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THREE WISHES FROM SYMONDS* ST. The Symonde Street Progressive Business Association wishes you a REAL MERRY The Symond* Street Progressive Business Association wishes everyone a PROSPEROUS The Symond* Street Progressive Business AsMCistton wishes it to be men* widely known CHRISTMAS, and m.y you .iv. to see many of them. There are on., thr- da,, in HEW YEA*. L.t us help you. Do all your shopping in Symonds Street during 1922- • "have SS? % X which to finish your Christrnn Shopping. every £ saved helps to make you more prosperous. by doing all their shopping in Symonds Street. | "'••■*!• TUTTS UTILITY SUGGESTIONS r-™ ——, .^^^^^ mmßmmmmmmmmmmmmm %\ BRAITM^ A,TE ' S w,sh EUERYB oov ft v ERY WERR v FOR XSVIAS. J^ IXf|"DTJ XMAS SPECIALS _ _r-~w{ is) nPMPMRRH ' B^Y YOUR TOYS. "TUTT'S WANT EVERYBODY HAPPY, FOR LADIES, i "*• 1/JJAIJJ.V-L XI KJ in f\ \kJ_/ KCntIIDCK '- ■ DON'T WANT ANYONE SAD.' 801/DOIR SLIPPERS, in latest colours, Ull I IUCDV " "* ut,pul stEE,, " e O0 " s ' ™%"£*S3™._* -*-««».- - «w millinery , Mmsfc Mβ M Vmir Fri*nilc 2/-, SA, 4A, 7/6, 8/6, J2/6, 30/-, Receive" oimson. Brown. Navy. Black, flexible hundreds of clients a very bright at TUi: / 0U m€MS ETC - KTC - ™ T ™ ■Iβ ■Vβ wear STORE ---—"«- and Happy Christmas, and » ' " E / AH DoMble-ioinled apd British-made, is fully .locked with the, son of VLL . WIIITK nANYAS LACE SHOE ' Prosperous New Year. In regard 4? *|El\l\d* l<^ jIH \wASßilßlm / RRAITUVA/AITP'Q of all ases perfectly happy. Also with All-WWte rubber soles- holidays, please note:— Ul 1 UVI/L.M kj | / LoV e<i ones R TH ,I H v^L T i vouca^rj^r kthe AND / .is,/ xs^SppeVsyAonds , st., symonds street. mg^B^ BJ *HBB,W 4 * / «..nn. e '« Building, Including " WHITE CANVAS BEACH SHOES, Lace, WE CpSE 1C P.M. FRIDAY. ~\ ~ W iSt/ IWtiml ™^»*■'• """'" ,n "es and neck- wi cto« i p.m. ~tvP o *v. BL(ick ~ 6mrent # "rOCTICuI T<>U Father Xmaa <lfU: BFi tV U^ V 1N KOX ' braces - FOR GENTS. and then we remain closed till hats, a bi S selection, 7 / tO Oc»ll «wt fiREAT VARIETY IN HANDKERCHIEFS A MCE PAIR OF WEDNESDAY 28th smartly trimmed Fruit -. I 1VI«..1 ■ __ *. ..«._ M _« nn QHEAT VARIETY IN COOL SUMMER TAX OR BLACK BOOTS- From 35/-. ' * and Flowers— ■! Wav! I OFFER'S BOOT STOBE o,Sr3^w,, s ™ «„■-——------ w. «.-«,« J I f©r PRESENTS for Father, great variety in boy< \\r. i-'Elt slippers ami nnnKLis boots. HOLIDAY WEAR. PRICE - w"/"• I yaffil fliVO WnPthillfl I Meth«r md »ll the litlle ones MEN'S great variety-From 6/11. B UIVC jOnivUllllQ ■ aul at tutts fawous low FOR IvIDDIES SE f ■ ■ LADIES' PATENT LEATHER LACE PRIOES SEE B ■ ' OXFORD SXOES, toftcap,, , Igtest snape. w " EVERYTHING IN SHOE WEAR. OUR WINDOW DISPLAY i< 1 IKFFIII I LAD, CB . HOLIDAY COSTUMES. ? f ■ Ui3LIUI# I t/ggl- , ' lather lace J»- -*- —S» CrDMAMnC7 Made a good serviceable Cra. ? h, plain TRIMMED HATS. , ■ I PJZ?Xn 8 fl H t E /ti le ?V U C SnlS n Y a O MY HATTEF, MY MERCER, R, J, rtIIWAWUtA, with neat Stripes, These are quite A XMAS 9 Q /R g A FEW PRACTICAL SUQQEeTIQNa. ■ MY fl OTHIFR THESHOEMAN, smart Costumes, naat fitting, pew BARSA.N, CB/0. ■ i r ,v. nu v H\THIMP COSTUMES LADIES' FANCY IRISH LAWN AND LINEN ■ Now. Postage, Bd. 18l tLVInIEH, Ir -- Tipprin eYMfITtfrKJ QT stylo? «nlpnriirt K.carine- anrf \vi*h (ho B LADIES' CANADIAN BATHINL. COS I UMbi, HANDKBRGHIEFS, in d&inty boxes of 3or ■ WWS- PATKNT RATHER r.OURT TOP Or SYMONIK! STDFrT ' h v ' SP ' e9 -- w * n W- 1 VVlth ths . M in all shades—4/11. 6■ an excellent \maeeifb—2/11 te «/e ■ SHOES. A real smart shoe, leather lOP OF SYMONDS STREET Opposite Mennie's Buildings. added advantage of b.ei ns washable— 1 LADIES' ALL-WOOL BATHING cxccl.ent Xn,u S gl ft 2/11 to 13/6 ■ ,» , , .»«„__„.____, , B«ei.l P.ic., 49/.. ' YMAC DADPAI3VI i LACES in abuadance- 1 C 0 IJIIIJIIgfII 91 CATERER AND XMAS BARGAIN El in dainty shades and styles—l/ 11. LADIES' SILK HOSE, -Bond's Hotoproof ■ whitb canvas oxford Tl VI nLBBOULIia HIRER OF TABLEWARE. """ — In Hi L\DIES' WHITE COTTON VESTS, Short Triple Wear" —12/11 a pair. ■ SHOES, covered heels, no cap. A smart 7 NAVY TAFFETA FROCKS, I ; sle eve^2/ 3 .nd3/G W ch GEOnOETTJ BLOUSES, hand .nfcroiUer*!- | ' foJ .Jr. L AD,«. HOUSAV COAT B , H EMBROIDEPEP very dainty FUjl SILK AGCORDEON-PLBATED SKIRTS I your excellent catering on th, Made of strong Craah, with belt W d Four different styles, all 111, B' , 4 nf!4 a n™ in stripea and check ■ omffi? 'lace'boots nat 28 f h H insL Your nrforts wnr. patch pockels. These are just the smartest and newest. 1 aT?i .JS TOBRALqO BEACH FROCKS (two.tone I °"X foe™ indeed rewarded with successful mo tori they're dressy m 7/11, 8/11, and 9/11 tach. effoel), Check Skirts Nvilh plain ■ L 3' ,3 ' '• A ' "arwin-w.* t/ii. results. <&- Jfe »_ -„.*._„,.„,. XMAS BARGAIN c gns. B CREPE DB CHINE JUMPERS, nioely hem- sZ/9. ■ ie\tiifi\ court " Re ,ll<; Pterins, n was J®L beside, — Specal P n ctf, 38/8, 39/e. fR|CPj •) X stitched and embroidered—23/8 to 35/11. LADIES' SILK SCARVES, in beautiful shades ■ SHOES, smart stian" io»tl»er cuiTari splendid, and 1 will not hesitate *-* H CREPE DE CHINE BLOUSES, hand embroi- ■ heels, only sizes « and s—Worth 32/6. to recommend it to others." ®T . CHILDREN'S a dorori—3s/c to 45/e eaoh. SILK GLOVES in a variety er jlorious shjdes ■ CH "^ f black olace rSr'Voes. "i wish to express on behair of , , MILLINERY H VOILE JUMPERS—B/11 each. —e>ll to IX* • pair. M - slzc3 5 mil 6 omy . Job the Committoc great satisfaction ' ' C^ WOUIOAV HA7B. FROCKS I FOR THE «» FOLK. I C» IVy DOOg ,IT o^'ZJ,' ~ ~*!*, <»1 W,*W», B IXmaS. Pli or SMp.d-12/e 1» 22/6. ENGLISH SUMMER UNDERPASTS AND I 1 ", , | I | e f"5 I ,i'?S"»IM W "SSi?» Mljonally hranl mans re- * _ _ I A ITO I SKw" 8 -- ?.;awr'- S TIIDEHOPPS SNEDDCNS I Auckland's BIG VALUE Cnlre, I W. COFFER 1 L» symonds street. —- J «.»»««.-. «• SYMONDS STREET - Md 44 larftnStkßf* R»ai. I 14, EDEN TERRACE. Phone A 617. One minute from Top of Symonds St. f%%J%*W%lmP%\^+o*

CIFT SUGGESTIONS'If] rs(\\ Hne ,vrv Handkerchiefs DUBARRY'S Perfumes ! jL~J / |k \ Hosiery and j oi j et Requisites IUUJc* B^ —,Jj I IV \ The prevailing fashion for short skirts necessitates No more suitable gift could bo given at the Christmas D AVA/ | CiafJnflArv /, v I' \ rf am * rt stockings . We alway3 have in st ock season than a BOX OF DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS. \ Smith and Causey, Ltd are Sole Auckland Agente DOXCd I a very large aelection of all kinds Of Hosiery, in SilH, Cash- We mention the following:- f ° th e*f H,gh Class and E Goods, are LINEN CAMBRIC NOTEPAPER, with Tissue lined mere Cotton and Lisle Thread, and during the Christmas VNoi Id Famous. We are making a special dwptay of Envelopes to match. Cream, Grey and Azure. Two IWgSjjEif make a speciality of Silk Stockinga BOX OF HANDKERCHIEFS, containing three—For 2/11, these EXQUISITE PERFUMES in our New Toilet sisea—l/9 «nd 2/6 box. QIOVeS " ' ' 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11, 8/1 L Requisite Department, which is the and Most UNEN CAMBWC NO T E PAPER. with Plain Envelope. * LADIES' I.LACK. LISLE HOSE, specially spliced seam, „.___,„.„_„___„„_.«. ... . ~„ P/11 UP to Date in the Dominion, to match. Grey, Cream and Azure. Two sizes—2/3 Hawlev'a dye—Good Value. 5/« pair. Also with BOX OF HANDKERCHIEFS, containing six—4/11, 5/11, and 2/8 box. TODIES' TWO-BUTTON WHITE RID GLOVES, plain Cashmere feet—s/6 pair. 6/11,7/11,8/11,9/11,10/6. Joints-Good Value 7/11 pair. wenmere ie«- / p PERSEPHONE PERFUME—I 3/6 each. WAVERLEY PEN VELLUM BOXED STATIONERY, LADIES' WHITE KID GLOVES, Black LADIES' BLACK USLE HOSE, Hawley's dye-Good INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, neatly embroidered- CHANSON SAN PAROLES PERFUME-13/* each. high-grade paper, White or B-ue. Two sizei-2/6 points—Good Value, 13/6 pair. v »' ue ' 3/n P" r ' . K>i«J. »/-. 1/3, and V 6 each. HEART OF ROSE PERFUME—I 3/6 each LADIES' TWO-DOME WHITE.KID GLOVES, two-cord LADIE S' FINE LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS, embroidered in one comer- BLUE LAGOON PERFUME-13/6 each. ' "HS'SS^I/tvt KID GLOVES, *"* *"" ".«*■ BUNCH OF VIOLETS PERFUMED/6 each. superior quality, fancy Black points-17/6 pair. LADIES' ARTIFICIAL SILK ANKLE HOSE mercerised CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, embroidered all round- BLUE LAGOON PERFUME-27/8 each. SILK REPP STATIONERY, Self Lined Notcpapc-r and % LADIES' TWO-BUTTON SUPERIOR QUALITY REAL cotton tops, 16in. Silk. In Black, Grey, Navy, Beige GARDEN OF KAMA PERFUME-29/6 each. i ?nd2/«be« sizc-2/3 | KID GLOVES (washable), in White and Pastelle and Brown-Good >al«e, 4/6 pair, • ENTRE NOUS PERFUME—»9/e each 1 WHITE KID l /ff^^^ eß LINEN EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS-2/6, 2/11, BOND, White o, BH,, I SgVwhSe KID GLOVES JfSS'SLSSZ iS oSSS/lfS PLAIN HEMSTITCHED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS- TALCUM POWDER. with- "JSESIft? " STATI ° NERY ' I -Good Value, 25/- pair• „,_„„_ 8/11 pair. 9d, 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/11. PERSEPHONE-2/6 each. LADIES' TWO-BUTTON SUPREMA SUPERIOR LADIES> « TRIPLE WEAR" EXTRA STRONG ARTI- GARDEN OF KAMA-2/6 each. "MANTILLA" HIGH-GRADE PAPER AND KNVK- A QUALITY FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES, washable- FICIAL SILK ANKLE HOSE, cotton tope. Recom- pLAIN HEMSTITCHED CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS ARCADIA—2/6 each LOPES, Heliotrope only. Two sizes-4/6 and 4/11 % I BUTTON WHITE WASHABLE mended for wear. In Nigger, Navy, _ 4d , 6d> w, 9d . IOVd, 1A upwards. BUNCH OF VIOLETS-2/6 each. *«• | GLOVES ("Velve"), English make—Good TnTT PT pr) wnpp • d k i jxt t n -p- . ■ OMAR KHAYYAM SUPERIOR NOTEPAPER AND & Valuf 14/6 pair! LADIES' PURE SILK ANKLE HOSE, Lisle top "Venus" LACE EDGE HANDKERCHIEFS-2/3, 2/6,. 2/11, 3/11. Tol^™ ™ Rachel and Naturelle Tints, in the ENVELOPES, Blue, White and Helio.-4/6 box. | t .n,Pe.TwnmirmN WHITE "NEUREL" WASH- Black, Whit*, Nigger. P«rl Grey. Mid Grey, 4/lli 6/ n, g/11 each. BL UE LAGOON ODOUR-9/11 box. | LAD !?F T nnFS GLOVES EnS Champagne, Gabardine-Good Value, X 6/« pair. HEART OF ROSE-9/11 box. ! COMPENDIUMS, neatly bound in book fan., aM orie«l 1 Value! 15/9 pair. ' I LAD-ES' PURE SILK ANKLE HOSE, Win. Silk, n»r- LACE EDGE LINEN CENTRE HANDKERCHIEFS- PERSEPHCNE-9/11 box. , covers and colours-2/3. -V 6, 2/11, 3/6 each. | LADIES' WHITE WASHABLE DOESKIN GLOVES, cerised suspender tops, "Ladderproof." In Black, 3/6, 4/6, 4/9, 5/6 each. GARDEN OF KAMA-9/11 box. T ASSOIFTTRFS an Idt.l Present Hish Grade Paper P SSiSsH™- sssff^ , USSVI^K—s, «. .„,«, - ™ te soaps "B^s«tar«SrS!f£c • "romDere") Plain points. In Black, Beaver, Brown, wear—lß/6 pair. with Coloured Border. , i I Slater-Good' Value, 17/6 pair. L^D IES' PURE SILK THREAD HOSE, Silk throughout, aiso-tedP odomJ Sd'each • T/edSeS 03 "* ° f dOZSn CLD DUTCH DECKLE NOTEPAPER AND ENVE- | LADIES' TWO-DOME PIQUE SUEDE GLOVES, in i n glachTand White-35/. pair. COLOURED BORDER HANDKERCHIEFS, highly mer- ted odom S _Bd each, 7/6 dozen. LOPES-6/C box. | puRE fa cerised-Tid; 7/- per do Z en. poVOTAIN PENS-Watex m an' 9 "Idea." Lever Hc.f- I White. Excellent o.uality-35/- pair. RANDKERCHIEFS , superior quality BAT H SALTS. I t 4TUF«S' 19 RTITTON LENGTH FRENCH SUEDE LADIES' PLAIN ALL-WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, —1/6 each. All colours. BATH SALTS, in boxes of one dozen cubes, assorted U GLOVES, in Brown-Good Value, 29/6 pair. seamless throughout-Good Value, 4/6 pair. odours-Sd each; 7/6 box. IMPERATOR SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEX I a t>. | T ADIES' 13-BUTTON LENGTH FRENCH SUEDE LADIES' PLAIN ALL-WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, full CHILDREN'S PICTURE HANDKERCHIEFS—3d, 3Jd, SOLIDIFIED EAU DE COLOGNE, for carrying in hand I GLOVES, in Light and Dark Grey—Good Value, 32/6 fashioned—Good Value, 6/11 pair. vi 4d, 5d upwards. bag—4/6 each. CARNIVAL GOVFETTI—Sd packet; 3 for 1-. |

pain. ■ [ I I I I Ladies' Footwear — Crtllfll ft jKllrfllMl Visit ° Ur R Qreat Xm3S T ° y 1 IV9 Id llUnei] Bazaar. | Orchestra, under Bund- B ji Our new-department near the m ain entrance-is Ggr, will I EllOrmOUS Variety Of Delight! u\ B the moat up to date in the Dominion, and has ■ l\ reM n Uy fag, dft-tf. .f HIGH oi J» g-3 -^J- J I J AUCKLAND'S GREAT TTD. \J Toys. | GRADE ENGLISH FOOTWEAR fro» S ™^ A $LL,« SHOPPING CENTKE. CHILDREN I „,,„=„,-*» -^β.-««»' QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. BRINQ THE C "' LDREN - |

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 15