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AUTUMN MEETING CONCLUDED VAGABOND WIN'S AUTUMN HANDICAP. The Auckland Kacing Club's autum: mo-ting was concluded at Ellerslie thi afternoon, in fine weather, hut a trifle o: the cold side, the attendance being ver large. The track was in splendid order Results: 'STEWARD'S' HANDICAP, of .lOOsovs. One mile. Mr. 11. S. 10.-sum's ,-|, s Gold Kip, (ivrs. •by St, A'liat.s Frail.-in, S.lO (Goldlin.hi Mr. .1 T. He'o-'s l,r X Tama-a-roa, n-ed. s.lo ill's:,,-ai Hon K. W. Alieu.ti's b _ Ar'Eiie, 4vrs. S.O (Reedl : Also started: Ki-mr .Abbey s.lj. Princ 'Charleroi TG. Go,I .Plane (i.7. Tresor (i.7. Kin.' Abbcv was flrst to break the line milking th.- rimnlni alomr (he back, wit] Tama a v..11. Prin.-e Charleroi. Ar.-hie am Tr r rnnnina In that order. Gold Plum and Gold Kip .lieimr last. Klnz. Abbey wa still the pilot as Miev erni-sed the top Prime I'hurlerol helm.' second, and Tama a roa and Ar.-h'e headlm: l.'ie others, whib 'Gold Kip made a forward move. Kirn Abbcv led the lielil int.. the strai'_it.. when Gold Kip had run up almost on terms, am .-if the distai.-c ibe last named » ii front. Ttiinii a-roa then came on th. .-eetie. and. -.-it -lii 11 _• Cold Kin at the I.iwi mils, the pair f..unlit '"" a desperate finish Gold Kip "cttin--- the de.-ision in the las stride by half .1 head. Ar '.tie _nt third two lengths n w:iv. and then came Kin-. Abb.-v and Gobi Plane, with IVitc-e char 'e'-ei 1-vl. Time. 1.110 1-1. Gobi Kip wa.favourite. MANGGRF. H AN'l Hi'Al" of lOOsovs. Six furlongs. Mr 11. F. Wbi:.-'- b f Arch Marlot. ttvrs, by Marble Arch Gwenia.l. 7..1 (Walsh) Mr.' 1! Hann.ei's h 2 Prince Abbey, lyrs, Mr :'.': rti's'v >-. :n z V-. : I Sv; :I ! yrs s.i .Tl sum : AN,, start Ni'-'ht Time M-".. Si- Hue' Sin, Canv.i.uet ss |;„s,,l:n ss. Emeral. Mill si. ['.r-idl.k s.i. 5..1.:.- Fashion 7.12 N-. Mistake 7 12. Sam 7.n, 1 '..nneni.-ir.-i 7.12 .lolly Primes* T.ii. JalTiia 7". Kitiana 7.U Coniinissioti 7.(1. Grab f.u. Cliinz 7.0. Abbe; Mall 7n P.c.-..da 7."i. Pentagram 7.0. Ti Akltni 7 11. Canzonet was ipilekest to be —11. followcl by .latfna. but Connemnrn soon rushed P the front, and with J..IP" Princes- as he nearest ntfndant made ibe runnlm; acros. the lop, fi.'' by Dead Sweet. Arcl Mured. Ca'z.mct and JiilTiui in that order Grub head'tig a strumr-out lot. Prln.-e Abbe; helm, well hack. Cuncmnrn and .loll.' Princess were still in , otnpany at they came round into the slraiL-lit. when Ar.-h MarL-.-t, JalTmi. Caii7.or.ct. Dead Sweet and Grab were all while Prtm-t Alihit ci.i a Imkv ron throneh on the rails At tii.- .llstan.e ' Ar--'i Marcot ran lo th< front, nn.l =-1-, 1 lin_- off a stron.- ehallen;.-. by I'rln-e Abbcv _.t tile decision by t length. Dead Sweet pd tbir.l. three parti of a Icnclh HIM. and then -nine .1011., Prl-i ess. Ni.-ln Tim,-. Caii7...nct. Itos.xli: v Sir 111 and Prodi k. the l'l-l lot bein. I'iil-oilii. Chin?., and Ab,„., Maid. Time 1 HI. 1 iiiizonet -a .is favourite. VII'TnRI \ HANDICAP. ~f .KiOsovs Mr G M c tt- .-■- b .- Thespian, 2yrs. b'v \ 'sii:-,| 1.,- a. 7.',0 IYo tn.'i Mr. \ n n 'IMinis' br f F il-ome. 2yrs. 0 tilt Heidi - .Mr J. D uric—id's b • Anomaly. 2yrs. 1 0.0 iCl'Sho.-ll . . .'. : ! Vlso started: Ton Taua s 1.'.. 5.7 'I'mihi s,;, Armnve! 5.,;. i.oyal Irish S", I elt'.'i.-l l 7 7 Tlreie-s 7.-'! Kirn: l'clllcub Ri:i. KaOi.irina ii 'J. Snow.lon (I 12, I.a.ij henna 11 li.s. l.lit Hen .1.7. There was some dclav .it the iwi. am when they were let -" Oranza. Leiihtieb :,„.! Kills-11l.■ «ere .b.i il'M "' 0.-.-in. f.u lowed by Anomaly. An, ..-el. Thespian. To: Tumi and l.oval Irish, with KaOiarii.a head In- the others. LcitMield and Fill" cm were the leaders enterini: the cbvelv followed by Anmrel. Anomaly Thespian. r>rai:_, and T-a Taua Fulsom. and Anomaly were in .har2c at dis finer, and the pair were tls-'.itltl 2 ihi llinish'. when Ibesplan came with a jrrcnt run on the inside ami. tiui-hi'u- well wot nb-elv by 11 lenL-th ami a half fr-1. li!so:,,e which was ,1 hen.l 1.1 fnrnt of Anomaly. Tireless «n« fourth, and then .rue I.eit.i Meld. I-ovui Iri-b. Kat mi. 1 Ortiusn Annorel. Ciahl. ami T-a Taua, the -ii-d lm ►~-in - 1 , Keratan. St. .u.b>:i and Ids P.en. Time. 1.2. AtmtmCy wa- fav-.iin-e AI'TCMN STFEPI.i'ciIASE. of .lOOsovs. About three miles. Mr 1.. Harris' b S Luperino. aged, tv, i.upin Motion. 11 2 iK.-unb'i M, s srs . Wvllle 11:1.1 C,'head's b g CapI -~1 dvrs.' in 12 iMniis.ini : IMr E.'.l. Hue's ', g Ti-.L.-I .us. aged. i I'M. iCopcs-ake, - I Also sM.-e.l D.-iloopin 117. Harboii Light !i 7. and D.uira -la.-k b.7. I was .pib-k.-s: to begin, iea.lini over the sod wall and water, followed In Tenacious. Luperino. Capsul. Totara Jack and Harbour Light, the latter stoppin- a :he stone wall. Going along the back tin I rider .-f ri.ab--.pln lost one of his irons, an. was pulled up. Tenacious being just ii I from ..f an.l Cup-nil. with Totan : ;',-.-.■ •■ -bed de top of the incline, am showed the wav down to the double, when ■1 'niliv jump ai Cue .econ.l fence lei Telia, ioas 111 Hi., lea.l. and he piloted tin (bid along tbe back and to the hill, wltt \ Car.sal an.l Luperino handy. Totara Jiiel 5:..p;,e.l at the obstacle by the sit furloii! I p...*t. Capsal ran to the front going up tin hill, bin as they came down on the othei si',- Tenacious had a-nin taken charge am lsist fence Luperino ran past his opponents and tlm ugh -Capsal headed Tenacious hi ,-,,,,1.| not reach Luperino. which won witl a bit in hand by half a length. Tenachim four lengths further ba-k. Time, ii.l 6 Luperino was favourite. AITI'MX HANDICAP nf 1 lOOsovs. One mile and a half.'Mr, X S. Williams- b g Vagabond. .Ivrs. , by Martian Gipsy Girl. 5.2 iVol.-g) ] i ~f late W. J. Douglas' eh g Maioha. .Ivrs. 9.(1 lit. Heidi 2 11. ll.lllll.Hi's cli g Royal Abbey. .Ivrs. S.O (Glover) ? Also started: I.ovemutch -5..1, Glen Canny 7.12, iV.inlv Glen 7.0, Mangamahoe 7.v, Sylvan (i.7. Sylvan wa.s quickest to begin, followed by Hoyal Abbey and Maioha. the former showing the i.ay past the .-land. ifolUwcil b.i lioyal Abb, i. Hud,-, ami Lovcmateh in ,1 butieti. and then came -Maioha. Glen Canny. .Ma ugamohoe, and Woody Glen iiitli Vagaboud last. IMaugamahoe ran On.,ugh as they left the straight, ami going along the back was 1 vv.i ; lengths clear of sylvan, after which .•nine Royal Abbey. Lovem.uch, Kuiio, ; Maioha. and Gleu Caiu.y, I lie bi.t paii ■being \ agnbond aud Woody Glen. The held bunched ip crossing the ton. Mangamahot still lieu; pilot, bui racing to the 1 urn ! t'.ii-n Vagabond was alongside of uim.'auu I then came Hoyal Abbcv. Sybil; I ,„, lUintch, Maioha. and Untie, with Gleu I Canny etill Vugnbond ,v,t., hrst - v head lor the judge, and thoim.i Maioha pur in a determined run oovvii the straight he could not reach Vagabond iwncii won by 1 iirec .imirte: s ~f a leuatn' ■Hoyal Abbey was a similar di.-t.'iti-e miaj nurd, and iheu came Mauga.uahoe, Kitde Woody Glen, Silvan, aim i-ovctuju-h, win] Gieu Canny last. Time. 2.3.1 1.1. Love match was favourite. the lime for tin .arioiis stages oi the race were: Three fur longs _i 2 sis. four lurb.ugs .14 2-,ls, ih, furlongs 1.5 1-3. ■ x furlongs 1.17 ;;-;,, sev.-L .'.-..■- -- 1 -." 1-1, .idle l.hi 1 .">. mile aud a half 2.30 l-o. C.J.O. EASTER MEETING. '. OHHISTi'HCHCH. this day. The C..1.C. Faster meeting opened* in excellent weather, there being a large vi tendance. I-'.l caving are tne results: — KILDAHI-T HI HDi.i.S HANDICAP of oOdsovs. Two iulh's. Mamiwiipiingo, 10.10 ; Db-k ■<.:'. :, Endure. 10.11 ( scial, ne,l: Vascular. Won by ten lengths. rime. 0.-IS. CHAMPAGNK SI'AKKS ~f loOOsovs. Six fUllotlfc'S. Sir Geo. Clifford's cb c Wiimiug Hit, by Autuiniius Winning Wav '. 1 Mr. G. D. Greenwoods , h g Pluto 2 Mr. Ceo. Gould's b f Palestrina ;i Scratched: lUhlerg. Won by a length aud u-hulf. 'l'iine. 1.13. .M'TIMN PI.ATK. of b-isovs. One mile. Truthful, 5.4 1 Malaga, 5.7 2 •Coiintenstroke. 5.7 o Scratched: Scrimina.g-e, StalT Oll'uer, Lronifonn, and Hondagc. Won by a length. Time. LIU. Egotism k_t her rider aiter going a furious-_-i.

RUSSLEY PLATK of SOOsovs. Six furlongs. Ahsiirdum, 7.13 J Kilderg, 7.10 , 2 Kilcullen. 7.13 3 Scratched: Atatau. Won by two lengths. Time, 1.12 1-5. FEIL-DIXO RACES. (By Telegraph. —Press Association.! "' FEII.DING. this. day. The Feilding Easter meeting was opened I to-day in hue weather. Uesults:KAWAKAWA HURDLES. One mile and ' three-quarters. I'H.-iutawa. in.:: , ! ' iibl Gold. 11.12 .-( Fisher, 11.0 "- Scratched: Ngakanui. Whetoki. Trombone. Coolpan, iVi-siiin Prime. Won by half a leugth, three lengths bet we n second and third. Time. 3.1.) 3-3. : MAIDEN STAKKS. Special weights. Klensanta I Awake 7, A'-billeon " I Scratched: Lady Kotiripo. Naropa, Dady : Fan liirkeuell.i and Bonny Brook. T\ on by three lengths. Time, 1.0 _-.■. FEILDING CUP. One mile and a-quarter. Punnui, fill o Rouen, ..->. !!!!!!!!! ii Marnueteur. -Simon, Crucelle, 'and Ngata. Won by half a length. lime, .METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. SECOND DAYS HANDICAPS. (•By Tele£rai>u—Press Association.) { -riIRISTCHI'RCH. this day. I The following are the handicaps for the L-„,,!,!,l !.,-.- of the Metropolltau Trotting .Club's races:— . I ~,--.. , Haudieap: one mile ye turloi -s ,11-vi- L. scratch. Gay Wilkes -■-. S, vi.'rv .'is, Korakl ~s. Henry Tracy .>s, I Pat.'ir.f ss, Wallacetown 6s, .Mystic «.,. I Admiral .Derby 7s. 'Buud«her_ i«, M.-irwn • i-,„i, r7s lialliu 7s. .Merry Bingen ie, Treasure Meeker Ss. Te. Kulti s.s, NWitborn ss Honette Ss Miss Catty .Ss. Peter M,Mlluln 9.,. imperial St^Anthony !-;'iU Si "-°„„e mile and a-quar-s ' , \.i sr- Frank Traiy la, Dil'oti 2s. Greta 2s. Letitia 2s. Viio 3s Makomako 3s. Marvelle 3s Queen Pirate 3s, Nabob 4s. Guy .Dillon 4s, G,en liruiL > , ;u vnemer 4s. Sir Henry 4s. ,!!■.'.„ "'ire.-: '4s. veil Pointe- S". S_e;i Nvumh •>. Belmont Chimes -"is. Temple -is, ' Bun'dura os. Hon Patch 3s. Los.. 'ss Eros 6s. Gobbn Pippin Os I'nnw I limn Us' Miiice (is. i-Toren.-e <3s. Da blame os, d-o-een Dillon IK Then Gs, Rewanul fc, Gipsy King •'«>. Fernmoor lis. oxford ilan.licnp: "lie mile.-Xajicr . r. ■ ,-... r i,.,..,, is Marie r»mpest Is. rim.v • T . ~,', ■ ',* Rorke'.s Drift 3s. Trooper Dillon - i-ir,T K-,rri ■• Gold Queen 4s. Lord ' Dillon 1 4"s. Bin ■ D » 1 "? ?;■ Slyer shoe 4s. • Whip ;'S. IJr s .is, ' N-ab.b --..-. Sir I---.ilh.iin -'S. Hmkor, r, o<>.l ' ,'• i,-enw..nd I'.s. Glen Mavis -s. Dora ' .i.'.ri,,- r.s Treasure bs. Qulucey Maid bs. ' \,ri. 11-ii.'b'iP two mUe.s- Onr Chum ' s.-iI ' [„',!,-!, s.r. The Dingo 2s. Gobi Queen ;- • ~-,,.„;„.,- union :•.». silver shoe ... n-inilv Chimes be. Peter Mac ..?. ' Hu-b r.ov'V.s. Kewanui fis. Xtitab 7--. Prince U, , li'i-ton 7s Chlwater 7s. \ 10-ino ■•■«. M. Wilkes" Ks. Albert Wallace fte. Willi » the WI-„ Ilk Watchman !os. Mary 15.11 10s. i-l ~. ids' Guv Wilkes Pis. Wandering w -i,. v» Ml'l'ee ins Qui.-k March 10s. 1 M.nv s-'oll lis Norma Dillon ID. Maud . Wilkes 12s. Billy Billon 12s. Palm dale 12s. - iirev-'one 12s Golden Peter 12.-. _l_«ood , 12--.' Polka 12s. Duly Wayward 12s, Mtif_- ■ "'Trotters- Handicap. two miles. -Reta . i'.. t ,.r -r Honielelgli Dick 4s. Whist 6s. ' The-us !l- P.m. Par-h fis. Billle Parole K>s. ' Harold Child 12-. olive 1.. 12s. Maretta 14s. Overrate Its Navarre 13s. Solace 13s. Ko--1 m-kl Pis Pieter Tlinmerman H<<. KHie BitiI , ~;. I : ,d" Wilmington 10s. Eruption 18s. " W.ihiliopni Ids. 1 Pre-I b-i.t's two miles. -Mat-h----li-ht scr. Gleaminz 3s. Hangit.nta Lass 4s. ' Paul Dufault n< Marie Tempest <Vs. Royal • s t ,„, 7.. Svmpnthy 7s. Dillonwood 7s. Em • p.-ror s- Vilo 9s. Log..- v 9s. Rorke's Drift " ... .;,.!,! Qu.-e.i Os Hayseed Os. Marteile ■ '~-' Br.-wn's Nugset 1"-. Guv Dillon pis. '' i':,.„-ai.t Mount 10s. Makomako lOs. Greta r -Os, Queen Pirate 10s. Ouiuiet 10s. Temple 1 10s.' ll'.-h ri.-i-s Handicap, one mile and a .ni.irti--. -Mitchlight s Pr . Willie Lincoln scr. Tri\ Pointer scr. John Dillon scr. Gleaming Is T" ill Default Is. Goldstream 2s. Dillon 1 Wood 2s. Marie IJnyd 2s. Aeturlo 3s. : Proud Spring 2s Blrdwood 3s. Agatlios 3>, , ('hid 3s. .L'cl; Arrah 3s. Capriccio 3s. Sun- ' .0.l 3s. Vice Admiral 3s. Emperor 3s. ' Maoribmd 4s. rartner' 4s. Legacy 4s, | Hoke'- Drift 4s. Admiral Hn! 4s. 1 I -——

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 28 March 1921, Page 2

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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 28 March 1921, Page 2

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 28 March 1921, Page 2