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TE AROHA JOCKEY CLUB. ANNUAL MEETING CONCLUDED. TAMA-A-ROA WINS HANDICAP. The Te Aroha Jockey Club's annual rnce meeting was c-oucluded yesterday. The! weather was very sultry, and the dust mil- ' san,-e most pronounced, hut luckily a heavy] sec."'" * W * pt the cour so just a.fter the mveh more pleas:iut 'afterwards. ' The events were got off much 'better to tLme I than on xhi- opening day. the last ereuc I being started practically to the second, this feature being much appreciated. Speculation was again hrtsk. tie sum of ioti.JUb 10. passing through the, mnking X total of £7S.4Sf) 10 tor the fixture, an increase of 10/ over last In the opening event Waiatapai finished "P favourite, but after soin's to the post; It was found that the daughter of Marble Arch was ineligible, uud she had U) .-ej n-lllHirawn. Master . It n turn. was left 1 favourite, but the best he could tfo was to' KPt fourth. Treso securing his rtrst viclorv by half a length from Jolly Princess which made all the runnluz, with Waikaretu haif a length away. In the Tourist Welter Khnblal Knnn and u>r.l Kenllworth were very evenly hacked, the bracketed pair. 'Roekiield and I'enona, | liavlng a lot of friends, and after Kliubial Khan had led for about four furlongs I'enona look charge and won comfortably by ihi-ee lengths from Ixird Kenilworth. ', will) Bezant three an<l a-half. leugilis away ■ third. j The Hurdle liace was reduced to a trio; nn.l proved a farcical contest. Shell shock was favourite, and although her jumping! lefl a lot ;,> be desired, she got round safely. Totara Jack fell, and after being remounted stopped a couple of times .it the remaining fences, but was got over in time to get second. Culanforin nearly fell on the flat as they raced past the stand, l'reston , making a great recovery, but he ran rnuna ihe nest fence ati.l then stopped altogether,--an,l was eventually taken off. The Hack Cap saw Stork backed down to n short pri.-e, but -N'unerrant. the bracketed pair Sylvan and Slowcoach, bad plenty of friends, as did Forest Gold. Clnnmel made the early running, and joined by | Forest Hold the pair were in charge as they I came to the home turn, ilere Sylvan-. War■. Tank and Nuucrraut came through. Sylvan staying on t<. win by half a length from War Tank, with Nuuerrant a neck away. just ill front .\f Ohltl. The favourite got a! ■bad run, and was never really dangerous., In the big race, the Jockey Club Handicap. Koekfipld :knd Penona dropped out. L-amlsllile wound up favourite, but only £10' 1" better fancied than Tama.a.-roa, wiih j Cold Kip-. Rlaht and Prince •Charleroi and Tlnopal backed in that 'order. Cannwinilra being at a double figure price. After some delay at Ihe start Cauowlndra jumped our clear. followed by Tama-a-roa and Prince Charleroi. while 'Right and Left dropped buck last. These positions were maintained into the straight, where .Landslide and Right and Left came through, a tine finrah seeing Tama-a-roa get the~ verdict hy a head from Canowindra, with Landslide half a length away, just in front of .RiKht and Left. Gold Kip was next, and Priuce Charleroi last. 'Balkan States was the only one to drop out of the Wairakau Hack Handicap, and the imported horse Swift Flight, which had the services of 11. tiray. was sent out a good favourite, but It was a good pool, and Bang. Nighttime and Menauce all got solid backing. Mavourneen. Menance and Swift Flight comprised the leading division in the early stages, the two latter then ! goin™ on and fightine out ~ desperate finish. I Menanee defeated the imported horse by a j neck. Nighttime got third a length away. land then came Lady Glissas. Bang and ! Maid of thn Tinatoa being last. I Golden nubble and Misfs Kllice were the two most fancied ones in the Kleclri- Handicap, the former leading all the way. and winning by two Icnzrhs. Miss Ellice beatingLightning by a length for second honours. The meeting concluded with the Farewell Handicap. Archie carrying just about twice as much as Arran. with the other three I starters. P.ute Sound. Corregidor. and Gold I Plane, fairly evenly hacked. Tinte -Sound made the running to the straight where the field closed up. and a rnce home reI suited in .Afchie winning by half n length from Arran and. Corregidor. which the judge -was unable u> separate. Details arc:.HACK CUP. of .•?00sov3. One mile and a-quarter. Hon. K. W. Alisnn'R br f Sylvan, liy Tressady—Silvana. S.ll |A. Iteedl.... 1 .M-essrs. Roulston Bros.' War Tank, 8.."> IC. Reed i 2 Mr. A. McArthur's N'unerrant, S.O ' (O'Shea) .1 Also started: Forest Gold 9.13. Stork 5.12. Ohlti S.lO. Slowcoach 8.8 Ibracketed with Sylvan). Clonmel 8.0, "Winsome Arch S.n. Actrice 5..".. No Bother 7.R. Master Rohan 7.3, Recreation 7.0, Glencairu 7.0. Won by half a length. Time, 2.10. JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of .ToOsovs. ■ >i c mii.-. Mr. .T. V. Tletef.s to g Tnma-a-rna. hy Penury—'Electruin. 5.7 (McTavish). .. 1 Mr. TV. CoPebourne's Canowindra. 7.0 (McCormiek) v " Mr. K. Alison's Landslide. 8.0 H I Also started: Gold Kip fl.o. Hight and Left 7.10. .Prince Charleroi 7.9. Tinopai 7 0 \ Won by a 'lead. Time, 1.40 3-3. WAIRAKAr TLACK HANDICAP. of 'iOOsovs. Six furlongs. -Mr. A. Hyde's l> g Menanee by 'Elysian — Te Aroha. B.S (C. Itead; ' ' l Mr. J". N. Heslop's Swift Flight, R. 4 lUmy) o -Mr. J. J.-tvins Sight Time, (Goldfinch) 3 Also stalled Bang 0.1, Sir Iluon 8 13 Araluen 8.4. Lady Glissas rt Neuritis S.O. Some Fashion 7.7, Mavourneen 7.7, I Maid of the .Ijike 7.1. Proposer 7 s Lady Lilac 7.5. Tinatoa 7.n. St. Waipn 7 11 Won by a neck. Time. 1.16 :!-.-..' ' r.%ECTKIC 'HANDICAP, of 200S0VS Six furlongs. Mr. .T. Molloy's eh g (;ol<len Hubble by Absurd—Ciitchfl.v. :i.7 (McT a ' 1 3Jr. W. J£. Taylor's Jllss EUice"-'i (Glover) ' n -Mr. I. Koss 1 Lightning.''7.3 "(George)"" 3 Also started: Infante 0.0, Uead Sweet Won by two lengths. Time, 1.14 4.3. j FAK-KW-hLL HA.VDI.rAI', of 20050v3 •Seven furlongs. Hon. E. W. Alison sb g Archie hv ilr. ,R. J. Graham's Corregidor, 73"" • *X>«ad heat. T Also started: Bute Souau 7.11, Gold Plane Won by half n length. Time, 1.23. OHIXBjJC'Itr JOCKEY CLUB. \^n ttp^x r v°t r he er £ t mu , s Hurdles Handicap; one mile and threeI quarters.—Luperino 11.'). Kattlet Me 11 •» i 11.0 Sir Agnes 10 1" nttto ion' iln U er, De .i- V' ?™&P* *™ tnergv i>. t. Kevstoce 0 7 I r-rinif^ 13.4, I'enuiless 9.4, Curmo 9.3 0 o Silver Pine 9.0, Argentine O.o'. Hypothesis 9.0, Astray 0.0. Welshman >J.O, Gulanform J.O, Wee Aiuans «.O, Romance 0.0 Waiina !).O. Lady Glen 9.0. Paeroa Steeplechase; about two miles and a-half.—lcoeinaa IL9, First Call U.S. Luperino 10.12. Battletlde 10.1-', Capsa 10.9, Ditto 10.H, Coroglen 9.12 Totara Jack 0.10, Hopye O.S. Hauza Alist 9 8 Lady I Lyddite 9.5, Ix.mbarj.v 0.7. Welshman ') 7 1 Harbour Light 9.7 Daloopin U. 7, Penjiiless i>7. Kantahoe 9.7, Lady Sabretache 9 7 Space 9.7, Irisi Errand 0.7. Thiganthee y.7, Leura 9.7, Waima 9.7, Roller 9.7, Boko Ohlnemurl Cup; one mile nnd a-quarter. —Tama-a-roa 9.1. Royal Abbey 9.0 Landslide 8.9, Woody Glen S.fl, -(iold Kip S.O, Geoffrey 8.0 Tinohoro 8.2. Queen Abbey 8.2. Right and Left 7.10. Pente 7.10 Forest <k>ld 7.0. I'rince Chnrlerol 7.7, Archie 7.6, Lord. Kenllworth 7.G, .Mangiiniahoe 7.4, Kockfield 7.4 Esthonia 7.3, jStork 7.3, Pine Arcli 6.12, Blue Cross 0.10, Gatherer 6.10, Wlndorah 6-10. Scrap-o'-Paper 6.8, Khublal Khun 6.8, Royal Irish 6.7, Perfect Day 6.7, Independence 6.7, Sly van 6.7, War Tank 6.7. Formalin 6.7. Persian Kinz 6.7, Bezant 0.7. Great Form 6.7. Netherton Welter; cii fnrlongs.—Arehle 3.9. Arran 9.4. Kockfleld 8.13, Penon a 8.8. Bute 'Sound 8.6, Corregldor 8.6, Clonmel 8.6. Kin* R-ufns 8.4, Persian King .8.4, Ohltl 8.4, Jllss Bllk-e 8.3, Ohinewairua 8.3, I-ovellght 8.2 Slowcoach 8.2, Independence 8.2 Gatherer 8.1. Actrice 8.1. Harrington 8 1 Mossman 8.1, Shellshoek 8.0. Miss Nerval 8 0, Elate 8.0. Stilts 8.0, MaAle Slab 8,0 Winning Lass 8.0. Black Mark 8 0. -Propose 8.0, Amans lfl«s 8.0. Arizona •Maid 8.0, -Escaped 8.0, Wnitehall 8.0, Grey ; SappMre S.O. Chess 8.0. I Maiden Handicap: five furlongs.—Awareka 9.0, Waiatapai 8.10, Gonnemard 8.9, Accelerate 8.6, Miss Beauty 8.4, Pptona 8 3, Narana 8.3, Waßigap 8.3, Morrln I AWbev 8.3. Kinppln 8.2. Waucliope 18.2, TraTelogue 8.2, Glencaim 8.2, Colonel

Abbey 5.2. Lady Glissas 8.2, 'Miss Hester 0.2, Mangawhero 8.0, Ludy Epsom 8.0, hnake S.O. Uonifonn S.O, Santoa 8.0, Prtncess Charming 8.0, Marble Bell 8.0, Maid of the 1-ake 8.0. Euphoria 8.0, 'Master Rohan. S.O. Lovedone g,,i u B u d 7.12, Subway 7.12, Elysian geldins 7.12 Kallwiu 7.12, Whetoa 7.12, El lie 7.12 Mia Dolce 7.11. Reretoa 7.10, Murquil 7.10, C-hiutz T.IO, Mab 7.10. OetaJii 7.10, Impudence 7.10 Uranate 7.10. Ijidy Petain 7.10, Pro!><>ser 7.10, Ahbelieid tiold Star 7.!). Sailor Hoy 7.9. Silver Glide 7.9, Falrmount 7.9. Foxglove 7.9. Golden Abbey 7.9. Tluatoa 7.9 .Annarocu 7.0, War Shot 7.0, Teranga 7.0, Kiarito 7.0. 'Stirrup Cup 7.0, iHt. Waipa ..<). Narrow Neck 7.1>. Gidgi 7.0. Lady Clausen 7.0, AunaUnia 7.0, Strideaway 7.0. Wairere 'Maid 7.0. Wulkare "0. Mottle Uose 7.11, Milesian 7.0. Uoiler 7.", Fiery Brook 7.0. Neurito 7.0, Kltiaua T.O, <irab 7.0. Klla Gay 7.0. Ckiitoa 7.0. Delysian 7.0 Balkan States 7.0, Wirin 7.".

Koiimtii Uiick: six furionro.—4Jylvan !)."■ Miss lOUioo 5>.6. TSrmltck 9.D. Baus '■>.<>. I'oter Maxwell R. 12, Knishtou 5.12. £tork 5.12. Heather Xfnon S.S Clomuel .S.B. Koyal Mark 8.7, l'rinct- Abbey B.T, Night Time 8.7, Menance 8.7. Tthho 5.7. Islngnreh 8.4, HalvaU-fts 7.1:1 Hitholia 7.1:1, Miss Leslie 7. US. Aralucu 7.i:t. Passionless 7.1::. .loHie l'rmcess 7.11. Elsie Aroha 7.1(1, No Bother ".!>. Awareka 7.5. Some b'ashlon 7.5. AVaiilKau 7.7. lioomndilv 7.7. Pntona 7.7. Oak AUlicy 7.0 Arch t'arreno 7.0. Liicly -(ilissae 7.5. silver' 7.r.. Black 'Mark 7.5, Mavourneen 7.,". Navana 7.4, ldealogue 7.4, Maiil of the Luke 7.4. Wish Wynn 7.3, TUapotoa 7.3, Master Kolinn 7.2, Valley Qneen 7.2, Miss I.urnllns 7.0. Merry Nell 7.0. Italkan States 7.0. Kolil Kud 7.0. Lady Mine 7.0. Hypothesis 7.0. stammer 7.0, Silver tilade '7.0. Puketoa 7.0. Walfcaretu 7.0, «t. Waipa 7.(i. Impudence 7.0, Aquatnnia 7.0. Karangahake Handicap; five furlongs.— Oolden Bulrble 0.12. Keullworth H. 7. Ranz S.O Tlnokalia 7.10. Infante 7.8, Cabnllero 7.t>. "Miss Kllice 7..~>, Itlmr 1-npln '.2 NiRDt Time 7.0 Koyal Nfark 7.0, Dead Sweet "O I'-issionless 7.0. Arnllien 7.0. Maid of the Lake 7.0. Stilts 7.0, Manukau 7.0, Tiekl 7.0. St. Patrick's Handicap: six furlongs.— Tama-a-roa ».«. Ooldeli Hubble f1.4. Kins Abbey 0.4 Oolil Kin 0.0. Queen Abbey S-1-Geoff rev S 10, Archie S.O. Arran 5.2. Itigut and Left s.n. 1-orri Kenllworth 7.0, 'Esthonia 7.6. Teter Maxwell 7.C RnnK T. 4, Infsnte 7 4 Penona 7 4 Bnte t>ound ' ••», Khuhlni' Khan 7.2. Miss Elllee 7_l. Canaojiet 7.1 IJsUtnine 7.0. TH'kl ..<•. GoW rla Ac e, K ef l 'lo'se rk to 7 morrow n.gbt at eight o'clock. ArCKL.ANT> RACING C-U'B. RE-.IIAN'DirAJ'S. Consequent oh their winning at the Te. \roha meeting. Mr. McManomin hns raised-. Tama-n-roa's weight in the Kaster .Handicap ' to 7 11, and "Geoffrey's to 7.5. In the Brighton Hurdle Kace Rnttlotide has been raised to 10.1. RANGITIKF.I ACCEPTANCES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) MA.RTOX. this day. Following are the acceptances for the Itaugitikei races:--Scott "Memorial, six furlongs.—Walmatoa 0.0. SimoniUes N.IM, I'rucelle S.l'J. 'Murihiku K.lO, Fasslu' Through SA Sweet Memory 7.10, Egniont Park 7.10, Canyon 7.5, Njjaia 7.3, Voluble 7.0, Active 7.0. Trial Plate, live furlongs (all Ost.l.—.Projector, Awake, Rangi 'Poto, Lady Kaa Black Tea. Desire, Top Dog. Temaire, Hir keaetto. Hautawa, Tliea, Uoldeu Laily Una, trtnpawa. Watercnll, 1-rliu-ess Marlon. Hell Noir, Actor, Sir Douglas. Lady Kotiripo. Interest, Boninrook, Miss Klvf, Super Sis, Regard, Krin's Isle, CUerry Moments gelding, Quinn Abbey ally. Ouakea Hurdles, one mile and three-quar ters.—Tetoa Hautaru 10.ft. Yigllo 10.S Transmission 10.3. Wlietokl UJ.3, Sail Home fl.B, PoMbogne Ti.S. Trombone 9.5. Persian Prince !>,4. Colli Problem f> :j. Hushjun P. 1 ,, Ohumow il.O. Hush-u-liye Do. Desire 0.0, War Ijoan n.O, Hirkeuetta 'J.O, Prairie Maul ■Hansilikei tup. one mile and-quarter.— Cnii-elle !i.O. Idl e Talk 5.13. Nolilemun SO. Simon .S.S. Hose Queen S..S. rassiiT ThrousS 8.4, RnlUiid 8.3. H.vttns ,s.l. Uose_ WrentH S.O. Alteration 7.13, Esmont Park 7.12. Ver]wsßy 7.11. Sir, Lα Paloua i>.. l'aonnl 7.(i. I'rince Martian 7.5 Sweet Song 7.0, Kplnvßfl 7.0. Orey Sapphire 7.0. Carnarvon ila.k. six American Iteauty 0.4. Voluble n.4. Strtiten- !• .1 Klldee X.4. Hallowroz 7.1:1. Valley' Rose i.ll. Coolpan 7.11, Bestir 7.9, Vqlociform r.B. MimiUon 7.8, fl, r Patron 7.7 «krlisilit 7.4. I.ady Paul;, 7.0. Kuia 7.0, Crystal Palace 7.0. Belle Noir 7.0. Pukenul Welter, seven furlones — "Virit-i 1f1.13, 1-rn.llsal 10.4. Autoinoau'a ' 11.11 Vnlpncln i'l;, Kxplorer li.H, Yankee Kan !).r>. Hallow !)..-., nelovßil ,S.i:j, Passcncer 812 \ eI.K-lforni s.Ji A.-hlea 8.12 tiay Patron 8.11, Mattock 8.11. Tatatu 8 10 Gray ! Ha,.pi,ire 5.3. Tlvoll 5.4. May Morn So lillssfulness S.O, Willies S.O. Ue.i Hob 8.0, Notawede S.O, Interest. 8.0. Water I Call 8.(1. Ignition .S.O. Walrbrawa S.O, Kama nun 8.0, Coolwa S.O. Dixie Boy S.O. Parewanui Welter, one mile and half a furious.—Mmonldes 10.13. Simon 10.2, Zola 9.'.). Voluble n.O, Nsata 9.8. Egmont Park 0.2. illurry !p 8.18. Prodigal B.IU. Arrowfleld S.l:{. I'rince Martian K.IO. Tirana H.!). Ladify | 8.8, .Explorer S.O. Admiration S.O. Beloved S.O. Haversack S.O. llushabye 8.0. Ngatinpu ila.-k Handicap, five furlongs.— Active !».IL'. American Beauty !>.12, Birkie Autoiuoana 0.3. Flyinc Master S.IS, Tigrinia 5.12. Hori 8.11. Yankee l>an B.S, Bis Push 8.3, Gaiety Uirl S.r>. Impost 8.4. Marble Bar 8.4. (Jallla 8.2, War (Jnard 8.1. War Nurse 7AS, Skylight 7.12, Lady Taula. 7.5. Kuia 7.5. Black Tea 7.8, Piano 7.7. Miss Elva 77. Crystal Palace 7.7. Treasure Klng 7.7. Te Maire 7.7. Awake 7.7, Golden Pi 7.7, Lady Polly 7.7, War Maid 7.7, Lady Ulnar 7.7,' Regard 7.7, Shadow Dancer 7.7. TROTTIN<3. TE AROHA lUA2JDICAPS. (By Telegraph—Own Correspondent.) TE AROi&A, this day. Tbe Te .Aroha Trotting iC'ltib handicaps am as follows:— Introductory Trot.—Ngarotq, The Ciirt, ..Miss ißiiliy, Honey Circle, Valeta. Interval, Star Lad. Lady Stepney, limit; Wild Xut, Miss M-urp-hy, 36yds behind; Luna Dillon, 72yds. Middle-class Handicap. — Dulciphonp, Eclipse, Jack, Nita Cole, 'Ehoa, Cold Sound. Regret. Ilavoc, I>ad. Clip, limits Sgatarnwa. .I-angley, 12yds behind; Jleau Irter.l, 24y<ls; Itotomanuka, 00yds. | Te Aroha Trottine Cup. Lady Burlington, limit: General Advance. Mr. Albert, 12yds behind: 'Bush Child, Profiteer,; 36yds: Speculator. Goy<3s. 'Stewards' Handicap.—Koterlo, Striker, 'Scoot, 'limit: Van Coronado. 12yds behind; General Advance. 24yds; King .I,par. Puwhenna, 36yd«: Dorothy Dimple. 72yds. Piako .Handicap—Klriklriroa. Gold JKowl. Gold Sound, V-.ileta, 'Kotomanuka, Beau Ideal. Teddy McKinney, .Dulclphone, limit; Louvlna, Conscript. 12yds behind; Wlueatra, March On. 4Syds; Treana-c, 72yds. Waihou Handii-ap.—Bell Todd, "Honey Circle, Jack. .Miss .Uurphy, Wild Xut. Mlntonetta, V r aleta, Imperial Star, | "Cnn-berra, Teddy McKlnney, HC.yds behind; iHotomannka. Miss Iluon, .fun., GOyds; Klrlklrlroa, 84ytle; Ilora, 144)-dR. Farewell Handicap.—The Scout, Ixiuvina, limit; Lady Knrlington. Winestra. March On. Van Coronado, 12yds .behind: Mt. Albert, General Advance, 24yds; Puwhenua Treanac. 36yd?;: Bnsb Child. Jays Bell, 48yds; Profiteer, 60yds; Dorothy Diurole 73yds.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 57, 8 March 1921, Page 7

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 57, 8 March 1921, Page 7

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 57, 8 March 1921, Page 7