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I CARTER THE GREAT. ' Another crowded bouse witnessed the performances of Carter the Great at His Majesty's Theatre on Satnrday evening, when ho repeated Jiis wonderful feats, ami wan heartily applauded for his exceptional skill. Among Ms varied acts the mniri<lan muses the lion "Baby" to appear nnil reappear in full view of tli(- audience. Kvelyn Maxwell wa« also a ureal favourite. NATIONAL THEATRIC. An unfortunate beginning and « happy cniliiis characterise "cihould a Husband ForMve 7 " the new film at the Nntional. There is so niU'-b fresh material In the pic-. lure thai ii simply has to be always moving. <>f course tills is .sure to produce, a ~ I effect when there ure also cokmrfu ■mil ,-li:ui"liij.- backgrounds, vivid with local n:i nict ions. It Is well diwrlbed si* a story of Keen human interest woven Into :i delightful panorama where professional boxing bouts ami racing B'-enes give a lively KYKRYBODVS THEATRE. There Is plenty of scope for .1 powerful artist in Everybody's film "The Copperhead." whfch opene.l its season on iTiflay. !, |s .-, story of war with its attendant torlulu's anil sorrows. A remarkable plot. iilKPniously contriveil. leads up to the fiunl .llmloHiire. which is ax surjirlsins n» i< * s unusmnl. Lionel Barrynmre, himself "" able artist, i> surrounded by players all or whom give a ron-eful portrayal. Fllnia varied oinl Interesting make up the balance of the bill. TIVOLI THEATRE. A happy pnlr of artists are Marion Uavle.s and Conway Tearle, who play together In "April Folly." which was very well received on Snturday evening at its inirial screening. Social cin-les anil dancing halls furnish nux-li a lavish supply of adventure scenes that the picture is sun- n> become a favourite. Everything i* unusual. Besides "April Folly" therp Is the usual variety of musical Items sin'l secondary films which should prov<> copiously entertaining. HII'I'ODROME THEATRE. ileal live mysteries all tangled up in a conglomeration of exciting events are admjralily presented in "The Right of War" tit the Hipporlrome. Bert Lytell is tin-*star, anil lie plays Ills part amid a maze ■if sensations of the more virile kind which show up his character to advantage in the changing scenes. "The Right of Way' fairly tingles with the rush of wind and the sweep of passions of men flgliting the primitive In nature. It shows humanity with the bark on. A serial and a comedy arc al>o featured. STRAND THEATRE. " The Sporting Duchess." at the Strand. is well calculated to produre a lively play «.f emotions on the face or every honest man who sees It screened during thin week. for besides being a sporting picture it possesses a number of dramatic scenes wi:i'h should arouse sympathy for tne beautiful star. She fights her way for a long lime alone, and then, in spite of the great odds, she wins. All the scenes are played in a manner that cannot fall to appeal by its naturalness. PRINCESS THEATRE. A lighting sailormau figures In the new aim " itehind the Door." at the Princess Theatre. From the time he goes down to the sea with his beautiful wife to the exciting finale. In -which lie exacts payment fur all that she suffered, the tftory passes through a series of dramatic «cen-es with wild encounters. Hobart Bosworth plays the part of the captain with marked ability, being supported In the changing eplsodeg hv the work of his wife, wbo is no less a person than Jane Novak. " Behind the lioor" bas *ome Rood secondary pictures that run to the accompaniment of a capital orchestra. LYRIC THEATRE. The icy atmosphere of northern woods has been convincingly and artistically created, in "The Valley of Doubt," a drama of the rigorous out-of-door type, now running at the Lyric. Tnurstou Hall, posing as a French Canadian, bandies his delicate role will] carefulness and precision, and makes much merriment in the attention he pays to the fair object of his affections, a girl from the States, played by Arline Pretty. •■ The Valley of Doubt " makes a very good I twin feature to "Miss Ambition" which, stars Corinne Griffith. QL'EE.V'S TffEATRE. Nothing can ever hurt George Walsh. At least this Is the Impression that he has given to patrons of the Queen's in the new attraction, "Brave and Bold," which began a week's run on Saturday. It takes the graceful heroine all her time to keep up with him. but for a girl she plays with admirable skill. GRAXD THEATRE. She didn't know what she wanted. That was Grace Darmond's trouble in " What every Woman Wnnte." now running at the Grand. It must have been very embarrassing, but nevertheless it makes some good. scenes for the new picture. " The Slow Express " is the special comedy of tne bill. BRITANNIA. An attractive double programme at the Britannia starring Tom Mix in "The Cyclone," and I'eggy Hyland in "Cowardice Court." is being screened to-night. PARNELL. '• A Little Child Shall Lead Them " is the Parncll attraction. VICTORIA. DEVOXPORT. At the Victoria. "The Greatest Question " and a Charlie Chaplin production. " A Day's Pleasure " are the best aims. OPERA HOUSE. The E<ldy Duo. acme tight-wire artists are entering upon their last week at * tiller s Opera House. Other performers i\ re £13**, a S? Deen - Ward and Sherman. De Wilfred. Clegg and Hart, sketch artists, Alberto. Rix. Hall and Menzfes. Hal Uaie. the English entertainer, and Carlton Max with his dummy, Jerry. MUNICIPAL, CHOIR. A Carol Concert will be given in the Town Hall on Saturday evening next by the Municipal Choir and the City Organist, Mr. Mauglian Barurtt. The programme will include r hrlstmas Carols, Mendelssohn's • Judce Mc O Lord." the "Halleluiah Lhonif, «md organ solos. EVA-NS-GAXOE COX-CERT. There was a large attendance in the Town Hall last Saturday evening to hear the recital <.f Scottish music given by Miss Amy Evan* and Mr. l'raser Gauge" the distinguished artists. In connection with St. Andrews Society. The 'preparation of the concert, entailed a Jot of work on the cxc entire and a bold step has Ibeen made to raise the standard of the .society's annual fixture, therefore it must be aratifvlnß to all concerned that tlie undertaking proved Mich a success, and much praise is due to Mr. Alexander <}eddfs. vice-president, and Mr. .1. Howie, lion, secretary, who worked incessantly to achieve this cud. The programme was far removed, from the usual rut, nothlnc but the best was rendered, and this in a style which deHitbtfiilly expressed the theme, and it was unanimously conceded that the performance was a unjque and splendid one. The artists were heartily encored, and the soprano received several beautiful bouquets. Miss Amy 'Evans was heard in Burns' 'Wly Heart is Salr." "Lord. Oregory." and "Whistle nud I." which was delivered with rare vocal purity and cliarui whilst the encore numbers, "One Mnrullie." "I Wonder if Love." "Pirth of Morn." "Down in tin- Korest.' , ami "Songs My Mother Taught Mc," were fine examples of exquisite singing. The baritone. Mr. Kraser (iniiKe save admirable renderings of 'Aye Wunkin O." "Lock the Door, "The riper o' -Dundee." ami ca-ptlvateii tbe audience the charm of his style and humour he displayei! in "Kitty. My Love." "Oeen Grow the Hushes." and "Because I Was Shy." A di'llgiitful evening terminated with an exquisite rendering of the duo "«tlll As Ihe Nljrbt." which so pleased that tbe artists were doubly encored, and san" "At Kest" and "Trot Here and There. Mlsn Clarice. Woorl distinguished herself in two nlaui»forte solos, and sympathetically accompanied. COMBINED RECITAL. A varied and interesting programme will he presented by Miss Mlna Calrtow. Mis?* Evelyn Wyman, Mr. Barry Coney and Mr. Krlc Waters at the Town Hall concert ch.'ini-bi-r oil Wednesday evening. Mi<w Caldows items will liwlude the aria "O Mio Fernando," and in conjunction with Mr. Coney ii will sing Li»a Lehman's song cycle "Lore ami Spring." Mr. Coney's numbers will include "Onaway, Awake. Beloved." and , "None But an Aching Heart." Miss Wyman ■ will play several of Paltngren's compositions and Brahm'e Tlhapsodie Op. 119 Mr Watem, who i« to act as accompanist, "will appear with Miss Wyman In a number of dnos for piano. The box plan i<4 at Lewis Ea-dy's.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 291, 6 December 1920, Page 8

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 291, 6 December 1920, Page 8

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 291, 6 December 1920, Page 8