Cil«m-op. -, Mr. .1. \V. Uiwc ■ ; recentlγ rt-eeived .1 tempting oiler in Hike 1 ■ eliiirse of :i 11-■ 111 In tin- Auckhiud illsZlirlel. Hlll declined tii<- pusltiou. I Prrsi.-in Kins, Ito.vnl H1..011. IVrfeei Day ts: nominaliotis for the I'overly Bay Turf fluh'i .. • meet lug. j liainlioola. which was recemly purchaser "•ui Wellington frein >ir. ii. M. 1 ainpliell - , M.1 , ., is to carry Ihe colours of Ihe Aui-k i> land sportsman. Mr. lUymond Sheain. S i The Waikulo iitt-niT Mr. .1. I. S.niih »'- ---1 I credilpil with XiOsm-s in stakes when H.ii-Ofii :, ! W..11 the .1.-iniiaiy Welter nt Ihe t ; Haeluß fliil.V Summer Meeting. The Canterbury horseman D. WltUers I had Ills coll.irhoiie liroken when 1111 inniitil <-1 fell nlih him In the Klectrie llanilicUi> a: 1 In i, WrllliiKtuu Tn.ltlUK '.lub's uKciini-. l\ .Ve.-or.lliu! i" ..ur 'l'<- Awha correspondent II the Keaitilali ireWlnjt H.inp eh.iiiKpd li.ui.l-. re '■ ei-iitly ;iinl l< now lii'lns truimil bj Mr. It c j Really. . I The two .yin- recorded by 1 nsurr.-.-t ion nl " the Wellington It..'. Siinilnrr Meetlnc »i-r, i worlh i'Jlui) in his owner .trainer. Mr. .1. W t Lowe. The Watknto owner. Mr \V. .'. Vlneenl ' secured .is the re-ult ..f Ibe t",> lirut-.-llld II fOi-ond rc-lstcr.-d ley Piiiwlkiilwh ill ■1 the Wpllltlgton It.C. Summer Meeting. Anomaly Marled an odds on fnvnuritp h " the ilty Handicap, which he W..11 ill th. - Wellington Um-IUK «'luli'« inertluc mi Wed ,1 uesday. I'.oth Soucldnl and Kinsem. nhld rtnlshed tir.-t and second in (lie Siiiniuei llaiidienp al Trentliiiiii nil Wednesday returned good pile.-.----c Quiniro. which won the hurdle race n Knndu'lek on Saturday lust. curried th. colours of the Auckland owner. Mr. A Knia I A'.tlinush Aureate h.i- been iioiiiinalnl al 1 horn the X = iii..lll nn.l Taranaki -ii-ctlnir- ■ It. i< understood she will not he naked t. ■ fulnl her eiiKiic.'ineiiis. but will uo, 111. 1 . ajjJlii until tin- WoiKlviUe Hxtiire. si ll.TlmthPulK. winner ..f tho I_-idi<-' Hγ: !>■ 1 I .-it the Wiilkiiln Hunt nieetlllj,'. wldi-li ha- . ' been enjeylric 11 pln-rt lia« re<niin-i :l«.,rk .ijiiiiii at Tv Ar.-!,.i under -he ,iire t...: . i.if Mr. fox. The silver i-un presented by the Aus ■ tralluu Jockey Club |.. tl:.- rl.ler nf the win ■" ncr ~r the Austral hi II Herb-, h:,s l.eel l-ecflved l.y C. Viiiine. who rode Pnpldoi ; lo victory in the event. ' f The f 111 y liorlnda will fnllV, hpr piicmup I inputs at Ihe Tiikilpiiua Illeetln- in Mr .1 I 11. Kdwar.r- .-..b.iirs. 1.111 will iift.-rw iirdi ; I In- transferred to her nciv owner. Mr ,; KilwurilM hnvliiß disposed of the filly. „ Tin- Mnnnn-.itn Ha.liiis riiih paid rh. I Covprninpiit ilL'..".-.'l U .; Iv tn\iit!,.ii ni-ci ' their rec.-ul summer This v t'--l n T II 4 more than hist year, when tin ' receipts from all sources were much Israel ami i.s the elYect ~f the increased taxation. The AIK-klnnd horsemen. .1. ll'Shen. 1 1 Iluchan.'iu and 11. «'Il-i;lus each had a uln nitis ride al the Wellington It.C. ."■umine. \ .M.-etinj,-. 'Hk- most MiercsKfut riders wen . A. lived. It. I:<h-.1. and A. lltxiill. Who eilel I rndp four winners. : !<lr Rnsehery ran very nmslstciitly :il Itn ; Wellington siin-nier MeeliiiL- HiiNlilui: «-,- - ond in tilt- Tr.-iithaui .lumper.s' I-Mat Hare o: ■ I the first day. m-ooml iv the MmtKawii : .lunipi-rs' Flat on tile second day. and win - I ill in; Die Walliti-evllli' ,luni|iens' l-'lnt nn iht ;. .otu-ludiiiK day. In order lo protect the club from any i-hilu ' 1 for ac,i.len:s while horsex are tvorkiuu a' ' Kllerslie. Ihp committee of the Aiieltlam " HaeliiK Cliih have attached a regulation t, ' tli« permU.s Imkiivil t.. tnilners. l.y .si K nlm " which the trail:.r lakes all the responr-i ■ bility. and absolves the eliih from any ' llaldiily. The twovenr-old Kuii|iapil. whicli .level ■1 op«-.l a splint after at the A.H.I' - Summer Meeting, i" ciixeiiuenee of whlcl; . lie was eased up 11 nil Mistered, has made :i . (food recovery and Is back njrnln worklim nil the tracks at Kllersllc muter the supej ■ vision nf Mr. A. Asprey. No surprise wa* occasioned at Trenthan when the riiuiilnu of Keotlsm was .hips tinned after the rnnniiiK of the I'nnsolatloti ' Handicap, and it ia satlnfaetory to kui.n lhat the evidence tendered the st.-ward-pxplnined the position, iiltlioueh they expresed themselves as dissntlsllpd with I! Voiidk'x riding of the marr. The Waterloo Slakes was soiiieliiinc of .1 8 «urpnse. not that The Hawk succeeded in 0 I defeating Thcspliin and Kolfan-110. Inn that II he did it so easily, and covered the six fur.l 11 im;s in the phenomena) lime of u> 4-.\ :i '[fi-esli Australasian 1 or.t. The ne.-o.lllt* I show that The Hawk soon had n couple of ■ lengths lireali on Thespian, and though the luttpr K"t to hi 111 two furlongs from homo. ' The Hawk soon shook him off asnin. run ' 111.1K home a winner by two lenjrths. Sol 1 finiello was unable to |iaee It at any staj-'P with tlte three-year olds tuiil wa.s well back 1 :it the finish. The Hawk is un.lonbt.-dly a 1 : brilliant customer, but it was hardly B , thought that be would beat such 11 sprinter -1 as Thpspinu in sm-h easy fashion. s Our Mahuuula correspondent wrllPS lh:il 11 meet lUX of the executive of IliP Miilaniilln i ttn.-ine Hull was held on Wednesday even 1 ma. Mr. J. Price presided over a wood nt- '•' trndance. Tlie pre.sidenl reiuirteii hnviin 1 atlptidi-d a meet in;: in Aiieklaiul and als. lir.vlllK procei-deil lo Wellington ill i-nillieel|ni I Willi the Totali.snior Commissii.n's tvporl - He wa.s of the ..pinion lhat fresh I would be lirouichl down nexi session lo den . I with rtu-inc inalieis. A telegram was alsi 3 rereived from Sir Williaiii Heiries. M.1 , . r (dealing with rii. -iinj m.iiters. It was de -; ! eided to the member for Ihe intei-es. r ihe had displayed In the .lull's alTalrs. Ap plication was made to the Auckland liistrict ** Committee for March "_T. as the d.Htc for lh> O.nexl race lupetiiiß, tile proj-Taiunie lo he lh« : same as tin- prevluns year. The .inestion ..: i iraliiiiiß was discussed at lenitlli and if wai decided thai In/ per horse he charged fol ■ the past period uud that future fees be .'./ | rt j I horse per tin,nth ur i'- pi-r anuuiii. ' ' TO BK Tl-:STI-:i) IN riilKT. 3 j Arter Admiral CodrliiKton had won ih. - I OrlUKl Welter at 1 lannevitke llnnl Steeple ) elmsp iiieetliij; last August, it was claimed t that the accident fee had not be paid fol 1 , him and under the rules there was nothing • left for Ihe stewards to do but dls.iunlif.N 1 ' him for the race. This was done and tin i stake (riven to Truthful, which ran second. I Mr. l.ysnar. the owner of Admiral Codriiip ■ ton, was not at the ine.-tiiiK, but giivr hl> . ■ trainer an open signed rhequp. instruct iuK him to till in the amount nwlus 9 'for nomiuatlons and aeceptanees and to am - ! the amount necessary for the accident fees 1 This it Is allesed wa.s done, but the .secretary of the club claimed thut uo accideul 1 fees were tendered and no receipt jriven .] On these facts the stewards decided acainst Mr. I.ysiiar. and his appeals to both tilt • District Committee and the Ilacint; Confer 1 enee were dismissed. Mr. Lynnur. however intends flirhtlns the matter out to tilt ■'. hitter end, and has commenced nction ii ' the Supreme Court at Wellington, when tin ,- legnl aspect will lie conn into. The case i.> of considerable Internet to rncluß men gen c .t-r.ilty. -and the rpsnlt will be keenlj watched for.

ni'NEDI.V .I.C. MEETING. I lloseday has been withdrawn from IU.Publicans' Purse and Stewards' Handicap ;tt Ui» Dniicdiii .I.e. Meeting. OTAHL'.Iir TROTTING ri.VU. Nominations fur ull pvpnts i" lie derldpd at ihp oiahiihii Trotting Club's Summer Mct'tliiK. I" be holfl on Kcbnj.iry 1* and 211, .-lose with the secretary, Mr. It. 1.. Absolimi. mi Friday nest. r'phruary ■". at r> p.m. | KR A.MCI.IX It.V'lN'i I'l'lH. Th.> seeontt annual meetliiK <>f the Krjink;i» Itaclriß "lull i* t" i"' held m I'Uki-knhP •>n Saturday ih'Xl. l-Vliruary I. n-h«n .1 pleasant nfteriwn's Noort r-lii>iil<l rmnill. S|i(»<i(ii tr-.ttiiri iiave lit-en arranßed fir from nil parts, which -will In n<l passellEers riahl at Hie course. Ae< -epianei-N f<ir all i-vpnis eloso on Monday iiexi, the :'.<"li lust.. 111 5 p.m.. willi thr- secretary. Mr. A. I". Dnysli, .ir .Mr. K. Wynyard, Aueklnud. i- WAIMATE PLAINS T.< - . Thp rollnn-lne ronwlii In' the Tarnnukl Futurity Stakes, the rlnswli" event k> Iμ- dp--1 i'liii-il :'.i Hie VVaiui.-.te Plains T.c. animal | a s * meetltur: is TAKANAKI FlTritlTY STAKKS ''■' lllir -n newi, •■! k<.i- thrreyear-olds. t Dm- tnih' nml n-liiilf. .1. n. I'nrrlKnn'x In- f Ivy Aii'lnbou. liy lircat Audiibmi ivy Dean. 1,1 .1. K. Corri-.'nu's Ij r U.-se liinfictl. hy Nele sun liinei-n It.isp l\le<i. (I. <;. Hill's I) , i,v lirrat Amhihiin— S> Iviii. ~ ;■:. 11.|..~n,r- 1. r 1-nniin I'tiliiti-r ,!• - Irish lilrl. l»lir Aukli-. It. \v. MnriPuN 'h i-. hy I-'mir < lilmw— y. PrliiiM- liii|«Tinl mure. .1 <i. Amlf-rwius I. 1 M« Cimlilk, hy Nclaon It !.r ■• niir IMt.-H. I>> Our ThnriK-- Xaii'-y ~1 11. i-'n.sis 1 I.v Itari'M IHllon-iilpsy I 11, M...r. ; .1 \|i<Mim!rr's 'i 1 lialii Pointer, by l.opm IVinl.r It.-I.tli-. !!. M.-.M ili:iii- 1)1 I. i.v Nplmih !'.im;:om ! ... Vnru Dillon. , I v. M.-MUlilii'- .li •• 'irril lli|'f- I.v lire-it „, ' \'ulnl>..|i Sa.lip nilliin. I 1" Hi-lsmMilnllli-l's I'll; -a Ailuilrn. by A-l • viiti'-i' linllu'liu man-. j lilSmnt.S'K U.MMNC ri.l'lV Till- AC'KI'TANIKS. '■ .[iy THe«r«|>li—lT<-m» A-.uiaii..n i \ CISIIOKNK. Ihls ilnv. Tho rullnwlnc :<••• Hi ll>-'-<;l'l!i"'''.- tnr On-(,-i9bi>rni> l{«<-iiiK I'lui.s nuviinu,l llmmH-.i;. •! 1.".15..v»: ••".- Mile •,. „,„! .. '~,if i'rn>»\viit'<ls 11.1-: Iti-i"'«■•■.! !i.i:'. i. (inlil S'-t-iif !i 11. Wbaliiikn '■'" | Ti-hainiKi lla-k nf iaiiMH>: μ-vpii rur lonf*. ■ Hyr.u i.ii. Iliinmnl -1-. 5...t.-1 , MUluiv Bvi>. HiMtlirr Kins ss - ' •"•"'/,"" Iβ ili-iit X.."i. Ml« K..n-|ai«l t>. I'li'-h 's. t'"'----,1 I H..11 T..V Wi-ii-mrr : ".. Univii- l-i-rry .-"■ (mr Navy T 11 Wlpt-n-' "t -i\ riirl'iiu's. - J.ivlal X 1:1 I'rlii-i- li !-ii *«.■». ITl'!'- ---'" i.v.-l s- i-krl-ii:iiri' T V IH.i.U l.a.i- T..'.. j" llaurjiiKl " :i - «-yal ''■'"■" , "■'■!■ l 'aV' all|lr ,'.'-'■ lUiiiny 11.1-V l-'.i-.l MiiAorrj ».". Harrit-r ti.7^. . h «|H""lar"wplirl!i*i.' _ Wl,.:rlil. ' r bT"i'.' iviußar.*" , "l-i:<- Vm-'M. l:i|.|iiliiß kiiislj m't'"-. Saw. Slniiilalr. Kahlkatm. Ckoil Short. il (ilHliornr inn. nf l.'iiiwn>: 1 nilli- iiihl »- '-- ~»art r t;«xl.,i iv ii.l Ail.niral 1 •."1 r'-niit--" V- 1 " T-.-rf.."l l»:iy 7.i:!. Hrii J.•«•.■! 7». i>fi 77. liPinaiMs.'up 7.7. 11...kah 7.:. Mar linl 7.4. iirawnl T.:». I'l-nr.oui 1.", A.timi it 0.11. l-i-i-l/iii Kln« "i , . .1 I Mnttifii'il ti s Simr:iv !».*». l'» .-Irtncji .' I. ' *'f •o •i «. Kta« |V.« IJiipUu. i-i.Mi- T...1. r-m so. llttthvHy ilii.K llaiiiH>n|i. »f ir«is..v; » * fnrbuiß-. 'ivil •••■•nil '•'•'•■■ ":" , " w ' , .'!• 1" IV:,tli.-r Kin- s.ii <:..!•! 1 1.-hi s.K M'-"'e • -1-. I" Milium 7 11. Mi<- U.iwl:in.l '•' 1". HnrriiT IJII. "I 7 1". Uli'pHnß '■'<■ " u " r ";' ,, '' -'„' '» Muri-aii 7" M.-miiiilii '■'"' 7". . I Part H.inil|.-.-i|.. "f H«"»»v#. -v.'i: rurLinß*. I <•,„.,-...-,..,„ 1.... Day s._s Pniif-e KaiHlall SA, A.-l ili»l 7 in. univ'n ..Jl. I la" li ruuvl T.:i. Qiifi-w Ip 7.". M»n»> «•• ~-,„,.. ii:mm nil: suirn. i-ANTi:itr.ri!Y. ',', ,nj Tpli-srHLh. in ' Slar.'i I I , llKlSTl'ltrl'.l'M. rririliy. I v . ~,.■ li..r-i-i have HOW M.|llriH-'l afl ,, " ;J wu"i« a ! ' : ': i '^' i 'v i r;'}?";n:; i, iH,,;i''un " brisk in \\pvt "I i auwrluirv im-l DmiPdin '■* Summ.-r M.-r;lnirs. "'I v,.niliinil"HM t-r Mi.- li»iil iniM'tlnß ri-piv ■ r ' will « will . : l;uif: in rai'. ili<- Mldaimiiiif-r ■ ' I|!liiilli-hi> Horn's an- lu-tu-r Ihau i-yir I ,:,,..,,,,i 1,,-1.i.1f v N.w /....ilnn.l <up ■I. wJniii-P in VBitelM.n.l. »■■ Aii.-klniul fup ti- wliin.-r in Malas:i. tiip lirpul NorlliiTU '■r Horby nml C.l.f. D<Tliy winner in " Inn- iiliik'Mli. a 'up winiii-r In li luxiirD-i'iliin. ami ilif C.J.W oak" wium-r In PalMtrlna Tin- lastnaineil Is aliniil Blip ,-,,,. ~ W i u , ..,ii<l tblK liMiks .'i ranIP iMM'nrtiinlt.V. ... \tr I" \V Mawm arriveU hu'-k at Kli- ■', i-nrinn ' t.-.luy Wi-llluKiun with ■'. K-incnr nml Pint". C!iiiinilU|S, Kcotlmn ii. and Vi-mtupi-l ar" -"ill "' Tri-ntliaiii. au<l ~, will lip '•oiiipt-tlliirs in Hip KKinont Summer Marling, and prolial.l.v al«<> at Hie Tnranakl ami Wnußimul Bxlurcs lu-f.irr "' ,l 'Mr. l "r ;jt l>"'.i"m-s arrlvo.l fpnni \V,-llln«tmi ,1 by the ferry fieitni'-r this lirtiißlUß with him Mustunl I'nl nml The Kphvit. '" The luiu-r ha- trainei! ..ff and Is to c< 1" into iHiililnrk f<ir » four or ttvi- iiKHltlm' v gpell. A nlly l>y Hniiiform. from Prtmne, is tinlalist uildltlon to Mr. It. .1. MiixunV team. Slip iiirlvi'd from ibi< North this inorninic. ■I- Aniythas Is hnwlinj; niiinu In Kroiit style in Ills work ai itr.-s<-nt. UnO shoultl hill ready In show hln hem form :ii the II Duneilln Jncki-y {'lull's meellnc next iK iiiimtli. lie nicpls WlnnlnK nil at -2\u I better ihiiii weij.Mii for-nw in Mv- DuneiHu Cup :iu<l even with lIMI "11' »n his hack AinythiiH will tain- ■•< lot of ben Hue in lh«t n< «*Vflll. Til tan Taiau is jrtiini: 011 well in her " I tnilnllll--. Mild sin- -liouM pny her «•«}• in sprint niees iHlrius Hie remainder of Hit- * \-ot> Chow is iiKiiiQ a n-.milur rloitor to ; tin- trnelis. but his taakß are of v very ' llßhl 1 .rder. MilhtSSH h:is 11..1 ihiDe inueh ; work iliirlnis the ahueix-e of Mr. I. l>.; Jones al Trenthani. but with the return a of lil» 1 miner tin- llnnlforill fspldlng will i, he nioriiiK nhmir npaln In nsofiil tasks. ,t Hi- will lirohalily he a in tho I-. Mirlsniiillli'r Ilauilhap. erter whleli he will ■1 m> i<> WlliKiilui lor the Dmieilin Cup. ■« The I tn-.-.-v.-.i r-..1.l nilv Illsliilil Shot. In- i if Antiijfonlit Teli-xenpe. has Ix-en slmwinc j i- siiriis of Mireuess, an<l iillty not lie able In i fiillll her eiipiseiui-nt in the Trial Stiike* ~ ill Ui.-.-Mlt oil Ili-M weoK. I- S.-riniiiiaS'- resumed work this ween ■0 after :i sliorl spell. 1.111 is still lame, uud , l< may re<|iiir<- l<iiiKi-r ri-sl hi-furp sel auy I v The two.year-old filly Veil is iloins very I ■i- little work al presenl. :ind i< m>l Ilk.-ly t" Co South for the Dniicilln .I.e. iiippHiib iirsi month. Her Hlnhli- mate Pluto |« also a diiuhtfiil runner ;it ih>- same fixture. a

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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 12

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 23, 28 January 1922, Page 12