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(By WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. Dec. 8. o—Woodville District J.C. Dec. 15—Dannevlrke R.C. Dec. 15— Taumarunnl R.C. Dec. 15, 16— Lake County J.C. Dec. 18—Waipa R.C. Dec. 27-Porangnhau R.C. Dec. 27. '——Dunedin J.C. Dec. _7, 28— Westland R.C, Dec. 27, 28—1'arsnakl J.C. Dec. 27, js, 30—Manawatu R.C. Dec. 27. 29, Jan. 1. 3— Auckland H.C. Dec. 28. 30, 31 —Auckland T.C. Dec. 30. Jan. 1, 4—Grey mouth J.C. Jan. I—Wyndhnm R.C. .Tan. 1— Watkoualtl R.C. Jan. 1, 3—Walrarupa R.C. Jan. 1. .I—Stratford R.C. Jan. I. 3— Hawke's Bay J.C. Jan, l, 3—"Marton J.C. Jan. a, 4 -Southland R.C. Jan. 7. 8— Re-ton J.C. Jan. B.—Kawakawa R.C. Jun. 8, 10—Vincent B.C. Jon. ii, ia— Wairoa County R.C. Jan. 12—Rotorua J.C. Jau. 12, 13—Cromwell J.C. Jan. lo—Northern Walr**- R.C. Red Ribbon Is not to race at Woodville but will come on to Anckland to finish her preparation for the Auckland Cnp.

W. Stone will not bring any of his team North for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting, the accommodation secured having been cancelled.

It i« interesting to note tbat only two of the Auckland Cup acceptors, Glen Canny ami Blue Cross, are regularly trained ut Eilcrslic.

Mr. McMsneraln has the satisfaction of seeing the four top weights In the Railway Handicap paid up for, and the first two In the Auckland Cup.

Mr. Jas. Rennlck has resigned the position of secretary of the Thames Jockey Club, and a fresh appointment Is lo lis made shortly.

Mr. B. T. Bennett has bonfcc:] accommodation at E. Rae's. Greenlane. for Khartoum. which is engaged In tbe hnrrlle events at the A.R.C. Summer Meeting.

Miniiahern. which was In the boom as a hurdler, cut up very badly In the Wallnna Hurdles at Feilding, sadly disappointing his admirers.

Minsk, which won tbe Novice Stakes at Feilding snd returned a good price. Is a six- year-old mare by Martian from Stephanie.

Amyfhas is stated to have got over the blistering he received very nuiekly. and as he was so very playful In the paddock, is being exercised on the lead.

Mr.R. B. Lusk has been appointed judrre. Mr. A. Vincent sLirter. and Mr. R. Wynrard haudicapper to tbe -Rotorua Jockey Clnb.

Anckland horsemen had a good time of at the Pending meeting. R. Dceley ridIn* tivc winners, and fH. Goldfinch, H. Gray and J O'-Shea one each.

Partner, which won the last N.Z. Trotting Gold Cup, has gone Into A. Hendricksen's charge to be prepared for the Auckland Trotting Cup.

It would be Interesting to know The combined ages of the nine starters that contested the Visitors- Handicap at Epsom on Wednesday. Anckland is very badly off for straight out trotters.

Tbe Wellington owner Mr. W. niecins, who has (several horses racing in Knjrlard. has arranged for tbera to be sent to the Dominion, and they are expected to arrive at an early date.

Mr. H. Alder. Inspector of tbe Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Anlinil*. has received a pattern of an up-to-date borse ambulance, whl _ he Intends submitting to the racing clubs.

The entries for the N.Z. Trottintr Derby of '1023 show a decided falling off. only 7(5 having been nominated, as against 112 last year. All the leading breeders, however, are represented.

J. 'Love has cancelled the four boxes engaged for his horses at K. Roe's, Green I—ne. and the Trenthnm trainer will not tome North with any of the Messrs. -Rlddiford's horses for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting.

It now looks as If tbe opinion bad been formed that Humbug was not likely to stay, for he has been allowed to drop out of the Auckland Cup and Great Northern Derby, bnt ficures in tbe Railway Handicap and Royal Stakes.

Llstowel was moving a bit jscrstcby when he went ont to contest the Feilding Stakes, ■but Is to be brongbt North for the Great Tort hern Derby, nnd a box has been engaged for him at E. Itae's stable at Green Lane.

The respective showings of Oro and Nelson Derby in the Maungakiekle Handicap nt Kr>soru on Thursday styes the opinion that there will b» very little -between them In the Great Northern Trotting Derby. Sir Henry is likely to "lie the fayourlte for the event.

When elving evidence at the bonus inunlry at the Arbitration Court In Wellington Mr. A. T. Markman, assistant secretary ot tlie Post nnd Telegraph Department, reckoned the hisa on bookmakers' telegrams since the new regulations came tn at SBOOO to £10,000.

The Rotorua Jockey Club have been given permission to change the date of their annual race meeting until January 10. and to hold the fixture ou the Claudelands course. Tbe ftotorua Cup will he worth 2SOgs, and a stiver cnn, valued at 45gs, presented by Mr. G. W. Briggs.

Owing to the Illness of hU wife. K. Bracken, the Australian horseman, will 'binnacle to make the trip across to Anckland for the A.R.C. Summer Meeting. Brnc'ten. It is understood, was to have ridden several of Mr. G. L. Stead's horses, and may have had cbe mount on First Salute ia the Auckland Cup.

Some of the starters In the Maiden trotting events at the Otahiilm Trottlmr Club's meeting, although entered in a 4.6 class, could not. have won had the clasw been 10m. These events only develop Into a farce, and unless a horse Is capable of doing somewhere near the time expected, his owner ought to be advvsed by the stewards to try him at some other occupation.

Those who witness— the running of the P.oti—tea Hack Handicap at Feilding on Wednesday, state thst H. Goldfinch waa nnlucky to incur the displeasure of the stewards. Voluble had shaken off an opponent in the straight, and appeared to have the race won, when his rider became perhaps a bit overconfident, and Gray got Prodigal np to win by a head.

Returned vlsltora from Feilding state that Gloaming was doing his best at the ftnlsh of the Feilding Stakes to keep Hvmestra off. The latter flnlßhed with great dash, but on the second day in the Orrrua Stakes got a very bad rnn, and was out of a place at tho finish. Hymestra promises to start one of the favourites for the Railway Handicap.

It is often argned that tbe thoroughbred is useless except for racing, hot Mr. W. Dunn entered bis brood mare Mlsaie .H-tppn by St. Hippo—Walnkn Kate, st the Te Aroba show, jmttlmr her in without any .breeding or other particular*. The Judge awarded her rh*st prize for the mare most suitable for "breeding backs, and ulso first for breeding carriage horses. 'Her foal, by General B*mlt. was also awarded a first. for the best roodater fosl. Mi*sie Hippo Is the dam of Tennessee, n winner over bnrdles, which was killed through falling before he really showed hl-s best form. Tennessee Is the only one of her stock that has raced.

The phenomenal success of the Otnhuhn Trotting Clnb Spring Meeting draws further attention to the pronounced advancement the sport lias made in lucent years, and the clnb should come ont of the fixture with a profit a long way above the most sanguine expectations. The improved conditions under which the sport can now be enjoyed •were undoubtedly responsible for the very large attendances on each day. and now that trotting has reached the high level it has, those in authority must see that there Is no let up in the management of affairs. There are still one or two matters requiring remedying, and it is to be hoped the executives concerned will speedily recognise these, for after having worked so hard to get to tbe present standard It wonld be a thousand pities if the sport was to slip back again.

Pentc somewhat disappointed her connections at the .Feilding meeting, where she was expected to m« prominently.

'Mr. F. McManemln will declare the handicaps for the Robinson Handicap. Grafton Hurdle Race. Nursery Handtrap, nnd Christmas Handicap on Saturday next, the llth Inst.

The handicaps for the Auckland Trotting Pup and minor events on the opening day of 'lie Auckland Trotting Club's Summer Meerfnrr will be declared by Mr. V. W. Edwards on Wednesday next, the Btb inst.

Both the Auckland Racing Club and Auckland Trotting Club have received record nominations for their Summer Meetlags. The full lists will appear in our Light O'clock Edition.

Woodvnle looked to be moving a bit short when he went out to contest the Liverpool Handicap at Epsom ou Wednesday, and this, added to the uncertainty of his striking a gslt at the start, probably kept a number of people from backing him. He began well, however, and was not really troubled at any stage a.-.bough be registered 4.88.

B. Dcelev has taken up Ms quarters at the Empire Hotel. Feilding. and expects to be there until about the Kith inst.. In order to ride Gloaming In his work. There has be.en a lot of rain fit Pending, and Mason -the tracks there would suit Gloaming better than at Ellerslie, where they are Inclined to get a bit on the hard side at Christmas -time.

A number of horses have heen worked the reverse wav round at Riccarton during the week In view of their Auckland engagements. Vespucci beat Rossini over six furlongs in 1.17 -4-."".. the performance being full of merit. Adopted ran a mile in 1.51. Counter attack took 1.18 '-'-"i to run six furlongs. Winter Wind spurted half a mile in f>o a-~.x. Miss Mimic covered a furlong further in 1.3 8-3. Arrowsmlth performed brilliantly over a mile, which he ran In 1.39 4-,* i. Winter Wind and Counterstroke sprinted five furlongs in 1.3 15, keeping together throughout. ROTORUA JOCKEY CLUB. The Itotonia Jock-ey Club advertise the programme for their annual meeting, which by special permission is to be held at Clnudelan<_ course, Hamilton, on Wednesday. January 10. w_en llOOsnvs will be •jclve-i aws.v in stakes. Nominations for all events crone mi Wednesday, the 22nd lnsL, ot ,*"> p.m., and can be made either with the secretary, Mr. G. Hunt, Rotorua : Mr. K. H. n'Mcara'. Hamilton ;or Mr. 11. H. Uayr, Auckland.

AUCKLAND TROTTING CUP. A nomination of twenty for the Auckland Trotting Cup is more than satisfactory, and if the field U reduced to about a dozen on the dar the contest should be a very fine one. Th" tightening up or the limit to 4..T7 wss a wise move, for it has kepi the moderate division out. and us a result tbe class engaged Is considerably above the overage. The Great Northern Trotting Dcrbv has (en left In, and the meeting of the three-year-olds is sure to provide one of the features of the meeting. The general entries are easily a record, and number 507.

THE AUCKLAND ACCBFTANCER. The acceptances received last night for the principal events nt (he A.It.C. Rummer Meeting are very satisfactory, and could hardly have been better. In the Auckland Cup, the most important race of the Dominion, eighteen have made the payment, and il Is pleasinc to see the two topwelghts. Oratress nnd Uncle Neil, still in tile list. Outside Volo and Vagabond nothing of any real note has dropped out, and the only owner with more than one representative Is Mr. Rod McKenzie. who has Sunart and ICU-our engaged. Twenty have had the Dayment made for them In the Railway Handicap, and with the four top wclshts still among those engaged class Is exceptionally well represented. The three classic events have drawn the very best available, and it looks certnin that high-class racing will be the ouhcoine.

AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. SUMMER MEETING. The following acceptances and nnminaf'ons have been receiver) in connection with the Auckland Trotting Club's Summer Meeting, which takes place at Alexandra Park on December 2S, .'to. and 31. ACCEPTANCES. Great Northern Derby, one mile and a-'hair.—Nelson Derby, Childe Pointer, Copadeora Junior. Taralre, Avenue, Sir Henry, Wild Thyme. Loenn Queen, Oro, br g by Great Auduton- Wlldwood mare. NOMINATIONS. Auckland Trotting Cup, two miles.— Comedy Chief, Dlllonwood, Orurnngt, Dean Dillon. Woodvale, Partner, Nora Creana, Huon C. rattan, K"wpie. Mnn-o'-War. Moneymaker. Lord Rose. Gold Boy. Gold Girl. Harold Junior, Gleaming. Vice-Admlral. Hnmeleigb Dick, Royal Step. Rangitata Lass. TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CANTERBURY. (By Telqgraph.- —-Special to "Star.") CHRISTCHURCH. Friday. The form displayed by Gloaming in both races at Feilding was very ssatlsfai tory to the local admirers of the Welkin gelding. For a time there was some doubt as to whether he would not have a recurrence of the hletslitisr trouble which brought his Australian visit lo an end. hut his latest performances suggest he Is Jus* as good as ever, and will he very hard to dlsoose of nt Auckland. If he and Arrowsmlth meet In the Islington Plate the race fsllouM he a trreat one. Roth arc very brilliant nnd very free gallopers. An advantage would be the presence of a very good three-year-old to ensure the pace over the first part. If a muddling pace Is set anything mittht hapts-n. An other of R. J. Mason's string In Vespucci cannot be left out of all calculations for siny race he might start in. This gelding Is a brilliant imllotier. and Is improving all the time, and the Great Northern Derby uiav not be beyond bim.

Sir George Clifford's team for the Auckland Meeting will corn-prise Winter Wind. Winning Hit. Counterstroke. nnd Miss Mimic, and tbe quarfe! should collect some stake money between them.

11. J. Mason., team -will include Gloaming, Rossini, and Vespucci.

Fred Christmas will take Arrowsmlth. Counter Attack, nnd nno'her.

Meteorite, a good two-year-old by Martian —Forked Llchtnlng. Is having an "easy time of It, and will be spe'led until the autumn.

At South Canterbury Meetlne .1 B. Pearson won three races with Warlike. Sans Sourl. snd OTr_utr*hf. and yesterslay won the Methven Cun with Warlike. The above is a very useful learn, and with Clean Sweep added will get more money in the near future.

Amythas will he put Into work In a day or two. and will be exercised d.iilv. thou.h not seriously, for a month or so He is very well, having ntilte recover,,] f r o m the blisfertntr recently received,

S. Trilford added to his long list of victories in .hurd'e races durlnc tbe season with Vice-Regal. fl winner at Methven Trilford has accepted the position of nrlvnte trainer to Mr. G. Fulton, of North Canterbury.

II Is stated that stables at Tlmaru will be taken over by P. T. Hogan. the successful invercnrclll trainer.

J. McCombe landed another win with Lady Pallas at Methven. The msre has proved, a very profitable invescment. and looks lire winning arm In O. Murray Aynsley will take Algldns s Hr^_''.'' Var,ove ' and R eproachful on tour «• c , h . rt "' tm <' s - . racing them .it Dunedin. vlynrlhnm. a> rt Southland This will be a popular canvpnlgn with Rlvo.-irton trainers rmt a number will go to the West Coast' where the meetings are numerous ann" *tak=s much Improved. In fact, the Coast " Uo provl,lln "* r <-™™ meetings

Limelight and RehutT have contracted •tl ancles, atkd in consequence aro on the easy list.

Bomb paid a great price when he won Cie final rare at Met boss yesterday. Tbe UtetThaTcve'r. * e " !iDS " n ° W ' ™ Cln S

The nominations for the Dunedin Crls-t----m*? t Mee ._ "" nnt "•' fn exTKWstiom., and the entries ao not promise well for the oontbland meeting. ___. X ' W R _ Pr * vnos " <ie '" th **"*« recently announced, was well known in the racing world In the days of big hookmaklnr. and heavy commissions for stables The Win__ __ s 1 Dr9k ''' r " v,nre Berber. nir^ 0 r r J.T bie, ' s -W Zealand c*n_ H. iJ_T 1 *J X ' 0h ' c ** , and m not '■*■" Maxim and thus .cored, whilst many got so fright b-ken":,; 1 ;* 5 fhat the rins ™ s psc__l&

Carhbrea snd Steepholm have recently been purchase,] hy a West Coast sportsman r tJ p (13 J,< ' nra) ° nd IMvorce (14 "i—J7 n . am r 0 " RO,n S "-""OS on the west Coast, and will race at Christinas meetings.

STRATFORD RACING CLUB. Tbe Stratford Racine Club advertlses the programme for tbe New Year meeting, which la flxed for January 1 and S. The -Stratford Cup, the principal event of the fixture, is worth TOOsovs., and the Malone Handicap, the big nice on the second day. SOOsovs. The other races are in proportion, and altogether the programme Is an attractive one. Nomina —_s for all events close with the secretary. Mr. Alfred Coleman, on Tuesday next, (the "th inst., at 9 p.m., and Mt. J. E. Henrys will declare the weights for the first day'ss racing on or about December 17. AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. SUMMER MEETING ACCEPTANCES. The following is a list of tbe acceptances received In connection with the A.R.C. Summer Meeting:— AUCKLAND CUP. Two miles. st lb st lb Oratress 9 2 Dusky Eve ... 7 2 Uncle Ned ... 00 Johnny Walker 7 2 First Salute ..84 Sunart 6 12 Tenter_eld ... 8 S gtarland 6 11 Red Ribbon ..8 4 NlgHtralder .. fi '■> Glen Canny .. 713 Kilgour 6 'i Gntibag 711 Walton 6 7 Prince Wlllonyx 7 10 Blue Cross ... 6 7 Woody Glen .. 7 2 Id. Kenllworth 6 7 RAILWAY HANDICAP. Six furlong*.. Arrowsmlth ..10 7 Maioha 7 0 Silver Link ..9 3 Miss Gold At. 7 7 Rossini 8 12 Landslide 7 0 Gazique 8 11 Crowhunst ... 7 4 Humbug S 7 Golden Bobble 7 2 Hymestra ... 8 1 Arran 012 statuette 7 13 Miss Mimic ..0 9 Chrysostom .. 7 13 Cants bile .... 6 7 King Abbey .. 7 12 Dovelet fi 7 Right and Left 710 Tlnokaha 6 7

After the Brat forfeits, the following remain In the following races:—

Great Northern Derby. — Landslide, Winter Wind, Llstowel. Vespucci Raceful, Klsht and Left, b c by Campflre—Bistort, Gasbag.

Twenty sixth Royal Stake*.—lllumination, Winter Wind, Rossuii Weldonc Cantabile. Right and I/efl, Delight, Golden Bubble, Surveyor Chrysostom, Humbug, Smoke Concert, rs'amutere. Winning Hit, Aureate, Toa Taua. The Hawk, Silver Rain Kick Off, Oranga, Many Colours, Royal Box, Mennln, Mauuu, Loyal Irish. Great Northern Foal Stakes.—SmokeConcert. Namutere, Winning Hit. Aureate. Toa Tnua. The Hawk, blk c by Treadmill— Blissful. Kick Off, Oranga, Many Colours, Royal Rox. Hermln, Maunu, Grotesque, Loyal Irish.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 14

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 14

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 14