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(By WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. Dec. 26, ?S. Jan. 2. 3— Auckland R.C. Dec. 26. 27—Taranaki J.C. Dec. 26, 27, 20—Manawatu R.C. Dec. 26—I'orangahau E.C. Dec. 20, 27—Dunedin J.C. Dec. 28, 27—Westland R.P Dec. 27, 23, 31—Auckland T.C. Dec. 30. Jan. 2, 4 —GTeymouth J.C. Jan. 2—Toloea Bay J.C. Jan. % 3—Stratford R.C. -an. 2, 3—(Hawke's Ray J.C. J:m. 2, 3—Marton J.C. Jflii. 2. :;—W-airarapa R.C Jan. 3, 4—Southland R.C. Jsn. 7, 0— Reefton J.C. Jan. 11—Itotorua R.C. Jan. 17. 19 —Wairoa County R.C Jan. 21—Kawafcawa R.C. Jan. 21. 2.!, 25— Well inert on R.C Jen. 21, 2.:—Foiton iS.C. Jan. 2S— I'abiatua R.C. Jan. 28, 30—Talrupuna J.C. ANSWERS TO CORRESrONDEXTS. DISPUTE.— Two Auckland Tups were run in ISSS. Nelson lielnK successful in the first, and .Lochiel iv ihe second. TiASKMASTBK.-The placing were: Kilwinniiig .1, Taskmaster 2, Maori Kins •'■■ BELL.—l'liito was not scratched for the Auckland Cup. but was allowed to drop out at tlie acceptances, so that the time of his withdrawal, would he o i>. ni. on the Kith inst. [ AROU-MKXT.—The amount invested on the last Auckland Cup was £?J.-li;i, which is ■1 record for I be Dominion. SPORT.—Drlt.lde raced ia the nomination of Mr. ■!■'. S. liutherford. C.A.G. —Your query is somewhat vague. If yon mean the last Auckland Cup, Starland was the winner. GWE.NETTE.—(t) Blue Mountain King has a winiiins: performance of :;.21 for a mile aud n-hnir, (2i stormy Voyage's liest public time for two miles is 4.18, when he ran second. i:t) Tradesman has a second performance of 4.r>4 against him. Horses are liuudlcupprd ou their public showings, not on anything registered ill private. Mr. J. Kemp has Jolly Gay and Lady Mcrriwee working ut Hllcrslic. Rosevella is the name claimed by Mr. G. The lig-htweight horseman, E. Kecsing, is .T. O'Shea has been enjrased lo ride Anomaly ill the IA.U.C. Railway Handicap. Mr. .T. Lamibess went south on Monday with his team for the Taranaki holiday meetings. The gelding Ortopjete was disposed of by auction last Friday for lSgns, Mr. Evans being the purchaser. Tn the "South Foo 'Olrow has come into favour for the Auckland Cup, in which he will be ridden by C. Reed. Royal Mark is to be taken south tomorrow to fulfil Ills ensaeements at the Taranaki J.C. Summer Meeting. ■Narrow '>"eck is to fulfil his engagements at the Taranaki meetiug. and will probably be shipped South by the Rarawa to-morrow. The apprentice Dixon. who is attached to the stable of Mr. .7. 11. Jefterd, has been engaged to ride Malaga in the Auckland Cup. Ben Eolt. Ilj-ginas. Ad Astra, and Wrangle, which have been located at the North Shore for some weeks, are now at Ellerslie. Killard. which was a bit sore after hts fall In the hurdle race ou the concluding day of the Takapuna meeting, is at present having an easy time of it. The Kilhroney gelding Kilwana has gone into the charge of Mr. E. Pope. Kilwana is at present .showing signs of soreness, and may have to be given a spell. At Ellerslie after breakfast this morniiiE Signature jumped a couple of nuiiiles without tnishaji. aud Miss Melvn went a round ot the hurdles, fencing well. The committee of the Otahuhu Trotting Club have decided to lay down a seven furlong track at Otahuhu. and the work is to 'be put Into hand immediately. Oot of the 13S horses carded for the Waipa meeting on Saturday no less than fi9 were withdrawn from their encasements on the course. This is an unusually high percentage. Both Ruruwai and I>'ulsoiup got solid backing for their engagements at the Waipa meeting on Saturday, hut neither succeeded in returning a dividend, their defeats being costly to punters. Dead Sweet knocked his stifle badbr during the running of the lUrousiji Hurdles at the Waipa meeting, on Saturday, aud may not he able to fuhil his engagement in the Graftou Hurdles. Penniless was taken to the Waipa meeting, ilnit while being taken off the train fell, knocking himself about badly. He had to Up withdrawn from his engagements, and it may 'be some time before he races again. Onyx, whicl, is generally held to have il winning chance iv the Auckland Trotting Cup. went amiss recently while working, aud this accounts for her absence from the list of acceptors for the big event at Epsom. The winning riders at the Waipa Meeting were:—ll. Wiggins (Boimierday and Infantei, J. O'Shea (Bezant and Brightlight), 1.. Manson (Golden Dream), E. Mansou (10sthoiiuu, McTavish (Arrau), and \V. ltennie (Snake). Persian King and hunray are two unexpected acceptors for the Auckland Clip. ISoth raced at the Waipa meeting ou Saturday, hut their form was bard!/ up to that reqrired for an Auckland Cup. and a victory for cither would mean a big surprise. The Australian-bred tllly Royal Fancy was expected to run prominently in the Maiden Plate at Te Awaiuutu on Saturday, but though well enough placed at the turn fulled to go ou with it. and finished out of a ilace. When Gci'.dcn Dream won the Maiden 'Plate at the 'Waipa meeting on Saturday he scored his first winning 'bracket. The three-year-old returned a nice two-fisurc dividend, and as his connections anticipated his success they benefited accordingly. The Hawke's Bay traiuor. K. Cress, was taken bad j nB t after the Bay at Plenty meeting, held at Te Aroha. aiid i 9 at present confined to his bed. During his illuess his team, consisting of Aα Astra. Ben Bolt, by w" S he"d ransle is bein S looked after Sm a of Royal Mac. which won the North Ota-o Cup last week. Iβ establishing „ fl"e record for consistency. In hi* last seven «SSS he has been in a place each time while ii, his last thirteen essays he hasf' won five times (including a dead heat), been second : four times, third twice, and unplaced twice A well-known horseman w:is Impersonated at the Waipa meeting on Saturday by one of the guessing fraternity, who was entrusted by a victim with £10 to •p-.u on a horse. The animal duly won, but as the dividend was not forthcoming inquiries made exposed the fraud, and probably the matter will be ventilated lv the Police Court. According to the "Chriritehureh Press." the poor showing of Willie Lincoln in Lhe Wainoni Handicap at New Brighton may be accounted Jor By an unfortunate happening clock stopped before reaching W'llie Lincoln's beil. and when the letter's driver realised what had happened, the remainder of the field had too great a lead of the Lord Elmo gelding to allow him to take any real part in the race. This is another argument in favour of the yar«s system of starting. Although from a weight-carrying point of view there was nothing to enthuse on about the win of Boomerday in the Waipa , Cup. still Mr. Slackrow's gelding won so nicely that he should win a much better race before the season closes. Wiggins got Boomerday to the front early, and though Mangamahoe pot to him when half the journey was covered, he could not go the pace set, and Boomerday Tiad him beaten before the home turn was negotiated. O'Shea then brought Raceful on the scene with a late run, but Boomerday kept him off to win by a length and a-hair. Boomerday has raced moet consistently this-season, and his win on Saturday was a very popular one

Mr. G. M. Curries Dcrbj- candidate Thespian has arrived at Ellerslie, and looks to have gone on the right way since he won the Great Northern Guineas in the spring. He looks exceptionally well, and Ilia presence in the Derby will add considerable interest to the eveut. His stable companion LJstowel also gives the impression that he has improved since the spring, and looks fresh and well. WAIKATO TROTTING CLCB. Nominations for all events to be decided at tbe Waikato Trotting Club's Meeting at Hamilton on January 7 close on Friday, December 23. at 5 p.m.. and tan be tnade either with the secretary .Mr. A. .7 Smith. Hamilton, or Mr. C. F. Mark, Auckland. KiWiKAWA RACING CLUB. Nominations for all events to be decider! at the Kawakawa Racing Club's Meeting, to be hold on January 21, close to-morrow, Thursday, the 2.!ud iust., at 5 p.m. Nominations can be made cither with the secreoVu r a £ A r u£r^ Ka ™ kawa - or Mr - ELLERSLIE TRAINING NOTES. The work at Ellerslie this morning was of the useful order, the sand, tan Xo 3 grass, and two-yoar-old tracks being available. The only ones to go ajrninst the watch were Solfanelln and Vindictive, which s.-illnpe.l six furlongs on the grass in 1.18 .'I-:,, lluishili- on terms. NEW ZEALAND TLTIF KBGISTKB. The pocket edition of the ■New Zealand Turf Register, giving parti<-nlars of all meetings, both racing and trottin~ held from August 1 to December 8, has been published by the Christcburch Press Company, and. us usual, is greatly appreciated. -Ihe publication is an invaluable one to sportsmen, and, as only n limited number can be issued, early application for copies NEW ARRIVALS. Mr. \V. ISaynor arrived yesterday afternoon by the Main Trunk' expres.s with Jbe.-pian au,i I.istowcl. Explorer also came by the same trail)./ Mr. .1. 11. Jetlerd i-urne from the Waikato yesterday with K.pitajjh, Fulsome and Ruruwai. Mr.-J. Kin- arrived with Connemura, Machree. and Miss June, aud * u iJl? y " ,so I'" 1 iv •'" appearance. this morning Mr. K. Davis arrived by the second express with the Aucklan<l Cup candidate Aureate and the two-year-olds ■Hisbland, Plagoland. an,i Moorland. By the Rannva this morning Mr 'S Reid put in an appearance with Uncle Alex. The Dunce, and Cold Steel. AUCKLAND TROTTING CMTR. \JJm Auckland Trottin? Club's Summer Meeting hwks like being a record one from cvi-ry point of view, and an acvenfince of fourteen good eiass horses i,i the Auckland Trotting Cnp invests tbat event with con ■jlderably more than the ordinary interest. sun thrc ' t n n i ner, Mr - J - Lir - vce - * as still three candidates engaged, so that he holLb tt very strong hand, but nothln- of Will* note has droppe.l out, an d the contest is sure to be an exciting one. The Great Northern Trotting Derby" has a select Ued -?. Vμ i " ,O ,ontcst tor. the blue ribbon fixM 1 C T, OUe Of , tbo •'""■ actions of the morfi , C attpu,li >uces of touts each trotting' nxt;!re ln 1) e n e°n P ™2Z?lZ%J aa to * ward to as the forthcoming Summer Meeting of the Auckland Trotting Club. THE AUCKLAND CUP Lrlfif , " , b< ;V vce » no »- ami Monday ferent ™™ f ol,al ": v P"t an altogether dif ierent aspect on the event Tin. w,>ir,o Meetlnj: hardly threw any light « B £■££ caused the chances of Aureate to be discussed. Uncle Ned, Insurrection and Foo Chow are well in the limelight, and Rouen, I.mema eh, ami Mangainahne have friend 'r£neJ? th j£° kS nlcc ' aud ir s n p would' repeat the form which won her the last interSf niornl "- ,vill be watched " with THE WAIPA MEETING. «-.T£ C Wai ' la Racine Club were favoured m«.il-. a s ° o,l "'tendance at their annual receipts were down a counle of thniiu.-in<i PdfL J h ,l ra °. lnß *»« sood. and the nelds ui> to the average, but evidently th<» money was not there for speculation One pleasing feature of the fixture was the adherence to the published time* of start! &ere«r t Ttr h e e are ffl oi, l e S o i r Sf'ffiS the club would do well to consider one in l' ar "Pular being the inadequate provision made for the admitting to the course of those who make the journey i,.v train. On Saturday one little entrance, which only allowed of the μ-assi,,,, o f one at a time, ™ n JL» n i ' here , was a vai lable. the cons e : quence bern? that nnmbers. after standing the crushing for a while In endeavouring rlesofte the"effor lmP ' T eOt ° Ver the fc " c * . This means a loss" of'"revenue to o, ?he 'club' nesides causing people a lot of annoyance and inconvenience. THE WAI I , A CL'P. The running of the Waipa Cup did not ',„"■ "J""* "°' iir on 'he prospects of the Auckland Cup candidates, Starland, ltoyal Abbey, Mangamahoe, Archie and Sunny and if that form is correct not one of those mentioned can have even the remotest chance ot success in ,he big race at Ellerslie Neither Starland nor Royal Abbey ever looked to hold a winning poskiou nor 4itl Sunray, but Archie did not have the best of luck, while in a different run race, and tinder a lighter scale of weights Manganiahoe may show to mure advantage. Mr. Scholium's candrdate, Persian King, managed to net third in the Puterangi Welter Handicap but the class was very weak, and his ehoWlne certainly did not inspire confidence in his prospects for the Cup. Of course, it is not always advisable to sum up the form of a horse on the performances in the couutrv. not that it Iri suggested that they are not asked to do their best, but the lighter scale of weights, the difTerencc between n.O aud ..0 sometimes has considerable effect, and some of those mentioned may run well forward next Monday. At present, however, they cannot be recommended as having anything outside the usual starter's chance. TUttF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CANTKRRI'KV. IBy Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") tV; CIIRISTCIIURCH. Tuesday. Riecarton'will be desertpd all through the holidays owing to the absence of the bulk of the horses at Auckland, Duuedin aud ' the V.est (oast." Though a number of !l" rSes - are I>ooke<l for Dunedin. the contiu- J years, the numbers* sent to Au.-'kla'nd °nd the West Coast being much lv excess of the average. Local interest will principally centre in the Auckland meeting, for which the local representation is fairly strong Royal Stars effort in the ■Auckland Cup will be watched with interest, for the Marian gelding is a genuine stayer, and before v, leaving Kiccarton was in the pink of conUtion. He is greatly favoured here, and is expected to t run a race. Koo Chow is the only other Vepresenta- ! tive from tln>se parts hi the big two mile , rare, ana he has come on a lot of 1-ite Puc,V'E"'H! hvay , Hi,Bdiea P we have VessnuVri- > ' nstard P»t 7.11, and Purple I"™ (loal °f late, but his recent public. is a ™,; a r ! >•"«!■"„ .Foal citake, there , In fauoV,' wbich e "m.; v VC ., from v Ui «' arto » harder race th-in ,t i• J gl ° *-I"laph a Cau-er u»vJ ■ Kipcarton. Great sVwSoti u,ok° f T inUi "" the in the Me-thven Cun IZ' IoT ™* S»"op exceptionally good Wed Mm as aa bo^es'fu^tltm'a^isr 6 Hiccarton more than useful -.n.i ,', hlp P ln X BojT. both ro improve ' he laI <er is likely ' boy^Vrfiu^'t'oe' , Mimi " '-»« H- umand a-t the vraieh? utt?" Handicap, beating the othli, S ° * Iln>ic Uke The Reaver, which is in the p«k. Handicap, is more than n«»fi i Kob mson good seven furlongs efUl, and ru DS a ' The North Otago meeting h i, ' day and Satnrda™ ,™owe3 s ' a h , elrt ° n K«the totaiuator Inve.tment.. and"' the° clun Cattach ran Poorly on th- opening day

> «as supposed to have broken do\vn weeks s ago, but though he nas to be handled care- ! fully manages to win races. v ; The local horseman, C. Emerson, is I Improving his riding average of late, and - n-ith 22 winners is only one behind the i leader, Ashley Keed, who nas 23. Next in ; order come ; F. Voight 15, and Harold 3 I'oung 14. All the work at Tliccarton this morning was done on the plough, and most of the horses with holiday engagements were given useful tasks. Warlove strode out freely over a mile, and should race well in the South. Scrimmage was restricted to steady : pacing over a couple of circuits. She is to take part in ttie principle events at the Dunedin meeting. Brave Deed was going better than Angclo it the end of a seven furlongs spin, but ihp 'time was not fast. Bluff was given a working gallop over six furlongs, and L/ime!ight hit out in good stylo over five furlongs. Contempt beat Triertan and EigMceupence in a smartly run half mile. Talestrina covered six furlongs nicclv, and Wink shaped well in a half-mile sprint up the itaick. Dunn* 'istruigh.tlace had an easy morning 1 following on an unexpectedly strenuous cisk the previous day, when she took charge - of her rider. i 'Foo L'liow was let oIT with a light task. . Mr. T. S. Gillett leaves to-night for tii.. 1 North with the Solferino gelding, which is in good fettle for his engagements at the Auckland meeting. Warbne and Ued Gown were companions I in a useful gallop over six furlongs, both I finishing well. 1 Illero, Fanrlnade and Paul Try were given 1 useful work. Mr. F. G. Hanlan will go . North with the trio to-morrow to compete at tile Taranaki and Stratford meetings. , Mr. W. lloMis will leave to-morrow foi ■ Wingatni- with Palestriua and Wink. i llylans and Mazama, from Mr. f5. Trilford's stable, will go South at the same time. Mr. (J. Murray Ayusley will take five of Mr. C. <;. Dalgety's horses South on Thursday* Tor the Duntdin mee-tiuj;. They are •Warlove. Wartime, -Contempt", Bluff and Limelight. -Sir George Clifford will have Scrimmage, D.ime, Brave Deed. Angelo ami Triermain racing at the Dunedln meeting. Mr. A. Cutis will go -South with them on Thursday. Mr. it. J. Kiug, in charge of Red Gown, will leave for Wingatui on Thursday. lion Slice will leave for the South on Thursday to engagements at the Wingatui mec-tliis. Mr. S. Trilford brought bis team back from Oaiiiiiru on Monday. He will take several horses to the West Ooast meetings. Most of the Kicrartou horses which raced at Uaninrii last week- have gone on to WiujiU'tui. where they wilt compete next week. HECTOR GRAY RETURNS TO N.Z. ONLY FOll BRIEF VISIT. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) WELLINGTON. Tuesday. Zealand. Hector tlray, one of the most .successful horsemen that this country has produced, returned to his native land by the Maiamu to-day. Gray looks tit and well, and weighs about S stone, which indicates that he has kept his poundage down pretty well since leaving England. This lie did hy hard work on the way over, his ball. Crossing the Atlantic Gray was taken I very ill. and the doctors found that he was I in a had way with ptomaine poisoniug. However, be pulled through, and is now in the best of health. lie left for Auckland by to-night's main trunk train, and will be riding work on the track at Kllerslie on Thursday morning. His stay iv New Zealand will be brief, as be is booked up to sail on liis return to England by the Tahiti on February r>. Speaking of his experiences in England. Only said he had every reason to be satisfied. He had been well treated by the people there, and his observations led him to the conclusion that if Home people took a fancy to a good jockey they made a king of him. He was successful in the first race lie roile in England, and during bis stay, something just over live months, he rode twenty-three winners, his percentage lielnß about one wiu in three rides. The English horses, he says, are wonderfully far above the New Zealand thoroughbreds. As an 1 instance, he mentions Hint a horse that was I imported into Australia from England I recently, and there won one of the biggest j races in tlie Commonw<*nlth. was rocurdcil before leaving Home 11s a good sellingplater. Orpheus be declares to be the best was very clean, and the courses very good. Clubs were compelled to have a straight mile on their courses, and went iv more for long distance events than we did here. One race he rode in was over a course two miles and three-quarters, and lie won It on Spearwort. During the ninniuß of many of the races the horses disappear from sight of the public. They would not allow a home to be knocked about iv a race, and one tiling that was very noticeable was that in most of the handicaps the minimum was 7.2, instead of <>." as in New Zealand, and there were only one or two special races in which a low minimum was kept. Before leaving England Gray signed up to ride again for Sir Hugo CunlKle-Owen nt a big four-figure retainer. In a letter covering the agreement, the English owner wrote Gray saying, among other complimentary things, "Our association has been very pleasant, and I have been entirely pleased and satisfied with all that you have done for mc." Gray won £11,000 in stakes for Sir Hugo, ana £8000 for Lady CunliffeOwen. £10.000 In all. Among the valuable presents his patron gave him was v motor car. When on the Mara ma on the way across to New Zealand Gray received offers of rides by wireless', and already he has several engagements to fulfil during his brief stay. He will be on Sasanof in the Auckland Cup, on Absurdum in the Railway Handicap, and will ride Aureate in the Great Northern Derby, and Highland in the Great Northern Foal Stakes. Gray will also ride at the Wellington Cup meeting. 1

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 8

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 8

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 303, 21 December 1921, Page 8