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AMUSEMENTS. AT LAST THE PERFECT PUOTO.-I'LAY, STUOUEIMS WONDEK-FLAY. "VTATIONAL "IJICTUUKS. "VTATIONAL TJICTUBBS. ---YaTIONAL a UCTUK_3. TIIONB -L>IATIONAL --lICTUKB"VTATIONAL TJHCTL'KKS. 21U9A. -VTATIONAL TpICTURKS. -National _■ ictuues. i-> a'-ional -C icturbs. I Universal Films Present for L'nivorsal Exhibition. A Jewel de Luxe Production. J IJ-RIC UTRUUEIM. The Satan of the Screen, in TJiLIND TTUSBANDS. ■-IUC |lie most enthralling Picture _-»UNl> -L-USBANDK. ERIC (JTUOlllilM, the Art has Ever Produced. "ISLIND TTUSBANLIS. _1C »-TMOII_IM, -JI.IM) -J-USIIANDS. HE STALKED ALL WOMANKIND AS A BEAST OF PREY STALKS ITS GAME. A MARINO THEME CLEASLV IIANI>LEI>. STAGEII AMIDST THE MOST ENCHANTING TYROLEAN ALPINE SCENERY. THE GLAMOUU THAT ATTACHES ITSELF TO THE ALPS FAMED IN SONG AND STOKY. THE EDITOR OF "PHOTO. I'LAY'' says that of all the pictures he has seen daring the year "BLIND HUSBANDS" ts one of. the three best. TIIH ACTING OF "BLIND HUSBANDS" IS SO FLAWLESS AS TO BE MOKE THAN ACTING—IT ITS LIFE. "BLIND HUSBANDS." THE I'H'Tl'ltE YOU'LL NEVER FORGET, A WOMAN'S PLAY FOR MEN. THE WOMAN WHO KNOWS NO FEAR. MARIE Y\TAI.t'AMl\ First episode of the greatest ad- milE T\RAGON'S "VJET AKIF '» AI.CAMI'. venture aud travel story ever seen, _■ HE -'-'ARGON'S -*-' ET THE ONLY SERIAL EVER MADE IN THE ORIENT. "The Dragon's Net" was liimed in Japan. China, and the Philippines. Story from i. Alien Dunn's Novel. NATIONAL ORCHESTRA. FINEST IN AUCKLAND. Overture: "Klenzl" I Wagner), 7..V>. Hook Your Seats N p.m. Session. PRICES:—Day: Stalls, (id: Circle. 11. After 0 p.m.: Stalls, 1 1: Circle. 2/1; li. Circle, 2.1. Reserves. 1! ,2. Sessions: 11.10, 1.30, 3.40, 6.0, S.O p.m. IT3DERS. AMUSEMENTS. K° A U t~Q KM A tToI. IK;Ar)IA rpo.NH.HT. „, , .... • , , ~ , J-O-NltillT, Tenders will he receive, bythe under- . RCADIA. A*. TrKIIAI signed up to Noon of HtIDAI, '•cbrimry 11, _*.«_ \1»1 * WFDNK_>_ lira, for the FORMATION OK RoAHS on -_-_■!_. JO.U « i.^>f._ui. the Lotus Bay Estate. Brown's Bay. FIRST RFLFASF Lowest or any tender not necessarily ' ...... accepted. j~~inARLES I* AY HARRISON AND GItIERSON, —--AY Koad Engineers, / IHARLKS T»AY '507 am, Victoria Arcade. V-'IIAHI.ES —-AY mEND EII S WAN TE D "^I.ARM N QLOCIC ANDY .' FOR GLAZING WINDOWS FUR .'.' » i„rm \ NOV.'" FARMERS' UNION TRADING CO.'S NEW " A_\„_ -UM'K A >l)V .'- WAREHOUSE. WYNDHAM STREET. A * '-I-K.NUID COMEDY-DRAMA. HIE TALE OF A STUTTERING labour or Labour and Material. ~ , , SALESMAN. lie could not sell a beef steak .o a starving 524 Apply on lob millionaire. Then one day something happened. You've guessed it. A girl. Now ■-■— they're calling Andy, Mr. Cray. BUILDING. « I lL 7uditTon: AMOS AN I) WALLACE, EPISODE No. v. Sheet Metal Workers aud " "pilE \*ANISHING ] DAGGER." Ventilating Engineers. " -UK V ANIBHING —'aiIIIKK " I IST. GREAT NORTH ROAD. "iIMiE A'A.MSUIM; I \AOUEII." ■ ADVANCE Seamless ami Oval Baths oo "_• HE ' ANlsutNi; —-'aGGKIC" Cast Feet. ADVANCE Fuel Water Heaters. — ... Motor Mud Guards ami Bodies. \\ ; sl 17. N " T"''' A 1 " ''" Tanks. Tubs. Troughs, etc. " '■ s T -- N D -- 11 EA T It K. Radiator Repairs. for Ail Work of the Trade. ro-NIGHT. t3t Phone 277UA. 0 THE '-AST SCREENING ". _C*ciSW" TL» - X G E B MACISTE IN LOVE. NEW AND SECONDHAND RANGES ' rpu-MORROW rpUESDAY IN STOCK. J- JL Repalrs In All Branches. CSNOWy "OAKEH, I-NOWY i-AKKK, STONEX AND WHITE. CSNOWi OAKER. Wakefield Street. U ~*OWY *-»AKKU, CJHADOW f\t? T HiIITNING TjmGE. : ~ Shadow Up -—'iuhtninr JU-iix;e. ; EDUCATIONAL. OIIADOW /\K T IGHTNING "RIDGE. __ K - , IIAIMIW V'f -—'iGHTNISG -t-IDGE C-FXTENIIAM COLLEGIATE SCHOOL O k Li™™,™ R'.DGK FOR GIRLS, DEVONPDRT. 1 ,OX—l TTOobWARD'S I >ICTURIC.s'.' , "OX ''OODWARD'S - ICTURES. BRITANNIA. .Incorporating Cheltenham College.l PONSONBY. THREE LAMPS. PRINCIPAL .. MISS E. H. DANNATT. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAMME. FIRST TERM BEGINS FEB. 17, 1921. ( J EO. \TTAI.SH Prospectus on Application. *•"• , N A ~-" MISS DANNATT nil! be in attendance at " rpHE T\EAD T INF." the Parish Hall. Church Street, Devonport, .. IHE —-'eaII -"INB." at 3 p.m.. ou Monday, .'list inst.. Tuesday, T>EGGY TTYHNIi Ist. and Wednesday, February 2, to meet X EGG- -tI"i'LAND the parents of intending Pupils. jj; Arrangements will be made for convey- " T>LACK QJIIADOWR." ance of Pupils from Takapuna. " —►i.At'K P. W. ORAM. _ , TOPICAL NEWS. • r_jQ Secretary Orchestra. No paper Immbast about "ROX." ' " ' lie gives you the right stuff. Come and „_ Judge for yourself. -—. n * . «.. . . Nazlmovn In "THE BIL\T." and gliilN S "UNKNOWN WARRIOR, " coming Feb. 7. COMMERCIAL /COLLEGE, r"|tliV<>W _ATURJ>AY _ "NEXT, _ A. MAH MURRAY and DAVID POWJCLL, New Zealand Insurance Building, '« the 7 Kwl Royalty Maaterpleee, Auckland. _j_ _i_J '° And Z U "' I Hooker and Kingston's BuUdlng RoyAL QAK ONEHONG _ " " In FuU Cwlng for tne Hollda/s. The College is now Closed for the Vacation, nnvKrv Rm ,~ nrr.AK wavb : and will Re-open on DONKEY RIDES. OCEAN WAVMONDAY, JANUARY, 1021. „ Llona rZueitM —.„„!. _, .„ " All Animals Fed 4 p.m. The Syllabus fnciudes.— Adults, 1/; Children, 0d; Small CWMren, TODCH-T-I'INO. SHORTHAND, xa D« STEN'OTYPY, BOOKKEEPING, __—_—_—-_—_—_——__—_—__ BURROUGHS INSTRUCTION. i The College is ThTLest-appolnted and DRAPERY AND CLOTHIHG. most up-to-date, in the Dominion. Efficient ' Staff, Latest Appliances, Perfect Hygienic fJEYBEAL • Conditions, High Moral Tone. Inspection £5 of College premises is invited. The Office Ls open from 10 a.m. till I p.m. TTEADS AND OHOULDEUS daUy to allow students the opportunity of ■*-*- enrolling duriug the vacation. ■—iVBRTTmxn MISS E. B. M. BRAIN, Principal. A J^VERYTIIINO A. J. HUTCHINSON, Director. Telephone OSIA. P.O. Boi 87. A j„ MEN'S ; X7ILECTRICAL "pNGINEEKING. . A2A AJ "DOXED OXJiTS, » i "Back of the motor's humming, , Back of tbe bells that sing, 1 Back of the hammers drumming. lust Received for CHRISTMAS TRADE. j Back of the cranes that swing. J There Is the Eye which scans them, _ ' Watching thro' stress aud strain, I There Ik the Mind which plans them — Back of the brawn-the Brain." Bewildering Assortment, comprising J YOU CAN BECOME A 'PROFICIENT Light. Dark, and Mid-Grer Worsteds, i ELECTRICAL ENGINEER IN A VERY superfine indigo Navy Serges, and Six ,| SHORT TIME BY JOINING different Shades In the now famou. • -gOWER'S QOMMONSENSE gCHOOL. HERNBRAM STRIPES. j A few months' diligent study will fit An these Suits are fitted with keep-shape j I you for the Government Examinations. fj . onts and arc tne __ st wor( , , n Rea(]T . to . ' WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS "B" TO-DAY. "'ear Suits. BOWEB'S T7INGINEERING QCHOOL, „ _ J_ O All Marked Down to Competitive COLWILL'S CHAMBERS, Prices. SWANSON.CJTREET, A UCKLAND. IO ±\. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. P.O. BOX 50. (*AND AT WELLINGTON.) DR Any Alteration that may be required we = _ do Free of Charge. SEDDOX MEMORIAL TECHNICALS COI.LEtiE. ' TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL. Spa ,. CQ t!lc Wnole of the Dominion, The Auckland Technical High School is a —^ _ E . LP TVyTOORE /"HLOTHJXG school which alms to meet the demands of _t xV J.IJL VV modern citizenship, and to direct the COMPANY ' energies of boys and girls into channels \j which will be of the most use to them in contributiug to their physical, intellectual (Wrong Side, Karangahape Road) and moral well-being. The instruction given Is on thoroughly practical lines, and HAVE THE NOBBIEST PATTERNS alms at fitting students for the battle of Ufe. Pupils holding Standard VI. • Certlfi- And cates of Proficiency, or Endorsed Competency, are admitted free. The following MOST RELIABLE MAKES courses are provided: — FOR BOYS.—Agriculture, Business Train- . ing. Engineering. Science and Techno^ FOR°GIRLS.-Buslnes S Training, Domestic MEN'S SUPERIOR EOXED SUITS, or "Iloiue-making." Students taking riie above Courses are All of which have been Discounted In Price enabled to prepare for I*ul)llc Service at t hei r Entrance. National Preliminary Accountancy. Matriculation, Bookkeepers' ~.-. vq , lr CI ALE Diploma, Public Typist*.-.', City and Guilds Q.IGANTIC gLMMEK g-ALL. of London Institute, aud other Examlna- v_ " tior.s. I Parents wishing to iutervlcw the Director should attend the College on Tuesday or Wednesday u'ext, February 1 and 2, between 9 -Tbe aU Ses a ,C l ' 2 co*un J .euces WEDNESDAY, Men and Women of Auckland who are I February 23. dead in earnest ahout Reducing the Cost of | GEOiIGE GEORGE. Living should strain every nerve and strive .*,,,, „o .„.„ Director. _ tl t part'.cipate In the Auckland, January 2S, 1921. jO " ' __________________________________________ ______ FEAST OF GOOD THINGS , At TOILET SPECIALISTS. I_. lUl — x ajrr.yj_.»,x a^o TyoOliE pUA>THL.NXJ MISSES WIHGI.EY, Gold Medallist Hair- 1 A- 1»± Kj work. Special Treatment Grey or pOIIPAXi' t : PaUlng Hair, Dandruff, Oily Scalp.—l 4. \J • j Watson's Buildings. MTW \ (Right Firm on the Wrong Side • i - Karangahape Road) CJPECIAL Purcnase. Coys" Trashing 'VarD slty Suits, 2 to 8, la/B to Hi-Tuti'i, GIGANTIC OALE. Symonds St. VI K3 • IO , "_IVERT Man should Learn to 3ttoe" I—i Straight." Our Miniature Rifl- , i _ng« offera the chance for practice. > WASHING 'Varsity Suits, 1 Tills am Poplins, 2 to 8, 13/6, IV6.—Tntfa. Notoriously the CHEAPEST STORE In the ' [ Symonds St. SOUTHERN HEJiISPUEKE.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 10