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RACING FIXTUBES. March HO— Tuapeka Coun-.v J.C. ' f, March ÜB. 2<s_ Auckland R.C. |.-. Ma.-en -V,. .'v-Rlverton R C. March 2*. 2* -Walrarapa R.C. if March —S — Beaumont R.C. March IS—Ktirnara R.C. '7 March _<_-Waiptiknrau JC *. March _*. _n-- Canterbury JC. March _«. -.--reilding J.C. in March :;•>- Bircbwood Hunt. s March y, West land R.C. !h **"'""!" 2— Greymouth I.e. o April 'i'-Reerto.' 'j C. ' ~" i, April 7. £>— Wellington RC s April IC. 20 —Auciianj T C. "' i. The fllly Dorclet is j-, „ ;,;,.< wa v at pre- * sen-. ..ifle.-ing f.-om a j. .i-fni-l hind' .eg. and ~ J Chish-.Ln ha- taken 1'..;.;:i in hand s attain ;,fe- ■, -pc 1. a id the A'istralian-bred : hurdle, at X: :,--<:,- V.'-te.-.i.i '- ai,,rl'iillg. i giving a sa:.:,.'a :-.r.v d,--play f-.r a a There was a 1 ~ of -■ rim ii,_- work at Ellerslie r,-.-- 1 . r ,:. lv morning, in view of to-], days racing. „;; ~,,, visiting ho r -es f.o-„ ~ fie Waik.-.t .. rtl.h nrriv-i on Thursday I, The ■hrc.-ycar-.hi Humbug is at present ', "" the t-.-t;:-•-! .;-•. fincring fro.n a'« ft-oned knee. .j-,p :n c.ming into .-.ntn-t ~ •■' : < ■■■' i« ■'-<-■ ;.■•:•!. .'.. --■'-- I v m ,-^,; r , w .';■-;'-.^ r ."" ; V"-<:" 7-steHayii', engacerueti; in -he \ t: - .;„,', St.-o-.,... base on = vf-mday 1 !- net .•eti.-r.-lly ""t-i.-mn Ilia" >, i'it-s: c.i.;. uhi ': 1- a g-nv: j-j.npe,-. litis i f Mr. Aa.-.»n Emam.e: has p-tr-Va-o 1 Nema- j"' into i-:. <V;,, .._.,.'■, 'charge' "t;,.v were ! i Trough- ncrta -v the Rarawa ..-a W.dle- I day, and we.-., so.-m-a hat kicked a'-ut on ( Politic.-c „,,,, t-.e ... -„- ,-, vo-n wp-e, l ".•-ought north i.y the Rarawa on Wednes- ' a day The steamer iiad a very rough trip „ up and th" pair were kno ked ( , ix T. Cl-iap-.n. -.. ho -..r a fa'l ■■" narbour ,_' Light in the 5e..,,;;.; v,.,.;,'.- hasp at Paeroa, :j" was mor. rer-.r.-' -. irirl than a* tirs- . •'■•ti' 'Th-ir's-lii./ afte'-i, or!_ _v. mi w- .i's.:,rit 1 :-■'!;: ;cr> ta'itik ..f'a -Yo'.ye "-el hy (""rent j a.*.--- :1 _•';) 8 ' : ,;:7 .-aw '-Sir M-"!r-i".. . .*P i w .a- ::■•■ ;'i- -1 ••' -he p.-rf irmance. | \,.<. ■ B .-._•. n ..' ~,' n.-c whi h .-.uld j should t.e - .";.... ;■.:.- . .:. • w':te:i juveniles : : ; >'yen '.he vc-v . ...It". - 1 :.- r who Is conger- . ■ riding is c..n-.-fn-d. udnii-c iliai of the nre- ;' j .-cut day r.ders H iciv is the one that :cm pares favo-tra:.'.y witn tl..- champions , of the early -lays au; it i-- --.-rt lia 'ha- •. . Tin— horseman lias ,-rer ridden in ' :.- ---w HI- h "ii-t uhcr'ii- h«- ».'ti 4«.. '"-n se.-ui i on ;•*. occasion-, atid itiit-i -'.-'. IT.". being -...-. • :,.,< -.- p'.a. .si Thi- r- .rd -it v i-a'-ue-v's ?:,'<■< amoiTg them' '..-it-.-- tr.- A is Ira lan I'.sp. :• .ir.n." ids -ate-- ln (Le 'ac large sin.i of t'i'.sf'-t He I'ae won _r> .-ups. including -he y...v -"ap on t h-i i-ions. ri-ltng Bridge. Sa-anof and «-J -e.-icd m v.i.-.lng th- \u-k.nn! Cap I rider's of' the' world' I | NEW ZEALAND Ti 111-" Tl 11'11 -TER ! .. The .e-nl editi-r. of New 7.e a md' I Turf Register ha- t.-e; is-a- 1 :■:■ -ne ;..ihI isti-rs. the Chris-. -hi.r.-h Pros- •'.. and '•:' •e'mlet S Mi' i --■ -a "aiag a":H ■ r-d-ltt- Th.- !na»-< i- invaluable t-> i-tader's of form, and n-- racing man-,-nn aft'or-l I-. --c without it. Only -a limited | ing a copy no-:M he we'i a-ii ic-t-1 t ■> make j - ' early a|.;-".i- at.on. I AUCKLAND TIMTTIN'" CLCB | • *■' the' Ait-' Tmriii; ■.' .-- Aau-t-ni , M.-ctlnit -'ii April ]•', at i -;.•--» wiih the; se-retary. Mr c. y Mark .«:. Friday ne-tt. I for tie i.rea: N-r-l;.--- Tr d .nit I'.-rbv of. i'.C.'-'J-':. f->r no- »-..; .;-.<» Tie •,,,>.-.-'-. Tt'n-I cvi tiers ani -r.-.-ie-s woil-i entric- ' '. Ai'- KLAND R.\ "INC. C: i"l • ! 'l >-::,-i-inp :..\vs ra- in ;. . n<l - ~ n . ~ ...... rl , n ! - Mee;::V -.1 :..'-ak<':'.':a"e a' : ~i' ■"- ie '.;.' Ni-tl , ..vf Earrhshttie -'.'.'■ '... he-. ".'-.. .-,, h,"ad,'|-. ;l rI -iirpc-'ycar old' -.'.:, .re :r a ;. --''■'..-'■ '— : ,--.-n The weights for r - s-.-w..--is Haudi-a.l. 1 Man.-.-.- Hand; .; . ' t • . Hand -a p. A'lt-m.n T'a-di- ip. H a !I-i-.di -up a-,d cpeat \i'i:thi:i:n st i.i-mei: i fin- n.i> an-1 -'r--- c .•■r-.--- -, I.i-r -w,i .... s ■~-, r.t-r-1.-hine . ."j "'« 1 iLasbag s in iv/» X , ■" Duo S 10 l.cnffrev s 7 Sylvan s <i i. a: i,.j,> .... , T ", Isabel s s AUTUMN .'TLEI-.E. "lASV. of .-">u.-.v 5 -■ Slowcoach ... II 10 1 -I-1.-..-;-■ ... o. p First Chi! 11 lo c. -.-_ .-ti . ...17 Tenac'n-i- .... 10 :i I .L..-.;.in ... ■< - L.iper'.m io fi iljr' r l.iaht 0 7 J Signature M T 1.,-ml-ardy . ..'. '. 7 ! . ilopye 0 10 T-jir.ra Jack ..9 7 .'lit:. '.. The f.-;'ow;;;g a r" •■ : ■■my a- -r- for Ranta-.tna Cnr-c- t .-.. r- -- -Sea. - f-0.-t. IC-e - il., .;.;,- ;. X; .-. :, 'W. K--d----wing. M=«-p. . Mai'.-i.v,...:. W; -.tit Maiiet llat-l". a- - - r- - ■: .- Khpol-i. Nai -3. -.' n- :•- i- ■--. V'- M, ■ .- Sar.'a Ro-a gealit .-. X:... -kh.. a. J.-:.:-- ----■ H.'ii.'.i a' her." c .ir-7-. Wi--. Wi- tne." A-.-.e'-lu.-i i.2.r iv-.ter: -•'■.-; f:-'..: g«. - Sen- , I"' 1 "-- ---■' Chlara. Nnnerrai.t! L--r--c. il'.Hpian- Mi»! ■■'■ Melva. J. lie I'rit.-r.- T.--k Pc; -c. '-" Ijcv I-;:tdr». Blue .-r.:--. < Prln-e .' Ct ir'-eroi. Mi .'op per. Cionmc. : Walu'iu Har.di ap. seven furloigs.—Sali valess. Apr roach. Milford. a Ro« a ■ geiiir.g. Isir.gar- h. Raupatti. Miss Melva. '•iangawai. Annaroon Narrow Nek. Iteta- ~ toa. 1 taksu F-.'-o-g 'v f r.-.-trs.—Abhev it Mail, l'r.'i'-e ' t'.rl. * onit»rl c -i..ii. I lead > Swer-. Jo-He frin -e-s, i.;i : -y enrusii 11a k five f-ri -..its -Rheoia. n- flenia. Seaport l'n le Sam. Nava-a Miire f. rd. Maid Lady FredW ■ , ill -atita I' gelding Harrtugi.. n \-,. ■'.. '•' ia History. Cl.nVeky. Whiten..:.. Lady ,•„,., eoa reen. l.iold. atcher Chint?.. Wish Wvntie. ■ repln. il-botolil, Salvatcss.

TURF TALK mOM THE SOUTH. | rANTBRBt'RY. (By Telegraph.—iS'pe-iT, to "Star.'"i CHP.I-STCWrRfH. P'riday. . 1 The a~cep-atK>e_= :'v.r lie <;reot Easter |t. snd Great Aittirr.r: Har..:l.-apis nre satis- ''. factory, acd the ra-e" .-rh.-.iri .-<->u:t in g.>«! p f.i.-ti.'.T event, but :r. . »r»ln quarters t'jen , <. The sup.wt a.-rord.-d '< or.nter Atla.-U if o (.onif-wtmi hard in i;udemand, for tni::d he ha« Ehon-D ait nf p«. ■-. "Rorts have . bin:, but Sesaaof wili projably l»e fiivuJrite on the riay. KHrush is th" popular fancy in the a longer event, and ever previoti-ly r shvw'.rrs to advantssre ;.' there -j Is no reason why this season stionld not r-- . 111. eiceptlon. He is well, and i.-np'ovius £ Tlii-re was a iot of srr.-M at Rl<-oar- j, '111" «"' -evt-n Vurlong-- | <;l..: l ii J ;r.g i« at his -pry 1,0»t. and »"t 1 j in lh*- ' balienpe , :- a p.el >!.■>.: riu-I U-:i)'.•■..'.: hare ..ccn jal'.op:t.:: if-ry m c-li of. h:... ;in-l fbo'iid run w'i. at the lueetinc. . r j rnny : trouble •-•nit- i_.f tin- Pvo-year ■<■')■'.« . A <;'..,<i list of a. -eptancw ■«- r e<-e.--ei , i.i-t uiaht for the .-..ih.jr cvei'-. ..ud from . [.resent appe.tran■« 'here sb.jn'.d :x> rft f _'' ~ ha"vf™ni"le Vi 'f-r' the •«'., !'-a!ir,i hanJi.-ap... S ar.i Winter heluc the -niv »-|i:,,ira-.«l« fr-:a th.' J «Vr-. : it lister «h.;«-'ar. sa'.e 1 ..-:.:r.e-e have ~°_ ;. a xi .:> f..r their Cr-at A'.ifi.nn engage- « ■ne.-i-s. Sjisanof h ; ,. -..-xe sir-.r.ciy in'" fav.,;r for th« Hald• •■ji »n« hor-<e. but 'nas a treat Vta.<*. to . arry. aid h.i" uui raced for nearly a year. Carerock c has ra-ert weU ir.ore tiian on--* late.y an< as he appears to tie on tiie imr>roTe slK>u.-! ■ f T i | ionis I than"a7™Un n .'j' i i , d=^l' t "n -"IblWorm. ' 1 bJmera's win at the Master'...n Meetin; ; ri >ci n<-'' involve a for the Urea lliister Handif-ap. . . ' . , of Ibe sis boniw j Tatau and T KilJe«'are »:*• engaged | K "v > ln ? t'er l wrc' t r(i'r.rrrpeJ U riea"d. while do:nK a ?!x furions gallop on the course or. T-.esday. He had 3u« dropped T.rnf--i.'e.e wblc'h aseistei him in thf cany par.. L;!d%i.ked » L ™.,.«- c Yuu'ng Tr^- I r,le 01 tha ,J t i k'r;. rt -' thf T-oU. fnr be b>id be»-n working . ' we'll tno'jch to stii-gest 'bat he would bay- '■ t:.ken a of beating ia the Ka«ier 1 H R n oVaT P J-ta? and Winning H.t are V.»th « sai>ytiie w'i;. and should r:n jo-jd races 1 - : . T uns ü ß;.rb a ig *«' j TUB MATAMATA MKETINO . j ,Frutn our own c'orres-pondent . | ' I'encairn wa- *he surprise of tbe >La.a- ; ■oatii 'tnwin?. ' although Mr. 1! M- 1 , MlkenV bay gelding bjo fisured prom r.ent y lit country ff« espW.ed ji.h M i. V ry yff'ihrei. races in .nn\ afternoon. IPs 'arlsh with Brod-..k in the vraf . puci>hlng. but re*p..nded gamely. : At least Jockey was surprised j. . Matamata when he was presented w.ta a rhecue fir two guineas with which to pur -Late .i wL:p He said mat during Ll-.-areer he bad woe four whips, b'lt not one ~f them ha-i . ome anyu-here near tbe value .•f two gu'-ieax- He . ..ngratu'Jied tile donor. Mr. D. Moutaz'.:.-. <. n his -re-nero-i-y When lieni'.i-m. '.".me "IT Ruapafi in tue Taihoa Ha'k Ilar.cicap nt Matamita uiaiiV , tliouiclit the iiur.M' aad ,-t":i;b'.e«l. iruaginln-: defeat in rbc track I>ecnison Lnformed \he writer that when be put the wh.p on Kuapatu the borse bu-kcl in his elri'le rr.fl uusea'ed hire. The jockey ««' cut al>nut the fa>"p and hands, bu: was i,.jt ' In t:.,. Perm Mai.le:; H.indicap at %L«ta mata Mr IV. T I>iirby'< lrisliland got the wor-t of a bad start, but half-way on tb» '■lurnev most of the f>;: tii was traTPiiiise Bt a terrifl. rate. He faikd t<. sec th" j.'U-i.<-y iv.;;. however. -a:'.d wae Jus-t beateu out ':' a position. V. Bradv i2i. <•■ Carmoot I'Ji. .1. Mnliins i li. .1 i-njiqiie-: ■!■ .iccl Mr. R. M-it-pr ' ■'■: roJe is five races w;is ■■civ o'tt of Tin'>i:,.ro -«..< con-:•;.-red to be the bee- : f rhe soori things for rhe Matsmau I'np ' 1-ace. but rh= r»-si the -,r. r.f ouin Abbey — Mijrnon could .io was t,> z< t tbird. c-.ny i lengTht. behind the ni.-ner. The trrcr. I The rurinir.g in tbe Matamata Indies' ■ : Rra<-f'-t Race nrr-vided two races in one. ja- if were. for BrouicU and «~r!enca:r*j out from the ~ther two c O nte»ta-Jt.«. I but »a, also a .li.-is-d'.iii: iijbsh for the third prize, the bracelet Thus two good tinishe- resultfd. ; In con versa t it-n witn the prominent pol:C€ -'*ii i ".ji wh , . .it tbe MatatDiitji fn his fi-.-ur.rl effort it Matatj."-a. r.yroe. ' 1 asey rind Ryan's itr.v. seUV.zs;. -rase :-ke-l like .a'.-birz 'Sllv/r I.ode. ' A I'c! c.n Satupl-iy at Minamata The !M- M/':ar. bira fer V-th cr.?sceTc a'>ho*iih a f nr - in -^j.^ wa. ■: .r.i-t,,1. Th.« '•hestnut ; aw'ilns Is n-m r..-.:.-< f..r the u-.nden icr ■:-i;o r.f ra -e< a: Avu'3> A -.-in a: M»:.itii«:a «.-:•! have j,.ri tri.-iu 'I.- Kirce ••%-..nVi ■■■• l.c e!!iih> t., f : ;«; ;.;<

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 26 March 1921, Page 3

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 26 March 1921, Page 3

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 72, 26 March 1921, Page 3