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ASnJSEMEJTTS. WITHOUT QI."KSTIO.\ ONE OF TIIK RREATRST AUTISTIC srCCKSSER OP TIIK I VKAR. J'KEAT VoIHSKI.F TO A LOOK AT THE WUNUEK I'll tYRE 01' l!>_0. ! XTATIOXAI, OKTIIiKS. V"ATIONAI. pIfTKUKS. ->ATl(iN\I. 1 ICTI-ICKS -PHOSK -> ATIONAI, ±IJ TI'UKH. | VATIiiXAI. niCITHKS VTATIOXAI. |>I« H.«'>--Natk.nai. JticrniKs: -> atiunai. 1 n-n kks. I iHlversal Films Frosonl a Super I.nxc .lewel I'roduction. I Uerommended More Imperially for Adults. ' irnn , yruoHKlM's (imn Master I'lctnre rniiE pii-:vii/s t>ass T^ky. \ I-'IUC "TKOIIKIM-S A Picture -f I'aris i-UK -L'kvu/S A ASS J:v l^.Eliir ynwii;;i)rs the Wicked, and I'arls rpiiF. r\KVII/H y>.\ss T. h\. ttlC WTHOIIEIM-β I ho Wonderful. ■*• UK -L'eVILS i ASS **-KY. A GUOWNUP Photo, drama for fiROWN-T"P IVnple. A Picture whose aullio; KNOWS- who KNOWS Yor KNOW. .lamrs R. Qnlrk. Kdltiir of "The l'hoto.-nlay.' says: •• -The Devils Pass Key , is b miracle .if di'tiiil ; it I'Unlieußes in its .Mnsaic perfection any photo, play ever made. NATIONAL oisrilKSTltA. FINEST IN A i'<~K I.AXD. Overture: ••Mornin?. Noon and Night ,, i»up|>i-i. S p.m. niiiK vevtek, x>ii;i;r-:it. ttuxrk 'pmi ~\V* \T711.1. 4 mazk \tov tn I- 1 HE ■*•> EVTER. J -*lo<Ji:i{. -•- IXKII *l)M '» ILL J-OC -*-.N - rp 11 k TT' X I" II." •• • 11 k ■!■ 1: r LiHIPPODROME PICTURES. rpo DAY. I'lIn.VK TO NH;iIT. j * o-uay. 4-S-- - L uMt;nr. "rniiE rpo.M "i-HK 1 Kin." Ifill i'J-lX ■•mm-: T?ii:rn." a stohy of the days when hearts rpoM t»rix. •• 1 |||.; X i;id." WKIiK YCirXC AND MK.N WEUE -I oil -^'-LIN ■• rpilK T.iKrn, ,, lIOI.D AND THE SPIRIT rpiiM Af l -^ ! - LUX -T icrn." (iftiaki'm; itri.ED Jo.v ! -rpili: "KM-.TD." TIIK WOIC.L'. rpo.M "VriN. 1•■ I in-: J- i-:i"I>."• i o.M *'Aix I ■rpi!K TT'lirii." mnji TVTIX. ' •-1-UE -«- i;fd.- -1-um i'i-ix. * TTIPPODKO.MK / \RCHESTRA. -LLIPPODRoMK "RI'IIESTRA. SKSSIONS rOMMKNI'K : 1 2 Noon. J. 4. 0, and S p.m. i'iloNF. 4J.t2 RKSKRVKS.

MOTOK. CARS fOH S AI.E. AiK Li S D. r\ x X A X D. 6 CrUXDKRS. VALVES IX HEAD. THE lUKAL FAMILY CAR. The uncommon ability of the OAKLAND to etrvp the whole family is imtleated by luj 'roominess its fiwy handling ami iis cxtren.o winpetmi-e in performance dejllrercd lit low cos;. WRITE FOB CATALOGUE. OKEATES AND VyTIITE, PO.XTROLI.ING AGENTS, 4S KOKT STREET, ' AUCKLAND. TVYF FORDSON TRACTORS.—Mr. Kormct. the Fordson has a dozen different nsee on the farm. Let us arrange a demonstration i^»^g AT M p T fiß_CO.. LTD. B ■DKI-lABILITY AND TYE-FEXDABILITY! THE TWO MAIN ESSENTIALS when roxsirwEmixfl the rraciiASE of a car. BUT A gIX AND BE SURE ! ! Chalmers Hot Spot Induction Manifold ensures economical ami perfect running even on die lowest-grade fuel. MAKE A POINT OF IXYESTIC.ATIXG THE MERITS OF THESE OAKS. -pULI-AX, A KMITAGB AND QO., LIMITED. ALBERT 'STREET, AUCKLAND, And COLLING WOOD STREET, HAMILTON. X S X~ 0 v R C E M E l< T. LATEST MODELS. WOLSELEY AXD SCRIPPS BOOTH OARS. ' • ! 1 On View at * Vi k> AUCKLAND GARAGE, Corner Lome and Rutland Streets. TS O. W. SPRAGG, Trop. LKT us pive tou a demonetratioD with the LATEST MODEL FORD CAK. Better value than ever. Self-starter, detachable rims, ventilating windscreea. UNIVERSAL MOTOK CO., LTD.. B CTTancery Street. Addrese Yonr Inquiries Tor Lateet Model XT*ORD rAAKS, 5 and 2 i: Sealers. TjWRD QEDAXS, QOOPES, TfIORD rpON rpRUCKS, TO Gα TTAIDON, Ford Distributor, . A.. JJ- Auckland District. 50. Hobson Street. Phone 2523. H fTTHE CL'PKEUE TCJXGLISH Q**SUNBEAM, n-seater, latest model, with all improvements. Including electric lighting and self-starter fl3*s SECONDHAND 15 UN BEAM. 1014 model, in first-class order; only done 13,000 miles private work. PRICE fSOO SECONDHAND SUNBEAM, 6-ciHn-der, In liret-cliiss order; onljr 'been use. PRICE £730 -pv m and /cousins tc. rx>raixs, LUXITED. SUNBEAM SOLE AGENTS. KITCaENEiIi STltliliT, AUCKLAND. B UNIVERSAL EVERT TIME. The FOKD is known as the Universal Cur, and the right placa to buy Is the UNIVERSAL MOTOR. CO., LTD., ford Distributors, B Chancery Street. MILLER'S p A H A G U. I L L X It " S i I! i (i K. TOI* OF KIIYBER PASS. Telegraphic Addreaß : "Millcrage," Auckland, ALWAY.S OfBX. I'HONE 3257. "VIEW /""IAItS AND iTTVRUCKS ■N EW AND ■*- KUCKS FOR IMiiIEUIATE DL'LIVEUY: T ANCIA, 7-Sli.lXiiKS. I-SEATERS. pIUANDLEB "DOADSTEKS. D AND 3-SEATERS. -pi>'GLISH -jyTEUCURY, 2-SEATERS. -piERCE- A iBSOW 5-TON q^IRUCKS. A UTOCAR IJ-2-TOX fTIKUCICS. ~VTAPrER 2 TON nrvEMOXSTRATLVG. USED CARS FOR 6ALE. DODGE, 5-seater, 1919 model; firstclass order throughout f350 BUICK 6-oyl.. last year's model; run under ISOW miles £OWJ DAnfLEU, 7-seater, 'M h.p., 3 wire wheels, C.A.V. electric set; exceptional value; quick sale ■wanted £328 REO, 5-seater, electric light and starter: good rubber £325 € HANDLER, 7-seater; practically new; owner leaving New Xea land; latest model; quick sale wanted £GoQ OU.VBBAM, (J-cyl., 30 h.p.; roomy iK!7 O-S6iitcr ', nl I iipw tj*rys, electric light; quick sale £550 HUDSON, 5-seater, mechanically sound; roomy ear: exceptional value £173 FORD, 3-seater, last year's model; practically new £220 5-seater; Brst-class order .. £14a -i-kODGE 5-seater, electric light and Lf starter; Rood rubber ........... £225 C3TUD-EBAKER, 3-seater; good rub,S Her; road ready; electric light and starter *«g 'TT-KIT, 2-seater: all good tyres £l_>o M USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. jTSBD rpaucw of qapacitte , OX HAND READY FOR DELIVERY. ; • pHONE 3257 -t HONE °^ U ' ! AXD ARRA-NGE A DEMONSTRATION^ !

MOTOK CARS FOE SALE TJCK'K, ti-.-y!., ."i-senter; privately owned; ; ■»-» late model, electrk , light, self-starter. C4.Ti.-Hqx aI. or lr.. Pnkekohe. 15« /\A v. .".-=caT<7i% iv Ire wheels, selfy starter, enmlittmi as now: deposit £25.----lnstalments, S4.S, STAR. i:w i>Cα r. .Vseai er. complete set new x tyros, el' , , fla».— Phone '-.".I--. I TjV)Rn Ton TrnJu lius. top. seats, new x tyres; lirst-ciuss order.— Yewrel KnI tfiiteerlng Works. .Nelson St. sii LfiDlllt «'nr. V.n:, model. jirlVatPly owned. ■*- (rood order aud well shod. —Apply Ford. r i) r.ox T.s:;. c.p. 0., Auckland. r.ti!) -pOKI). fl-«ea:er, good -«- l.lsht iielherv Hody; £140. quick sal,.. !-10, tirciit_.\urtil_j:d., Areu Hill. 1 VroTDlt lfus: tup; seat' twentyllve fin ■*■"• tlraf-rlnas order.—Add roan at WTAK. 1:0 OAKI.A.Ni) Car. .Vseater, model: done W" mlhw; very cheap.— -'-'. Merlvale Ay., Kiisom. 37 /■JAKI.AXK far, l', Rideiidid condition; *-* low uil!*.ik?; i-ii«li. terms, or gooii j mortgage.—S. F.denvale ltd. U2 irpAXI for Sale: accept easy terms or nu 1 -*■ deposit from »ou« driver.—Reitirin:.'.. 572. STAR. 7 I~■ SKATKK F( HI I>. n7»0: 35uick. «■*— Hum, us. I'oiiHoni.y n<l a> Sr-S X ATK it^KuiSTsTi - T'a r." ~" Would i-onslder motor hike :ni<l slili-r-ar a< part payment. or awU otTer. - liione IH74A. D 4 LADIKS. , the new Ele.-frT' ~ Seir-.starter Fonl Car te Just It: Press the button and off die goes—John W Andrew and I Son. Eden Torra<-.-. AiuUlan.j. T WC have for laiiucdiate Sale, all kinds of Second-hand Ford Cars, Trucks and Delivery Vans. -Andrews' Ford Garage, I Krien Terrai-e. Ain-kland. T ! JOHN W. ANDitEW AND SON nlsji to I" Impress on you that the new SelfI starter Konl at £:W0 10,'. plus extra tyre, 113 titlll by far the cheapest car. T

pAIt S VO It SAL IC. HUP., TWO-SEATER. £120. Also. FORK KIVK-SEATKR. In first-dass order. guaranteed. Tyres uearly new, spare wheel. £E!tl, GILMOLR. JOLL. AND WILLIAMS, Carriage Builders anil Motor Body Specialists, rhone 2153. Newton Road. B 4"\ T E can irfve you Immediate delivery of i »* 1021 Model Universal Ford Touring, Coupe or Sctlan Cars. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., LTD., Ford Distributors, B Chancery Street. r\ O D G B TJ X O S. A R S. QEABROOK, -pOWLDR AND pO., \rOTOR TITEROHANTS. 77-70. SY.MOXDS STREET (Corner City Road), DiSTUiiurTons for dodge bros. , MOTOR CARS. B /CADILLAC SMITH 21 TON TRUCK. Chassis uuder course of complete overhaul. Economical on upkeep. Can be inspected. £550 /~1 EE, pOTTEK, AND ■piAITHFULIi, LOKNE STREET. is 0~~ A X L A N O " AND ■\rointi.s /-^iars. Latest MoUelii on View at our tfht/w UIOOIII3. TTARRISON" AND rj.ASH, MOTOU I.Ma'ORTEJSS, NEWMARKET. B MOTOR CYCL£S FOR SAI.E. OTOLAS, Indians, with or without Sidecars; Triumph. Wolf.—Motor Cycle Exchange. 104. Broadway. Xewmarkot. IUS I.XU I A N or liig X wanted in exchange 4-cyl Motor Cycle aud Sidecar.—Jiig X, 937' STAR. i«7 AjTOli Cycle ami Slile Car, splendid coudition. powered, H-speed geur box, kick -s-tarter, latest, almost nrtr; gift for quick sale.—4o. franklin ltd. Dl UI>GE, 5-<> h.p., aud coa<-h-I)uik sidecar; jrood order: cheap.— Dli, Sussex St., off Kose Kd.. Crey Lyun. «j2> EJ-; Our Spb>udld Sh(»wins of Cycle and Motor Cycle Lamps. Hest prices.— ■Pioneer C.vplc Works. Newmarteet. US BS.A. M OTCm C YCLES - B.S.A. M OTOB C- YCLESFOK SOLO OP. SIDECAR. THE LOWEST-PRICED lIIUII GRADE MOTOR CYCLE. PAN YOU THINK OF ANT OTHER AfVcilINE WITH THE HIGH .REPUTATION OF THE li.g.A. AT A LOWEIi UD]PP ? THEN WTUTE FOR A CATALOGUE itl TO-DAY. n-t tl\ COMPLETE WITH lIOKN, SjLW I'TOll" AND TOOLS. «<KEAT.ES AND SOLE AGENTS, 48 FORT STIIEET, AUCKLAND TW F MOTOR GARAGES. — —« "CILVEIITOWN." "aILVERTOWN". ,, No Occasion to Look Further for Good Value. THE SILVERTOWN GIAXT TREAD CORD TYRE IS ABSOLUTELY OUT ON ITS OWN. EVERYBODY KNOWS IT. ■pViRDE AND riO., THE • GOODRICH PEOPLE, '■HEitALD ,, BUILDINGS, QUJ3EN ST., AUOICLAND. B

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 71, 29 March 1921, Page 10