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Foil >w:ng. i* the oflw'itLi weatfher foro oist for '24 liouts from !> α-m. bhtsdav:— "The iii'iiciiilions are Un eifcsterly vvindi livedo rate to strong preva.flui;x. There i a<-t -of fair to i-loudv weaUie) nii«ty morning. The night will pro ltaWy Iμ- very i-ahl. Baronm-lur littii movement, -m-sus moderate. Tidei nimh-rate." An Order-in-Coum-il prohibits the importation into New Zealand of egg-pulp and white or yolk of ejfff*. whether desic i*ated, liuuid, frozen, or in any othei fornix; also any similar preparation ol I'lffT". save with the consent of the Minister of Customs, on the recommend;* lion of th<- Hoard of Trade. Th* M;ivor, Mr J H. Cimsira. and flu Wthijr T.nvn <>!■',•, Mr. .1. J.!oT«t>e I'lvid :in otlicj:il visit tliis moriun«r tir> tin l-'rvnnh Consul, 11. M T. Beaiwgard, imk I lie r'rii'fd Sfeutes Conmil-Ueneral, Mr. D I. Will'cr. in rrlurninsr their caM ot ■(heir assumption f uffW ill Auckland The Mayor ronwved !<> : mtflj giravtlemer ilw l.v*t ui.-:.cs of t!w citKt-ns of Auckland for t!i<* snuvnw .if ths-ir tsrai a> rc'|imwtn:at:vr~i of thi'jr respective conn!rii>s in 1.::.s clt.y. Mr. J. \V. Poyntuu, S.M., had before him. another claim for damages arising out of .i colli." ion between a motor lorry Mild a. motor ear. The lorry was alleged t> have bavked, with the' rwult that the oar ran into it. The plaintiff, William Roberinon I.Mr. A. l>l Skelton) claimisi tl(i l:"|/fl us Jiinap-a. Hi* Worship h.'iJ ileftMidant to blame for the rolli-ion. un>l pave for plaintilT for CU 15/il. with coats. At ;i nicetinir of the Wellington Re- : turned Soldiers' Association last nijrht j a strong protect wiis made aprainst the I action of the llovernment in di*<-harging ; men. It was contended that it was the ■ duty of the Government to find work ■ for these men. The position was ! described as unsatisfactory, and a motion was carried demanding that the Government should provide work for returned soldiers. • Consent has been given for the raising of the folowing loans at !>i per cent.: -- Wairna Harbour Roard. harbour conJ stmction nt Waikokopu, £10,000; Te Awamutu Borough Council, sewerage, . £10.000; Mannkati County Council, reiiewii)>r bridsn-H, £")00O: Manukau County .Council, prectinc county oftices, £4500; • llanurewii Town Board, forming new road. £1000: Auckland City Council, extension, and equipment of existiug elecifric power station, £")00.000: Pvitangata County Council, renewing all bridges in county.purchasing bridge plant, and i erecting engineer's and workmen's cot- ■ tnges, £200.000. ! A party of five Au>-tralian miner!-' aTTivcd in Awkhind by tlwj '\Ta.h«iio on Mondjiv «md, hearing that work I »•«.« plpTitifnl a.t 'HuirWr, prooeeded to I tliat (ieutre on WHnefldir>'- The wholp partr retunied to the city, having b«wi ! nraibhe to find either employmeTit or i nivommodiitif/n at the ■nrinin-g township The Tneti swit-e that they -were informied ■ irt Huntly that there was v dispute between Phe miners and the miire owners. lin consequence of which no moro mcti I were being engaged. "'Even if we had got work," snj-J one, "we. could not have i taken it. foT -we could not get a placv to haine a wash, let alone to sleop in. Wf tried CTcrywhere tlhere, but thero waf '. absolutely no accommodation.' . One ol i the party was accompanied by his wife and child, and ihe had actneJ-ly to buy n. house- for £300 to get them a dlace tc sleep in. He a deposit on tfhe deal and has left ! his fajnily there xinitrl he employment. "But it was a I cheap house,"' he watd, p<hih>sophically. I If 1 don't get work there later a.nd have t<) settle somewhere e-tee 1 will be able 'to setl it again, pe.rtiaipa a.t a profit. Anyj way it can oasilv be let at a good rent." ; The Wellington War Relief Association finds the number of applications for relief steadily increasing. This is put down largely to the fact that a number of men were demobilised (it A who were, not really fit. This is the result of the men having declared themselves fit to the Medical Board on transports prioT to disembarkation in New Zealand, the cause in most cases being a natural desire to return to their relatives and resume civilian life. Had they stated their disability they would have received treatment at once, but now they find it more- difficult to recover their health. The association also linds it difficult to assess the exact amount of relief they are entitled to. It is considered that the association's work will be at least arduous for sonic years to come. ! The New Zealand coastal shipping companies are beginning to experience a serious slumi) in cargo carrying. The representative of n prominent company i stated to-night J.hat he was afraid some iof the company's boats would have to ';iv up shortly owini; to slackness of trade. Home liners were coming to the • Dominion with only small cargoes of \ coal or in ballast. Liners leaving for England had in some cases nnly one-sixth of their general carr*o space taken up. j This had a serious effect on the smaller ertastnl vessels. I'nless things improved the position would be serious. He added I that some services would not bo affected. ias their work ii to carry Dominion produce from port to port for local consumption. Mr. K. C. Ctrtten. SjM., was occirrrie*! i for Foveral hours wt the Masiytrate ,^ 1 Court 'hoiarimr * dispute arising out o1 'an ogrC'Pini'nt t' ll dttar land at Waitf-a \ Ve;re. Daitmel H-wiry Mnar ami Thomia-f I Richard Trisff. contractors (Mr. Mc : l.iv-cr) s-ouirht to recover from F. ? J Prrtrje and U ,L. AntonrevKh ("Mr. WVst) \b)\e »>f £78 10/. PlaintHTr«rf tc I tut ti-tree scrub for deifondant at £i peT acre. «n «?x~tra. 4/6 per ton to bi I allowed for eacih ton 'of ti-tree firewooc I cut aiul ?taclcpd in ont>-tcm lots, liatei i ilefe-nd-/iiiit(s ordered plaiTrtifTe to c<"as< ' work as tflie property had been sold ! Plaintiff stated the gTeaitiCT part of th( e.ontra-et 'hsud been carried out, the heavj trees having benn cut out. onty fen remaining to b» cJeared. Plaintiff? cla-raied to be entitled to £ 105, viz. dea-rinsr 30 acres at £2 per acre, wnd 2CK t-ons of Srcwood at 4/6 'per ton, £45 If was alleged tiha,t defendanta agreed tc pay £78 10/ in full settlement, allo^vlnj for £45 11/ paid to Kenny on plain tifls' l>e<Hai!f. A lot of evidence iva; taken His Worship ul'-niate y pan judij'mmift for plain'fciffs for £53 0/ witft posts. This included the uwust paic ■ j 'n\j Court.

Rodney County ratepayers Jiave jus decided by a poll to enforce the ratin on unimproved values in their distric Loans for raising £5500 for metallin the Te Hana-Tomarata Road and th I Warkwortli-Leigh Road were carried a 1 the poll held at the same time. I Regulations under the Explosives an i Dangerous Cioods Act, 1920, arr gazette.! [The following goods are classed a i dangerous: — Petroleum, spirit, liquid: :or materials consisting wholly or in pal jof acetone, carbon, bisulphide, or ethei land having a trim flashing point letf 1 than 73 degrees petroleum, oi I methyl, alcohol, turpentine, or tv I pentine substitutes, absolute alcoho J methylated spirits or spirits of win( j phosphorus, yellow calcium carbide, fu< ■oil when stored in bulk. The regulation pressor Fbo conditions of storage. —(Prea , Association.) i Tlie meeting nf the Auckland Distru ' Women's Christian I'nion was held o ■ Wednesday afternoon in the hem 1 quarters. " Mrs. Cook presided. A i appeal wan read from the organiser ( I the Dr. Bnrnardo Homes asking fc i the assistance of the union in raisin funds for the homes. Mrs. lyre. Cowi addressed the meeting. Slie urged Hi importance of teaching young peop] purity of life, nnd dealt with the aul ject of social purity in :i very able an interesting manner. A vote of thank ! was passed. ' Tlie ehargeaib-lo expenses of Educatioi 1 RoarJ mumbers are gazetted as fo low* (eaye a Press Association teJn gram):—Fares aitnally payable fo conveyance, use of own horse or vrhicli Sd per milp both ways, tabling or furc ■ for special conveyance when a meurbe :is absent from home, £ 1 per day of 'i hours or jmrtion of a day. j Additional regulations gazetted i re-jrard t.) the eeiieus or production pro vide that owners of every factory usinj tinrbor in it* operations "shall state th I amount, and kind of timber u-scil. and th ' purposes for wlii-oh it is need. Owner of sawmills and sash ami ,Ic,r faetorip I are required to give full particulars a 'to the character, quantity, and eoet f> i timber, power available, principal pro |(lnts. etc.— (Press Association.! Mi«s Billie Cookburn, now staying a King's Court, furnishes a striking ex ample as to the part the women of tin Old Country played in the Creat Wμ I While still under 16 years old. parent j less, she joined up with the W.A.A.C" I under a camouflaged name, declarin; herself to be of service age. Eventuall; ■bein;; drafted into the Royal Air Force she became a mechanic, and did a man' work, like hundred* of thousands of he British sisters. who*e wonderful and un anticipated ability destroyed the theor of "the weaker sex," end enabled men t< be released from vital industries to tak their places in the field. Afterward; Miss Coelcburn was employed a* upecia dispatch ridor. and saw service bo.hini the lines. She ha 3 been bombed by Ger man airmen whils-t riding madly on he motor bike along French roads, and ha had other war experiences sufficient t> shatter the nerves of the stronges man; yet she is still entirely girlish with a fund of joyous Scottish huraou born with her when she first gave mar ticulate impudence at Edinburgh sorni twenty years ago. She intends to spen< a year or co in Xew Zealand befor journeying to America, en route to re join her "am folk." Rave 4/- in the £ on Footwear. Las day* of the Farmers' Union Trading Company's Special Sale of Boots am Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you: footwear requirements.—(Ad.) Artificial teetfi. We maVr no char* whatever if with our new method we d not give absolute satisfaction. We d whet we say.—Ballin and Russell, denta specialists, Svmonds Street. Phon 1229.—(Ad.) Save 4/- in the £ on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Union Tradinj Company's Special Sale of Boote am Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirements. — (Ad.) Onr new method of extraction of tectl is abeolutely painless. We guaranty this, and make no charge should paii be felt—Ballin and Russell, Denta Specialists, JFymonda Street.— 4Ad.) Save 4/'- in the £ on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Union Tradin; Company's Special Sale of Boots an< Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirements.— (Ad.) Men's serviceaMe gabardine troueep reduced to 12/G.—Half-price sale at Economic (opp. Town Hall).—(Ad.) Save 4/- in the £ on Footwear. Los days of the Farmers' Union Tradini Company's Special Sale of Boots an< Shops. Visit the big warehouse in nob son StreH to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirements. — (Ad.) To cure a cold in one day take Laxa tive Bromo Quinine (tablets). It stop the couch and headache, and works ol the cold. K. W. Grove'a eignature oi f oox. 1/3.—(Ad.) Save 4/- in the £ on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Union Trndini Company's Special Sale of Boots an< Rhors. Visit the big warehouse in ITob son Street to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirements,—(Ad.) Four hundred yards white sheeting 80in.. reduced to 4 11 yard.—Economii sale (opp. Town Hall).—(Ad.) Save 4/- in the £ on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Union Tradin; Company's Special Sale of Boots am Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirement*.— (Ad.) If you want a "chic" frock or costume make an appointment with Madami Vilieval, 26. Lome Street.—(Ad.) Rave 4/- in the £on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Unicn Tradinj Company's Special Sale of Boots an< Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you foo-twear requirements.—(Ad.) Aβ a clothes saver and. dirt ejector w recommend "No Huhbing" Laundry Hel] every time. Auckland grocers. — (Ad.) Bβ one of our satisfied customers tha have the pleasure of wearing two suit for the price of one .Suit to order £5 5/ No better value anywhere.—T. H. Dalto and Co., Ltd., 276, Queen St.—(A.) Noises in the head —neuritis. Asl Loasby about it. Loasby's medicine am violet "ray treatment will cure. —-(Ad.) Save 4/- in the t on Footwear. Las days of the Farmers' Union Tradin ; Company's Special Sale of Boots am Shoes. Visit the big warehouse in Hob son Street to-morrow and secure all you footwear requirements. — (Ad.) Give your guests real tea! It may b that the tea you buy is the best yo have tried, but is it good enough? Is i Johnston's? That freshly picked tr/1 wit enticing flavour. Sold by Johnston's, Ltd Tea Specialists, 77, Karangahape Roax Phone 4103.—(Ad.) Don't hesitate to use Xazol freeh especially by constant inhalation. I protects the mouth, nose, and throa from infection. Good for coughs, colds sore throats, etc. — (Ad.)

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 101, 29 April 1921, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 101, 29 April 1921, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 101, 29 April 1921, Page 4