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THE SPRING MEETING. ALISON CUP DAY. The Takapuna Jockey Club's spring mect4&g will be opened on th-e clubs <xnirse at the "North Shore to-morrow (Saturdayi. ■When some first-class racing should be witnessed. The principal event, the AHsou Cap, has drawn an acceptance of fifteen, with Uncte 'N"ed. Insurrection and Archie as the favourite selections, but the issue is open, and the contest promises to be an excitinjr one. The other events have nllod exceptionally well, α-rni altogether the programme Is very attractive.

'Since lawt season a number of improvements nave t>een effected to the appointments, ln<-ludin£ increased totalisrttor accommodation, sn that the patrons of the club will be able to take their sport under more comfortable oon<litions 'Chan previously. The first race is -timed to start at 11.45 a.m., and the lU'coptani-es are:—

JXELROSE HANDICAP of 23030V5. Six furlongs. Phyllona 9 5 W-aiUaretu .... 7 5 Broadwood ..0 3 King I'ellicule 7 5 Wanigan 8 6 Battleplane .. 7 ii Dactylls 8 6 Uosinante 7 5 Amiform 8 5 Quaestor 7 5 Loch Abbey .. 8 4 Prin. Charming 7 4 Golden Dream 8 3 Star Love ... 7 4 Smoke Concert 8 3 Pengwen . 7 2 Rwetoa 8 0 Mlderet 7 0 Wrangle 7 13 Kiarito 7 0 Merry Times 7 12 Rt. Waipa ... 7 O Exchequer ... 7 12 Gwenette 7 0 Wee Archie .. 711 Baldoyle 7 0 Irish Knight... 711 Utakura 7 0 ; Qul Bono .... 7 11 Royal Fancy.. 7 O Lady Patience 7 11 Fapoda 7 0 Dardaiicllu .. 7 7 Lady Varco .. 7 0 I Lord Star 7 G Gold Jacket.. 7 0 Gold Bud .... 7 5

BOROUGH HANDICAP of 400sova. Seven furlongs. St. lb. St. lb. King Abbey ..90 Lovelight 7 2 Right and Left 8 S Xlght Time .. 7 1 Illumination .. 8 5 Pure Laziness 7 0 Ksthonin S 2 rrince Cuarlcrol 612 Arch Salute .. 7 11 Navaua l> 7 Penona 7 11 Tresor 6 7 Namutere 7 11 Cantoris 6 7 OJonmel 7 {j Heathermoon.. 6 71 Scrap o" Paper 7 U Arch Marpot. . 6 7 Tolerance 7 5 Brigrht Light.. f C 7 Queens Up ... T 4 Mlmiwhangata C 7 PONUJ HURDLES of 250sovs. Romance .... 10 2 Silver Strltle. . It 0 Dead Sweet .. 10 0 Octonlete n 0 Crownurst ... 10 0 Indemnity .... 0 0 Lady Bruce .. 0 10 Annaroon .... !> 0 Pepln 810 Flare Gun !> 0 IMa Copper .. 910 Auburn !> 0 I Tlnokaha 9 10 Otara 0 0 ,Glenspire f> 8 Fcucer !) 0 Approach .... !> 8 Whakamuku .. !> 0 ; Stirrup Cup .. 0 6 The Gleaner ..(10 No Mistake .. 9 2 Roller 9 0 ALISON CUP of.lOOOßors. One mile two furlongs and a-half. Uncle- Ned ... 810 Gten Canny ... 7 -i Gold Kip .... 8 8 Archie 6W Starland 8 8 l'enona 0 7 Royal Abbey.. 8 2 Martini 6 7 Khublai Kban 7 8 Nnnerrant .... 0 7 Insurrection ... 7 6 Kockfield .... 0 7 Stork 7 5 Prince Carl., (i 7 Forest Gold ..7 4 CAMBRIA HANDICAP of. OOOsovs. Five runongs. Refinement ... 8 10 Miss June ... 7 S Shebang ..... 8 10 Ad Astra 7 tt Uncle Alex .. 810 Mamarty 7 5 Tactful 8 0 Sundaur 7 "> Electrode .... 7 13 Royal Fame ..73 Brctland 7 13 Owen 613 After Dark .. 713 Dorinda C 7 Lightwood ... 7 13 Lucky Lv ... 6 7 Flying Comet 713

NGATARINGA HANDICAP of 250sovs. Seven furlongs. Ben Bolt .... 9 8 Jispianade <> ° Boomerday .. 9 8 'Royal Present S It Sir Huon .... 92 PoUni 8 O Stammer .... S 12 Cold titeel ... S (1 Kilwana 8 10 Tireless 7 13 Some Fashion 8 8 Finkop 7 11 Formalin 8 8 Itegent < 11, War Tank .... 8 7 Ductylis 7 i Phyllona 8 4 Te Akltai .... 7 7 Chaplin 8 2 Arch Laddie .. i i Marble Bell ..82 Herchies 7 7 Marble Slab ..8 0 Wlneome Arch 7 7 TIRI HURDLES of 300sova. One mile and three-quarters. Hyginat .12 2 Killard J> lo Loyal Arch .. 10-12 Multiplane ... 9 4 Poanui 9 11 Kiriwinning ..9 0 Deviation .... 9,10 Otara 9 0 CHELTENHAM HANDICAP of GOOsovs. Six furlongs. Golden Babble 0 4 Queen Abbey.. 7 7 Landslide .... 9 0 Infante 7 4 • Geoffrey 8 8 Dovelet 7 4 I pavo 8 8 Queene Up .. bll Right and Left 8 0 Lightning 6 7 Tama-a-roa .. 8' 8 Lellbfield t> T ©emagogne ... 7 H Lady Polly ... 6 7

WOODVILLB JOCKEY CLUB. THE H'AXIMCAPS. CH.RTSTOHORCH, Thursday. Tie following handicaps have been declared by Mr. Henrys for the opening day's racing of the Woodville J.C. Spring Meeting:— Hack Hurdles of aOOsova, one mile and three-quarters. —War Limn 10.9, Otaura. Kid 10.6 Passenger 10.6, 'Royal Exchange a 0.6, Raffle 10.1, The Baronet 10.1. Royal (Gift 9.9, Active 9J), Meomar 9.8, Thelu 9.7, 3>ad3- Witt-liW. 9.2, Trenfcnam Rose 9.0. March On 0.0, Wamba 9.0, Opiate 9.0, Edenuolm 9.0, iLady Upcott 9.0. Oete Handicap of 30O.TOVS. sii furlougs.—. Staf.iette 0.13, Chimera 9.1, Strategy 8.6. ißarksheeeh «.2, Tari 7.13, Miss <!ol<l 7.12, Astrnome 7J.2, Tigrinia 7.12, Fwlsome 7.5, 'Curicature 7.7, Ruatara 7.7, Cleasanta 7.3, Tinihanga 7.3, Tommy ißot "Si, Btrkie 7.3. iSddier'a Love 7.3, Aineri«in Beauty 6.12, Tairawhiti 6.10 Sweet Memory 6.9, Voluble 6.9,.Sair;»rini 6.9, Martian Miss 6.7, Avrake 6.7, >'amur 6.7.

Nursery Handicap of JOOsovs, five furlonge.—'Mountain Lion 8.11, Bumptious 8.0, The Cypher 7.13, Fingoland T. 13, Moorland 7.13, Ma. Boughal 7.13, Finland Colt 7.13, Potoa King 7.13, Oereo 7.13, Alabama 7.13, Slayer 7.13, IPeneus 7.13 Morose 7J2, Bonrins 7.8, Valeri 7.8, Zouave 7.8, Huia Girl 7.8, Native Queen 7.8, Diamond Rin-g 7.5, Deborah 7.3. Wairarapa. 7.3, Tillage 7.3, Waetea 7.3, Zarelwi 7.3.

WoodvHle 'Handicap of 600sove. one mile ami a-quarter.—Affectation 9.7, Maivha 9.-~>, IMarq-ueteur, 9.1. Molyneux 9.0, Vagabond 8.12 (Punka 8.11, 'Bon'ettor 8.6, Kilr\isli 8.3, Admiral Oodrfngton 8.2, KesMrity 7.13, Kilffour 7.13, Anomaly 7.13, Bagdad 7.10, Stork 7.10, Matatua 7.7, Tonitent 7.7, Itusc Wreath 7.7, Pnonul 7.5, Ifciiland 7.5, AtiTOate 7.4, lEsperance 7.3, TJie Speaker 6.13, Egtnont IPark 6.13, iPassing Through 6.10, Siberian 6.7.

Firing Ulandicap at 200sova, six fu'rlonsrs. —Tinfhanga 9.6, Voluble 0.2, Bestir 8..1."!, Chant RoyaJ 5.13, .Awake 5.12. Kikini 8.11. Makere 8.11. Scion, Crcme-de-Mcnthe 8.4, Rurnwai B.:{, Il<?d Bou 8.3, Big Chief 8.3, Jackaroo 8.2. Projector 7.10, Hi-po 7.10, Mockery 7.9. 1a>«1 Wet 7.U. Admiration 7.9, Bwnlbrtxok 7.9, Convention 7.9. Iα iPaloma 7.9. Valley Rose 7.7, Melting .Moments 7.7, iKilreid 7.7, Bodyguard 7.7, Correspondent 7..?, Mountain March 7.3, .Solstice 7.3, l"ar=sionless 7.3, Take Take 6.13. Lady Kotiripo 6.13, MoTzonia 6.12. Doucement 0.12, Debate 6.12 Slave iMaTt 6.12. Matariki G. 12, aiegan 6.12,' Redlogue 6.12. Big Gun 6.12.

Boroujfh Welter of' ilOSovs, seven furlongs. —Simonides 9.13. Admiral Oodringron 0.12, 'Uttle liiver 9.12, Ohrysostom 9.13, Osterina 9.5. Backsheesli 9.5, 'Jtoee Wreath 0.4, Miss -Gold 9.4, Verbosity 9.4, Matabua 9.4, Buatara 9.4, «yeorax 0.1, Tigrinia 5.13, Aureate 5.13 Kginont iPark 8.10, A-ska-ri 8.12, Athene 11. 5.12, Royal Exchange 8.13, I'roIbate SJJ, Hyttiw 8.11. Quest S.ll, Mort Avis 8.6, 'Martian Mies 8.5, Automoana S.u, Woden 8..">. Detroit 8.5, Hepta 8.5, iPrin«ees Pat 5.4. Taipairu 8.2 Scornful S.O. RonTiv Briar 8.0, ©lack Art 8.0, Misemnid 8.0. Submerse 8.0.

Welter Hack Handicap -of ITSsovs, one mile and 170 yards. —Taipalran 0.0, Black lArt 9.7, Halcyon 9.1, Gamboola 9.4, Lochsou 9.2, Admiration 9.1, Earthshine 9.1, Don! Desmond 9.0. Californian 5.12, 8.11, M'Oknttatn 8.10, Koyal Gift 8.10, Bitesfulness 8.9, Kail 3.9, Sweet Song 8.9. Wiunna S..j, 'Hondl 8.5, Zero 'Hour S.ii, Patnke 8.5, TlVe-eißtatbe c.3, Signorrta 8.5, "Erie 8.3, Mannikin 8.0, Suspicion 8.0, Hallucination 8.0. A HORSE KPLDED. Willie working, on tlie No. 2 grass at Ellerslie this morniug, the gelding Glemspire foroke his leg between the fetlock and the hock, and had to Hie destroyed , . Tie horse was only going halt pace when the accident ■occurred, and an examination of the track failed to disclose anything likely to cause 'tke mishap, which was purely accidental.

atAiNAWiATU RACING CL.T7B. N'ominffitione for all ewots to be decided at the Manawa'tu Club's summer meeting:, ;in<l first forfeit for the lWn PaJuiexston Stakes, close with the secretary, ■ilt. J. M. Jotaiston, to-niffht, at 9 o'clock. TVAII-A KACrXG CL.UB. Nommalions for all events at th« Waipa R-acint •C'hib's meeting on Decenfber 17 close '.liei! , o'clock, and can toe iu*de either wttlPthe secretary, Mr. J. G. Wyn-y-ard. Te Awamutu, or Messrs. BlomfieW and Co., Auckland. BAY OF .PLENTY JOCKEY CL.DB. Nominations for all eveoit» to be decided nt the Bay of Plenty Jockey Club's meeting close 'to-dtiy at 5 o'clock, and can be made either -with the secretary, iMr. Votes, Tunransa, Mr. Nash, Te Aroha, or Mr C F. Murk. Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 3

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 3

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 3