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AUCKLAND RAGING CLUB. J\TTT T MN MEETING TONCU'DED. DUO WINS THE ST. SILVER LrNK'S GKKAT RUN. The Auckland Racing Club's Autumn Meeting was concluded a> Kllerslle yesterday In tine weather and -xica a large attendance. On both days of the fixture every thing wan right up to date, and tlie secretary, Mr. W. S. Spence. and hl» ottlelals had ever)' reason to lie well satisfied with the re-Milts of their effort*. Hpecnlntlon wn« again brisk, the sum of £112.707 passing through the machine*, making a total of £21U,4ik; 1(1/ for the meeting, an increase of £11,5."j1 on lust year, rarticulara are:— The seven acceptors were saddled up for the Stewards' Handicap. fJold Kip being made a pronounced favourite, hut Tnrun-a-roii. Archie, and King Abbey all got solid support. The favourite won, but ouly after a great finish with Tama-a-roa, which was beaten half a head. Archie, was two lengths away, third. Tiekl, Waiotapai, Bltholin. and Lord Itruce dropped out of the Mangere Handicap, leaving the good field of twenty-three. Canzonet finished up nenrly a three hundred po.ind better favourite than I'rluee Abbey, while there was plenty of money for Kmerald Hill. Hoseday. Night Time, mid Conneniara. The favourite began well, but got chopped out. anrt after Connemani aud Jollle l'rincess had made the running to the distance Arch Mnrcot came through, and stalling off a strong challenge by Prinre Ahliey. wlilch got a lucky run j through on the rails, won by a length, with | Dead Sweet three-quarters of a length! away, third. ! Mixture was the only withdrawal from the Victoria Handb-ap. Anomaly being a better favourite than Fulsome, plenty of money coming for U-itlitU-ld. Thespian, and Aninr'el. The" favourites were aUvnyn well; placed, nnd at the distance were disputing 1 the issue when Thespian put in a great ! llnifihing effort, and smothering the leaders f..r paie. won nicely by a length and a hulf from Fulsome, which beat Anomaly a lifiul for secoud honours. Tireless wae fourth. The disappointing Held of six came out for the Autumn Steeplechase, those t" drop out being Slowcoach, First rail. Signature. lV.thognc. Coroglcu. Lady Sabretache, and Lombards". Luperiuo wiis ma.le an oilds-on favourtle, with Tenacious nnd Cupsal well backed. The favourite eventually won nicely, although only hy half a length from Consul, with Tenacious. the only other to linlsh. four lengths away. Tlnohoro and l'rince Cuiirlernl failed to come out for the Autumn Ilnlidleaii. Love- ' match belli;-' ii bun.lγ.-,I and fifty odd pounds better fiivourlii , thnii Ituile, with Mainha and Knynl Abbey both ci-ryln--over two I h hush ml pounds, and Maugamalioe, Vaga id. Woody Chn, tileii Chuiiv, and Sylvan backed in I hat order. Sylvan wii.-i entrusted with the pace for nil.,nt half a mile, then Miiiieumahoe w. in , into Urn lead, mid piloln! I In* Held In the borne turn at which KtU|Sc \agulcind ran past him. and though Malohii. wlilrn was somewhat unlucky In the running. <-.:me with a fact run. Vagabond k.-pt him off. scoring a long overdue win by three-iit-.arterci of a length. Hoyal Abbey got third, the same distance away, a head In . front of Mangamahoe. ! Sylvan and F.nrthshine were i:o* : sked to 'contest the d.-issl.- event, the Creut Northern St. Leger, (iu«b.HK being about n twelve liuiulred pounds In-tter fnvniirlte than Duo, a lot of money co.ning for rente. Landslide. Geoffrey, anil Listowel. ; the outsider being lnohel. The pace was | a muddling one in the early part, then Isobel and afterwards Duo set out to make the running, and the pair remained in close company throughout the last nub. n stirring finish lielw ■ lliein resulting In Duo Bcttint' the decision by a neck : Oashag. which did not bit out freely, wus a length away, third, just in front or Landslide, with tlstowcl last. The rider | of the lastnamed dill not handle Ills mount as well as .he might have, for 111 addition to covering a lot of csira ground j he beat the colt by BRutiug with him. The limes for the various stages, kindly supplied by Mr. Douglas, were: -Hue fur , Ion" Ms. "two furlongs 2Ss. live furliings 11) seven fiirlnuiM 1 ,".T. ml ,, '- l: '. '""'' nnd n-i|iuirler 2.15, mile and iliree-iiuaru-rn 3.4 :!-."".. , , . f The Hula Handicap brouisht out eUht ni. the nine acceptors. King Abbey being t^ defe.-tlon. (ioldeil Hubble was lit n Mho" price hut Silver Link and i hrysosuun ha" a lot of friends, and there was mouey ror Early Ihwn, Queen Abbey, and Silver Teak. Ouhlen ltub|l« was as usual early H I the. lead ami looked like winning from cud 'to end. when Silver Link 'ame on the I welter weight of 10.1 like a ra.-ebi-rse B'> l lup to win'an exciting race by a lieiid. yuoen Abbey was three-part aof a length. away, third. The performance of Silver Link was one of the best seen at Kllerslle for a long time, and the reception accorded the mare and her rider as they returned to scale was well deHerved. The concluding event, the Auckland Welter, brought out the sixteen acceptors, and War Tank was a good favourite, but solid support enme for Mntatane, Khuhlnl Khan. Lord Kenllworth, ('lonm«'l. KockfleW. Canowlndra. and Forest Gold. Khublai Khun led practically all the way. winning at the tinisn hy a head from Cnnowlndra. with No li.Hher three-fniartern of a length away, third. Ijiter results are: —

I 'GREAT NORTHERN ST. I.BfSEU STAKKS i of lOlKisovs. One mile and three-quarters. Mr. W. F. Desha's h X Duo, by Demosthenes—Gold Bound, M.7 (H. Goldfinch) - • •' l Mr. T. A. Duncan's br f lsobel. S.B (M. MeArteni - Mr. A. B. -Williams' Gasbag. 8.10 (It. Reed) ;, ; Also starle.l: Listowel 8.10, I'ente S-S. Geoffrey H. 7. Landslide 5.7. After Landsli le hail given some trouble :it the l>o»t they left to a good dispatch, Gasbag and Ustowel being quickest to I begin, then Ivoliel took up the ninulng, Imt rassi.ig the stand Duo liail taken charge, followed by lsobel. Gasling. Listowel. Geoffrey. IVnte. ami Laudsllile In that order. " Going along tee buck Duo an'l Isobei were on terms, and then came Gasbag and Geoffrey, with I.islowel. slide. and I'ente together, last. Crossing the top lsobel was in front uKoln. Jmt Duo was handy, and Gasbag. (Seoffrey, and I.lstowel close up. Duo took charge as aln entering the straight, but lsobel 'was with him, while Gas'mg and Geoffrey also came through, Duo staying on to beat lsobe.l by a neck, with Gasbag a length further back. Just in front of Geoffrey was next and I.lstowel last. Time. 3.4 :i-j. <Jasljag was favourite. HUIA HANDICAP, of (KOsots.; second horse lOOsovs.; ihird, jOsovs. Six furlungs. .Mr. A. Alexander's br m Silver Link, iiyrs. by Achilles—Secret .Link, 10.1 (A. J MePllnn) 1 Mr. .T. Mollov'a eh g Golden Bul)ble, 4yrs, 8.6 (A. Reed) 2 .Mr. ill. Hannon's b iv Queen Abbey, Syrs, 7.4 (Glover) 3 Also started: .Earir Dawn H.O. Silver .Peflk • 8.2. Chrysostam 7.U," Miss Ellice 6.7, Ught- ' ning 6.7. ' ! Golden ißubble was quickest to begin, going out to make the running, showing the I way across the top. followed, by Queen I Abbey, Silver Link. Hiss iEllioe. Lightning, I Karly Dawn and Chrypostom, with Silver i Peak last. Golden Bubble was still well - clear as they rami* round into the straight. • with Queen Abbey, Silver Link and .Mis.'i ! i:iiK-e all well placed, .Silver Peak still being i last. Golden Bubble looked a winner at I the lawn rails, hut Silver Link coming with - a great run Jnrt got up to win I>y a head. ! Queen Abbey was three parts of a length . away, third, and then came Silver Pe;\k, ' Chrypostnm. Early Dawn and Miss lEUiee. ' with Lightning bist. Time, 1.13 4-5. Golden ' Bubble was favourite. I VrCKLANiD WELTER lIAN.DICAP, of .".OOsovs. One mile. Mr. E. W. Alison, jun.'s br g Khublai Klinu, <iyrs, by Aryan—Tartar, SA > (MeArten) 1 ; Mr. W. Colebourne's br g Canowindra, i 4jts, !>.« (J. O - Shea) 2 s Mr. K. T. Iteid's o g No Bother, syrs, 1 8.0 (McTavish) 3 5 Also started: Lord 'Kenilworth 0.0, .Rock- • field 0.0. Forest Gold 0.5. Matatane 0.0. 1 Crowhnrst 8.13. Clonmol 8.13. War Tank • 8.10, Persian 'King 5.7. Ohiti 5.2. ISanj; 8 2. i Lovelight S.O. Prince 'Carl 8.0. Kinkora .S.O. I Bang gave some trouble at the post, losi ing some ground when the harrier lifted. > Crowhurst. Canowindra and Matatane beiug , qulciest to begin, but Kh»biai Khau soon " got to the front, leading nlong the back, i followed liy 'Canowindra. t'rowhurst. War > Tank aud Lovelight, with Bang heading the 7 went across the top. and was on terms with '■ Khublai Khan as they entered the straight. i with Canowindra, WaT Tank, Crowhurst. Lovelight and Clonmel handy, Prince Carl ' falling back last. 03a ng was beaten at tJie j distance, then Canowludra. No Bother ant]

I'loninel came through with .stronjc chaJlenses, a great race resulting in Khublai Khan getting the verdict by a bead from Cunowiudra. with Xo Bother three-quarters of a length away, third. CU,umel was fourth, and then came War Taul; Matatime, Crowhurst, Klukora and Ix>rd Keuilworih. the last pair being l'rince Carl and Rock Held. Time, 1.4« •'!■">. War Tank was favoui-ite. Till: WINNING PAYMENTS. The following is a list nf Hie winning payments to he made over the A.R.O. Auiumu Meeting:- A. Alexander. XISUU; K. H. Williams, £101)0; W. Duncan, £«50; L. IS. Harris, fTOII; I-:. W. Alison, juu., £05U; exors. W. J. Douglnu, XtiUO; W. V. Desha, £UilU: liyrue and Uleenon, £50(1; A. B. Williams, isou; U. M. Currie. £3«(); 11. Manual, £350; H. S. Keesiug, iaso; H li. White, £.100; 1). .1. and M. .1 Lynch tituO- T. A. Duncan, CAW; H. Hiinnou, £i"U; J. D. Drmoiid, Hon. K. W. Alison. ii'iO; It. T. Held, fllid; V. Blanc, flofi; \V Coleburue, ilOO: J. T. Iletet. £1WI; J. S. Mcl.eod. £luu; 11. SwafiieUl. Hull; WyJie aud Coxhead, £1(X); .1. llolloy, £100; C. Hill. £70; Geo. (ireuu. £50: E .1. Kae, £50; (\. Courtney, £.'io; W. T. Burretl, £H0; Crlssoge Stud, £1."iO; total, IIO.bOO. Til 1C AVONDALE MBETINd. WTSI-GIITS FOR FIRST DAY. The following weights have been declared by Mr. H. Coyle for events to be run ut the Avoudaie Jockey's I'lub's Autumn Meeting -wlilch opens on Saturday next: - Maiden 'Handicap, six furlongs.- -Swift. KUght 9.2. Jolly I'rlncess B.U. To llausa S.ti, Lord Bruce 6.H, .Potona .S.-J. Master Itohan lillsais T.l-, (Hujiawra 7.1-J, Te Atitai 7.12. Aerlna geld. 7.12, Xavaua 7.10, Trim-ess Charming 7.10. Snake 7.10, Ijidy Cynthia 7.10, Koynl 7.10, Wish Wynne 7.H. Ural) 7.0, Santo 7.0, Marble Clara 7.!), KMlana 7.0, I'rlnco Menshikoff 7.1). I.a'iy Claureen 7.0. WaugaI wai 7.9, clilnx 7.1>. Maid of the I.uke 7.H. !l'r..poser 7/1. Ilardanpllex Miss Abbey 17. H. i;,ild Rikl 7.0, Narrow Neck 70. reningram 7.0. Impudence 7.' J. ilahoet:thi 7.0, j'l'agoda 7.0, S:uu 7.0, King Albyn 7.0, MI«S Beauty 7.» I'ekiUoo 7.0, (ioldin Abbey 7.U, lilection 7.U. Juvenile Handicap, five furlongs. I'nahl S.lO. Allitnre s.H. Ixiyal Irish S.ii, It/.ynl ! Ulood S.I. l.eUblield 7.1:1, Crohlen Dream 7.0. ; Tireless 7.0. Arch UuWle 7.7. Ami l-'orm 7.7, Alburiila 7.7. <;<,ld Jacket 7.7. ..Smoke I'.in'.ert 7.7. I'rtlli-ule 7..",, Marble Crag 7... l.oucartie 7.3, Ivatliarlnn 7.:,. Itoyal Hub.: 17 .".. Snowden 7.0. N,.|,i 7.0. nig Ben 1..V-, llj-in» ti-I-. Uui-ulia t>. 11!. 1.a,1y Keruiln ti-l--Hanil.-ap Hurdles, one m"lle an,| llirwiltiirters.- Thi-a.-e 12.3. l.uperlno 1111, Milllive 11.0. I'eud<Min 11.3, Slow.-.iii.-h 11.1, Itiithlln lv.l.'i. Tenacious in..-), (inerrc a ; Murt 111.5. Shell Sho.'k io.:t. Sir Aane* in.!. Slaiiature ll.lli, Multiplane i>.U. No Mistake 11.3, lioniiiucv :i.o, M(Milmore 0.0. Koroiuore !1.0, I'oltllogue O.n. Swnstitn 0.0. I-ady lirui-H 0.0. UuLmforni y.f), Maori TlkiinyA 'J.O, Ilushman !i.o. Avondale Handi.-ap. one mile and aqnarter. Kip 0.0, Tama a roa S.I I. l.iniUlUle s.s. fleoffrey H S. Clen Canny Sβ. Woody Clee N.I. Mangamjihoe 7.13, 7.12. Tjniilioro 7.1 J. Kiiihi and Left 7 1-, I'enoua 7.H1. 1.<,r.l Kenlhvorlh 7.7. I'niinivlrulru 7.(1. Ito.-Mielil T.iV Queen Abiiey 7.-, Sylvan rt.l3. .I'rlnee Clin rlerol ti.ll. Mutatune li.ll, Illue frown il.lo, St.'rii tl.O iPme Arch (1.7. Tresor (i.7. ' onkler HundiiMp, one mile one furlong.— Sylvan 0.5, cl n.-10.i , . Khitldul Khan 0.1, si.irk 11.1, fine Ar.-h War Tank S.ID. Mghllnie so. sir Hiain MS, l"er:i!:in King 5.7. Klllvhtiin ST. Nunerranl U.S. No Kolher *.4. II rod Id; 5.4. Menace S:! ln-ilil Sweet ■5.2. Henthermoon 8.1 Salvalcss S.I. Olii'l 7.i:r. lllMioll.i 7.13. Canzonet 7.12. Quiniro i7.1L , . Some Fuslilon 7.10. Aftrlee 7(1. Wuiollaiml 7.0. Tres.. 77. Cniieiniira 7.7 (Men-i-alrn 7.7. Kinkora Miss Melva 7.11. Miss Norval 7.2. Itome 7.0. Muniwhanu'iila 70. Colour Sergeant 70. Commission 70 i.orne AUbey 7.0. Klllnl 7 0. lini.-e 7.0, Iji.l.v Knutip 7.0, IU-Te.itlon 7.0, Watkaref.i 7.0, ; Jaffna 7.0. ! Chevalier Steeplechase. three miles, l.uperlno 12.2. l'Mrst Call 11.11. l'an*nl 11.11. Te Ton 10.12. Oluetanua 10.12 TonarioiM 10.10. Shell Slinrk 10.(1, Hatlletl.b- 1O.:t. Siunaturn 10.3, Coror-lfn n.O. I'olthoirue 0.7. |Totara Jack !1.7. Stilt.- 0.7. Hoyal S.-ot n.7. I.'-ura 0.7. i;av floy 07. 1-ad.v Sabreta<he !»7. Harbour Liu-lit 0.7, M.i Cupper 0.7. DalooiliU 0.7, Ijuly .S.ilvaduii (1.7. I Itjlllway Handicap. si\ furlongs (UiTdcn j Hubble O.'.i. C.1.1 Kip 0: , .. Kliil- Alilwy S.l-'l. Spanner Aretile s .".. Ken i I north S.I. A-ran 7.10. Crowhurpl 7.7, Ml«s i:!|i — 7.1. ItitiL- I.npln T.I. Lightning 7i Tleki 7.0. NlßlitliiM. l>l2. ITIIICf. Carl 6.7. M.ilil of !lhj> Lake 1i.7, Kmer.ild HUI (1.7. Comie-.iurn Welter H.indbap. one mile ono furlonc— Archie 0.1.1. Hiirht nnd L<-ft 0.12 feuona !>.lO, Loril Kenilworlh O.N. no.-kllehl !1.7. Forest Col.l 0.1. Sylvan 11.0, Matataue 8.11. Klinblnl Khun s 10. s.rnp <>' I'aper ss, r-nrreeldnr R.fl. IVrfei-t Day 8.5. Tinokma S.S, Illue Cross X..-i, War Tnnk llraant S4. Hoyal Irish 5.3. Sir Iliion 8.1!, Hang S.o. Totarn .im-k S.n. ohitl s.o, Lovelighi M.ii. Hfalheruinoii S.O, .Mullinlane S.O, Tresor .S 0. AcceptiincPs for the above events close to-morrow at ."> p.m.

WAIPIKriUr BATES. (I'.y Telegraph. -Press Association.l NAPIER ■Monday. TJie Waipukuraii races were held to-day. Tile totalUator handle.! i-':U.7I>.S, against I JU_'«i.7:t7 last year. Results: — Miiiden llaee. -Prince Kerouz 1, Palii.i 2, Suspicion ::. Also started: Forenoon. Sunray. I'rettv Mickey Uidy Sykes, Multimaid, Suuar Works, Maungarango, Soyes, Ferano, O'enitent. Won liy lialf-a length. Time. 1.20. llueremui Hack Handicap.- Wolawu 1, Mosthenes 'J. Larkspur :t. Also started: Miikcro, Import. Art, Ahum. Sling Camp. Demonstrate Form, Shailowdancer. Conzlska I'oto Kale. LMorzeiiia. Wou by v nose. Time, 1.1 L'-5. Ila'-k Handicap.— 'Conventlon 1, -Antler 2, Arlan .1. Also started: Doric Their. Maybloom, Tornea, Finouii. 'i'iipperary Ijass. Won by I w<, lengths. Time. 2.!) 8-."i. Wr.ipiikurau Cup. -Teka 1. 'Mtimblp 2, Elieipu .'I. Also started: Admiral ion. I'ate-ton-:i All Talk. Tornea. Won by balf-a-lencth. Time. 2.7 4-.".. Ori.igi Handicap.—Comic 1, Whariti 2, Crowu Ge,m 3. Albo stnrtcd: Henlity, Satin. Won by a length. Time. 1.1 »-.> Uidies- .Handicap. -Kenepuru 1. i'-.w.ler King 2 .General Raven it. Also started: Maraetotara. Antler. Manhaltnn. Toruea. Won by three lengths Time. 2.41. Puriml Hack 'Uai«Heap.--Mosiheneß 1, Yankee Dan 2, Convention X Also started: W.-iin-hsi. I-.irksp.n-. Ahura .Maiingaraiijta. Demonstrate. I'rettv Mickey. L ouziaka. Won by a head. Time. 1.14 SM. . Firing Handicap.—Manila 1, larl -, Mumbled. Also started: Wodeu, Fiuoru. Won by a head. 'lime. 1.13 4... WAIMATE TROTTING MEETING.

(By Telcgrapu.—Press Association.) lIAWERA, Monday. The Waimate Trotting Club's mM>rin«| was held to-day. The course was rather soft after Hie recent ralti. The sum oi (£22 025 whs put through the tot.ilisator. against r.27.15;$ last year. Results:Auroa Maiden.—Azelzlon. 1: Maydurn. 2; Stanley Dillon :t. Also siaried: •■race! Direct, Silent, Special Tracy. ,Mlss Squib. • Glencoe, Kance, Tealalhaea. Comb; Indi- ! cation, nockwiiy. Won comfortably by i about two lengths, half a leiigLh separating second -and third. Time. :i.ii4 2-5. i Norinanbv Handicap. -Teatihaea, 1; Illumination •'■ Beau Ideal, :'.. Also slarted: I Tim WilUle! .Mcssines. Willie Mac Plain | Hose, Maude 11.. Warrcmana. tt Uii Daisy. \ Kamanoa. Ambeilte. Peter Scott. Won by half a length, the second horse being several leiiKlhs away. Time, :i.4 2-0. Wmnate Cup.-Mt. Albert. 1; lied Star, •<• T-uihinu :j. Also started: Warioek. jimmy Ki<-limon<l, Overrate, Bl\ie King. William First. Jewel Wooil. At the end of the lirst mile Mount Albert took command and was never headed. He won by a good length, two lengths separating second and I third. Time, 4.3r> 'J-u. I Tnranakl llaiiill'-ap.—Night Hawke, 1; ' Rloalto \>to. i; Bell. ;i. Also start.-Ml: i Cliff Compass,!y Joubert, Kionlto Jean, (lanlrallst. I.»<ky Nell. Jet Black, I'fchu. ' Kryait Sennie Mac. Capllnse, r.elllone. ' Wildwooil King. The tiatiger. Cyrtluvi, lilacU Beauty, Jim a Jon, Harold Wilkes. Mat Patch, and Meritorious. Woji by three lengths, the third horse being two lengths behind. Time. 3.55 2-5. Taranaki Futurity 'Stakes. — Nelson Darby 1; Indicator, 2. The only starters. Time 8.55 2-5. Hawera Handicap.—King €apitaJisit. 1: Rio Grande. 2: Amberite. H. Aiso started: Aranul. Overrate. T'ae last-named did not <-omiileto Won by a length, with live len-ths between second and third. Time, 4.46. Stratford -Handicap.—Gold Bud. 1: Wild Daisy, 2; Xapper. 3. Also started: Peter Scott, Sweet l'rince. Plain Rose, Plain Bob. Taikorea. Won by four lengths, a neck sep.iratiiig second and third. Time. 3.:VT. Kit hum Handicap.—William 1.. 1: Bushfliild. 2: I'riuziira. :!. Also started: Blue King, Hiram Galindo, Dorothy Dimple. Won by a length ana a half, the third horse being four lengths away. Time, 2.21 3-0.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 7

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 7

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 7