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-_!l___i___ D : SITUATIONS WANTED. I T OST Leather Purse, containing cash f-Heturned soldiers und all orhe-. ~ni «. I ■" and train ticket. Reward.-Allclv. «»»» column tbe beat »ljP"* ( -£______ vonUale. 508 _s__i?__^_SUt e JTwordJ*"_.__* BhXuSfl I T OST. Parcel containing scissors, ad- "POOKKEiEPF'R n „„ii« , " = ~ j-f dressed Bale aud Sel.ley.-Keward on •*> Trades-an 'Z W "P™ '<>, Keep to 1311, _y_. owla at. Dlploi™ OS %T%E * "*"" tlme ~ \ L° S Hni b r^ifolT G Fuf Coa'rts'n'l,°r Ue " ttree, c Carter seeks re^ l j refs g L' >^dne^a t v rm n^t lUeal •-w, UU , l , al : , Pcn ' ' f^ all-rouu_. I at l-TAtT"' 12. ib7 Z o \ t L°HasseU'and"B^Ttew"Rd?" 5 any kind fo7-«at-r----40. Karaka St.. New on PI one 1445 5vT nliinw" ? an T ted I>v - vo,m « ,D!,rrlc < l man -- T " TOT ~ ... „ ° C 144 °: ±i.' K _____-.c/o_Doiui„i„n Rd. Post Office. 150 L money by U -or c< !" tal " ln « CARPENTER. wa-tT country job, alTy M„i,„i ,•-,•• - ' r Person, on Tuesday. AJ locality —Count rv 18f> ISTAIR ao ■Melteli-h lea rooms. —Reward at STAR. 28 rl-.v ■V- , °" ntr > - "*"■ _J Ali ~ _? LOST 1 ndv's U'ri«n .i «• . . ; ./"'LEANING wanted, by respectable Weilesley s. „„„ [ %J,^" tC ' h ' 'jetweeu IVJ woman, from 9to 3.-A. Brow„, New„i..i,, 1. • «st. and Swanson St., last market P.O. 07 nIL-ht. Reward. -Return Wlnstone, Ltd 117 : ~ 1 T OST. Gold Wrlstu-t Watch Wednesday rj ox f «*E„_IA_ SHORTHAND TYPISTS ' A- afternoon, between Khyber Pass and V, wlth ? mt " c lv eeutral I ,urt ot cit y- ls Newton. Good reward -«i Khyber Ph« v/i desirous of obtaining the contract of keep- ~„,„ g — • ' '"« th e c.urespoudeuee of a limited number (is r, small Purse, with £2 10/, between of small llrmti. Parnell cur and Dominion Rd .or For particulars apply to 1 hnines Hotel Corner.—Reward at STAR T TYPISTE. ' ioo J -°- Box 786 - or ring 'Phone No. 324. J /'ST, Pair Gent's Dancing Pumps be- C_„„. ___133 tw-een Panmiire and Auckland, Saturday Tjl Mp EOYiMENT wanted, half-days, garlliSv_" eaße communicate Sport 170 J - / dening; handy man; or could keep small "' AR - ' 42 Pace iv order odd hours.—Gardeu, 207, L ,,IST ; Sunday, 10th. between -o_t_~„d" , ~,0 ~ !i ''"cecourse. Plain Gold Banule. ,'(i t - s "- I ' i -»A.\ o years' experience corRcward.—W m, R. McLeoU, Atariincl Rd I respondents clerk und typist, cxperlLreenlnno. b 53 e'iced. stock clerk, Open for Engagement.— LOST —IoT rTTl —r - ; r - ■ -Matriculated. 4H. STAR. 00 u "t Left, Parcel Lady s 'Blouses etc I ""C — - probably ladles', Wellin-toii| (iKOCBUS-- Youth. 10, strong. active, train. Saturday mornin« Reward— over 4 years- experience, wants PoslAdflress at STAR. • 5S Hon; references.—Business, 140, ISTAR. 2<Ki T OST. Hunch Keys (3) between GP O |_- IMj v!,) seeks Position iv shop or ■»- and Fort Street. 23rd.—Finder kindly I theatre; evenings.—Willing, 202, STAR. communicate _ with A. iE. -Rutherford, 42.' i.' 8 Drive. Epsom. 120 . TTOUSE Renovating aud Repairs, all T dm. lietwein hospital X-rays md branches; old and new work.—Builder, SJ '"-rfs corner. Diamond n'nd' "si,ppnl r e " > - s - - New North Rd.. Mornlngside. 586 v„ to i R fl _,„„-.„„ ' Illsslu ?- Reward.-15, TTOUSEWORK wanted, or Cooking, by Matal Rd„ Greenlane. 1U3, -tl tile day or half-day.-Write "AuckT OST, from Grey Lynn Car, Thursday land," Remuera P.O. 22 1 .....a lortmaii'teau, Miss TTOCSEKKEPEK'S Position wanted to ... l'kiise return to Mrs. Lock, 115. AJ- widower and family, or in working 1 iMiii-.ncr ltd.. Grey Lynn. 74 man's home. —S.F.. 154. STAR. 215 T OST, Brooch, gold. 2 bars, amethyst, j ADV. vouug, with child (2 years), desires •*- Pearls, herween 'Mt. Eden and New- \J Position housekeeper; own mistress.— market. Onebunga car; reward.—The Vicar- HT 44 STAR 51'J age, Mt. 'Eden. Phone 011 553 ■ s —, T~r»,c- r- ■ — T ADY - youug. educated, smart, reflned I iJ-SI Gold Chain aud Drop Locket (class AJ appearance, reoutres position in phcxtobroken Inside), Wed., between Heme grapher's, jeweller's or bookseller's busiBay and Princes St.—Finder return Jarre, ness.—Reliable, 164. ,STAiR. 10 tailor, lo Oueen St Reward ",<c3 • IFKn "ev,arn. oSJ , TAN yo ung, aged 25, seeks Position In PARE Wheel and New Tyre (Ford), lost IU- city, any capacity.—Willing, 82, STAR. or stolen between Newmarket and 181 Shortland St.. Wednesday.—Reward for --~. — ~ , —~..„.— p_.-] m. m onf --■„ Information at Hall-Corbett Co., Laud M A f„wn- handy -ood iT-W 94° Agents. Newmarket. Phone .2060 A. 104 gfAK ' nandy ' good r&fs --»-. »«• T"~OTJX'D, 12ft Dinghy; no name; owner can — • have same by paying expenses.—Gray, rv ll, ENGINEBR, holding first-class and 10, Upper Viacent St. 183 *-r river oM tickets, desires position, town ———————————» 1 or country.—Write " — OIL iBNGIXE'E'R, 185, STAiR. S5 STRAYED AND IMPOUNDED, — . -»-_». — -pAINTING, Paperhanging. Decorating; T OST, Bay Horse, 4-year-old, while blaze -t estimates free; small jobs included.— A- forehead; bridle, reins, collar attached, Moderate, 49, STAR. 103 Flsh Ma^TarangahaTßd: -33 ' «ewing wanted, at home or g H A where little girl <rf) not objected to.— • iModerate. Newton P.O. 27

PERSONAL. WTASIJIING ai»d Cleaning wanted, 12/ — - » » a day; experienced.—Clean, 74, STAR. A DOPTION.—Some kind person wanted 140

-*A. to Adopt Healthy Baby Boy, 18 months ~~~~~~* ———~—~ 67, STAR. 60 T> H.—Letter returned to-day. FaltbTdead. ARTICLES FOR SALE. » Saw yours In "Star."—Frank. 96 TJOWLS.—Set of Taylor's Bowls for Sale, BE a spor{, return Umbrella you bor- +* siz e 3 !-l 6 : Price £3 10/.—Apply Wal- - rowed from Milne and Choyce Ltd lett and Fdnlayson. Bedstead Factory, Ponyesterday. Want to return. ' 122 sonby. Phone 1003. 513 D.—Will call for letter end of week. "DOORS, Magazines, Novels, etc., at half Married. 122 -*-* prices; big selection.—Cooper Bros., GUTHRIE ls In Auckland, and wonld Book Bazaar, Weilesley St. W. 103 llke meet friend 3 p.m., any after- (CARPETS (2), Axmliister, 12 x 10, In good noon, Auckland Railway Station. " 220 ~r order; owner leaving Auckland.—lß, ~.—, —~ 7 . ; ;—: iMarama Ay., EpsOm. 556 Person wanted to board healthy _,- — —— -—- AY Baby Boy, one week' old Reply Tweed, lined check; never worn; Motherly, 72, STAR. log v - / large size; cost fS 10/, take £5 10/.— T.-I.ND Person to IBoard Bahy Ctrl, 6 "t STAR. 121 AA. weeks: liberal allowance and clothes COLUMBIA Gramophone and 20 Records, provided.— Urgent. 170. STAR. 37 Jj' cost f35, will take f2s.—Apply Box MANY Thanks to all friends who assisted ;s,„'c-pc- p —7 —; n : r, i in extinguishing Are on my premises — C? 5.? E ? ap6r ,\ lar?e shipment, all colours, -W. Cushion, Point Chevalier. 73 „. J" ■ \ V , roll i-„ Se "" iet,es ' 6d bundle.— ——————- ' _ British Arcade, 156, Queen St. 40 TATILL Mauku Farmer, inquiring re -<~ , r - p . —n~„ —— —, W •• Farmers- Favourite" Drills, write n AMERA ' Reflex. 4... Lens. case, full again and sign letter.—Ben. F. Cranwell equipment, cheap.—Empress Theatre. Sole Agent. Box 37. Auckland. 56 jj TTTILL the Lady who conversed with 1A autographic kodak, solid VV Gentleman re Edinburgh, back scat of leather ease, and telescopic tripod: Remuera car, Wednesday evening, com- splendid order; £5. —Address at STAR, Q2 munieate with 'Friendship, 169. STAR. 31 i"X>STUO_E-S (4), One-piece Dress, TravelWILL lady passenger Manaia Wed- lm S Bus. Xln S F lßll Kod - 6 Volumes nesflay, who took wrong Port- Henry's Bible.—lo. Pitt St. «w manteau by mistake from Grey Lynn Car. TT-,_CTRIC Irons, all British; 35/ eacn. — please communicate with Mrs. Lock, 115, J_ Barker. Electrical Engineer, 404, Queen Cmmmer Road, corner Elgin Street, Grey st. Phone 2642 A. . P Lynn? "T7*RET iSaw, treadle, for Sale. 30/.— Davy, — A 1 Printer. Stationer, and 'Rubber -taiup •H-ATT-nvTO-NTAI. Manufacturer, 220. Hobson St. •■> MATRIMONIAL. /~t O-CART, seat 2 children, almost new, MATRIMONIAL— Professional Gentleman, \jf £ o 5/ 30, Ahglcsen St.. Ponsonby. 5G3 33, .of good birth and education, - ."■ ' —irTotcher Russell and Main stranger In Auckland has recently Inherited fe-lvantaldhood chtane,__d wall a fortune, wishes to communicate with Xt!i« e»rm« M 91 young Woman view to early marriage and Grafton Rd. »i travel abroad. 1 Bank references and /-1 RAMOPHON.E, 80 double Records, £9; highest credentials given. Send photo, state VT Violin £6.—Mayes, ESpsom Music 'Depot age. Telephone number, post office address near Tram Barn. 2?r ignored. Strictly confidential. /GRAMOPHONE, new'oak hornless, lovely A.'B.C, Box 1257. P. 0., Auckland. 208 <jr tone wlth 20 new Records, only £8; ________________________________■ bargain.—7o, "City Chambers'. 183 PROPERTY SOUP AMD WrTHDRAW. J AND AgentS-My Property, No. 3, St. Records cost £60 = take go; genuine bar; 64 ' " **" "ft fiItAMOPHoU new Amer.can Oak Cab.l ——^-—— : — —; 77- — _ _T net, double spring, magnificent tone ; T AND Agents.—Please take notice, my -„_ Jj ecorllßi _J 8 ; worth £28. InspecA-* Farm, at Parua Bay, Is withdrawn from tlon lnv | ter ] —70, City Chambers. 175 sale.-T. McGovem. 63 TTANDSOME Diningroom SulteT~G?eeLAND Agents.—Take notice, my Pro- _____[_ .piugj,, £17 10/; 3-Pce Rimu Bedroom perty, Gooch's Corner, Birkenhead, has Suite £13.—56. Great North Rd. 49 been 'Sold privately.--, A Williams. 150 OME Cand - Mflker . g Theraometen.T AND Agents.—Take notice the Conjee- f_± Large stocks held by Henry Berry and A- tionery Burfneti.s of K. G. Coughlan, 234, - A | b g rt $_ Auckland. 95 •Karangahape Rd., is Withdrawn from Sale. " —■—— „.„„! Kate G. Cougblan, 234, Karangahape Rd. 44 T7-H-TS (Girl's . wanted to Sell. Stewart /TO Land Agents—My Property at Tltokl. _h tartan.-Kllts 144 STAg. W9 Tc^ccl a r r Ie iSWlthdraWnfrOmSale iol I/SSTdS. S£ £f i i^s?£ 5 Ss- ,1 5" ~co£ Rd. Manurewa.-A. E. Thompson. 223 A- dltlon good.—lol, IHohson St. _£3 ——■ IXOLEUM, quantity of, in good condltlon.—ll. St. Stephen's Ay.. Parnell. oO WANTED KNOWN. TJHONOGRAPHS— Edison Diamond, Stan- ~ m — A dard, £10 : choice of 3000 Blue Amberol Cs°l_^.lS^_.rS^r; - c£__S: Hecords._Ed.son, Deaiers, 70. Cty Chan, W. B W -pHONOGIRAPH. Fireside, fitted b. 0.-ieie^.—do, — — iDdamond Reproducer; practically TAIS.CUSSION CLUB, 21, Park Ay., Graf- fg; inspection invl'ted.-70, City A-* ton, 8 p.m.—Thought developed brings S?, • tT" 1 * 159 -success. "Outworn Ideals." Inquirers ':""'" " ————- ——-— welcome ' 33 /-yOC-iLTLSTS.—Just landed large ship- — — . V> ment General Occult Works; inspection WANTED, 100 women to save money and lteu __ o oper Bros., Book Bazaar, Weihave eggs in winter by preserving now ~,,... g t -w 190 T .^ OS ' S Th- y a ?SS. Til PUS* Cart, conapsible, good order.-^ etores. RAt Williamson Epsom. 509 irrvH.E True Blue, 246, Karangahape Rd., T>RAM, Seagrass, for Sale (slate colour), A. for Prime Fruit, Confectionery, Soda A a 8 new; £3 5/.—220, Great North Rd. 3 Fountain. Watch for opening date. IDS oak, 4ft 61n, large mirror, QEWING Machines Repaired by practical fe leadlight; £20.—McLachlan, Tawa Rd., " man, 30 years' experience.—'Phone pnehnnga. }Q 27S7A.—J. Hilford. 8. Rutland St. IT6 .qitjieißOAßDiS, ißedroom Suites, iSaddleA U'CTI'ON SALES held anywhere. Ex- » bag Dining Suite, CpmO. Chests, Crockperienced Auctioneers. Best results. cry and Glassware, etc.; bargains.—NorRI'OHARID ARTHUR, LTD., man. 217. iKarangahape Kd. S3 Auction nnd Land Department, CIEWING Machines. — Thompson's, 8, lElllott Street (next old City Markets). ft Strand Arcade. Cheapest, Best. No -VTOTICiE.'—7O, City Chambers, top floor. Queen St. Rents. Deliver Free. Agent New opens 7 till 0, Fridays. Bargains in Home. . Gramopnones. Tiffin entrance. 139 q_WING Machines. —Largest Stock of COX'S Hat Factory, Karangahape Rd.. Is W Secondhand Machines In Auckland nt placing their Cleaning and Hllford's. from £2 10/ to £lo.—B, Rutland Remodelling Ladles' and Gent's Hats. D St. Phone 2787 A. JJT AS.' HARRIS-ROBERTS, 12. Colling- C3INCER Boot Patcher, goon order. Also wood St., Ponsonby.—Public Circle, O "seKernl Singer 66. Drophead.—At HllMonday, 8 o'clock. Dally Interviews, 2 toif or dJ s . Rutland St.. near Town Hall. 175 5 : ; \ CJOLID Oak Bedroom Suite, oval mirrors, "DIMU BEDSTEADS, Double aud Single. North M* " 49 Xi SPlllng at Big Reductions at lionrds, £11.-06. t.reat — GEORGE WALKER'S AUCTION ROOMS, TYPEWRITER, Yost Visible: L New Furniture Department. D LS£?%%2^sX^*^^ ~ Thone 2250. . ° s TAKE VOUCH TTIOLIN In case, good* order, £3 or offer xl V 2. Gundry St.. 'Newton. ISW ' " "\7IOLIN, genuinely old, sweet mellow tone, V how and ease •£9 • snip.—2o, Weilesley •■ THE AUCKLAND STAR " OFFICE IS „- «>w ana case..».», w"ii. 174 io» tiTmrntva issde *■ Heaters; safest and handiest ior nouse I, OH SATURUAit a lasuiii or dalry u8e _ Kees _ l g > strand Arcade. A

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 229, 24 September 1920, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 229, 24 September 1920, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 229, 24 September 1920, Page 1