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THE WINTER MOTORCYCLE HARLBY- DAVIDSON ""* 4otm ■«* matter wt__ condition tbe roads stay be In tbe HABX_7_-DA"VIDSON will see yon through. Mod ap to the «__»— pouring rata and creasy roads, —_1 not hoM thl* wonderTul machine back. Ton can always depend on yonr HABLBX getting titer*. POWEB, _PB__>, COMFOBT, and ___lAßn_T_ are featara sne_ceiied by any other make of Motor Cycle. Let us give yon a free de«ODfltratlo_. The HAKLBY-DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. are the largest producers of Motor Cyctee and SMe Cant In the World. MERSON BROS. 170-172 Symonds St. CORSOH'S "CHARCOAL" TOOTH PASTE 1/6 Lane Tube 1/6 Large lube Antiseptic :: Cleanslne Refreshing: REMOVES LIKE MAGIC THE STUBBORN YELLOW TINGE Save the Pamphlet enclosed-in Carton. Nat time try CORSON'S SUPERFINE TALCUM POWDERS CAAI AUABTAAE l9_BfS_-H 3__t BBS SI _-_!»_ H _??_ asß'i sP" hhjHkhß K_i If-B h__B ___a El nFm. uOJSi & ■ IH_M—Ms_M_Bs_b_M_b_l__M—HMMs_B_^B_fl_s_SHß3*a"_B—Hßlßß RINSO TKE COLO W&TEB TOHEB. saves, a, HPO use coal in boiling th® clothe* scuttle ok * now is wasting coal; and we coal every must cave coal Do it hy washing wash-day. the clothes in the Rinso wajr"—-in cold water; they'll be jcet as white and fresh. Rinso saves ti_e copper Wfire. There's no waste of coal —no extra trouble or expense. Just soak the clothes in cold water .with Rinso overnight. Rinse and. hang to' dry in the morning. SOLD IN PACKETS EVERYWHERE a S HUDSON LTD- liverpooi.—wellpicton. n.z.

I Catarrh generally begin* with a common cold in tha head, becoming *_3K_! ___ chronic, thus inducing hawking. &rS±sMm H spitting, dropping of muous at tha back H _i °' th * ihre3t > neeal abati ucttona, il*l_ SS H ' headaches, bad hearing, and ttrad __l _H m foaling on rising in tha morning. And. __§_23lKi ramember, thaaa ara thraa prevailing fffillrl |IlppP<«l Flrat, the existence of tha Invading IfijSiiinf Second, tha neglect and oofwequent ■** propagation of gertna. Third, the ill-treatment of the disease which eventually deveiopa Inte mere Tho first evil is one that counts— first, laat, and all the time. REMOVE THE CAUSE and the effects naturally disappear; attack and deatroy the dangerous gcrmo which have located themselves in tha passages common to nose, ears, and throat. By destroying their power of evil, nature Is allowed to pursue her perfect work. Right treatment is essential If radical and permanent relief la deal red. Catarrh-Ciysmac spreads a soothing, healing film of cerrn-fcilllng liquid over the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, thereby dealing death to those destructive germs which cause all catarrhal complaints. Once those germs are destroyed, health begins to return, breathing Ie freer, hearing restored, the dropping of mucus at back of throat checked, and a consequent general toning up of the whole system. Thle Catarrh-Clysmae treatment la aimple te uaa—nothing to swallow, no nasal douches, syringes, or clumsy outfit of any kind being required. It is compounded from the formula of a noted specialist, and may be used by young and old with perfeot safety. It has been severely tasted and found consistently true, so muoh ao that the Proprietors undertake to refund the money paid after 10 days' trial if It does not do what Is claimed. Sold In two sizes, 3/. and 5/-per package. CATARRH-CLYSMAC OBTAINABLE FROM ALL CHEMISTS. -gents: Salmond and Spraggon, Ltd., Auckland.

I <.■__* .M____ wsm

ARREST DENTAL DECAT. Keep tbe montn and throat aeslthy and dean by using Flnenzol aa a dally mouth wash and gargle. 1/6 and 2/6.—(Ad.)

These are only some of the Bargains. You | g n _._: _._.___._._•• _n in 1 should especially call and see what we are Uo not torget tfiat this IS Loat Week. offering in Winter Coats. \Tk J ¥ TWT HP F? ¥5 m aats are Half-price. Fashion'sUtcstinSkirtsatßargainPrices V Artistic floor-covering* at Great Crcaa Blanket Skirts, with 6ky, Pink. Lemon, Heliotrope, or Grey »_ Is*_a_li«_»!-_%*_• stripes—Usual Price, «/«. Sale Price, 2D/6. _**___ IXCUUCUOIW. " Fall Wool" Skirts, very newest cut, smartly finished with pockets, in _B_r_: -_„*.._. **.*„ ■ i i 1 x»i j _ »«_____. tt_--_ t»-, »-__ n- j, n ™ i „ a tt i rf- -l,_ „n Tftlßa TTtWt >_. Seagrass Mats, in nice bedroom colours, Blue and Browns, aft. by 4ft— Henna, Brown, Roße, Dark Green, and Reseda—Usual Price, 54/6. ____j| _____ Usual Price 11/6 Sale Price 7/* each. ftH-g-i _§!__ ___P*F__k Seagrass Squares, good designs, in Blues and Browns, 6ft. by 9ft.— Usual Black and Wltte deck Skirts, all wool—Usual Price, 46/6. Sale Price, Olllr ■_■ _§fll 9 Pif! Price > 34|/6 - Sa,e pricc ' 21/ * —™- **/*»• |ii_r fi___i__ __Hi Axnrinster Hall Roaner, in Brown colourings, 27in. wide—Usual Price, Yt± _I_§W gill fcfjffil Tspestry Carpet Raaner, in Fawn and Green colouring!!. _*$i_.— Usual c • i_i 11 j i__ •""JS lillffvK sW fflll 11111 ___________ _fe=" Also ' ——-- UsuaJ Price - 10/1 * *-"* Stk Prte «» wm >•**. UnderSKirtS. «■■ T__fl_fg _ __B HI HI jfffll Br- Seagrass Square, witfa Blue and Brown border only; Bft by 10ft,—Usual Motrotte Underskirts, in Cerise, Navy, Grey, Black, Sky, and Wine— ""____ \mli SIM HMI mill ____HrT m IH_ Axminster Carpet Squares, beautiful designs and colourings, 9ft. by 12ft. Usual Price, 9/6- Sale Price, 6/11. Jjf| Egf Wfimft 111 llcPf „9 __S I,BU * , P " Ce ' £3 °' S *'* PriC *' £W " White Flannelette Underskirt-—Usual Price, 7/6. Sale Price, 3/9. J|» ._.rff_ffi ' llf 1 t 111 |fll Htfsll J||"- WBOI R eversib,e H«art_rug_, in Dark Red colour, very heavy qualities, jpflL Tblilnnily Eg 3 ifffff ffififf | _|r «§L Seagrass Chairs, stroDg make, and comfort _He shapes—Usual Price, 59/6. Wool Scarves, in Dark Greys and Heather Mixtures. A good warm sc»rf. c WiailCllCSciCr _Df>6Cialß. Just the thing for the cold mornings—Usual Price, 6/11. Sale Price, <_liPP__i___- _^^^^^^^^^ 3/lf_. _**"_l^l'' Heavy Brows Teweta, 20 by 4<r~UßU!_ Price, S/ll a_ch. Sale Price, Meo's Braces, same style as the President. Good strong webbing and _-«_l#_^^^^% !/Il * ****' cord ends—Usual Price, 3/6. Sale Price, 1/4*. This is a good line, A \\ X x \ \ 36-inch UaWeacUd Dock, for carpenters' aprons—Us_al Price, S/ll yard. and we have only 58 dozen left, so get in early. Sale Price, 1/11. yard. Mc«« Strong Working Braces, the Police; good strong webbing and ■ 70-inch Bleacfced Irirt Damsk-U-ual Price, 8/6 yard- Sale Price, 4/11 leather ends. Just the brace for the working man—Usual Price, 2/6. • > *~ ~"~" " yard. Sale Price. \lV*\. 22-_ch Glass CMh, in Blue and Red Check—Usual Price, I*9* yard. Men's Strong Working Braces, the Police, extra heavy weight. A brace _, ,_ . S _* _ "?* !_i TT ._ . we can reconunend-Usual Price, 3/6. Sale Price, RaraAmft lis CfiaU „n__ CmtlimAS 3«»iuch AB-Uaen Tea D«rt_s-Lsual Pnoe, 3/6 yard. Smst Price, 2/9 yard. Me.", Cotton in Black and Brown shades.-These so_ we can - DaTgainS ffi "UOatS tUld -UOStlinieS. _ Price, _/» 5* PHee, Vi y _T thoroughly reoominend for hard wear—Usual Price, 4/6. Sale Price, ■ sa do_e Dreßße « Pnoe, 1/8 ynrd. Sale Price, »/H l/«i, or S Pairs for 4/«. ' Cotton Gabardine Raincoats, with belt and pockets-Usual Price, 63/-. .- ._.,, _V. „„«, -__„ »_«,_ T _—iu____tt • t»___ , . Me_'s Trousers, of heavy Navy Cheviot Serge.-These trousers are well Sale Price, »/«. * tm yard Towe||ta_-H-»l Pnee, 1/U*. Sale Prko, and strongly made, very dressy, and a line we can recommend— , , * ™ ,t«_ __•__.-_. Usual Price, 32/6. Sale Price, 21/10. We have only 248 pairs left Tweed Coats, in smart stripes, checks, and plain matenab-Usual Price, Alr__» bxtra Heavy UoMeac-ed TaMe Pamsik, Tain, wide—Usfoal and at thia low price they will soon sell out. ' ■ £5/5/- up to £10/10/-. The Sale Price is only 7S/6. n Price, 13/6- Sale Price, S/ll yar*. Men's Bl_e Denims, made of good Boz. Blue Denim, with strongly-sewn i '' i *' k E - br<rliei ' "*W-B«i-1 Price, 7flL Sde Price, 5/11 yard. seams. Just the thmg for the workmen. Stock sizes 3to 7—Usual Fi " e Navy Serge Cost,Hn * B » in P laul "fell-cut semi-fitting style—Usual Price, r_/n. Sale Price, 7/10 i pair. ' Price. Sale Price, £5/5/». Men's Tweed Trousers, made of good strong English Tweed, in Grey and f»jr 11T # *""» 1 • Brown Mixtures. A well-tailored trousers-Usual Price, 30/6. Sale ■ Good QliaK ty Flanael Cc-tomcs, in Greys and Brown-Usually £5/15/. ■ Warm WlZlteT FabllCS. rmc, -«•/*• s — and £4/19/6. Sale Price, £3/19/6. __ Men s Blue Drill Trousers, made of serviceable Blue Drill. A good line, Heavy English MoUetou, SSin. wide, in Doric Grey and Tieux Roan . and just the thing for engineers or plumbers. Bi_es, only 3 to 5— Usoal Ptiee, 2/3 yard. Sale Price, 1/4} yard 9/u. Sole Prko, S/IC. pair. as-inch White Ftennelotte-,Uaual Price, 2/3 Solo Price, l/« yard Men's Gabardine Showerproof Raincoats, made of a Cotton Garbadine, in ■'■- ■ ■ ' - ■ -"- ■ —• JIS/H dozen. ' * T ""• Fawn shades. A very smart and dressy coat, "well cut and finished, 3&-inc_ White \xm -_«_ «__. n«a#_ im -.___ with a good check farina-Usual Price, 96/6. Sale Price, 29/10. This IVII *** fc Plke ' W S^*' Be °° c * f the _•!• li ° es we have offered , '•—i « there are -fT_| if_\ w-. 3G-«»~ Striped Spero r_anelette—Usual Price. *3/ 3 ,_rf «vi» »-_._ only 88 left, we would advise early buying. |\ H IP H MM W T\Tl*\ 1/n * »** «_B»«e-»uou_i race, 3/3 yard. Sale Price, <_SONS LTD. we pay postage. KARANGAHAPE ROAD ~~ we pay postage. ""

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 158, 5 July 1921, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 158, 5 July 1921, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 158, 5 July 1921, Page 10