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WANTED KNCWTC. avoid mistakes advertisers "aTo -*- roquestcti to write their advert, laments In IUU."VT-iMJ': Brooches. Karrlnge, N'ec'slets :r> UWhW- Bracelets! a .ilectallV—ChS \V Iro Kms, new address, 354. Kartusahane lit " i> ■■pVNTHIA." i.niuiv. cooling I vJ ]»fpvcms sunburn. reuiui» l-'rei-klea. \r Al iAM SUNn A\~ iieadhiKs wuaThuiZ •>"- wining --1.-.A. Si. . < M O l 1 1. V '! lA ' y S - Vri . : .'' :; > -> M miii! ,!o;)u/.it will. laß. wucen' ft. ' '' ' r l"' A '' a -;('i's Yjiss TlUiK.vii ..v l'K)-f|n,mrtrlKr :md -"- llpnler; Hours - h, s. i. i ~,,,-r vin- *■•"*" ' ■■'■■ '•'"•■ ''..ok *'■ 1 N J Ternra. furultnn-. £w worth, a € 1-i ueckiy: l-i:.n«s fn.m :. w..,., 11y ..-C0... Uiu Agc-.K-y. ,11, i X.> |-h:il:r.wrs. l> /\AKPKT Klwtrlc W.-atiug and Vacuuui !'ro..-ss. - Domes! |- Vacuum (.ieanin; in, tiran.l Arcade, l'hone '.«kj. U W lxt;s Winw. -V..H «-.,„•; r..ari. t It ff » » yon try : "iirltin'.< Wine-. ; hilvit'V'ONtA Plains thrive in niJlk, rendering it uisea«i!-<-lhiuimUn K . Sjamp parKeu- i lars. -/.ouia. ]:.. UiffiT Vlmviii _St. 17G rpottUNOA Olutme:;: en re Cancer? KeJ- cent events aro encouraging. It cures Goitre, I'ilc-A. li-heiiinatism and Kezeimi. 1) SJJLF .Sanitary Hair Cutters have arrived at last; ur.iers now fuliillcd; price 10/ Detviir, Siraiiit Areude. D iJAM l'Al-|. liiixor Si.iri.™iii«: pvwj*J lljiziri- suciniuliMil. -Uiitnlri'KS-.f. yuei'-n ami (.Jnviy sus. _i.-r-|i. I'wrj ItMgici. aj» t^ I dnk 7s~~ iKu i; _ niKN taki; xyaL •"- KiI>NKY I'lblJi bVr Lamp i!:i.-k mid nil Kidney Ills. Sai,' uuil prmupi In arllon. ' A; all '.N.val -nictuists. CLAKIiSO.VS H l!i'lfAc.-eurule Kcudy-to-Wear Suits. nu-tu-dau*: tit guaranteed. JS, Karauguhape I'-l. A NU still" HteV come To Auckland to settle! That"." Tv-by <'OiKI;KY-S such n Irailp In Vsed Furniture! (' TTJOWLJiUS--- White Felt Hats, 10/6; -«J Woollen (ralianline TrGHSPit*, all prices aud sizes. —-Chirksou's, 4S, Karauguliope Iloati. A TTSTaiIiN Scllin.L', just Phone Oeorge Walker • » and receive Ifliu beueiil of lits personal illteution, . C OK. MKLSIi.N, .Siylit operiahs:, <j"J, i'itt • St., opp. fcutral Kire Station. Kxutulliatinn Free. Churgeii mod. l' 3M74. A SJUKFEltl'Tllt; ol' Skiu Ki-uptious. Kvzt'ma, O Hies, riiilblains, etc.. consult Madame Amie. SttiPfton's Hldga.. (Jueen St. A ALWAYS (i.N TIMT!.—-XYAT< KIOR.ICN, the ever deprudalile lcilly Insuxive. tsafc, cprluin anil' comfortable." (hioU lor the Kiddies. Ai all -Nyal Cheunsi<. PUUK Hornal Remedies.—Mrs. K» Tollcrtou, Herbalist and Magnetic IJealer. 115, Karangaliave Ed. Orause Lily Treatmeat. MAKSBE.VE ileductng Tablets, reliatiic and beneficial, IMS and 4.Xi; :i mouths' course, £I.— Foster, WliaurareL A ."OEIGPLK sap tJiat George Waiver is the J- most successful Outdoor Furniture Auntioueer. C ••/tY'STPH'LA" pLy ('r«iui brings simple, >-/ natural boauty. An adorably Freurti ll]\ tint free with j:ir. -T"TT'iOWfOiM.I" practised by Furnishing at -" (i«orge Walker's Ancdon >Stiles. C fVTYAL, TONIC. TBB KE&V, IMUU2ISU i> T.OXIC lor all those who are weak, run down or : nervous. Benefit from the first dose. At all Nynl (Mipmisrs. OOFT rOJiXS AND HARFI COKX3 Are liemoved in .Six. Dressings by ITIOtrANDKA, And ilie «irrraundins is rnharmed. follow tie sluiiiie (lirei-tions, and if the •Corn is not removed muuey «-11 l lie refunded. 1/0 eTerj-where, «r Tost free from Ka.-raelom,'h".s Pry.. Box 1247, Weillngton. A iQiEEK COAKLEY'S expert advice re that sSale you're thlnkic- ot. O Consul La tioiis Free! TW'AIK.N, Hiiddlcr, ST.. KiirunguLaut- Kd.— J'.e-st Value in Ladies' Bais, Wallets. J'iirsos. Repiiint Jionp. A CjliiLL your Furniture to l-eorge Walker. Better prices :uid proin-pt .setrlemenfs. O fpBXXTS Players.—Tildeii. the "World's ■* Champion Tenuis Rac-qtiet, to be Jiad at A. Brncp'rt, '.>-t. Albert ist. C HAVE your Kroeks Cut aud Fitted by Deloriie (late of Sydney), Bruuswiekr Cjueeu St. C I-XFiAiNTILM I'uraJysis. Alalmui-m.iu. Uyspe(vsi:t cured. Dietetlcal rn;t»sagigt. Homes Tislted.—Write White, 511(1, 'New Xnrtii aid. 7 OXDtVX I'LUTiiiXU CO. — ItcmodelUus^i Oleanlns; I.efi-oIT Apjiarpl bntißht. —», Urmtt North Rd. Phone :»)7(> ili riußsh ('• FstjuE Yarn caiFPUEXiox—wnsa yiXAL FACE CBKA-M. Its daily use makes the skin soft, smooth and white. It will not •rr<iw Lair. At all Xy-al Chemists. miMIE yon got a Nc-iv I'iauo. COAKLEY •*■ will tmy the old one! C •AT E W DIES. XX \Y DiE S. r.ct Tour "Military Overcoats. Blanket Coats, Coatumos, Suits Dyed nissjor brown, navy, black. Any shade dyed. Also the very laxeat in French Dry Cleaving. Thirty years' experience. Suits, dyed 13/8, costumes 12/«; suits, dry clcuued 8(i costumes S/o.— .T. t;. PEAT, Kden Ter-ace l2mia froni Symouds St.X I'hone 3121. WS A LWAYS merry anii briphl! George -t*- Walker's Auction Sales put ten yew on yonr life. C /-IOAEDEI-S Services are v -' requi'St. Tne Busiest A-ncUoneer in Auckland! C ."VTTAL PACE CBEAM HOAJ , , the finest 'I'oilet Son.p ever made. Jt contains NYAr. FA-CE CREAM—for tlte Hands ' aud (Complexion. 1 i; the Cake, al Nval I t'liemloca. rnHHRiE'S a waj of runnlns sales at the home that ensures successful results That's C&AKUjKY-S Way! C l-tOXeULT Madajne tiarudadri, Mtol \y Reader, Telepnth InapiratJon Speaker, BCeading from Handwriting —!S8 ■ Union St. up tt-PBIXtr Cleani'Sr No dnst! ""xo confu-fc-J sion! Consult Domestic Vacmtiu Cleaning Co., Strand Arrade. I'hone 1)00: D rpHE BEST JLAET TO SELL A.NI'THIXG X. BOBERTSCOTS, Auctioneers, Queen Street. D | X>pO-N TO atOTH'EUS.—-.Marvel"' Mt -E* ComU, nnbreaJcable; specially prepared clear the hair. —Dewar, Strand Arcade. D T .Mowers sharpened at K. Cranston and Sons, Sitw Doctors, 32, Eden Terrace. Phone 2075 A. U STJTES to Measure.—A Sin s le Sail at Wholesale Price.—Crown Olothins Factory, ElUott gt D 4 -pOBERTSON, Auctioneer. gives best prices -tw for good Secondhond Fnrnitnre. D TV/fBX'S Suits in 10 different sizes, great 111 variety, at wholesale prices.—Crown CiotShias Factory. t 55 • -oOUTiLBY'K "Moldo" for the hailds, -t* , dear'—ChemLsts. Stores, Wholesale Hotit-es. Jars, li), ■','. 793 DR. HALLS FAMOUS CAP3OLS. Price, U2/t> package, post free. To ensure (jetting genuine, order direct from Sole Asreirts, Bridge Drug Stores, Chemists, 3, Kariingahaps Kd. (at Graftou Bridge), Auckland. ' D rriHE BEST MART In SBLJ- ANYTHING. BOB'EHTSON'S, Auctloueere, Queen Street. D TXTMK.N" YOU DYE '» YOU GO TO THi; '-EMPIRE!" Your inclination is- that way wlion your clothes are lofikiui; sickly and in need oC rejuvonation. The --Brnpire" experts have made the cli*»nins and dyeinj; business an important industry in Auckland. Their methods and machinery are the v*ry latent and tueii* chorses most reasonnlde. Suits. Costumes. Overcoats. Hats. (Jloves. »nd all wearins npparpi made like new afrain for a lew shiliins-s. The remodelling of CnKtimies. I r nrs. etc.. is a special feiitnre <>f Hie "Emplro it ' work. Xothins like il in Anuklnnd. Kins 3&r>7 aud our van will call, rmintry orilKrs returned [irnrnptly. .arriape jiaiil. THE ••KMI'IHK'" CLEANEUS AND DYERS. 3DB, Queen Rf. (Opp. Town Hall Door). NOTE ADDItESS. RC.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 279, 23 November 1921, Page 2