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Pneh from a mct-eeeftil run in Sydney, the musical production "Lilac Domino will eonvm«JC« Us Anckland season at His Majesty's Theatre thu «Tronin«. A f""-"™ of the opera wH4 be the ]*rce number or new artWW .matin* rtielr Initial bow to a New Zenfcind audience. Among jtnew! ere Mies Reno Mawoll. the yoang Australian Who hus followed in the footstep* of Dorothy Bnmton and Oladys Moncrieff, ami eetabliKhed ucreelf a /"a"? favourite with theatre-goers la Australia also Claude Flemrotog, who (•omffl "£**£* reputation of baring I»lny«i J «» (1 Jose ColWns at UaLT/e Theatre, London, .mite rwcotl}- m "Tne Soithwn M«H. and if it were not for a Wndine WBtrac-t wouhl still -be *n London to-flny, anujwr. Georte <!«e, who is computed to have filled tin- 'bill art tne much looked for surceeeor to the late Ocarge L*urf, ivliicb spee*e vnlumes for .Mr. Gee's nttitty fl« B wme<Map. In adtliHou a number of «*1 fevourrtes in ttu- persone of (Sexton M«rva!e. rajtUi DrQ.vSon. Hugh Steytw. Loo V<?rnon Mate Beini Merle £aton, WilHam ValoDtlnc, \. G Browne, Jack Dniino, Archie Thompson, Berte «ohl, KKty KkM.t, Muriel Out heart, Aftbirr Mertln, WUllom Atoßct, Nonmn lime Tl» etajre direction w-il! fte ttnffer the personal enpervlrton of Mr. G«wrge i Keneinffton. NATIONAL THEATBE. Petef B. Kyne's stirring drama of the w«et "The Beaatlfiil Gambler" Is being featured at the National Theatre as the star attraction of an lntereetine budget of films. As the heroine Grace Dermond IK all that can be desired, her Interpretation of the hiirhly emotional role being enacted with convlncih* reality. The story Is baaed upon a rirl's heMe effort to save her falnfir from dlserace and niln cau*ed by gambling loeies by literally selling herself in marriage to the owner of the gamblin* den. Then into the w«st comeg Miles Hand, scapegrace eon of a famous judge, sent west to redeem his manhood. He finds Molly In the gambling den and learns her pathetic etory. How her husband Iβ thought to hate died In the burning of his tnlqnltod* hall, and how he later returns In & tra*lc effort to blight the hanplnee* of the man and woman Iβ forcefnlly narrated and the climax IS wholly unexpected. iSTftAND TifIBATEiE. Ivoncton has always appealed to the New Zenlantfer, net ulone as a city <rf millions nml marvels, nor as Che centre or the greatest empire of the earth: fent most as the capital of his own native land. From the time when, as the loweet croaelng of the Thame», it Decatne a necceeery town and sa-w the sails of the Dane, to when the xenpelinsi searched for it in the lamplesfl dark, H lias jwaSessed a fascination or its own. N<\t a street biit has its history, awl It lias the beauty of many onlldin«s A nation In lteelf. compounded of all nations, not Sent York or Part* can outrival if in Its display* of wealth, iwmp, and, power. Sudi Is the romance at tlie irreat and its st6ry is forcibly prpsettted in the film "IJvlne (Lowlon," which fs twin? sfereened *s the chief attraction at tfre strand Theatre. M a special wcf-cenlng oE the film in Wellington thera were present the iPrtrne Minister, Sir. Alasse.r. and rieaHv all the mem'bere of the Cabinet and Parliament. TIVOLI TIHEATftE. The (Urn version of Sir Gilbert Parker's well-ktawn novel "Tlie Mc.ney Maker" leads the hndeet at films to be presented at the TiToll Theatre this evening, under the tXIe of "A Wise Fool. - ' The interest of the story centres ronnd Jean .laeqiw* Barbeine. Trio, Winded "by mower and powej- nearly deetreye his owe and hlfl ca-rwer. There Is a foil roeamire of pathos intrxwhiced into thus presentation of tfre stoxy, effectirely relieved by wioleI some humour. James Kirkwood iMt» in tbe leading ri»le and has the snpjM>rt of a atromi: cast. The programme Includes minor [ nuns 'of interest and af»pH>P riate erchestral numbere. LTiIUC THIBATRE. The principal featnre of the prograjmne ta 'tw presented at the lijrrtc "fheetrc this eveninS wUI be "Salvattan a film rcrsJon of the pojwlar etace play by Reward Sh*Mon. The story i* dramatically prwentiwJ, and the Interpretation of the leading role oy I»auline Stark enhancea the effectiveness of th« dim. Yhsre Is plenty of romance thronehent the picture, and- altogether it moves to a striking and forcible conclusion. The ettpporting fitms promise to be both varied and absorbing and include "In Other Men's S&See," a drama with an agreeable Wending of pathos and nnmour. CrawloM Kent is se>n to advantage In the exacting leading role. PRI-XCBSS TBBATRE. "Th« Dwmpsey-CaWeirtieT PSght. " ttie $lm Trhich is belns Mown aft tfce Prtnoew for th« forthcoming week, Is uni«Joe to tlwt it is a <ximplete and accurate account of one of the greatest evmte In the ejwrttne TCorW. By means of ttn» flfen both itae «r«i are tirMccd, and the audience is ena'bted to s*e the O*lc tourney for the world's cfrainptawhip w> tl*e tiioneands oT Spectators, irho flocked to the oien-a -wh*h> the fight was etaged. did in ecniality. T?ie ■whole progress of fbe light c"an be followee. a« every detail » bnrogbt our in t'w» film with wondeffnl clartty. 4WI aitoßWhrr an etreHent Idea of the tlgnt is obtained. QUEEN'S TSEATRE. Amoniß; the pMsrranTttits of ahnp ecrpcirtrg as *ac charge for this weJ>k nt the Qneen's ThwtTf "Why Cfcs«ge Your Wife?" is the hentUihfer. fbe title a»ks a qjiesition wrhkrh is answered in the film In tap (trarse of a nuirtter of delleht-ful incidents fnM of pej> and romance. .A of the pic-ture ie tire lavish and beu.uril-jl thai has been given it l)v that pTinre of Cedi d*> aiiUe." •-The Big Pnn<* ( " featuring Buck Jones, ht among tfce srfpports. KVESRTBODy-S THEATRE. Kobcrt Harrrm comes once more rteTnrp an Airtiland iaudience w.ith all his ebarcn and personality. He i« «re«t «s the leading man in •Voinridence," wlilrai Is being irreened at Th**tre. The p<jpttfeis- sar's iffterptetatiwn sparkle? wirb the i*<liance of ,ioy aii*l yo»jth, aiid his man',-pnil9*ton of the lfiftnohnis Wosnemtli entitle him to -a Uieh piatf in tin? hihke ot Itgbt <-omedißiw. TM»e eti>ry is l*srht and pleaafrnt*. and boWs the Interest to *he tact. ■Biceilen* support* and epproprte'ie musicel selections are hw-lbdexi in the programme. GRAND THEATRE. Tfcc .epsrkling comeay "Twin Beds" has cohie to the <?rand Theetrf. and will br. screened this cvenlhsr and during the coming Week as the chlpf picture. The film is literally saturated with humour of fhe highest order, calculated to the audience -fh a continual state of laughter. Mr. and Mm. Tarter df Haren add to the fund of good bumoar with their effective rendering of the principal role*. The twelfth efolsode of Siletit Avengtr" la included In the supports.

&AVAUE CLUB CHOI it. CfrasUkrable sttrwftj attended the concert pjvea last evenjuft in iHh> concert «h«mber of r.ho Town Hell 117 the Savage Cluli Chotr fn ak) of tfie fund for 4hs FTpKom School ffrotinds imnrovenwntg. The enoit. tintler tfre comlucto'rshlp or Mr. A. Barrier. Bare renderings <>f • fiiv Yoet-t!" "Ttw Rosary," ami "Owl ami Pusey CM, ' beeki<>H elnpiug the chonws to efrlos l>v Messrs. O-Wallej. Mliicrap. Maeee.r nftil WMtt>. Mr. Prtngi" wo* encored for His «>lo. •■••nake a I'air or? Spar)rrtn s ■EJ-β*," and gave ihv olil favotirt+p. "Conn? It»tr> rhe Garden, Maud." .A <I«et fnnii «ilbert Ami Snhtran'e "ntrafore"' tras en-ng by M«wa. Ineurti ami "VV-hjfrp, jnj a ec«te. "My Gallant," from the satire ttot'k, by Mr. Ulliersp. Oth*T works of <Mibert and Sullivan from ■svhicli selections H-erc ■ftihen were "Pira-tea" and "itffentSie." Mr. Garland wan Pfertii-ularl.v irptl ftceivea iv his sketches. nn<l was pnrorpd on txwh *pp<«ran.os. but Mr. Els&n Bond also wai» wik-Ii I? r Tb,e ,o ™' 3 Story." .Miss ItaHirc Ifradr and Mr. Pringle in a <|.;ipt em!ilp<l 11 Troviilore," wer<? ptitlicMc si n<l tthfii Xt!«s .tt!»u.r apppoWi! in a solo. "Hoshm Adair." shf waa cren inoro onthnsiupptawlirf. eWertoiDinc m»M*re -Kvra glron hjr »f. .Aiteop aort ■.««!srs. Fiirncjes sisi CMalftv in -1 (Ihm "Win You Ilauce Witt) MoT ' CONOIiIT AT TAKAPI-.S-J. Residents -ir Takapiinn n-.-ro rfrpn a ninslmJ lust cvf?nlnij, ijic >ral*Tin*!)- iirul Now Zosilam! Quartet srav,. onftf UiL-Ir mwt!,> »xmci\rts in «ie Foresters' 'Hall, to assisi tup bon-iors , qr.wn to c rarnl-ral finest. Thf radio choir san* a number of thilr popular part suncs ranpltt? fmm «rrare to pay, and the quarift (favo "Bpau-tys Eyed" aa<l "Lovely Nisht " all "f thpsii items heing en«iuitaat.k-al!v receirp<i unri pwore«l. Tbc ?oJoi«ts vre-t" Messrs. t. B. Rwe, i>. S. Cousin*, and J ARher. the latter to a last mimitp a n<l all of the w^ iai«S(>rvf*li.T cnoorcJ. so that tiiv prosTa-nme altwreUi-r n-as quite a leiurriiy one The a>-.<Tini>a.aim<mts were ex'-elienrly plnvod i,v Mrs. Tjwrttt ami Miss Rovre. ' " ORGAN" IIRCfTAI.. A finr Torts ey 'TanaUnnß f>n a: i_hwml," wt;i bo ttoe prinrtpa! •woi-fe «>n f T the Otxan reritßl la l"own Han to-nmrrow night. The city Carman, -Me>lam B>*Ui«r, a w/«at arrival from TSngiairf, wUI T>c t&e voariiew

THE HIPPODROME. .\ William Fox production "RidhV 8(n „ is the chief picture of the new proeramnL being screened at the HippodroiL t£! Mix. the over-popular cowboy star, perfiZ in the film -breathless feats »f and horsemanship, which ke?p the andlent? tense to the rlosins dramatic scenes. Thirt is also an abundant sprinkling which maa to the zest of th,- pi.-rrfre. The plot Is » good one. and Is admirably and forcibly nrp seated. The supports include a Suishln* comedy and topical film?. —*u« FULLER'S VAUDEVILLE. The current programme at Filler's Oikm House continues to attract full booses The vaudeville items are varied, and are executed by talented artißts. The programme will be repeated thi* erpning and to-morrow night with the usual matinee to-morrow - THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING KAItNE.ST. " Oscar Wilde is a master o f paradox, and In no play has his i;eniuK in thig reepeci been more effectively and brlllantly displayed than Hi his nparklinj; comedy "The Importance of Reins Earnest." This evenIns the dramatic circle of the Auckland Women's will present the pUy in the Town Hall Concert Chamber. The principal parts will be taken by Mrs. Foreyth. Miss's Phyllis Boult. M. Cranston. G. Frauer, p. Bloomfield. Foster. 11. Spicer, and' M* Kobinscn. BOY SCOUT CONCERT. '■ A concert was held at St. Sepulchre's Parlnh Hall last night for the purpose of raising fnnds for the equipment of a newlyformed troop of Roy Scouts at the Pap»tuetoe Orphan Home. Selections were given by the Ponsonhy Boys' Brass Band, and musical items by members of various Boy Scout troops In the district. The newlyformed troops of Girla Peace Scoots from St. Andrew's and St. Mary's gave some interesting sketches and Daring the evening- the deputy provincial commissioner illr. R. C. Urigsby) presented to the Bey. W. K. <;illam, the scoutmaster of the ' Papatoetoe boys, a Union Jack and fligtroop. The flag was presented hj Mr. A. W Daniel, the flagpole by Mr. C. Perkin. ana sido dram by Miss M. Grlgsby. AMUSEMENT GUIDE. HIS MMMTVe —"Lilac Domino." OFDM HOUSE —Fuller's Vaudeville. TOWN HALL CONCERT CHAMBER— "The Importance of Heing Earnest," Auckland Women's CluD. PICTURE THEATRES. THE NATIONAL—'The Beautirul Gambler" and "Trie Amazing Woman." THE HIPPODROME—Tom Mix in "Ridin' Romeo" and Sunshine Comedy. THE LYRIO —"Salvation iVell" and "Ottier Men's Shoes." THE STRAND—"Living London." THE TIVOLI —James Klrkwood in "A Wise Fool." EVERYBODY'S —Robert Harron in "Colncldencc." THE PRINCESS —The Dempsey-C»rpentier Fight. THE QUEEN'S —"Why Chang-c Yonr Wire!" and "The Bis- Punch." THE GRAND —Mr. and Mrs. Carter fie Haven In -'Twin Beds." THE ARCADIA —"The Witching Hour." WEST END—"The Lost City."

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 2

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 2

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 281, 25 November 1921, Page 2