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I SILKS.—MENTIONING THREE makes that fa & C.'s jot the Newest—Always GLOVES—HOSE—VEILS and other j I MERIT EARLY inspection because of sma ll but essential items that go to 1 THEIR RICHNESS AND QUALITY. - " n Sh. romDiete a smart toilette. SJ ARMURE STELLA, a beautifully fine Twill Silk, of medium weight, that w r IS is equally suited for frock or costume. 36 inches wido. Guaranteed wear, H and showing in Navy, Nisger, Mid Brown, and Mole—29/6, —— 1 ' | LADIES' HIGHLY MERCERISED LA , " ' BELOIAX KID i ' X "■ %. /Sv ' I COTTON HOSE, full fashioned, flare l»LOVto, moo lino quality; White » FAILLE FP.ANCAIS, a rich Silk with fine cord. A smart and serviceable I 4 °ps, double garter welts; reliable with three-cord stitching, in Black and rostume silk, in perfect colourings of Putty, Henna, Navy, Nigger, Black. \V(f Tir 3^ l\ English make. Grey, Mole, Nigger, White—l 2/11 pair. 35 inches—32/6. / I SlMi i \ Champagne, Putty, Cream, Navy, ///111 t\ TT\ TT> CI UAH/IVD White—6/6 pair. LADIES 2-PEARL BUTTON' WHITE CASHMERE DE SOIE. a soft, dull-finish Satin, thatis greatly favoured in /■' /LgM- HI li-f IIVIIV! TjIX WASH LEATHER GLOVES, P.K I the world of fashion. Good wearing, arid obtainable in Fawn, Henna, Dark I I// !(' T .ii-iTpc' iPTEFICIAL SILK HOSE, ™' reliable makes—l4/llj 16/6 Ij c j Saxe, Nigger, Navy. 38 inches-22/6 yard. V A t\ A\TC • ™vyqua%, 20-incl, silk leg, ?«<• " | A mm RACE DAYb . I /<isS3sß SSW W Si* r. • |i•,i c f Black ly, Champagne, Taupe, Grey fan£y stitched scalped 1 ' |Kp| M ||I \{ The opening of many of the pastime clubs is the hrst -3,11 pair. plain or contrasting shade.?, violi, I lip) If ill indication of outdoor social activities. UDiES' ARTIFICIAL SILK HOSE, Ccr«'«, A Emmid.' Hmm ■i iiKrav dhi I Th c most prominent event from the ladies' viewpoint 20-inch silk leg, 4-inch double welts, Lemon, Patty—l 6 each.' I JLirV >M f? Si piumui , p • extra strong cotton heels, toes, soles; •1 8' Iwil 111 llf eventuates early next month With the Opnng r\a 0 f u ]j fashioned; Black only, with self- LADIES CREPE DE CHIXE IIAVn. I •r|||| I Carnival embroidered fancy clox—lo/6 pair. KERCHIEFS, in extra heavy quality" I JBHHfIL ifif • For this anticipated event, we have prepared in no IADIE3' PURE SILK HOSE, 18-inch W* s?». '"«»».Sf gS' I (f-Jllk tlitelJ! f uncertain manner. Next Week's special leattringi of S "' % 1 M eSls I® ; distinctive frocks, model suits, exclusive millinery ail extra wearing suspender-tops. Nigger, Tinrr«' «MH!TCDmn, • i I m't Ml ' IX 4%i It smart accessories, will not only serve to show that the width 0, ? M»„, Ch-Pg... 1,., K-7- gggjgjgg^ggg J y!l |H. \Jm| Ai|A of choice is most satisfying, but also that the prices are p ini bright Eastern colourings—2/6 each] 'S 55 /f \1 'Jiff WNik truly reasonable. LADIES' PURE THREAD SILK LADIES' SILK VEILS, in Chantillv IfflM / / § \\VV #f HOSE, wide double suspender op.s lace effect, on plain mesh in 0 n -M% B I wVm## Wss*wMm Tt cvrrruw n» 7 ,fl anl..ladder make, close-fit .n S flowing rfjk Black, Xiggw Lri f | WMMhmh\%. n. skETCHCs. ml* . W*. *• " , '■ tv' .-f9 ' beautiful COAT FROCK, of All-wool weight-Navy Serge. Tho bodice is Emerald, La* ender, P . .P- • shape, mediant size, large heiagon I I Cream Garbi. It is designed on very richly hand-embroidered in Oriental , cfPFRTDR HFAVV m^ l ". Wmmed with multi-colourtd \ i ~ ~ .., ( „ l j ■ colouring whilst the lront and back LADIEs SUPERIOR -nfA).' jazz braid and silk cable-stitch™ WEQt" graceful, and tastefuby cmbroid , y afe accord i on . Df'PLEX C-LOVES, extra doeskin Black, Navy, Niajcr-8/11 each. Jyjs®' ered in Cream—Price, 13 guirea:. ~!eit»d—Price, 14 suiceas. fiiwh, jtiving tho appearance of a doe<M ] mtOW J ■ '\Mm skin glove; 5-inch gauntlet, elastic LADIES' FRENCH SILK VEILS, in 'C »tsvwvi ■WnV / —\ wrist. White, Chamois, Pastelle. Mole pm.ari triangular shape, large size- . The SKETCHES, on Right s/ll pair. Black with Iscet and ™cr:f°crt' Gar'li" Tho™if dialed wffh'e '<7™ ori g i " al Hokproof make, witn Itoyal, Rust Brown-15,6 each;" o '' simplest lines it is a very striking and / fnd^sfaction.' fvhilo, Pongee. Ma=- LADIES' FRENCH SILK VEILS, in 'VI i\ ' \ J treat(E r !" a 11 1 V 6 fl « 11 ;\ tie Grev, Black—Willi self fine quality hexagon mesh, with border \' \\ - xv \ Mf '' the i-kirt, collai and i-iff.. The > .■ ■■ fl \ \\ s liomts 8/11 par. With self or black of heavy silk embroidered lace on filtt .57 \ >bji7 Si" p ' orFl f \ |ft \) S^SKJS,"^' I 85SWKW»«S SS?ff.J2K,a2SS " C»*St2Sw? " /~4| s: :£ j?« a , I>IER COM ?A I £UCIM • FROCK. Cf Heavy Natural Assam Silk, is depicted f\ Vl ' rZfattv &l\ - 1 I Ss7_\ DELIGHTFUL HAT. for general summer outwits. I* o ii sealed iigurf. Half-men silk braid to tone and r, j.. \ ft I // Sa&&!& Y .(M 1/ \ f- S K | tiiis prettv flop Hat cf Unbleached Coarse Straw. It has pearl button.-form the trimming; tho vest and col- r~ .1 j 1 // V /i/ W Mi, ,« / . fe m W& i underlining of'henna tulle and ribbon and fruit trimming lar are cf multi-coloured, braid, and tho skill u IJ \ ll gj ins> » fl, ValJfa ) —u\ If «S • | to match. . Splendid value at SS/6. pleated at sides—Prlcc, 14 guineas. ' I '\\ (Fl ggS X j THE SMARTEST A QUAINT NECKLACE SW Si I «) H Willi t | SUNSHADES AND OFTEN SUPPLIES A »Si. SS Si 1/B IKjl/ /fw, \l f¥. 1 ! . I - | UMBRELLAS. NECESSARY TOUCH OF trimmings are in Oriental colourings Price, 14 j\||'j ( | | I /' H 1 SHADES, embracing various style's; And are to be had in such variety, 1| || l\\ 1 \ I ' i yi, I m Spot., Check, and Stripe designs; and at such reasonable prices, too, that JW ■fl , I \ /k tl lA/ ! ail up-to-date shapes, and reasonably all tastesi may besuited. V fj \\ V //I//I I? '' f I ' LACES, studded with Oriental beads U' U? f \Kjf H/, | VI / 1 | NOVELTY BLACK AND WHITE —7/6 and 8/11 each. — J W j !\\ T Hi fl " ' <5 cci SUNSHADES, very smart styles, with METAL CHAINS, in long styles, with /VI // / /MW&Sfxf SB\ '/ || | white tips—3s/6. fancy shape beads-12/G each. |y%V -V 7 J Mmv M***] WW ' I I COLOURED UMBRELLAS, with ORIENTAL CHAINS, of fancy col- _ . _ y \ 7 MILNE & CHOYCE, Ltd. I -48/6, 63/-, 67/6. Amber, Red, and Green-23/6. /J V / « f ;£ock SlraW) with w ,; de faand and bow of i ERINOIII NECKLACES, with largo _ IJ whiM"across thc front l'-.s a trail of white ribbon. A very useful and rea- | BLACK UMBRELLAS, with the lat- medallion, ill Jade, Amber, and Fawn UUeeil jtfeet F flow c« and i'ruit-Price, 69/6. souably-priced summer hat —25/6. H est coloured ring handles—?i;/G each. shades —25/6, 29/6, -

a .. .; ,ti t ; L „ „ | The. Charm, of .i f 1 "Court Bouquet" I I lies.irv the \7elVetij h : nature of ifcs lather | ■ O the naturalness of itg perfume 1 ) "Court Bouquet" ijli 1 ig a Toilet Soap of | ( refinement and. 11 ! j absolute purity. . COl*l PIJ&XI Q>J l/OAP Price's • London-enolamd j( &AT LIVERPOOL MANCHESTER CLASCOW ETC. jl V V illlil rit Atinof "BEVARA BEER" contains |W I h the exact quantity of Real Hops, Malt, Yeast, YfX ( V»| 1 &c., wth instruction to quickly and easily ( ./V • ma " e TWO GALLONS of the purest <ft\ V LD V/ffi and best Beer. No chemicals whatever. a\J m jM M Failure impossible." rar SLx varieties, viz.. Ginger, Hop, Pale, Malt 'vjwrt IW and Bitter Beer and Stout. The PERFECT \,vy drink for Men, Women or Children. The W. ,Ol ~ BEST proof is that ONE family last season It iSTH, drank 100 gallons of "BEVARA." r ' Ce ' r ° m a " roccrs anti Stores, ALBERT NEWCOffIB & CO., Albft Street, Auckland. Ascnts for O'ortii Island) Xow Zealand, j

Nothing better <0 than Lane's frail nervy, run-down people; people with weak lungs, throat or chest; ailing children and coni valescents should take Lane's Emulsion—-the famous lung-healer and body-builder. | j Price 2/6 and 4/6 at all chemists and stores. The larj* bottle is the most economical, ai it coatftins | Saoro than two of the smaller by the bert pby»^ ; "It's famc>us--^^^^

J |t^^|: :^;\-y^^^ tJTCTPOOOT rro«E3<uoD J J i GacMttff or Saving gf Stucco Walls I £uilt OK BISHOPRIC 8 STUCCO BOARD j ]! ISKOPRIC BOARD holds 1 1 Bt Stucco in a grip of steel, 3 j&Mjf d ov<; tailed grooves I | keeping the walls rigidly intact J | indefinitely. A permanently at- | j tractive Stucco home; damp- | J proof and splendidly insulated, is j j 1 assured by its use. j j J Bishopric Boardhtbemorteconom- j | H • ice! background for Stucco and for ] j 4 plisto on interior walls, ccilinga, ctc. J J 0 It «vt» time awl material. j ) | Ask ua far a ftoo | j j Oiicf booldct | ■ L.0.8., S 3 AUCKLAND. ZEBO I STOVE POLISH Tht Tin with the Strlpei. Madt by Rcckilh. The name ZEBO is a Guirtntee I ihw it conuins NO GASOLINE tf per tin. I Be »nre Sea fun nk (or / ZEBO WORKS LIKE MAGIC ' - NOT S M&ds in Great Britain. RECKITTS (Over Sea) LTD. WellmgtoD, N.Z. tsagHBZBgKIfIgBnfTgIMHSPBgaMBBIOBPHBai

careless of our diati * 3S ®® o^B ® aflSß^ if We-eatlnore and oftener than we should, foods which || If Sooner or later upset the stomach. Then trouble sets in, || m jakinf the form of biliousness,'indigestion, sleeplessness, || i dizziness-and languor. We feel ill, cross and stupid; we | 11 become bores to our friends and to ourselves; life || I becomes a thing of horror not worth living. Yet, all || If this is absolutely'unnecessary. Stop, think a moment! || S! ' I'Th.t Largest SakcfAwMcdteintjii the WotM" H || the standard remedy of nature; compounded from the purest druga || § of vegetable origin and free from all mineral, has been proven by jJ If men, women and children the world over to correct all these ills, by || |lj giving new power and tone to the stomach, liver and kidneys. Taka ||j H this wonderful remedy and the bowels work easily and regularly. || II Congested organs become purified, the jaded nerves refreshed and || || the -whole system nourished and rejuvenated. Beccham s Pills p Sold in boxesj labelled 10Ad., and 2s-9d. (origin®! English iiiTsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini | If The Signature* J H (ill T° distinguish the original and ~ ~ genuine Worcestershire Sauce from =: the many imitations, see that the =1 signature of LEA & PERRIES = I Mill appears in White across the Red j| S label on every bottle. ™ 1 fllllS /*% * fiAjJ 5 the signature g § The original and genuine Worcestershire, i lllillllllllllll'lllllillllillllllilllilililllllllllllllllllllllllilllflllllilllllllllillllllllllß

! COMFORT without DRUDGERYb,^ I Saving inlL&bour. Ij ' Ensuring Efficiency, Cleanliness Healthiness and Trofit. For Cash or on Easy Terms. | Frkcs aj'.d Fuil Particulars trcm 11 AUCKLAND GAS Co., w. I bSaaßgßaeSßßßEaßßßESaSgi^gS3^^^!ai3sEßßESSss^gSggZgZSa

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 258, 29 October 1921, Page 26

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Page 26 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 258, 29 October 1921, Page 26

Page 26 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 258, 29 October 1921, Page 26