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Sunset: This evening, (i.59. 3 'Snnrise: To-morrow, 4.26. Moon: New, December 10. 3.43 p.m. i ____—. HIGH WATER. •Auckland To-day, 4.S a.m. 4.34 p.m. Auckland Wed.. .".1 a.m. 3.28 p.m. Onehunpi \Ve<i., 5.31 a.m. 5.58 p.m. Kaipara Hds.. .Wetl., 5.21 a.m. S.4S p.m. Qlaauiau llda. .Wed,, 7..'U a.m. 7.58 p.m. ARRIVALS.-YESTERDAY. *""" • Kiasara, from Vancouvor, via ports, at S.+s p.m. Passengers: First saloon—Mr. ami Mxb E. Bond. Mr. and Mrs. T. Brash, Mr., 'Mif. aud Miss Hell-Irvine. Mr. and Mre. R. Toblie and two children. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cam, Mr. iiud Mrs. W. Turn', Mr. end Mrs. \V. rtnhnm, Mr. anil Mrs. Tj. ■Thenery. Mr. am! Mrs. C. Davis, Mr. and lira. E. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hintz, Mr. ami Jfrs. C, ■Iloldsworth. Mr. aud Mrs. F. .House, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. P. Tetcns and son. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jtapp, Mr. and Mm. A. Reevp. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. V. Tod. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Collie, Mr. and Mrs. J. ■Hayes Mesdames E. Blyth. K. Davics, '!•:. iKlsAer, M. Giles, A. Hutchineon. L. Ornie. M. Maxwell, E. Dlson, M. Little, and K. IleW, .Mioses L). Armstrong, J. Bond, H. Cochrane. Fowld«, 11. Clarke, M. Hampton, B. Holtou. P. Orme, 'K. Robinson, M. ■Rapp, A. Reeve. I. Higgle, W. Scott, P. Morrill. H K. Roscoe, and Bell-Irving, Hon. 'Georse Fowlds, Messrs. IF. G. Arpe, IA, C. Blj-th. J. 0. Corry, H. and H. B. Duckworth. S. Craig. H. W. Clarke, H. P. Olunn, H. L. Craln." T. Eaule. G. Ennis, S. <>. Faulkner, R. Dv iPujr. H. Gntnrie, H. Henshaw, O. Hoist. W. Johnson, A. Ju[>p, A. Kerr. M. Miller. C. Mac-Cormick, C. Haliiny, H. Marlnnd. T. N'ewcombe. H. nnd E. Hose. V. Smyly, W. Tilden, V. Trounce, W. Washbourne. S. Woodrotfe, A. Weir. J. Coyle, .1. Clements, \V. Peters, TI. Tllynrd, T. C. Williamson, H. Morrill, ■H. Wolfgramm. 0. V. Jacobson, S. Weatherby, H. Reid, J. B. Kemp, and Master Armstrong. Second saloon —Mrs. M. and Mlse X. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. .R. uud Miss C. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Bell and child. Mr. and Mrs; T. Blackball. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr, Mr. n-i Mrs. C. Bowron and child, Mr. and Mrs. "F. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cnllen and child, Mr. and Mrs. A. iConstaWe, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dupdale and five children, Mr. and Mrs. A. «arry. Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Hughes, Mr. and Mns. J. Kersbaw, Mr. and Mrs. H. Meßeth. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and three children. Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mi*s M. Orr, Mr. and Mrs. W .7. Perkins and child, Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid, .Mr. and Mrs. Tt. White, Mr. and Mrs. H. Winter and two children, Mr. and >Mrs. J. Ensklne and child, ilesdames E. Boyd and r&ild, E. McKean and child, F. Randall, J. Stanton nnd child, E. B. Smith, 'E. Thompson, E. Taylor, A. Wallace, L. 'Hook and two children, M. Peacock. Misses IF. and E. Albury, A. (Barkley, W. Bell, E. Bircn, Bennlng, V. Evans, F. (Jardei , , iB. Kttto. E. and W. MayTnan, P. and B. Taylor, D. Eraklne, K. .Fitzgerald, reter«on, Peacock. Messrs. E. Atkinson, H. and J. Bell, J. Bennlng, T. Blair, C. Callow, C. ■Crawford, T. DUlon, J. Davidson, A. Fowler. IP. Gartsidc, C. Grantham, C. Graham, P. 'Bristow, H. Hart, J. Jones. E. Lewi*, T. Millar, D. Mann, H. (MeMahon, S. MallaOien. W. McAllen. W. Moore, F. Nelson. J. KVHanlon, C. Oliver, E. 'Parish, M. Spence, rr. Slmc, J. W. Swales, E. Senior, C. 'Squires, E. Simpson, A. Strom, W. Tate, W. Tover, Winter, A. Woodall, J. Yerkey, T. Erskine. W. Ingram, J. Mcßeth, F. Mackay, J. Swan and 87 eteerage. eengers: Mesdamee Anderson, Allen, Alckln, Bootle, ißower, Burrouphs. Blanche, Benbrick, Buckingham and Infant, Cameron, CaetorJch, Clarke, Collier, Campion, Cosgrove and three daughters, Duliiianty and Infant, Dawson and child. Bills, Ewen, TSmmerson, Ferguson, TYethey, H-ultou, Hendsley and three children, Hlckson, tomes, Kingston, Lord, Low, Mackle nnd two children. Mitchell, McKenzle, Mc(Hugh and Infant, McCull, Pearman and two children, Plckford and two children, iPearhouse, Porter, Pack, Rotstforci, Rule, Robertson, Smith <2), Simpson, Sterling, •Slattery, Stephens-Consett, Squires, Sumnnerhay, Thomson, Taylor, Williams. Watson and two children, Waddell, WWtesl<Je, Misses Anscene, Appleck, Barnes, Oroeombc, Clarke, Clark, Collier, Copland, Dalton, iDray, Damlefoerd, Dodington, (Ellis, Flndb, Gudgeon (2). Heneen, Henshaw, Hickson, Holmes, 'Lea, Lord, ILennox, 'Marshall <2), McCarthy, McDonnell, M-cCue, Osborne, 'Pearce, Terrln, IPlstrowska, Haynon-Green, Smith, Sutherland, Stewart, Swanston, Thrlng, Tweedte (2), Vert, Williams. Waddell, Waters, Wilkle, Wallace, Messrs. Andereon, Alexander, Alleu, Armstrong. Arthur, Andrew, Alckin, Bourne, Burke, Bucknell, Bootle, Bnrrotighe, Bette, ißrooks, Cameron, Cosgrove, Collier, Carter, Clark, Choyce, Dempster, Dnllhanty, Downle, Damiefoerd, Emmereon, Faulkner, 'Flndlay, Ferjrnson, 3i"rethey, iFrcakee, Gudgeon, Gibson, Hulton, Hendeley, 'Harrison, Harris, Heath i(2), Hill, Hare, Hodgson, O'fiara Wood, James (2), Jamleson, Kingston, Kater (2), Kennedy, Lea <2), Lord C-), Leake, Lyons, ILambert, Low, Lawlesw, Mackle, McKay. Marks, Morton, Monk, Pearman, Pearhouse, Percival, 'Porter, 'Porter-Smith. iPatterson, 'Pack, Kostgard, 'Ricrrmond, Smith <4), Skinner, Singer, Slattery, Carlj-le, Smythe, Stoeker, Scanele. Scurr. Sterling, Thomson, Turing, Thomas, Taylor, WilMams (2), Waddell, WotheFspoon, Wellington, Sir Conan Doyle, Major Mitchell, Revs. Damlefoerd and McKenzle, I>rs. Daweoti and Craphy, and 150 steerage.

THIS DAY. Laura, from Newcastle, at midnight. Kanlerl, from 'Whangarel, at 1.2 a a.m. Tanlwha, from Paeroa, at 1 a.m. Kauri, from Newcastle, at 9.20 a.m. Hororata, from New York, at 11.25 a.m. Kaituna, from Newcastle, at 12.4s p.m.

DEPARTURES.—YESTERDAY. Tfalotahl, for "Mangapal, 7 p.m. Ngapu-hi, for Tauranga, 7.10 p.m. Claymore, for Houhora, 7.15 p.m. Walpu, for Mercury Bay. 8.1» p.m. Manaia, for. Wliangarel. 10.10 p.m. THIS DAY. Hemuera, for Napier, at 6.20 a.m. The Mokola on her trip to Southern ports has been postponed until noon to-morrow. The Port Napier arrived last night about S) o'clock. The Orari is to sail to-morrow for Southern ports to complete discharge. To-morrow morning at 10 o'clock the Talnne Iβ to sail for the Eastern Pacific. To-night at six the Karma is fixed to sail from Wellington for Auckland, and is due here on Friday morning. A shipment of sugar will be brought from Suva by the Karbri, which sailH to-morrow. She should arrive here on Monday next. The Cape Colony, .which sailed <m Wednesday afternoon lor Newcastle, arrived there yesterday. When the Bemuera sailed this morning the Durham took her berth at the Queen's wharf. ', T|ie Hororata arrived on time this morning and anchored Id the stream to await a berth. Room was made for (lie Kathlamba at the King's wharf thia morning by the Dartford shifting to the Central. The Kaltuna, cargo laden from Newcastle, arrived soon after noon to-day, and Is at present in the stream. The Kahika was to sail yesterday for Greymouth, where she will load for Auckland. Wireless advice from the Rakanoa announces that she will arrive to-morrow at 1(1 a.m. She has a shipment of coal from Newcastle. This morning the Kauri with her cargo of coal from Newcastle arrived and anchored In the stream. She will probably berth at the Central wharf when the Dartford moves out to-morrow. This morning the Dartford shifted over from the King's wharf to the Central wharf. To-morrow morning she will move Into the stream preparatory to sailing for Anstralla to complete discharge of her oil cnrgo. Tie steamer Trevose has left .Newcastle tfbr Port Chalmers with a lull cargo of coal for the Railway Department. The vessel will he to the agency of the Union Company. The Trevose is owned by the Haln (Steamship Company, Ltd.. and is a steel steamer of 3112 tons gross register. 6he was built in 1806, at South Shields, by J. Beadhead- tan Sons.

The barque White l'lne. now en route from Newcastle to Auckland, has «64 tons of coal for this port; the harqucntine Lindstol has 4!t7 tons, and the uarquentine Laura 504 tous. NISHMAHA FROM NEW YORK. According to Australlnn flies, the U.S. and A. Line steamer Nishmaha left New York on Noveml>er 3, cargo laden for Auck* land. Wellington, Brisbane, Melbourne, nnd Sydney. The vessel, which Iβ coming to the agency of Dalgety and Co., is due at Auckland about December 13, aud at Wellington about December -0. The Nishmahu is a vessel of 6071 tons. MAHENO FROM SYDNEY. The Mahcno arrived from Sydney last evening with passengers and cargo and berthed at the Hobson wharf shortly after eleven o'clock. She left Sydney on Thursday afternoon and met with nne weather until 2.30 p.m. yesterday, when she experienced a dense fog on the trip down the c-oaet. The vessel dropped auchor eight miles north of the Rangitoto Reef at 3 p.m., and came Into port four hours later when the fog lifted. She Iβ to return to Sydney on Thursday evening. NIAGARA FROM VANCOUVER. The Niagara arrived from Vancouver yesterday afternoon but had considerable trouble in navieatiu s tie port In the dense fog aud did not drop anchor in the stream Until after 5.30 p.m. Her departure for Sydney has been postponed until 9 p.m. Wednesday. On the voyage until Honolulu heavy weather was experienced, and the ship's wireless was dismantled. She brought 368 passengers for New Zealand porta, 1215 being In the erst saloon, 14S In the second saloon, and 97 In the steerage. Her cargo for Auckland consists of the following: Five farm tractors, 777 bales kraft paper, « rolls kraft paper, 1720 rolls and 351 bundles newsprint, 11 bandies and 504 cases flr veneer panels, 478 crates and 160 cases flr doors, 112 cases printing paper, 371 bundles three-ply rooffing paper, 300 bundles tbree-ply cottonwood, 1080 bundles cedar shingles S automobiles, 2900 cases canned fish, 5479 boxes apples, 100 crates onioiiu, 287 casee bananas, and a large quantity of general cargo. The Niagara also brought 324 through passengers and 800 tons of cargo for Sydney.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 292, 7 December 1920, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 292, 7 December 1920, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 292, 7 December 1920, Page 4