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||Bi| [sensible spending] 1 AN INVITATION TO VISITORS— I // / _si- \ -t-s Is the -aw*-T the year we aaUctpata, because It affords MimasVlK^^W. /*X IV 8 Ij l \"3 atToppof-lunlty of meeting many of our country patrons. TOYS— rWjf,J. | ?8/-/*9i' > "-.ether on sbopplng' bent, w*»»* _£} T*» *»"•'«- youne,*- ■Ti nJi , /'XX \ \ fnM __t I / __il V ■ /clU___ Know _at they are always w f» c °™° **,_ M *. «<* .£; s '_J£e certataly c SVl'/o n st&_ <1 , 7..1J 18// 1 1 - _ifi a?-' I/V <]___. / ,f7 we <lea * le *' lsStors to ,rcat the establ * sllment in * ast the same C_rt_t___s spirit or the I*-\KmJ VA/Mli,, 1 'ivgMill ffl/ _%/ -i'/ manner. par*—t, but if any stimulus '\/lli_Tr\»L^^CLi*l_*//•■ a llP*?W__l__> , OUr COnyCl " ent ,0C ? tlO r? l _-_-fa, an d,4 r .-i-? ° r o\ te sl_o-a_e » 3. Wf SrFnW f/Tlylr fit w _/ P__K _Ut" or the -roods, and the splendid values, coupled wttHihe ™to one feel young: fl I 1 ff IBW I 'I 1/ I Wl a visit both tater-Hns and pleasurable. „»., _ n _i_e Una 0? \JI t " _ I'l 1 ' .'/ /?'»/ Toys—Toys that wiU not » 8 * ' ' /7 '' only last, but be the lnore J650 S J6OO THfieE VALUES THAT JJW^t- 1 *,««« « .^^ J6oo—This Blouse is of white ROM «■*• the »•**—wHi—wa. character. " " ■ ness or effect Is an appealing I VOILE, trimmed In a most _-"**->_. feature or thts Bloase. It is I elTecttve way with lace and a ot * W,HTE vo_E, and the rol- H nnc tucks. Though or the -&_*—3 v__-aa*V_ "•_« and <__> arc trimmed with p finest quality It Is reasonably __ <So *°* rodl Voile—Obtain- X priced at 25/6. And there «t —"3*W S • aWe at tUe modi—t price of I arc many such splendid values _. 1 y* .—» "M/ 6. t _s—_— -B__*_-f_TO l '^-_ DC-NT MIBS TK_ C__oO OTTEI«W— AT __B_C__ __________—. _W^_—_Efl—**—>/ Tttoofrb this Une co_pi__ 22,000 yards or _ff ISESBss_______ _-_sßß_ry a ..good uaeful weight CaU—. a heavy domand Is OP ** -rf? __(—_____— t _« —R_-t*—k_X a_W_pa_—, aod we wmW reco__—d the fining "•y** Mft _fcs*_BJli Vi, ) worth 2/2 yard If priced in a—ord with to-day'i. 1 .. II ) ___________ ni -__r_-____^_—__—s( martret, but the unrursual circumstances under W j fi \ \i" NOTABLE VALUE IN AMG LINE OF TRIMMED | —H\l\-1 All. / .'/Li ''/r / IW__——rfff \_, __T More than mere print Is necesaary to do Justice E Tllllll, \\\l laa\\\ / __P_-»i--i_ nlSv __-ft—sH_( to this splei—ld line of TR_*_ED HATS, and we H _._-__■—_i_l Mi* _■__' __2_—_-_! _X therefore ad-lac an early in-pee Hon. The sketches fj _llflß Yi f*_T7^T*s—_____l _s_Ei____ __? _ _f t-ere ax' .mall. me<_H_m and l_r(f>- _li apes, a well H _B_-Tt*7/r/ *Tttol—_ __—C _—____l_Bfl / ___H__B -i _K-->t-_l as '"any Pretty Flop Hats. There are no two aiike. -A ll'W, yu///l/lml\WtWmyKi J _f__D__f _. and •** * re c******—**'•**e******—**'•** a " r t,l * v quality note which H g-arment ror summer wear, and this J660 m /!* —^r—__^^*^i__T' H It has elastir at waist,'and Is Ilnlsheri ~_- _ffT~<i_mJ_— ___S^%i*<'* JJ ~-**r-*1 9 with stltchlnps cr Saxe and a wide O,,|J Ri / Jfsim ßMK tl Silk rrintre—Prico, S7/6. __«."_®™l-Sl-ls-i cyZ—~~~'l B BJ66S—KOI'LAItD OF THE MOST DELIGHTFUL DESIGN, in Black MM ''&/A&&T . f and White, is the material or this userul Frock, /i/ji/smffid. /,' \ I the" nera' l or''tlic n skirt 'rrlV *aT mdivWu A touch or /,,* M|f||| |j« WW /I t Emerald Velvet Is seen at Hie Hack—Prico, 97/6. V)_«ffli|_l| $ WlWam. '' 1 1 J67O—TASTEFI I. IN DESIGN, and certainly very serviceable, is fi BnS][| |a>iffl ''mMan\ '" ' ' '9 this little Frock ol' Salmon Pink r"ponire Cloth. White Sponge Mill' 'WWII /' ffi Cloth appears In ihe vest, on the collar, ant! down the sides yi IMI | Ifflnil ' ": / *=—-_ jr-", -\ OHMNTI V FIGfREn voil.E. in dsrl: rolourlnsrs. some «ajKjii|aJ,|l| '•' The Hat 011 bottom left is WHIT"" jj / Black Pipl'tir? "for the bodice, a clever drapinsr at the hips Hilll'l PLAITED SILK TAGtL. tr n> I / and we have a delightMl frock Tor a matron. On the rolded |H . Wt\ S-. raed vvme combination -.o -• it jf) Black Sash ,s seen a dainty S7/6. 8 l|||f v^n^enT Tivl!^ j TKE GiFT BOOTH " T_l]|_ ''IK J670 LEU r Hoi"*N. a r.'?rr.mcn l\a-e=.' _ n -l 7^***—rl _S_*f Erected on the ground noor this dellghtrul section will fflHllffl Wifil 1 Velvet aibbon. and Pirate! | / l-_l—l3_E—k nrovc one or the most interesting in the establishment WM\ flit* Tulle round brim. In Natural. .? S J__Tll—_-V\ during the ne„ few weeks. *__ U_-' Rose or Mole—Sß/6. g V Purti an assemblage or good girts all at hand cannot THE E i 5 a fn, a'" : r - or "-"- ! fc r -- r.jf v prove hclprul when selecting, and it is a wise and H style draped wi'ili lace. In «! t-L fi*A thoroughly satlsllcd person who visits early. i f ? ** v . y „, or R , os , P " '^ ha<le ' very i Hi_B_\ —fer/l-V There are Leather Goods of every rorm. Jewel Boxes. **] \ suitable Hat for matrons— | l__l i) 1 *_/ ■>x Ro-;? Bnwl<. and Plant Bowls ol" the quaintest design... I\ __wr_ 35/6. | irlt_k_ ' / _ surrounded by hundreds or such novelties that would need taß \ _—-?— 1 1 —IC___' * pages to describe. Necklets. Pens. Pencil?, Basketw-arc, "** Vv ll W- A all the delights or the Perrume Section, Napery. Gloves. _ I 1 I \ Hose Handkerchiefs, and so on through an endless list— __E^-"—J - _IE-E _k — 1 ' \VA All at prices that compel the attention or keen buyers. i ? r ' ! NEXT WEEK'S SPECIAL FOR _______ __ _. _ "_/ J_l Vl« the children. fiif"• "j q_ _p< 1_ _. _r/ r I A most interesting collection or (Y| llfl A AX __»_lOV_-_- i mWSS&L fTX 1 TAGEL PLAIT READY-TO- XT-LXX-LA _/ _*/ Vil _/ » \J\JA _i___,T «/ ____--rV—\ /C 1 WEARS, varied in shape, but •*-' ' MoamW&\. _3^''_ifA l 3r)! kVN (l mostly or the above type. LTD. WEbY h 7\ ///-_l_ 'H T"• <\ A They are in Pink. White, nine. -_•_-_-»■ a y> y >a W'OTp .->J N\ - ,' d d I and Tuscan shades. with _ —. '*_■_ / _r \ ?Sr R'l embroidery, "oral and dainty Ql]--I1 Si PPftl *W ■ »a-_, / \ / \ w ribbon trimmings. There are *clU__>-- aJLICCL. *W \ # } G shapes suitable ror ages 3'to ft H \ [1 ' f.j yßarß —An Specially Frlccd at / L V S I 21 /-. ?-

" — *t r*~^T""" j j Baby should grow J in weight daily. \ The weekly progress f should be easily measured. | A standstill in weight is \ usually the first sign of $ unsuitable food. $ If it is thought that the 1 breastmilkisnotsufficiently ft nourishing (mothers feel jf the strain of nursing at . \\ t-uch times) feed partially R on Benger's Food. I«r F©*ocl Iso easily supplements the child's natural food that it ! is usually the one Food . , Doctors recommend for partial feeding. For the same reason Infants hand- f reared of necessity thrive ! on Benger's, NOTE.—3en_rer's is always pre- > t pared with fresh new milk (or rf miik and water) which it modifies Q exactly for infants, and greatly 1 enriches for growing children. U Henrcr-r's <H par- illu'traled hook, most R -~ , hel (rfrjl to mottle—. post free, from: tf. !Jj BE—ER'SFOCOLTD.. 117. Titt—.SYDN-Y. fi ' ,'; I Sol* Praprl.t—rs a— ———rAe-.nrp.-i: V jjj BE*»C-_T.-3 rOOD L—.. MAI I—far EH.. Bug. IJ I filA. «'* I ;„________Ss___s_________i || iND.GEST.ON. j j I Dr. Cassell- Tablets j ! I Ensure Natural Digestion, j Pr. Cassell's Tablets are the rccog- \ ' n'.&ed modern remedy for shattered [ J Nerves. Inrlijjestion, Kidney Weak- ! | ness, An .lemiri, and all Debilitated J i conditions In young or 010. Pries, ( i l.'.i and •) . Refuse Imitations. I { The one sure way lo Cure Indices I 1 f.r.n is to strenirthen the Digestive j |i "'.'CTr.s. lj.-. Cassell's Tablets iln i , J !'ia.. because they reinforce the vital | j " power which actuates thus.- orjrnns f i runt is why rir. Cassell's Tablets . i.ire when- ordinary ni!'-; ;i_i] . 1 i.uitures quite fail. i'.-.o'v are the t | worlds surest remedy. " 8 j DR. CASSELL'S I TABLETS, i The Sure Invigorators. I ? -___, I

11 [ */ j Penalised ! MANY good games are lost on penalties. The penalties foi using an indifferent shaving soap are familiar to every man—a sound reason why you should use McClinton's. McClinton's is a Shaving Soap that is kind to the tenderest 1 skin, because it js made from pure vegetable oils and plant ash only—not a particle of harsh chemical is used. A thick, creamy lather, always moist, works up readily, coaxing the razor to glide smoothly, steadily over the face without pull or scrape —leaving the skin cool, smooth and comfortable; not a trace of soreness or irritation. Real shaving joy ! M f CLINTON'S Shaving g___ L-rd Cvszott or Kkpi.kstgn writes: "I have used and like McClimons Sh-ving Cream." Of all CZionists and Stores MADE by t-cCLINTO N'S Ltd., at DON AG H M O RE, IRELAND Wholaali A gents: SaliioMd- Spkaggom.Ltd., Royal Insurance Bldgs., Featherston St, Wellio.ton, N.Z. When Using an Ordinary Gamers.How often have you wished that you could obtain an accurate and positive idea as to how the object you are taking- will actually appear In the photo.? With tho j "Special Ruby" Reflex Camera, II II I 111 you have at your disposal, as in integral JI || j1 li part of the Camera, tlie "Reflex" apparatus. I / A Wull Size Finder, ! II II I 111 S_o-.-ing" not only the POSITION or Ihe IJL HI lil object, but also the I-'OCUS; and show--1 ______'I* •I'll in 6" (right way up), rig-tit up to the (***■ i"*j*iil |_ moment or exposure, the object as it J j rr ,1 f —i ' """IU appear In the photo. jLfik^^'^3* ! There is no "worldm? in the dark" j {SB Oii Of "1 wonders" when taking; photos. !*__> Jjl 1 1 VV''-" the "RUE V REt __rx." You know 1 <Qy A| I " '_§•_". what you are taking—you know it will i MBfi I \ exactly as you It on the ' __» HI " ——J I I'or-usstng- screen. " _ I __r-_ Tnc iiitt. x 3Jin. Special Ruby cosis I II j but £22/10/-, with a Cooke F4.5 Lens. X— ISi I Equipment includes three in.r-ial s ~»_s : 3 _JL_-_- : slides for plates, but flat films tan be used If desired. WATERWORTH'S Ltd. come in "THE ANSCO PEOPLE" gild 68, QUEEN STREET - - AUCKLAND. -._.-.-,.-..-.*- Also at INSPECT 286. LAMBTON" QUAY, WELLINGTON". __„ _ _ * *•■•- TO-DAY. 70T5. COLOMBO STREET (Opp. Triangle), CHRISTCHURCH. i —

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 26

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Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 26

Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 290, 4 December 1920, Page 26