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I KY-KYBOIiY'K THEATRE. 1 Quick action characterises Everybody's ; picture, which was present— yesterday under the title of "The Copperhead.' . When a uinu is in the Secret Service lie j simply has to foil adverse plans. This Is i what the hero hart to do when an intimate ; friend .-on—led a plan to him. Misfortune follows for both parties, and It L- long lifter that he clears hlm.sclf of (lUsrii—. It must have gone to bis heart to be called v traitor ihy Ids dvlng son. However, It would give an entirely wrong impression ' to say that the story is one of unrelieved sadness, because cbe'ending Is undoubtedly hupp .v. NATIONAL TU'EATIDE. There is plenty iv* room for romantic scenes In the National picture. "'Shonld a , Husband Forgive:" for it Is a sporting story with an expert horsewoman in the prim-' pal role, which she exploits tn Us full i possibilities. She Is shown us Uie winner , of a great nice in which she came past the • winning post with but a narrow margin. 1 Of equal merit with the Nicin-g scenes is , the excltlnc boxing bout. Although It Is a gripping story it is nut morbid; but moves ' forward with a liveliness that has nlreadj ' commended itself (» .Nitrous. The power- ' ful acting Is a feature. Tivol.l TliKATlli:. A masque hull is hiirdly (he pine where , turc. However that proves ii stirring experience for Marion Da vies, who poses sis • queen in the new Tlvoll attraction, "April . Folly." It lends her across the ocean Into nil sorts ..f unexpected happenings from which only her Ingenuity anil wit can save lier. 'Situation builds upon situation, each one consistently climbing to, a fascinating climax. There is romance in abundance, and plenty of comedy touched <>ff delicately with n lit tie pathos. Splendid musicIs played by the orchestra. I HIPPODROME THEATRE. A'smart llitle lawyer figures promlnenUy -in "The lUglit of Way," starring Bert , Lrtell, which came on under the Illppodrome banner to-day. lie wins v case l'ur 1 a murderer, and spurns him from his sight. ; Then he makes himself n friend of a dissi- - pa:.-«I group of lawbreakers; bin n.-i having J v strong he grows weak. After ' meeting with an accident" he is befriended - by the man he formerly helped, mid they become friendly once more. "The ('rent (lambic.'' "Around the Town.' and comedy -' scenes will also be screened.

STRAND THEATRE In "The Sporting Duchess" there Is a 1 great race ■between a soulre's liorst- and a villain's, upon the Issue of which depends die happiness of many people; Inn certainly ' tbe htsppliiess. of the audience does not ! abate In the less fortunate pnrts. lur the picture is full »f Interest t'niin lieginniiiij to end. Alice Joyce, with her graceful j bearing and winsome maimer, is the l-.-aii . llf ill queen of this sporlinu drama, ami Is —rrounil— by a I'lift the members of which are all seen to advantage in their respective roles. 'She has v powerful personality. ' Some good support* arc also screened. . PRINCESS THEATRE j A great seafaring man is tin- hero of the new picture, "Behind the floor.'' at tinPrincess Theatre. «herein Herben Boswnrth plays ill tlie role nf a merchant '■nptaln with undoubted ability. He has to, bear up against many uilsfon unc-s, ami it | must be admitted tbal under the eircum-, stances lie sustains his lot with admirable | patience, always looking forward eagerly m, the time when he may exact purulent Tor, all that he has suffered. This comes ai Ibe | end as a thrilling climax to the adventure I tale, fully disclosing the man's force of, character. Films, varied anil Interesting, make up the I—lance. [ I.YRir THEATRE. j 11 lias become the custom at (hi- Lyric) Theatre to present a double-feature pro- j gramme every week: ami li is is., wonder, thai ii is being attended with pleasing. results when such excellent illms ur. 1 hose I presented 10-.lnv make lip one list. Ths: rarst 1-s entitled -'The Valley of Doubt." | which does prove n:tlier thriiliui; ami j adventurous in its changing scenes. Thurston Hall and Arllnc I'rcitv are the virile start. of Ihls lighllng drama of the .Hilar regions. •■Miss Ambition" gives a touch of In the bill, for II ili-pic:- Corlnue (irlllitls in a really humorous series ..f complications QI'KBX'S THKATHK. In "Brave ami Hold." at ths- t'ueen's. | rteorge Walsh uiidergoes ninny ihrllling adventures In his whirlwind way. ami, in addltlnn lo HirllN. lie supplies aleimlaii.e of hiiuionr ami a line love story. Hanger Is eonstanflv al his heels, but is never iiuite able to calch him. Tin- leading hull follows him iv her pretty Sunday clolhcs. | (IRANI! TIIKATHK. "What Every Wouian XVunts.' is the entertaining big tllm 111 the llrand Theatre^ 011 tills morning 10 coiiiiuen." ii- week's irnn. It Is n socieiv picture wlili ~... scenes reproduci-d in all ih.-ir iiaiurul -i>:.-.. , dour. ('race liarinuud ill a role whe-li. gives full scop.- to her abilities I 11KITAXXIA. i "The Kingdom of Youth." starring Madge Kennedy and Tom Moore. "IlieCreiir IJamble," and a comedy. "His Neighbour's j Haby." are included In 1 lie Britannia programme. I ARCADIA I Al the .Vi'.-l'lia the bc*l of the .urr.-ni •ilins an- '•'rooked Straiglif." leal uriug I ('buries Ituv. and "You Wouldn'i It licve : It." - v Ol'EItA HOI'SK. j The current bill-uf-fare al the Opera House will lie final!} pr.-si-uted to-nigh;, die usual change taking place on Monday. This week's list Is i-alctilHieil lo suit till ia-i.-s. EVANS CANOE CDNCKKT. • In Ibe Town Hall 10 uight. Mis- Amy Kvniis and Mr. Kr.fscr (lunge will lake pari 1 iv '■an evening of (Scottish s.uig." under I the auspices of St. Andrew's Sociciy, Mis-j -vans will slug, "My Heart is Sair for | Somebody." "Lord (in-gory." and "Whistle and I'll come Tac Ye Mv Lad." Mr. '"rascr Gauge will sing. "Aye Waukln' 11." -Lock the lloor, Lnrlstor.' and "The l'ip.-r of" Dundee." Miss Clarice Wood wili play a pianoforte solo. VICTORIA 1 DKVONI'OHTi. 1 Tom Moore, in "Heartsease," i< the VI.-1 toria attraction. n.-N'Ol-OHTK KKCITALS. 1 Mr. Frank Tlmchens. from the Svilney Conservatortiini or Music, will give pianoforte recitals in the Town Hail concert cUamlii'i- on December US. "20. and "_. I'rogrammes of descriptive music of all ages have been arranged. I BAND CONCERTS. I A number of selections will be pliived by ! the Ciarrlson Artillery Band at :; o'clock i to-morrow afteriimin in Allien Park. Collections for the Nelson conies! tiu.l will b,taken. The Auckland City Bund' will play at .Point Erin Park al '! u'cl.ij-k. MADAME BELLA UI'SSELL. Madame Relbt Russell will c-ive a j in the Town Hall on Monday. December 13, in aid of Sister Esthers' Christmas Cheer Fund.


I without protein. It Is ibe most important j food-element in -the nutrition of the human frame. Con.-entratert milk-profeid and organic phosphorus, the brain food, are , the main constituents of saxaobs, "Tbe British Nerve Food." S.-inagen contains .live times the proteid of lean boneless [ meal. By feeding nerves and brain it frees I the nenra—b«Milc «rMI ovpnsorlierl from the Isua'eriugs of nervous exhaustion, sleepless - in—s, nervous dysp«p—i and other di—res-i'.r-g complaints. Saaagen is a nerve, muscle brain builder, and its reconstructive effeel is permanent. Start to-day on a coarse, of Sanagen. It will restorp wasted strength. give vigorous and bounding health, help your digestion. jan.l improve jour appetite. Sana ten. -'The Hr'.llsb Nerve Food." costs 4 . 7 »1 and 14/8. from all Chemists, or post free from jSanagen Co., Box 210. Chrisfchurch.— (Ad.) 2


"Ask LoMby About It." Mr. J had not slept for weeks with Intense neuritis. He suffered. agonies, nml was worn-out and thoroughly 111 through suffering. I treated him for three weeks -with medicine and riislifrecrueiicy Violet Ray electricity. When be started the treatment he could not close bis band. In three weeks be km hack at work as a clerk. If yon doubt tbLs .-.-one ami s.-.- bis; personal letter of thanks and gratitude.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 15

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 15

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 15