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. FTJBLIC KOTIOES. '")S AVJi T 11 * 3 (CHILDREN" -piUNIl' r^AMPAIGN. FINAL 'LIST. £ s. d. (Amount already acknowledged.. 70:>4 11 2 .'roceeds, Hamilton <*iinipaign. . 2500 0 0 'Per Town Clerk's Office, Auckland. Auckland T_ber_acle Baptist Church 153 10 6 Auckland Girls' Grammar 'School 40 0 0 Blnkdalo iDlstnlit CoWeotlon 34 3 It S*L. iCuthbert's College :;i H> 1 1.. ('. C Ernest 2S 2 0 ilt.ilit. AY. Black -jo o O Church of 'Christ ami Sunday School (Dominion Road I ..'. 16 13 1 Girls' Grammar School, 'Epsom (no, £,-,) 1-, o o J- '11. Simpson 10 o 0 •St. (Andrew's ■church t-lwom). £fl: Church of Christ, Vestry iWliaugarci), £8 8/; St. ■George's Church. £S 7 : iSit. Mnry's Cathedral, £'i; Auckland ■Co-operative 'Boot Co., £5 S/; per Mayor. £5 5.'; A. A. Altken, £5 0.0. £5 lEach. —A..C.H.. a 1"., 'Mr. and Mrs. IMnKinstry, iM.A., K. a. Slmpsou, G. M -Uiuppon. «. •Grnr. Mrs. Anderson, IMrs. P. G. (layton, A. 1). Simpson, Savlll and Co., JJP.'D., A Teacher, Grand Hotel, Mr. and Mrs C. J. 'ltayner—£7."".. Per W. Esdaille (£3, £1), £4; 0. iE. Godwin, £3 10/: Mr. D. Cray. £3 3/; Tho* Peacock, f.3; 'R_ssell Church of England iSnnday IScuool, £2 14/ : Salvatilon A.rmy, £2 10/: —.nonymous, £2 10/: 'Morco, £2 2/. t£2 -Ench.—A. Henderson, H.G., W H Gtlllngiham, 'Rev. and IMrs. .1. King Davis Spiritual Unity Church, Kate Hastle H — £14. Vasan+a College children, _1 IT/: Hlkutai P. School, £1 17/2; 'Primary Hat Factory, £1 11/0; 'Subscriptions per E T Blrtlcs, £1 10/: STmpath.v, £1 10/; Church of IBncland .(Tanmarunnl), £1 2/4. £1 1/ lEach—iMarauatha, R. R. Hunt, Geo. tishiley, IA.Y.IA.—£4 4/ T. Manning, _1 0/5. _1 Each—iNi„ey, H. L. Thatcher, A. H. P-roff, Unaamucli, Rev. P. «. Smallfield, M. i"^ err ' 5 1 " IK - J ones. F.R.A., Humble Pile, IP -s r " :l i- _ OBD «» Mnc'P.herson, WYE.M., W. R. Whalley, per St. Peter'B mi_apuna), Michael Brown. A.C.J., IMrs W. 31oson. li.r. and Mrs. J. 11. Hutohlnson, 'C. 11. Feryoh, Mrs. nnd M. Davles, C. Bead.y, Sympalhiser, M. Spoopendyke, friend, Btrs. Alice Keeslng. A.E.i11.H., Mrs &. J. Taylor, J. H. Yozer, W. Rout. M.8., J_T., Judge Button, A.G.. One in Srnrpnfchy, i-._? n<l . IM - J - l' v «" r Plymouth), Mrs. J. Blc-ardson, iE. W. ißoach—£3B. Amount under £I—_l7 19/10. Total 0- above '... £570 12 ' 2 (Thames, per Town Clerk 452 2 10 Botornn, sent direct to Internn'l .A-airs Dept. (£330, £17 14/4 347 14 4 r<ratribut!on_ from Opotlki 341 15 3 Contributions from Wndhi (first Instalment) "00 O O Collected by Theosophlcal Society, 351, Queen St., per Mrs. cHyams (Including Kahn IBro-. £10 dO/, Star Shop £10 ■10/, Mrs. Uorle £5 5/, IR. Greer £8 114/6) 100 0 0 3Je A.wamutu, per Borough Coun- _ + "ott • OS 0 4 Stephen's Presbvtertan 1 Ohuroh 70 10 0 C_imbrl_ge Branch rN.Z. Farmers' Union 70 0 0 Howe Street HaH 65 14 8 Per 'Rodney Council Office 43 2 o 'Per Rev. Sedgwlok, Onehnnga .. 40 18 6 Staff, Maeky, Ixxgan, Caldwell, ■Ltd. '(warehouse and ' factorles) S6 6 0 ■P-teratigi Presbyterian .Ohureh 35 1 9 The Order of tho Star dn the _ o__st 28 fl 0 Bt. Aldan's Church 27 2 0 Sympathisers in IMaungaturoto, per Mrs. Grice 26 4 6 iSympathiser 25 0 0 St. James' Church 25 0 0 Contributions, Cambridge (second lnst—Jmeirt) 24 7 6 Per Otohuhu Borough Council f—mployees Wesfcfleld Freezing Co.. £2 6/6; Employees "R. and W. Hellaby. Westfleld. £5 0/6; Mrs. Wlnuate. £5 3/; Chas. Rowley, £3 8/: E. Shepherd. £2 2/: Alfrpd "McDonald. £1 1/: F. L. Bradley, £1 1/; F. Matthews, £1 ■1 /; amounts under £1 each, £3 3/3) 24 3 3 Per Devonport Boro)«i_h Council (Devonport Council, £10 10/: J. W. Scotts. £5; £2: For * - Somebody's iDarllng. £1: G. V. Pearco. £1; amounts under £1, £4 12/6) 24 2 B iporomandel Croquet Club 21 10 O WTiangorel School 20 19 0 Kempthorne, Prosscr and Co., Auckland 20 O O IChrist Church (Ellerslle) 18 10 0 (Epsom Presbyterian Church IS 0 0 Postal Department (£l2 2/. £4 13/) 16 15 0 -"roceeds Concert, Mangere, per 3. C. Rennie 16 12 6 Sympathiser 15 0 0 ■Walu-u Methodist Circuit 14 7 6 Taupo School-children .... .. 14 0 0 Rocky Nook Ladles' Croquet Club 13 14 4 The Public of Rangatnun 13 0 0 One~_ng_ Methodist Circuit .. . 11 12 8 Klngsland Methodist Church .. 11 8 0 Kaukapakapa, per Mrs. M. 'Sinclair 11 5 s iHelonsvtlle Presbyterian Church 10 12 1 •Wingate and Co., Ltd '. 10 10 O =Wntnku Presbyterian Chufeh .. 10 .1 6 Statt, Ross and Glendlnlng, Ltd. 10 1 <i ■Donations of £10 Each.—PupHs Ladles' 'College. Remuera, John Marshall, Epsom Girls' Grammar School (additional), A.8.A., Kt. Andrew's Branch Diocesan Boy Scouts — £50. Per Mount Roskill Road Board—_> 15/. •Per Takapuna Borough Council. — St. Peter's Sunday-school, £3 10/; W. Blomfleld, £2; J. w. Wilkinson, £1 1/; Mrs. Barker,. £1; per Mr. Esdalle, £1; amounts under £1, BL V—£o 12/. Energetic Club. Y.W.C.A.—£O 9/7. Mangrvwal Residents.—E. Christmann, £2 2/: A. T. Williams, £1 1/: G. Williams, £1 I/; R. Clrfctmann, £1 1/: A. J. W_arfe. £1: S. Tla'rrta, £1; amounts under £1, 0 15/6— £9 0/0. ■St. Luke's Presbyterian Church (additional), £0: proceeds bazaar, per Mrs. Glot«t. £8 8/; staff Geo. Court and Sons, £8 _•/»; Wnluku Anglican Church. £7 4/3; Eden (Troop Boy Scouts. £7: .Samoa (final contribution), £6 16/11; St. I-uke's Church. Mount Albert, £5 10/; Baptist Tabernacle (additional), £5 10/; Helensville School, £5 6/9. '"Donat-lons of £5 5/ Each.—B. O. Clark, (Ltd., The Art Lodge 348 1.C., Mount Roskill I-wid Birkenhead Council—£2l. ■ Children and Sympathisers of 'Bombay, £5 B/: "Cutaway -lack." £5 0/6; Staff, Smith and Caughey, £5 0/3. "Donations of f5 Each. — Sympathiser (Way-y). Anon (HelensvUl.), .Tas. Fitzgerald, Auckland Drivers' Union, Miss Bruce, J. S. Bell, D. h. J. Clayton, H. Glimore. Ambnr—s, Ltd., Maungatapere Co-op. 'Dairy Co.—£so. Per Two Mofcni Schoolgirls—£4 4/. •Donations of £4.—Ohauno Presbyterian Chnreh, Mrs. Dumergue, Sllrerdale (per WE. Johns), A. Warburton—£l6. Richmond Baptist Church. £3 IS/6: per Rodney County Council. f3 16/6; per Hobson Coutty Council. £3 15/6: Mrs. Stobbs, £3 14/; Onerahl School, £3 11/6: St. Enoch's Pres.yterlan Churrh, £3 10/: Te Aroha (per Mayor), £3 3/6: Staff A. J. Entrlcnn and Co., £3 3/6; Walnui (per Mrs. M. Sinclair), £3 3/; per ,T. C. Entrican (Miss E. f2. arautlntfi under £1, £11. £3: Avondale School £3. Mount Eden Arlult School £3, £8: Tlie Hlkurangi Children's Guild. £3; additional donations per Star Office, £3; contributions •from Kaltleke (A..1.P. £1, w. £1. umler £J. 14/). £2 14/; per Y.W.C.A. (additional), £2 12/6: Children of Upper Waiwera. £2 10/3: Olenfleld Sunday. School, £2 5/: Horahora School, £2 3/1; Onua Sunday School, £2 3/; Koutu School Children. £2 2/6. Donations of £2 2/ Each.—Miss Potter Mr. and Mrs. E.M.B. (Hunllv), Mrs G. Tutt. Wharuakura School, Mr. B E Wlbk National Pictures. Ltd. —112 12/. c " Diocesan Hlsh School Chnpel —£2 o/9 Donations of £2 Each.— T.H.C. (per Waikohu C.C.). Methodist Mission (per Miss Tougne. additionali, Sirs. W. aud Miss Klleen SlcCullough, St. Stephen's Church (additional), Tort Albert School, Infant Room. Paeroa School (per Manukau County Council—£l4. Mangatapu School. £1 IR/0: St. George's Sunday School (Kbfgsland), £1 IG/; Mr. S. H. Harrison, £1 12/6: List 101 (per Hallensteln Bros., Ltd.). £1 11/: Whiikamnrnmn School, £1 10/; Children No. 1 School (Whltfortl), fl 10/; St. David's Church (additional), £1 5/: Mrs. J. Neems, £1 3/7: Pukaru ■School, £1 3/6; Te Mapara School (per C. F. NeWhook), £1 3/6: Miss J. A. Mowbray, £1 2/6; Mnuku School. £1 2/; Belmont Presbyterian Church, £1 1/0. Donations of £1.1/ Each.—Ail Saints' Sunday School (Matamata), Dr. H. F. Holmden, Mr. W. S. Fnrby—£3 3/. Eric Kerr—£l 0/3. Donations of £1 Each—A. Langdon, H.E., Win. Blakey, M.M. (Te Kauwhata), H.S.H. (Te Kauwhata), 1. Germann. Onehunga Preshyterlan Church, .Mrs. Bell (additional), Miss Brown, Mr. T. 3. McKeown, per Rev. E Chard Papnkurn Methodist Sunday School, Devonport Congregational Church (additional), Two Friends, Lover of Little Children, Awaklrl Children, Miss Trounson, AH C G Mrs. J. Mclnryre, Mrs. and Miss Drew J.R. (Remuera), E. I. Henley (June SO), Mrs. F. J. Beallng—£22. Donations Under £I—£lo1 —£10 9/3. Total, £12,909 11/5. NOTE.—In contributions per* Salvation Army, published on July 24, wrfs one from. Br And Mre. J. E. Taylor for £5 5/ and one ttud Mr. CoweU for £1. 666 (

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 227, 22 September 1920, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 227, 22 September 1920, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 227, 22 September 1920, Page 7