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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. JpiNSi'MiY 111 m:i i iluiihi.. 7, pkmiis. 1 Itiitliniuiii anj .-..iivs.: liiiiiiiml! ■He pnssesslun. liiirnetl, Si- nritv Iluil'l Inas. ijiii-i'ii Si. .".TV {• "fl, I'ASII A votiThile -('in taZ'eTir ~'' ,) marl} in.Te; prli-e. CTK). J.. !«'.T. STAII. IT.'.' (.'•Mill IAS-II IiiRKY I..VNN <i K.MIMIS ■ <>*» -..iin.i k.-iuri. )..w..-.. wafililioiise, ' <i.p;ier. liil.s. Se.-I l<iu mi x -iso. .\l)S<i lo'lai-'.inll <■'.." ..|.|.' l-'-illerV' ' !■►• 'i <* '"ifM I '■ ASM l'«"i*>n!'.T fn-10-ilal.. ! -•">!' |!iiii«alow. (i ni.mis (till. Oil). i-"«" -""I '■'•■ j. . I.! V~v(Mt- |,nN< -'»M'Y .1 It.mins. nils.. J - ,H ' U luielv «.iiuiil: n.w..- »:is water. : Term,- 1....1-,- .-,!,,1 C..'. M,:: {•'>t\i\ I'KI'OSIT Itemrneil Polrllers ■-— ~ unl.v lIKHNK ItAY <l rftonwtl llunfrnlnw In ii|> t..|. nrtter. Kecepilun hull. l»in IμHi nnrl h.-isin. h.r. water. pn« sinv.-. rante : I mill. r;irs I'urchiiser tnke nver .'vi-.liij. soldier's inori ; l.nlanee :t years ill f, |».-r- c-nt Total I'ri.-e. UIL'TT.. Illl'll XKIiSIiN AND CASH 111-l NZ Insnr ■■■■■■.■ nt.iKs _ i.-ij <"<)•"»(> i;l:i:V IVNN " i:ice|.u,)nail.v ■-•'•■"' \V.-!1 t.iilll s.,li<l lleurt <.f Knurl ii nuinieil 11..use. miMleni c.uvs.. sclc-t. : Mrl |.:i|H-rs and jr.nxl,.n: hiiinly ears I icilint" |nws.-«s1on .-KH'IIAKD SUN \XII CASH. IL'I, N.Z. Insurance Hides. I !|-2 (•I*>T.*; M'MNT l-:i)KN UesioVnee fi -»-<•» r,.. m , K nnd .-..nvs : all in R oo.| onlcr. |.-vl xeetlmi, | acre : handy IVrrus. tloo ca.sli. -hllchlleld. .IN. !C(-|| nwiiMiv t uT.0,,,5. " ; ,;i n> ' -<>•>" ~P,-t>,-t order; r.-kI secilnn; I mln i-ii r: L-.....1 l.n- ;l lll.v. IVrnw easy. I.ld hn.-sd. :,s. gm-en St. r>r,r. >»I«M»» ,; r ,,,,,,,v. r |,-v;ite'l. perfect -.ill 'Htl.'ii Terms Steuart. .V«, CJileeil St_ 1-. jMORNINGSIDE — £1180 i _.._ IrptllS IVupertj has Just been plnce.l in our I l hands for disposal. Ii i-rmtalno r> 1 nviniN. hailirnnni ,-inrl l>. h mid r. , M.-iier Splendid Drounds. nicely Inid out. i Wash . i- an.l i>. to uchool and iranur : nnd in R.nVd 1...---. 1 It>. t [ -■I- i his ,H.. me to he Yours? If >i. I insp.-n T.> day V ALEXANDER & DOWDY Three W.-,v- |.. Kin.l ufflce - :.s iji n si reel Ist ri,.,,r ~v.-r l-'nanke-K. N-xi 1.. i:v.-rj1,.,,1y-s Tlieatr.'. DEVON PORT. VJKMI HI cniiiiuiiuiliim ' ' »•••», ..' Hi,, lia'luiur: (I r»..:ii« lii.d ail 1 "•'» • ►eiiii.ii n|.|ii-..x i:, m-rr, ii|, ;-, , t ,i, [1-rlep, ,17,-J). ' I : .-i -i, "r'.-.V" Tr, <l"''t'.'^..;.'" ,V\i iin \ .1 iiiliiui.-.s ~f Kerry, nil 1,-vci ' ' --..ilia liuiHi Solid House of T riuiuiK , electric llahl, etc : in X i eondiilou 11--. .-. il'i »>. T.-rm- n.-ruuKi-d MLI.IMISK Si,-, !.i,;. u jFiiuip nf I room* nll.l .-..1 iv..; ,-le'rl ■ Iklll: .-1.l Uf» IMIli: HKI.MiIVT \|'-c liiiti-n I.Tw. one mln rroni I nun: ". r-.-.:n- :,n.| cms : perf-.i ! nrtler I'r ■ .-. til?:. ash required, ilTr. ; •Tl"\ .in \<;:\i l.<i»:ir.| I'nnide: -n.- ol i Idithi "ii MM! front il.'ui „ I 1-: ■■•fl'iss In l<,-rr St . Kattrny SI., mxii Alt.',. <ection.- anil oilier I'r.ip.-rtle* all GEO. VT^EARCE, IIKAI. KSI'ATK and iiIMMISSIi.N AtiKNT rnrniT .>f W..|e■-:>•> and Queen Hts. -'.T , -' LATE FOR CI-ASSiriCATION. HHM'l.l:. senl V, Slnwr. Kiijflbih, perfect order, l.nuf. l.niU . ,-v -JIIO i'UsU. l'li..# VMK _ l ,k > KAi'lNi. Iti.-je.e: state eiihdltlim, ni;ik.mid |iri.-- ii. \\ luds.>r. 07. lirlKUlmi RS..\". ]iIi ; YChKS iii, dent's; pood ..rilcr: • .mi- nearly tu-w; unrsalns; til an-i tl7 .;i.-l. —I>. V>. M-.u-aii. !;:<;. Mauiikuii i:.l . Kps-.m. «' / iIIKVIIiH.KT. luie model. ."> se:iier. email. *• mlieuife: perfect order, -i lievrolet. T.\s. SI'.VK. •«» OARLANTi. - - .;it.- in."lei: cheap for ijiili It sale. M.-iylilM'K (iaraßc. M~, yueen St. I' -j:;ir7A. 1<« i^TriTKliAKl-fiT - :! -onu-i. :ill good rulilier; ii l.nrenlii: i;.;.i". ::i>. s umbp's It.t. uIT M..unt.iln Kd., Cuss. 11-1 MtiTHU Ixirry. <-|~iln drive. In tfood runulni; ..rih-r; ilit-ap. -74, I'onsonli.v U.I.

114 (•.-(jn WILL I'lin-hase ( i|.l>S.\j( H'.l LX, |~ji MdliKl. MdToK i'.\||, In flrst-cl.iwi order; only In use VZ moiuhs; .» nil) K\.h.i iij:.' for <■i I y |-n>|icrt;. A].ply I'KIVATK iIWXKII. !•.".<>. STAIt. '■>- IN 1)1 AN. l!Hti mi.l l!K3<P"iioiieTl aniftliUcar. eomiilete: <.nlv 7 month* olii: any in«l tion; anvjii jUIJiI. — Shenstone, Urea! North k<l.. Avondale. _ _ U'l •Ji), I 11.1.V PAID ordinary £1 Sh.iriw. '"' Karnu-rx' rnlnn Tnidlns Co. Whal iiiTer? li.. '.'.">'!. STAR. KiS T ai:i;i: Supply IJnnthuiila riloua Se.-i *-* for Sale. 1 ' per Ih. I'.ralth watte. Tryphena. 1<»-J I3IMHH' l-laii.. for Sale. In West con.lit ion: -»-•» nls... Dark Polished Ilpart Knurl t-Md-Imnrd. Kauri, !«.">. STAIt. I.VJ T IRA I'M ANN. £<" 10 . handsome ehony • ■nse iron frame, guaranteed faultless. Auckhiml Piano Agency. 311, Queen_ St.J« BAY Pony for taile.—37. Cnyle St., Kdemlale. 2 40 BKOWN .Mare, fiyrs old, by Normliiston; reliable In harness. -C. IT. (lilliland. Victoria St. W. r>B2 /TRAri-"K~.le7soy. in full milk -Apply Ist " hi.tisC' mi rtiht. ■Wocxlwnrd ltd.. M-t. AU.oJ-t. 591 VANNY (ioats, l*nppy Dog. i".ulnea Pijf. Pigeons : Barrel Spray Pump. -Thomas, Newell St.. oil d KKMm'V.X. ,l;icket. almost ; £10; seen aTter ."> p.m.—Address STAR. 1 r>4 • > Sur.N.D Subnrrian llousos. for~~r> ~{o~ 2o * * A Alji T*n pn t oot<x*. — AY, K. Kriincis. A»ent. Papatrrra. :«j OI'SE, r> rooms, M~Kdi-n* or EderirtaTo - ; . all cash ; Rood lora|.h.v. —(Iwncr. tlfi-I. r,BG V\ r AN~Tf>I> to I>-ase. view to purchase. " about :: to 4 Acres, with llnnse ahont r> rooms, near slailon. —Apply LHggpr, • H2, Vermont St.. Ponsonby. \H2 HOVSK. 7 roomß. larKe allotment, near Ist section: modern convs.: good each deposit. JM-t, STAiK. »2 . OITiSBS Wnnted Irgeutly; nty. Sm7il dTHisltsi.- and Co., Agents. fintnnrs SI. Wefrt. 'I'lione U-"">A. 1)X O'.VSII lU"V"EJW Waiting. 6 to 7 room?, all parts of City and Suburbs.— irt'l Co. AsientM, Cnstoms Pt. \\'est. 'Phone .T.Tr.A. BX W •Guarantee Quick Ksile. 'Send parth-M- --->* l-irs nf your Houses to •nrifnt.Tis and I "0.. A'-eirts. Cnslons St. West. Thope 2T>7r,A. . ftS . PROPBRTIKS are urgently nnpderi in any district. We have clients waiting. IT : you want to ?ell let us hear <if yours. GKO. V, PKAKL'I-.. c Land and Kstate Hepartmem, . 3T-38, Watson's Hides., corner of Queen anil Wellesley . l UiSK Piano, wanted, hour daily, child's J practice: near Kpsom Karn. State \ lenns. - M.0.. :i7:i. ST.Ui. isss r RiKiM. large, unfurn.; every cony.; mln. - car Dominion ltd. terminus. — Address j it STAR. __ 190 ROOMS (L'l. to Let. fnm., use cony.: u<> ] children. -L St., Devottport. IST) A SSiSTANT Sioreman wanted; used iron. C*- tmde pref. — "E. Porter and Co., Ugh st. is? POSITION -wanted as <'ompanion-Help: no wages: comfortable home esseirtial: •efs. -Honwly, Newton P.O. 180 3 JTIiAYJOI), Kox Terrier. ♦> months old. ' I ■5 'Reward. - Parsens. Norwood ltd.. Bays- ; 1 rater. 596 j n LAND Agents.—Take notice, my Property, 1/ Cardwell St., New Lynn, is Withdrawn mm Sale.—A. Maeon, New Lyan. 587 d

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 2