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AMUSEMENTS. , . QOMMENCING rpO-DAY ("pitIDAY). "rtfOW gHOWING. TUB GREATEST I'IIOTO-DRAMA Ol' THE YEAR. THE MOST AND BEST. NATIONAL TJICTUUES. -\TATIONAL "DICTURES. ] ATIONAI, -t ICTURES 'PHONE ATIONAL -t ICTURES. 0 ATATIONAL T>ICTLIIES. 21G-JA -VT-A'TIOXAL "PICTURES. r National A icTUHES. -National -Pictures. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS \\rii.LiAM "Evuixrjr, t/ank /^.reys '» ILI.IA.M A AItNUM. *-*REY'B TS7IU.IAM TjIAIIMII, The I]i s hest-pald l/ANE /^.REY'S *> lI.I.[AM -*■ AK.NDI Male Motion In A\XK vTjtEVS DRAMATIC \\TII.I.IAM TTUKNr.M. l'lcture Actor r/ANE fi REVS STORY 5 ''II.LIAM l ARNUM, in the World \-\tillia.M T7UHXUM, ' r/ANE HKEVS '» lI.LIAM J- AItNLM, /iAXE VJreY'S • recommentiem by censor kor adult viewing, a romance op the great south-west. rpilE J (INK QJTAR TJANOER. miiij tS StA-R gfflfe A A CTOR. JUK Mink ioTMi AV\v< vn •**- VT TCi L 1 s: : rl|| A G REAT S TORY ' t:| iil sSii Bi|ii b* a g»- r a™. riTIIK T (ink «jTAIt T>AN(iKU. xUK -"OXB ~XAK -^ANCiKU. A Tiny of Swift and Tense Dramatic Artion. A Thrllllns Tnle of Dnrins an.l Advraturo. in nh1,.1, „ Mnn of Iron Nerve "ruts lino Over" on the Texas Outlav.-s. In wbli-h a isravc .Man tnkps Hesperate Chnnt-es amon« Desperate Men and Drives Outlawry to Hip Wnll. Showing the Kiorce Nature of the Border State that knew no Unv but thai ~1 tin- (;uu. re<-i. K ulsln« no Law hut that of Mlßht. A Ilordei- Lite Story from ZAMC UKKY'B Best and Most Exciting Novel. tjrxsiiiNK /imiKiiv a"h iv rnitAiMNii TT'OR ttvshani>s. OINSIIINK V-'OMEDV! Ever} Scene. i-KAIXIXU r OK -P-CSBAXUW. TIIK nirYCI.K RACE MUTT AND JEFK. " -— ™'™ FOX WORLDS NEWS Al^'s - • Nl '-" h - , MATIOXAL QRCriESTKA, TTjMNEST JN b SESSIONS: 11.15. 1.0, 2.45. 4.30, GAS, S p.m. BOOK YOUR SKATS, 8 I.M. SESSION. THONE 2100 A. /"IOMMICNCINc; rpO-DAY CCIUIUAV). "Nm"OW gHOWING. >

" "TWHYU'DY'S." HUE TO THE " Til ALE and T^EMALE. -, " •~ J Y ICYIfDY'K." T T \lM'Fcrill'\TFll CU'I.'CESS ■■- L * J -ALK - 1 - EMALE." •'-pV-UYU'Di-B" Xj N U b "TIfALK and FEMALE/; 1 " ■"J-αus -f ema"i.e." J EVRYBDI-β!" THE PRESENTATION OF "MALE " "Vf ALE and T7IEMALK." VItVUDYS" AND FEMALE" WILL BE ■ CON- •• IU-ALE ** EMALE." EVItVUDV's'" TINIED IfOK " T\fALE nnd TTIEMALE." VHVB'DVS!" "IVlALB" -I- , EM A 1.E." EviiYUDY's!" " A 9 NI) W EEK -" " Ar A 1 and F EMALE -" VRYU'DVS" xV \> ■•lUaLE -f EM ALE." EVRYIi'DY'S/' . 'Af AI - X and "FEMALE." VKYinirs" ■ "I'J-ALE . r EMALE." " T?V'UYIi'DY'S " " "YTALE and TTIEMALIi." " HivRYIVDY-S" " To Avoid the r rowdß," Attend the .. l>l\i jE J? EMALE." "-pVRYB'DY'a" Enll} " Ses ' <loQs . or "TVfALE and "CIEMALE." '_ •• wntvu'Di-s." -tiooiv Xocb Oeats and FSxlii'S- •• -LUV'RYIS'DYS " ~,>,. IU AI,E J- EMALE. EV'RYUDY'S" ,OK "\f ALE and T^EMALE." V'KYli'DY's' ,, rpO-NllillT AND rpO-MORROW, •• I*l. ALE A 1 EMALE." EVRYBDY's'" J-O-NIGHT AND •*■ O-MORROW, ••"]»rAI.E and ffiEMALB." VRYB'DY's'" " I'J-ALE J KMA'JS." axd "M ALK and p KMAI -'' ; ", "■pvßYß : Sr|" MONDAV :JrV' E Tn A 'HaDAY )NESDAV and F"**^'- " JllV'llYß'DY'S" " THURSDAY. .. 1>X A LK -T EMALE." »E V 'RYB : Dri : - <° : M:tLE and FgSlti" < EVUYB'DY'S " of tbJs I'ltfture. please note •• "\rALE and Tj^EMALG." VRYB'DY'S." the Special Sessions: — "-"J- ALE -T EMALE." EVRYB'DY'S." " ]\f ALK and "piSMALK." VRYB'DY'S." At 12.30. " I'J-ALE -T EMALE." EVRYB'DY'S."" 3 O'C. • , ■•"ITALB and T7IEMALE." , VRYB'DY'S." 0 o-c - " JM -ALB EMALE." "T7I VRYB'DY'S." An d " l\f ALE and pEMALE." ■■ XW'RYB'DY'S." 8 -°- "J-"- ALE -T EMAI*:." EVRYB'DY'S." " M ALE and PEMALE." VRYB'DY'S." The "-"i-ALE X? EMALE." EVRYB'DY'S." Most " TV/I" ALE and TjIEMALE." VRYB'DY'S." Remarkable " I'J-ALE J? EMALR." EV'RYB'DY'S." Picture " TVTALB and TTIEMALE." V'RYB'DY'B" Ever " l'-l-ALB -E , EMALE." " TTTV'RYB DY'S." Shown. * " "VfALE and "I7IEMALE." •• HiVRYB'DY'S.r , "I'J-ALE EMALE." EVRYB'DY'S." -r~v»v PRirp's " TIT ALE and TCIEMALE." VRYB'DY'S." T) PRICES— .. 1U ALK J EMALE." " TCWRYB'DY'S " Stalls, 1/. "I\,TALE and TjIEMALE." •■ HiVUYBDY'S." Circle, 2/. " iu ALB J- EMALE." " TT'VRYB'DY'S." " "Vr ALE and TT«EMALE." ■ " JI<V'RYB'DY'S." TT'VENING PRICES— " I'J-ALE J- EMALE." ' EV'RYB'DY'S." Stalls 3/6 " "\TALE and "TTIEMALE." ' vryb'dy'S." rircp'o/R "i>J- ALE -T emale." EV'RYB'DY'S." Circle, _/o. .. "VfALE and TTIEMALE." VRYB'DY'S." Reserves, 3/ (Plus Tax) " I'XaLE EMALE."

PUBLIC NOTICES. : , A UCTvLAXD GAS COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. ! The Auckland Gas Company, Ltd., regrets thnt in order to eke out the present small stock of coal, a normal pressure of pas will only 'be given from 4.30 p.m. until i p.m., until further stocks arrive. Js'o nlterntiou to the above can 'be made on Saturday and Sunday. WM. F. STEWART, 500 Secretary. A UCKLAXD UNITED FURNITURE -«- . TRADES UNION. Members are requested to attend the Adjourned Meeting at the Trades Hall, on MONDAY, August 30, at V.45 p.m. . BUSINESS: To consider merits and demerits of the Bonus System. , To consider amalgamation proposals received from the Carpenters' Union; and other Business. TNTBRISI PAYMENT TO OROW.ERS 1 OIF WOOL TIHIE iSUffIJIBCT OF I'imCU.VSB BY THE IMPICRI'AL G'OIViICIiIN'ME.NT. .lit is notified fqr the information of all concerned 'that the Controller of the Ix-partment of Imperial Governmen.t Supplies wiiU. upon receipt of the necessary particulars from Brokers, proceed to make an 'Interim 'Payment to the Growers or Wool, covering *he period .to 31st October, 1010. and in accordance with the arrangement entered Into with the Imperial "rhe payments will be made through ißrokers. I>v cheque payable to "order." Any Grower of Wool who may not ■ already have 'directed, that amounts due slrall be applied to another purpose, may receive payment In the present liJ2l) (iovernmeut Loan, either in Bonds or Inscribed Stock, by notifying the Controller of tln> Department «f Imperial Government Supplies, 12.", Lambton Quay, ■Wellington, to ;tba;t eftei-l. W, F MASSEY; IPrime .Minister. August 24, i:i2o. 1>24 "VrALT'.ATIO'N OF WOOL AND SHEiEP- > iSKIX'S ON .IiI'MIAUF OF THE I'MI'ICRIAiL OO'Y\ERN.M!ENT. It is hereby notified for the informnition of all persons concerned, that in accordance with ttm Notice in the "New Zealand liazettc," (if the li!tn August, 1020. a.ll . Wool and 'Sheeixskins. excluding Wool of Mii> inaO-inai clip, and excluding Freezing i Works' Slipe and IFreezluj; Works' iSheeiH skins. <I(>Uvpti'(l for ti i(i)rjil.«tMiioi]t iroto registered liormnueiit 'Brokers' stores, »ii : or before the "Oth day of September. 1021). ■ will be purchased on bchu'lf of the Imperial Government. ' I At Unit date Ynlllations of AYool and . Shcfpsliinis iif rho Dominion will dunuitcly ( cease. I Ti> avoid suliscqupnt disUx-aMou of the • market the Wool and Sheepskin fßrokers have undertaken not to hold auction sailes - of 'Sheepskins fur six weeks following the : oOtli September, by wliloh date It is untici- ' pati'd tliMt all wool e<.-ouriiiK and *ell- , mongerlng on behalf of the imperial •. liov-ernnien.t will .be concluded, and the , works available for the purclmae and treat- ) uieut of privately-owned wool and skins. To assist lv obtaining Uilm e nd, -\ would - rwiuiwt all farmers ihoUUng Wool and ■Sheepskin* l<. deliver *auie 'to Brokers' Stores as early as possible " W. F. MASSEY. \ A»gU ßt 25. 1030. ' PrimL ' ■ MlnlSter i 23 j" -piELiTS ARE DAXGEROI74 —Order !\J your suit now. Take delivery when ~ you like. We will be only too pleased to 1 send you patterns.—MoßElDE. The Tailor ; 11-13. VUcoria_ Street. HPS LL 'BRIT"iSH GOrJbTF U~rnp Pry n6w. VAN lIOUTEN'S COCOi U i grown in the British Empire—and it's a drink fit for British subjects. Your "rocor !. keeps V " q X -BARK toshbot straight. Hazard's Minla- \ XJ ture Rifle Range is the place for pracr tice at running 'or stationary targets. a VS7E dou't fear frosty nlphts lii our '» Houses. Our North British UNIQUE RUBBER HOT WATER BAG warms the f bed fiiyly. It can't leak. Make sure of I) the brand when buying 3 fpHB secret o7 the dellciousT flavour of a -L VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA lies in ltii , 6peclal process of manufacture. Othen ti have tried to imitate but !<a.\e failed. Sold i at four grocer. - j,i

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 205, 27 August 1920, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 205, 27 August 1920, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 205, 27 August 1920, Page 10