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TIIK i'KI/.K LIST. j Thr , wen.," >.',•„n.l annual sh„w „f , ,„■ He ,ensviMe A.r„nl>::rai and l'as:oral , iat io„ was li.d ...i Saiurday. There was ~ laree failc-ins ■•! ws,.„r- A improvement 1» ')„■ s.andard „re„. s.ock ,»* »»!" '■< '•'•■"•• n ' ' >f :! '" S "«'*'-, I" milk ''"*' ' '"'■''■'■•'■ '" '"" """ "J James Band -l nsl...rn.-. whose cow piv,- ihe lolloWinß■ '»'■ '.'p';. .W'-iphl of milk. Lib. icsi. ~ o. , .- The principal prices were «on as follows: j II.iKSKS. Drauehts Kntirc 2yrs or over: 11. I Mlkenhead I cl.ainpioiislnp and special \___r. Colt. u-eiUiua or .illy, lyr: 11. All L-.nhea,) I. llaiiM,:i Hi'os '-• Auckland City Council :; 'ieldim; ..r lilly. 2yrs : Mrs. K. i T Bradley I. II Aiikenlieail 2. W. 11. Smith, .' ,;,.idin; ">' blly. ::yrs: Mairetahi Itidiu-u-alt.-niau', Ciini. • oun.-il 1. A Mcl.eod 2. K.ial' \ Mcl.cml I. 11. Aitkeuheud 2. .1. Mnrkie :; |.r> mare: 11. Ailkeuuvad 1. \u.-klan.l ciij cvii.-ii 2. Miii'.Niuißlii,,., ::. Mare ■ii foal or al 100 l : \V. 11. Suiilh 1. 11. Ahkeuhcad 2. .1 Macule :'.. l-'arm marc or : Auckland City Council I. Mac-sain-'loeii 2. I. .1 Mcl.cid ::. Bcsi mare. ivHh two ,'t' ber projfcny :W. H Suiilh I. \ Mrl ,1 J. 11. .Mlkenhead :t. Three i,,', r s,. ieain 11 Aiikenhca.l I. W. li. Smiiu •. .v. McU-od :: I'air laini horses, marcs ,"r Kolriinus : 11. Aitkenhead 1. I. .1. Mcl.eod ■ ■ VV. IL Suiilh .".. Hani,'s.s Horses. SjiHuk carl horse, marc „r K'-ldiiiK. up lo 1 ton: VV. ii. Smith I, Mairetahi itidlus Waitcmniu County Counj.i| ". A. .1. Ilradli :!. Spring cart horse, marc or u-i'Lini-. up lo U'cwt : 11. Aitkeuhead 1. i- V. Verce 2. ileldim; or lilly. - Tr s 11 Ailkenhcail 1. .1. S. McDonald 2. yi'. |~ Sniiili ::. ileueral purpose horse, niaiv nr e.-MnuT: if. Koss 1. 11. L. Clayton 2. 11. 3. Saddle Horses. Itnadsters, and Tonics.Stylish mover in harness: V. Aitkenhead 1. Mrs. It. Mcholls 2. .1. Sloane ::. Utility horse mate or tfidini; : V. AitKcnlicad i. Mrs. it. Nicholl-. 2. L. Uamsbottoni .'I. Pony. 14 hands -Jin and under: T. Lnußlinian I. I Sloane 2. A Mcl'ikc '■'~ Hack. Ilvrs : \'. Aitkenhead 1. I'oi.y. not over 141 'hands: K. Thomas I. li. Mitchell 2. 1.. Heath .".. I'uny. not over 1" li;inds: T. Loughmau I. X Harncs 2. N. Mcl.eod :i. Child's pony. under 12.2: T. Lougbman 1. 1.. P. I'hillipp •j. i;. Kllett :: fluid's Shetland pony. II hands ~r under: T. I.ouglunan 1. i.. P. Phiilipp 2. v. Klleti ::. Saddle Horses and Hunters.- Item's hack. ap in 1.V.1 : It. Furness I. .1. I-'lynu 2. 1.. Uanisboitom S. ilcut's hack, up to 12st. Hiss M. N'icholls 1. .1. Flynn 2. It. JiouKlas j. (Jem's hack, up to los, :It K. Tavlor 1. .1. Klynu 2. 1.. .1. Smith 3. Cob. not over 14 hands :iiu : .1. Sloane 1 and 2. (I. Mitchell ;;. Champion hack: It. Furness 1. '['totter, mare ur geldinj;: Mrs. I;. Mcholls 1. \. Aitkenhead 2. .1 Sloane .!. Marc lor brewling remounts: Miss A Mcl.eod 1. Lady's Hack, to be ridden by lad, : Miss M. Nirboils 1. It. K. Tavlor 2. Walking; hack: J. Sloane 1. It. Furness 2. Miss M. Mcholls ::. llesl-paced hack :U. Furness 1. .1. Sloaue 2. .1. Flynn .'I. Lightweight hunter, up lo 12st : J. Sloane 1, tl. .1. Bander 2. j. Sloane -'!. Heavy-weight hunter, up to 14si : It. Furness 1. .1. Flynn j. 1.. Itamsbotton 3. Champion hunter: li. Furness 1. .1. Sloane 2. Pony hunter, not esceedine. 14.",: J. Sloane 1 and 2. c. K. Taylor .".. Kemoum. mounted infantry : I. Sloane 1 and 2. Cleverest jumper :K. Furness 1. .1. Flvnu 2. J. Sloane o. Bloodsiork. -Foal : .!. Hand 1 and 2. It. Moylc :>. Mare for breeding purposes: .1. Hand 1. L. .7. Smith 2. Miss M. Mcholls ;t. Colt or Ally. 2yi.s: .1. Hand 1. Coll or tllly, 3yrs: \'. Aitkenhead 1. Rldlne; Competitions.—Lady rider, over burdles: Miss M. i. m'jss Hudson 2. MLss l'lynn '.>. Lady rider: Miss J Dealt? 1. Miss V. Boord 2. C.eutleman ridpf. bare back over hurdles: .1. V. Pan en 1. It. .1. \V. Taylor 2. (till rider, tinder 16 : Miss J. Beale 1. CATTLE. Milking Shorthorns. — Bull. any nj;e : Arnold McLeod 1, P .1. McLeod 2. Hanson Bros. o. Bull, lyr: M. Mcholls 1. 11. P. McLeod 2, It. Ross il. Pedigree Shorthorns. — Bull. 3yrs or ~v.*r : Arnold McLeod 1. Alt". Mcleod 2, Hanson Pros. 3. Cow. any : Alf. McLeod I. i|. A. McDonald 2. Hanson Bros. :t. Hull calf, sii months or under: Hanson Bros. 1 and 2. P. .1. Mcleod 3. Cow. any age : Hanson Rros. 1. D. L. McLeod 2. P. .1. McLeod 3. Cow or heifer, .'tyrs, in milk: D. I. McLeod 1. Hanson Rros. 2. Arnold McLeod :i. Heifer. 2vrs : P. 1.. Mcleod 1. A. I. McLeod 2. Hanson I'.ros. ::. Heifer, lyr :P. .1. MrLeod 1 and ■'!. Heifer calf, six months or under: D. L. McLeod 1 and 2. Hanson Bros, 3. Three yearling Shorthorn heifers . IV J. McLeod 1. Alf McLeod 2.

j tirade Shorthorns. —nairr cow, over 3tt» mi .-..1f ..r milk: H.nson Bros. I, D. Mcl "Donald 2 Hanson Uro s . 3. Holier, 3vre: I. .1. McLeod 1. Arnold MrLfiod 2, H." p. | McLeod 3. Hairy heifer. 2vrs : E. Day 1 Hanson Bros. 2 and 3. Unirv heifer lyr: K. Hay I. Arnold SleLeod 2, P. J. McLeod _ Pedigree FrieaUiM. BuU. 3vre and over: i . ales 1 and . JiatmMun, (J. j. Mander 2. Rull, 2yrs and under: C. fates 1. Bull rait, <> month., mill under: C. fates 1. Miss XI Hews ".. i iivc. any age: (I. J. Mandcr 1. - and <-hamp„.a. Heifer. 2vrs: Miss M ,?* ' '.'."I 1 ehnmpiou. G. .1 Mander a wrode tricians.- Dairy raw, any age, in en If or milk: Arnold McLeod 1. I' J Mc- ! .'.' ' _; ,- .1. Bradley Kstate 3. ' Heifer. ■>r>: 1 .!. McLeod 1. r. fates 2, Arnold M.l.cod .;. Dairy heifer. 2vrs: Mist M. | «'s 1. I) 'S. Stewart 2. A. .1. Bradley KslatP ... Dairy iieifer. lyr: A. J. Bradley Kstate 1 awl 2. K. n-a.v 3. i Pedigree Channel "island Breed. Ball. , ..yrs and over: D. 1.. Clayton 2. Bull. 2vrs ami under: I). 1.. Clayton 1 and 2. i.radc Channel Island Breed.- Iteirv row, any aiie i.ver 3yrs: S. C. Phillips l.'l). 1,. ' lii.vt.ui 2. P. .1. M,-l,eod :;. Heifer, :syr«: j ■-. ' . Phillip* 1. I). L. davtou 2. Ihtirv • li<-ifer. 2yrs: I>. L. Clayton 1. Dairy better, .yr: D. 1.. Clayton 1 and 2. ! Hairy cows. —Best raw mr dairy,,-: Hanson ISros. 1, 11. P. Mi-I.tHxi 2, I. .1. M,l.e,>il .;. Hairy heifer. 2vrs. crofishred: '11. IV M.-Uhhl 1.-l). 1.. J. Clayton 2. Ten ;of ihree yearling heifers, any breed: I Hans,oi Br,.*. I. I). I. Clavton 2. H. Aitfceu head ::. i Calves. -Ten of three heifer calves, under d months, hand fed: H. r. M.-Leod 1. Three Shorthorn heifer calves: Hanson Kr..s. 1. li. I. Mel.eoil 2. Three yearling ShortJi-irn heifers: Hanson Brew. 1 and 2, .1. Hand 3. Three grade Jersey heifers, for dairy purposes: .1. Ma.-kie I, S. C. Phillips I'm Cattle. Fatted oulloek. most money vall.c: It. Ross 1 and 2. .1. B. Jordan 3. Shorthorn steer, .'tyrs or under: R. 1. ;H. Aitkenliead H. Two-year-old .-teer: H. : Aitkenhead 1. it. Boss 2 iin.l :'.. Fat cow lor heifer, niosi money value: R. Koss 1. Three liaud-fed steers, under Is mouths: H. Aitketiiieild 1. Three steens, 3yra: 11. ! Aitketiheatl 1 and 2. 1 SHEEP i n.imnev Marsh. Bam. any ace: D. Siewar; 1. 2 and champion. F. w. ::. It.-tin. urn over six-tooth: I). Stewart 1. itani. K. \V. Siranse 1. Bam l.imh: 11. 1.. I. Two .hre^llns „nes: K. \V. Strange 1 and champion. T). , i.. M.-l.cod 2 Two uvo-iootli ewes: V. \v. I Stniuiie 1. 11. 1.. McLeod 2. Two ewe ■ hiiiil.«: li. Stewart 1. D. T.. Mel_xl 2. 1 KngiU*h lA»l,-esters. Two breeding ewe;: <lnton I'ros !. Two ewe lambs: Situ v liros. 1. I'm Sheep. Two fat lumhs, in wool: Sint,,n Bros. 1 mid 2, D. L. S. Two fat lanil»s. shorn, for freezluj:: Sinton i I'.ros. 1 and 2. Two fat ewes: Sinton Bros. I and 2. li. 1.. McLeod 3. Two fat wethers, ] in,,s: value: I>. 1.. Mcl.eod 1. R. "Riws 2. A. iI. \! -l.cod :;. Two fsil wethers, shorn, for ; freezim:: 'K. Ui«s 1. K. \v. Strance 2 ami :i. Two fat wethers: 1). L. }|d#oil 1. F. \\. strange 2. Two fat ewes, for freezing: ',!>. 1.. MeT/rad 1. I. W. Stranjce 2 and :t. j IVt lamb: J. Sprostou 1. Miss S. V. Shanks 12, It. HHfleld 3. j PIGS. i Berkshire. -Boar, over G momh.i: H. P. I McLeod 1. Sow. over (i months: H. P. McLeod 1. Boar, under 0 months: 1.. Wlg-ut- : man 1. Sow. under il months: I". w. :St range I and 2, L. Wiffhimau .'!.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 9

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HELENSVILLE SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 9

HELENSVILLE SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 26, 31 January 1921, Page 9