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(B.v WHAi.EviON'K.I FIXTV:;i..s. May M, -1 -NnrlU o:.iu-.i .1 r May 20, ::j -wa n^111:til .1 '.' May 27—Wniiiku limit. Juuo 1. :;. s—Unneilln .<.!'. .luiie :!, I— Orulci ,M:i u ri 1; . . .lime l'o, Vj-.-i'iislwiic iC.i. ANSWim Til I'l •:HK-s1! , ONI)!:NT: : . Kv.\i;EK. Sorry canuii: "hlUe ron. mil under Hie law ■•!' count!? we :ire I iinalilo to imiiiMi illvKleiKis. i SI-OUT. - naitli-rl-:e was wltiiilrnwn fmm i f.u- Kani.nn :ii -Ml p.m. "11 J Tuesday, tin- Iltli insi. I iJiirlns ihe nniwiUn .(.kK.-v t'lirira Win |ier Meelinj; ibc 'ir.-i race oil cacti ••( ihe ■three days In ;in:c.l n< starl nt 11 .1.111. i Mr. 1.. I!. I'reeiiiMM h:is been npiiniiited ; secretary o( Ihe Knsl.'ii Itaclni! i'li f h. vi.-c -Mr. KndV:! Wankiv:;. ,-,... :i-.ui:v ri"i.-licit. j >;a i-opper .in.l :i -.vorn . 'Miifiiinlniis over hl<"llcs .it Kllerslle yes. riiplr'tasli IA-Ith.iiit u:;-Iij;<. ! "nslatisbi is repi-ned In! have broken down, nnd nnnther of Sir Ceorce PllfTonl's. iitt Vlierkiimie. is iiUi mi the ■ it.-.v list, having :<1:11-,-■•! ..1 : his iiccN i A. ,7. MiiFllun lines hot dji inurh ri.lli;,lover irfisiiicles linivii.l.i.v-. but •''•■ i" .•!■•< entcil I Xnrihci.iy at MiVeisl:,' i.est iinonib.' 1 Mentm.ire ivn- respoimlble r,>r the r.isiesi 1 rnuiiil (ivc:- hurdles »t Kllerßlle ve-ienlny i n'.i-i.|:i K . ~ji,,«-::,- more lia.i- than Hamlet ;In a m-lioulln: -.ii!op iivcr six .<"jsia.-le.s. \ficr riding a: r::e lv(t;r>ont incciins. tli,Auvkbiuil horseman I-'. Warner Jnnrnpyeri nn Ito Wnnaaimi i.< fulfil at the IWangiimil meellns. ivJii< Ii npeu-« t(i-iiN>rr»w. j rnnnwlmlni. wlildi !,i,s |,een on" the sceiio ,-itne competlns In the last (ireat iXnrthern Her!.y. in :. i:: ,i-i :! n j! 1 h at-tlvc hrljtadp iiresiil.-.l (.to;- by f. Cnlemnn at JL'llcrslie. A h.l« been innle ivlili the f»rm:i . ri.m of the r.iflu- track on the property recently :icquirei| at Te Kapa by the TlnmJi- ! ton H:i.-tn; i'lt.':i. and tin- ground i> now I 1 .'lns pliuislicd. I I KnrH Kins. Penona. <Snni» Fnsli'nn. Kirs: C;;V. mill l.uperlno are [Jic Auckland horses nncuK'tl ill the WniiKaiiul Jncker f'lnb's W'lnn-r Mwtine. which opens tomorrow ________ and Irish land wpr<> s.liooipd ov<- r hiirdlrs at I'llerslic yesterdny mnrnlng, the 1 latter .-oinlns to irlef _:t tlie obstacle nenr the live f.irlon; |H)st. M.* r1.1.r l'restnn escaped with 11 lilt of n Fliakin;;. t.-o;i ncccp.ors for the ' A.iTJ.f. Coni.v.i'll ■Ifiiudlcap. only three :ire trained 11: I KUerslic. Willie the fourth loecil lmrsc engaseil !« worked ;it Devonport. reiieini, n-ns on tlip trip from N>w Plyiiinuth to (inehiinpi nn Saturday, nnd u^ :i .-onsefiuenre one of his hind Irps filled ;l Mt. l!o is tn he treated t" swimming cier ci.--c. ;l ni! should l>e nil rlpht agalu in a few flays. ■ Tpnaelonr an<l Malra wpre ~ent nboiit two hill iwi-e. rSntll' fetl.-"<l wllliouf mistake. TrnaclooH heir!; weil In front at tlie eouipletlou of tlie taxk. *I*lip \\ uikn fnt f"ninor. I*. I Iα nno*i. hits piirehase.l the prnperty nt rilerslie fnrmer'.y <iwneil by N. It is not yet known wln-ilier he trill linvi- it ticciipird permanent if. jir only inirmls nsins it during race times. I.MeltihlkolT and f.'hiciwin were schooled in enmp.iny over eU_i' hurdles at RllersUo yesterday nv>rnin_r. t;!:idv.~iu hit » roupli; of the rilwtn.-les hard, and iMeltchlkoff wk« nlv.-nys i]n|n~ the hetter of the pair thr.<iij:.»Mi; the «.-illop. I The 5-oon»i«t il.ritshler tnsed «J' of K. i'l'opp. Iho w< , U kJinwii r rn!iht, h;ifl tho jn !?•■ fnrtcue to fall on Monday i-venlnß inn j'broke her cnlhiriione.. The little sutleivr I" by l>r. iJrnut. and is projrrcßlni; as sulisfiictorlly as could * c expected. The coutriictors f'>r the 'or:n.ntion of the new wnwf tie Aneklnmt Trottlnu' riuli at K,.MMn nre mnklDK sno'l prosrc*< ivitli thn vv.i-;;. all I'm sirli there Is a lot of (llllTicr in yet to ho .lone. Tlie irneS will "oe ready In plenty of time for i-ie cluli'd !?!>rln s meeting. ■nine froaa did well t,n the trip to illiiwera. inn ran badly on each day of the I*-_;iiioi_f meotiiiff. and i". Polpman returned to Ai'ckland with ihe sc.ti of Martile Arch on Saturday. It be'.ns de.-ided to allow him tn drop out of hU engagementn at the \Van_anui uieetlQs. The withdrawal <if Hiiianjico from tlie iWungnniil Steeplechase hurt ilou'nle -lackers a bit. for the sou of 'Formative wiis one of the first fancies for the event. CJimnaco was reported to toe a iiit sure after lie fell while schooling the other mornini!. and this proTjai-ly ncconnts for Ms withdrawal. T>ady Energy and fluerre a Mort started Ellerslie yesterday Tnorning, I>«t the tirst fence saw" the latter lose his rider. .It. (Tonway. and Lady Energy co_rplete»l the course alone. Conway was a bit shaken iuid dazed as a result of the fall, but eacaped serious injury. tPitprop. whieli won a clotfble ac the recent ■South ■Canterbury meeting, is an Knfflixh.hrctl three-year-old b.v Newmarket from IPttt>row Lass. He wae ridden in each of Ills ensasements 'by the lCiisiish apprentice T. IMctcalfo, who came to Uic IDominion with (J. iPdce «-hen the latter returned to thh country after his visit to England , some few years ago.

During his recent visit to Australia Mr. W. 'R Kemhall seeyretl two hordes, but one. a'two-yen r-old. for which the piico was over forr flsiircs. failed to pass the necessary tear. Tlid other is IVnterflpld. which, ran siroiul lv ih<- Australian run. anil which is to lie itroUßlit to the. Dominion . liy !!il- ilrst available opportunity, | The four North Ipland horsemen. A. .1. i LMcF'iinn. H. Gray, H. Heeley and It. lieed. ' are prniialily th<> only riders In the world who have liie distinction of niklnii part In 11 race etnrted 'by a member of Die Itnyal : fiiinilj-. The rMMlnrtion woo gained nt Hie-- ■ I .-:tIoh -.1 Saturday, when H.-R.H. the 1 rriiice of "Wales started the Marltarongb ; •Stakes, in which the four horsemen named bad mount.<. At Ihe last minute it was decided not to send Ucneral 'Stephen South for the Xt-mont and Wansaniii meetings, and the I proposed trip l< cancelled. General Steplivn I was schooled o'er sis hurdles yesterday ; uiornlufriit Kih'.-sl'i!. In company with C;ii:e- ■ minis, w-tihii. li.nvi-vcr. omjunipfil him .11 ■ every fem-p. :in ( | vms well In front at the ! IMA '- |. Slowcoach 111 company with Sir John was sohffo'eil over the bip fences on tin? flat 11 r Kllorsiie yesterday morning, his Jumping i'clns exceptionally, good for a bcctnuer. '.Inee or twice he seemed inclined to sjijr!; lila work, hut Turner kept him at li. and lie got ov<»r Ihe different obstacles without mlßtitke. Sir John reuced well. work" °" on"' C ' rlio* "blili out ' St. Johns way. was snllope.l at EllersMo yesterday mornlnp. The imported horse i;ppearcd to bo walking v bi: lender afterwards. Ui'i 1". Conway, In who»<> charge he is :»i present, has no doubt aVnuit Betting him to Hie post for the Groat Nor-: them "llurdle Hace. . ' One of the noatewt swindles of '.ate year* : was worked recently by an (MJterprUlns : yontb on a" bookmaker In .1 bdjt western . "town in Anvtralln Tbe bookie does a ibisstarting price buKiueFS. aud always pays on tho results and prices quoted in the Sydney pnpers. * T-he yonth put '£-,> on v norse tunt he.said was ruuninjr at a race : mecMajj in a itmall northern "town. A friend i of his scut the results ot a nedtious mi-et- . iiisr to a Sydney paper, and the sporting : writer of -the latter, witnont troubling to i ascertain if thny were Benuinc. published , them, siring th.'- horse's startiu? price at 1 5 to 1. The bool.-l c . paid, but afterwards ; lcaru<*i.l sometliicK about the plol, anil i threatened to prosecute if tho money was I not repaid. The youngster allowed himself ~ |;to Ik bluffed, end returned the money. |i

! Fiillvn and Philomel.! have been thrown i out »f work nnrt retired in ilie Waikanae stud. The usual monthly meeting of the Aucls laud IMstrlrt Committee will lip hold tomorrow, the -<>:h iust. Marron! .-..nlrJK-iod n -poisoned Ip« durinK the trip i<. ihf Itenont MfieOng. and as a ronsciuc;i.*e H heiug spolleil. hinHou fnr the double c\etit. (Jreat Northern llunlii- :taoi. mii.i Sterplechasc. Active recently hand-' and > s now located .-it Waverlcy, where he Is workins ini.lcr tin.' control ~f \v. Dwyer. /...In has hren K'Mtlu;: thnmah ;i |..i ..r wiirk on the tracks :it YVanM'nil ami is one of Hi.' local rumii-s r..r ili.- iviimry ilnitllc". linliWtmnn ha< h.-e:i dhanlnu lull It. Ins s'-hool!:iir I'wiilnjn., nwl i- likely to i> <■ of Hip I:m\.-V.i .lii-IMI.--. l<.r i:ir \V;in-_-:iimi I'.-u----l-lry llnrdli" In mnrt.-.v There will lie r.i.'lnc ■•! VVnuKaunl nno iiiimnni tomorrow' The .Norm (Itnisii Meetlm; cin.-lßiies :ii Hie latter place .11 l-Vd.-iy. ami the \>"aiiK.iuui Miviiiis "ii siiiuniur. The iirsi r.l-.hnni ■ "ill-, ivhi.-h wim d«-M«l on l-'rid-iy lasi. wus v...-, by Mr. A. Ales linrtVr. with Mlinlrn. nv MtillowmaNS IWn Kail. Padd'.iisUin (;rc.'":i w-is second, and "Tirana Diir.i. : Waini.ii run n u-.i0.l r:icc 1;. the Renown Steeplechase at fiiiviiitoti on Siinirdtiy, mid i: , iii- nil In- !,-..t luirl; in take his nlm-p iti ■ In- ti.-i.l for iln- Urent Northern Strople- : chase is sun- to get Rood support. I o Maraotninra- h:is tv-en jumping in Rood style nvpr i!ii> Ida fenppM ar Hastings, and Hi- daujhi.-r ..r Kliilni.l promises in b.hanl t.. !..-::t in in.- \'.;inianii. St.-rplochase l.imiiirriw. in ivliii-h sin- lias 10.1.'1. A.-.-or.'mi,- in a Southern wrin r. Iho iiiflttpr of .my WVlltnirt.m jivkry lnvi-lvp.l In ihf r.-.-ent ~! Avcmrtalp wlii :■■ •■niiWili-red by the nistri.i Coniinlrtfp iipfore nn purl) da:., lv .lvine. Acc-orillng In llie K-L-sraplud ri-pnrl of ilio :uui Left k«i out ivitTi :i Tirciilc ..; :is. nnd as the <iffi-lal i inic ' civrn f.>r the cvpni «•::« 1 ;o. Aroythan niu" have rovpre,! Hie i-U-hl furlnrißS in pheuoIllfllHl tlinc 1 The ihrep ton-wei-jlits In the Ureal N"r.Hi.Tti Steeplechase- WninuU. Master Stroivnn. nn-I Coalition—are iletati«t-il at i.ytti'lion. i.nil -it present t| l( .,- ( . looks to lip very little Ilkx-llbond r>r Lhelr KPtltng to KUernlie In time fir Oil- A.X.C. '.Viulcr Moeiiii.u

K. Pope returned from thej South on Saturday with flak Abbey ami Kilbegiain. Npltl'.T di.l wpll f.n the trip aml their runnir.i: ni so ■liwipnolntlnc at Hawcni ihat it was ileriilnl m<>i In tnkp ihPin on f> . WjtniiiirmJ. lHliiKim-ti illi! noi maic ihp trip. I Npnmhn. whioh i» pnmtni in.llx , Mniilon llunllo pvents :ii ih<" Wungannl uipcUdc, i« om< of Mr. KcmlmMs toam. lie Is n arc! RPldllig hy l'nsltann from Parndrnjia wtlh a s>.(.(l hnrst of spcotl. ami as lip jumps woll lit should not he ions licforo lie picks up a I stake , . Thi> r\ AnckhiniJ strcploclinspr Tim n,»nlan has litM-n put into work at fanltli'lil. iiojm h'.s :.isk< imiirr tin- rllrwliau "f 11. Connelly. The vefrau is reimrli"! Ito in (root] -"tylo. niul thi' lra ,- lc j wati-h.T- an- looking forward t<. his -piihi;,niiiunt; tlio winner? apiiu ibeforc loui;. I" In the Marlboroucli Sukcs on Saturday ! Hii.-hi ai>il ].>■[< was timed to run the tirst ; furlone In 111 two furloncs In 21 -J-.V. i 'lirep rurloncs in Wir.. nnd tin- half-mile 111 1 HI --."is. »o that it is no wonder ho stopped over the <-onrlii<lln? xtaRPS of the journey. These times make the khH"P of Amytburs a remarkable one. I Trainers who look -norses from AnrklanO ]to the tommt .Meeting eoiDPlniu of |bi> tmvn a livery stahlekeeper has a notlee stink up tbat Ktjinds ftrr horses were available for !■', hut on leaving a couple of horKPs for an hour or so. a trataer »vas cuarscd ,".' for ouch horse. Amythafl has fully earned the ripht (o he ' classed as the hest tliree-yenr-old .Keen out this season, and his defeat of Arrowsmith. Karo, and lUi;lit and Left over the mile .lotirney in tile Marlborougli Stakes at Klcenrton on Saturday was one of thq best perj fonnanees he hart rejristered this season. AcrarditiK to the telegraphed report the three older horses had to concede Riirht and Left a bin start, but the two-year-old, after settlni; a solid pnee In the early part. . stopped badly in the concluding sia.L'es. find it was then that Ainythas nnd Arrbvi-Biiiith • were left to light it out, the three-year-old I defeating the imported horse very" easily. |. Ainythas will probably bo Into retirement now for the winter, nnd it iR to be hoped that Mr. Ronton will be able to see his way clear to take on the cracks at weight-for-nge in Australia next season. THE WANVJANUI MKETINC. The WuDKiuml .lockoy Club's Winter Meotinc opens to-morrow, when r.liv WnniiDmii Sleei>lo<-liasc anil Century Hurdles, two i events having tin important bcarti>£ on the Oreat Northern, conn» up for decision, lit the steeplechase Cluster Stroivari treads the list, but there does not seem to be imicli chance «t his fullHlini; Ills cninifteuieui. i Wlrokino. despite n rise In welsht to 30.0. , looks one of the most likely to sco>y but ;tlip event l= f:ilrly open. Witli Kauri Kins ami Lupcrinu enjanod. Auckland lias a couple of representntlvcs in the Century I nnriUes. in wiiicji Ixichclla promises to start favourite. In the minor events two Kllerslie-tralaeil ones in l*enona and Pome I Fashion appear, and despite their fallurcß at tlie. liKUiont Meeting mny run proinloently. n. wxioTTONT nnrrrrtNs. It is 17 yearn, the '•Melbourne Herald," since Richard Wootton, who relurr.ed to Mellmurne recently, left Australia for South Africa with a ,tram of *> rflooliorsPß. 'Plircp you rs liitor lio roniov<*d

To ■Rnpland, raking with him Fnbric (tirert in Victoria) and Hollander. Ro-th us owner and trainer Wootton nret wllh great success on the fßniilisli turf, ami his sone. Prank and Stanley, earned fame us jockeys. The sons have settled in 'lDnelflUd. Wootton fpw others were recently co !ii out from Knirlnnd to he trained at Canllicl.i by N. 1). fioAiiy, who served his apprenticeship as a jockey -with tils new patron. According i' , Wootton. the control of the turf In Kn;,'land is satisfactory exrept for the inadequacy of pniiil.' accommodation on race<onr«es. There is no likelihood of tne introduction of rti-pendiary control, w-nlcn. he considers, would niiJ;e racing too amen of a liusincss. r.a.-ohorses liave advance.! so much in value hi Knjrland tiuit really Sood ones are not likely to be sold hereafter for export to Australia. TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CANTERBURY. (Special to ■•*;;,,•.■•> C'IT'RISTOHCKCH. Tuesday. The Royal >leetin«. held h.v the Canterluiry Jockey Clnh. Is ovsr. and will jro down as a memorable (ratlierins. The eluded many who had never seen a race Royal visitor, and the' eamprlj , awaited niprUnit between Amythas and Arrowsmith. Tiio Prince took nnltt- an active interest in affairs, for 'beside* starting the horses in Hie stakes, and incidentally letting Wight and Left out with a lljinn start, he also put a hunter over a couple of fences, and S oi a spill for his sportive attempt. In conic quarters it In said that he hacked Koral Star, whit-h liald a ureal dividend, ami Silver Teak, (he winner of th<. | a «l raef. A< a matter of fact he backed neither, hl« :w> investmems on Snnart, which liui.-bod secund lo Royal :Star. n nd Mus'nr.i Ij'ot. which was lii<af«i by Silver Peak, lie had a bad day. a:i<! lost a tenner. It was indeed lucky it wns HJihr and I-eft and uvt one or xh- ulbers }.-.vt th« Hyinj? start in the MarHboronsh for otherwise ;he race would mil have ■been a eonte.t! at all. The two-ycar-dU --t a pace that conld not litJt. and Arrowsmith was unlucky in bavins to eliase him. Aniytihas unished like o t-hamplon. and responded to. He is a jjrent pilloper. but does no more than Is asked of him jn rt mi-,.. His hltost win his winnings for the season up to £7,8»v). 'He has starte<) in ir» raeft?, winninc l'l, lieio« placed second oDre. «nd three tlm«s unplaced. Arrowsuilth is second on t.h»- liet with £4195. having won wvpa raeeis and been Ihroe times second. When Royal f t:ir won the Royal Handicap fee paid over £20. His form during tne beWMii ias been qoiie. coiislt!i.c-jit, and It

at such a price. He nn« won Luree races, plaeod ssH-ond tiv-e Liiup_s. and third fire times. Sunart. bowi-ver. was the unlucßy horse, ami it riders had been exchansed he would probably have won. The 'book makers would also have reeeivprl n I>ad kuocl; had iSunart won. for he was always well harkpil in (he ilonbles ivitli Silver ■Peak. Th.. latter I* particularly urefnl. and may lie found ivluulug a big handicap before lons. .Mr. li. i.. Si«ids K.jldln- Klarlaud won tbe Cornwall 'Handicap In very convineinß Ftyle, and looks just fh.> sun tv make a NVit Zealand a'up winner. ■T. Shccnan. one of the leading: steep-lo-cbase li'.rsfnii'ii In the days of t'larepoi". Agent. etc.. has derided to take up Farming in the Tolaga Hay dlstrlet. Local racing men wiil lie i-nrry to lose him, iv.'i-u at '■Ri.-rarlon.' He will lake a nsi-fr , pair <.f horses i;i Creeksoti and Nan:!.-.] with liiii'. A: prese!" the Clrtts - slnl.le shelter.- very few horses In v condition (o race, and mist of the time Is Ivlns jnir in on the yrarlinss. \ llst'fnl sor, of si.'cpl.H-haser in Silverspire was seen oul at KJi-cartnn o;i Tliur*-siet-pleclui.-'e. Adt.pie.l. ojii" of I!. J. Mason* strin.c. was ui;i'l« a very hot favonrtle at Klrc-ar-ton on Saturday, hut the Raildle slippeil during tin- r...-. and Deel.-y ho'l an uncomfortable rkJi>. MIRTH (IT AGO ACCEPTANCE* I . T!.e North (Vinao .lockey Cliflj's ae.-epl-ap-.-s for ilio tirsl day are::' • Kunlles. one milr- and thrpoqnarlpra. -J«wk Synioun 10.11. KlKmyiuli'.'.:. \\"!!<l illßriin J0.5, John Barleycorn I-.1.4, I'aliiia Kliib H.o, ltairvsdale !!.<i. SiifKliiM Sl.o. 1 larky Sam Speed Kiiv '■'.". ltedcavtl,' Weiier. six furloims. Myllmlo K y !i.|i. Will Oakland !i.R. KllUney H.J. Nautical 'J.I. Orance Bitters 8.1;:, All Serene S.T. !'ax >.l. Tlie I'.oss S.:i. Ited I'll I f~.l!. i 11111 l S .. ~::■•.■ |-ii]!u> S.ll. (inu:nr:i «'.|.. '-Wisovs. one mile. - Mi'lee C.i:i. liorke's DrlU S.'.i, Aln:ouer S.«, Tor--7.1.'.,* «'il7ero"K 7.11. l.'imlc:i 'v.'li'.'.M'.i.'-iaum--7.7. Flsyniuiy 7.n, Clavcrhoiise T.n. MythoNorili (lingo alwnl three inil-'s. Arlinyloii 11.1. I'alla.iio. K.uitmikotiiil lu.iulus not wir.'di. (iojleu Fvis-iee !l.l:t. l!la/.eaway 11.7. Tokolialri.. !l.<».' Handicap. rf\ furlonjs.—Radial !>..-.. lorfr...!:i ■!..-.. .Moriham .s IU. Murlhiku K.n. Klllala 5.7. Ktlkee S.'f. llnl Air 7.1:1, Sleepy Ileil.l 7.7. I'yJiunU 7.:1. I'aruiliroi.k Handicap seven furlongs — Mari-hinj: Ord.-r 8.13. Miss LamouUnce, 'Nautical 5..-I. Martifors s:,, All Serene 7.11, l!c<l l'al 7..".. Tunic ~M. CarTrial riate. s-peeial weights, -f'harlerol, np.nxei'ouf, Kildee, Judy, Abbot, LuJy Allenhy. Paddy's Mope. " .Sherlock, Whipcord. iMevelaml, ronipoßO, Silk 'Uire [KU Siguo. Maliylon. Lady Markhope.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 119, 19 May 1920, Page 8

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 119, 19 May 1920, Page 8

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 119, 19 May 1920, Page 8