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THE MARKETS AT A GIjAMCE. TIXXBD FISH EASIER. "Auckland Star" Office, Thursday, 13th May, 1920. Trade conditions thi» week enow fairly quiet, thle being the usn*l clack period experienced at this time of the month. Wholesalers report good eUltpmenta of general lines at the whaires, though discharge lias been serionsly hampered by climatic conditions. Orders on let of mouth account are already being received, and snow no evidence of slackening off In demand: in fact, country collections from some dltfrtcts are exceptionally heavy, tbjis no doubt being caused by storekeeper who are come distance from consignment depots, being anxious to get bulk of winter rfl"^™*" , " in before -tad weather sets in with the consequent bad ronds. Trading with oversens is rapidly approaching normal, quantities of requirements often being supplied In full. Exchange also shows satisfactory, the latest reports mention rupee conversion is now 2/. American offerings are also receiving every consideration since the conversion rate Improved. Offerings from tWs channel do not ehonr primary coet» to be eastaK except on a few stray lines, lnrt taking values generally, the down lists ore showing more in evidence, and qatoa number of local offerings now show lower levels, due no doubt to lower primary costs and more favourable exohange rates. Sngo and Tapioca.—The lower primary costs recently notified In thie no.v being reflected on local prises, which tnis week show a reduction on late rates. ■ Mutton Birds.—The first shipment of this season's catch, is notified of a™ l ™ l - V , ' Maheno now discharging a small ■"J™ , *™: which however, will not be near sufficient to supply orders held by Merchants. Cocoa.—American advices to e«nd this week show values to conttaue very, firm, mention being made that nil packings had again been Increased in cost. f Chicory.—Stocks are showing evidence of a big shortage, and It Is extremely difficult ta replace sales. iltlgher values ore certain. m ,B| r j seed —A continuance toward higher levels Iβ certain on local packings, hemp and canary now showing double pre-war C °rieh and Meat Pastes.—Stocks nre now 'showing better condition, and a fairly wide Tange Is offering, with prices showing Epsom Salts. —The shipment advleed last week is showing a fair reduction on rates lately ruling. . Tinned Fish. —A general revision of prices is noticed of offerings, herrings and ea lmo " particularly showing lower costs. Retailers are taking advantage of lower costs, good ■sales being effected. tJarraway Seeds.—A •continuance .toward lower costs shows In a shipment now landBacon.—With ample supplies now available competition in costs Is resulting in lower levels, a further drop Is also adrtsea as from next Monday by some curers. Hardware.—A good shipment of various lines Is now 'being discharged, though ln'■volces show no sign of costs easing. Axe handles, indeed, are showing higher, " also a number of liuilder's lines, and until demand Is exceeded by production there is not much prospect of prices easin*. Trade conditions continue favourable, with business very brisk.

POTATOES CHEAPER. . Since last report ample supplies of (;potntoes came to band, and the quality proved flrst-class. The local demand for potatoes Iβ now very good, as Southern supplies are now solely depended, .upon to keep this market going.' The fact that •the entry of potatoes from New Zealand Into Australia ta barred should tend to keep • prices reasonable during the winter. The Kurow, now loading at Tlmarn, will bring further supples for the Auckland market A movement is on foot In the South for growers to combine In order, to fix the ■price for.potatoes month by.month. * ..;<i>SIOXS;iN HEAVY. STJPPIit.l v : % Owing to Southern merchants forwarding onions on consignment, the local market Is at present rather overstocked. These lines being forced on a market already over r stocked had to be qnltted at lower rates. The quotations to-day range from 10/ to 11/ iier cwt. Some lines which arrived ln'bad Keeping condition, be shaded, in price to" be cleared by prompt 'Sale's. 7 " '" MAIZE MARKET VERY ?IRM. The local market for maize continues /very firm, owing to the email arrivals from the East Coast. The new crop will'not be fit for sending' to market before next month. It Is expected, however, that further shipments of- maize will be received from the Islands,' and already lines have been placed at good figures for delivery upon arrival, from ship's side, which means that, etore etocks will not be replenished. The scarcity of fowl Wheat on this market keeps the demand for maize so strong that It is not expected prices will recede much, for the new crop, which enapes to tie later this season. OATS, HAVE SHARP RISE.. . , ■ The market for oats In the -South had a sharp advance since last :Teporto . To-day's f.o.b. quotations In the South are 5/10° t0.6/ lor B grader The firming' of the market 1» β-eported to be the reselt of sales being -.made for shipment overseas. Whether or -not this Is correct cannot be -deflnitely stated In the absence of official lnformntlon. but the market Is very firm at the moment. Oats by the Kurow and Wanaka ihave already been sold for delivery from' ;ship'# eide. .Locally feed oats are quoted, 4ip to 7/ per bushel. • .;. . .

. . . SEED OATS. Merchants report a keen. Inquiry for Algerian sei>d oats, . llnee of machine-* , .dressed clipped being 'quoted from »/ to '10/, ex store,' according to sample:,- • •% . ' CHAFF .MARKET VERY FIRM.: 1 This line is reported very, flrm at.the.present time, owing: to. shortage of stocks Iα store. ' There Is nothing like the quantity coming forward from Rangltlket as comliared with arrivals from that quarter a' month ago. . The quality of the chaftT eeiit up from Lyttelton has been exceptionally good, but that from* Blenheim shows signs' of the bad weather at harvest time. The ■Flora is now loading at Picton for One•hunga, but , owing to other' cargo offering freely, may not bring as much chaff as was expected. * -. ■ . -' - .> ■ j . I . . FOWli "WHEAT. . '■--.■■■ A small shipment of this craln was brought \>r the Waihora, through the agency of the ponltrykeepere' organtoatlon. for distrlbntlon amongst members. Barley is now-being more used by poultry-feeders, /but supplies of this, grain are not heavy. VJ WHOLESALE "CUBBBNT PRICES. '. Farm and r Dairy Produce.—Factory butter 1/6 per lb, less rebate for prompt payment; farmers' butter, 1/a per 10, farmers' cheese, 9Jd per lb; factory cheese, 10d..t0 IOJd per lb; hams, 1/6 per lb net; bacon, 1/3 per B> net; fresh, egg*. 3/8 per dosen wholesale.' ' : • Flour, £17 10/, less discount of 2» per cent per ton, in 2001b sacks; sharps. £10* bran £8 5/; oatmeal, 25's, £35 per ton. ■Grain.—Oats, 7/ per bushel, ex store; : A i" erta £»J eed ****' 10 A ex store; fowl wheat 10/6 ex store; maize, 8/3, wholesale lines on wharf. < Chaff, ■OS per ton. ex store. 'Potatoes, £10 to £11 per ton, ex store. «u2? i^7 oanterbiry.0 anterbiry. W to 14/ per cwt; local, 13/ to 19/ per cfwt. MAXDKBS. eonaone-reiy short, from lEngland, and some ißnhos pboeDhates ere d »e a-bout ttie ffith "st Bonedust Is scarce and high In price. •KATJRI GUM AM) FLAX. Owing to the smaller quantities of enm coming forward; the fact that te the market, as holders now h«Te no difflcalty In placing lines at satisfactory m*m The scarcity of labour and W«i further the number of men -who take to ■ «urn digging for a. livelihood. c to The flax market is reported very ouiet %%£*-Y?r± bSeaCe "* Ordel » trom lona-m or xor*» - ■ - OX 'CHAJTGH. ■ Pri t2j«?£ •i ,,, "**' of,lnTeetment etoctai are etetaffirJidTmncliig. Buyer* of BuniTot Mew South "Wales; advanced to £36 yesterday afternoon, and "New Zealand* could now t>«. placed at ? £22 12/8. South • ance are now .wanted at £10 6/, and buicn Of National Samiance offered £4 yeitefday - afternoon. Hlkurangl Coal are in-steady request at 18/, ■nd-Taoplrla are now -wanted at 20/8. New Zealand 'Loan, and Uetcantile stock «oM at £108 dndni'the week,.and conld atill be placed at a pound under that figure. -Deronport (■Tetif- -tights. - S/> paid.' are wanted at. doable that dgure. Bales of P. and o.*Defewed<stocfc.:tos"fc. "place during the week at "£3OO, and at the third call yeeiterdajr £818 *m offered v «mptnd <wltta £400 a week ago. - Kauri Timber chares *bad demand at £3 2/B and £1 3/ for the respective Issues. , ' A "buyer came In for Burns-Phllp eharet at £25,% *t&. for right* ' 'TAQ was offered. :■•• Parenga.Kauri.oll had dteady demand at Sl-jaßt for paid asd contributing ' Tonpon 'QtrUck,. ■.mi ■ •■:■ - •:. ■ :-■'■"■-"■..■". ,"•_- ,

Ltd., are now wanted at MA. ' In mtnlni? shares, Talismans ani TVaihte I Jir me * '" %£&, lathed VXS&JSfe value of their stuck. AUCKLAND STOCK SALES. Mfred Buckland and Sons, X-td., report: At the (Haymsrket on Friday last we tad 10/- light harness sorts, £9 10/ to £-1. gis ponies, « 10/ to £18; unbroken draughts, %e°hrtd OW monthly sale at Helensvllle on Monday and had an average yarding, which sold at late quotations On Tuesday, at Messrs. Jack Bros., SUverdale. there was a good attendance, and satisfactory prices were realised. There were average numbers of both dalrv and store cattle yarded at Westfleld on Thursday. The former continue to be In strong request, ana prices rule high. Stores are not wanted Best dairy cows made from £24 to £2!) 10/; less nnallty cows. £16 10/ to f22. more backward £1J to fleijiged and inferior cows, £3 W to <£10 10/: 'best springing nelfers. fte 10/ to £22 15/. others ilO to £15 10/: einatl and backward heifers, £0 B/ to »•«»/: two to three-year-old steers, fo to £7 10,'; yearling to 18-month steers. £3 3/ to £5; helfere. same age, £3 10/ to £8 3/: calves, 15/ to £2 8/; empty cows, £3 to £6 10/. The advertised line of ewee In lamb made £1 30/; store woolly lambs, 18/ to £1 3/.

The New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency, Company, Limited, report:—

On Thursday last, at Westfleld, etore cattle sale, dairy cows sold under keen competition at late values. Best £18 to £25 10/: young sound tows, backward £11 ffl £15 10/: others £7 to £10 15/. Store tattle were again penned In average numbers, 'being dull of sale. Calves, £1 to £2 W, yearling to IS-months heifers. £3 15/ to £4 i£s: yearling to iS-monthe steers. £3 to £4 10/; two to two and α-half year steers f< 13/ to £6 12/6: helfere, suitable for dairying purposes] £6 10/ !»•■£» 3/.

At Pnkekohe on Friday we held a tsprc'al dairy sale, when fully the number advertised came forward. Best dairy cows £15 10/ to £23, -others £10 to £14 13/. *ged and backward £4 upwards; heifers, beet £14 to £18 10/. others £11 to £13 15/: heifers due In spring £7 to £10 15/, Inferior and small £4 10/ upwards.

At Ngatea , on Friday there was not a large entry, and competition was slack, except for good dairy heifers, these selling, by the pen, for best £7 to £9. small £5 10/ to f« 17/6; empty cows. £5 aT/« to £7 10/; forward to fat cows, f7 15/ to £» 7/6; cows and calves, £6 14/; yearling heifers, £3 11/; yearling steers, £3 3|/. At Redvale, Takapuna. on 'Saturday, we held a clearance sale of Mr. H. A. Pye's dairy herd. All districts were well represented by buyers, a large number going across from the Auckland side. The cows were mainly late calvers and on the small side, best selling from £10 to £10 .*>/. others £12 to £15 15/: heifers and poorer cows, £9 -5/ to £11 17/8. The 30 cows averaged fisaoy

At Takapnna. on Monday, the' yarding consisted mostly of .dairy rows, some, good quality belns penned. Competition was spirited, best, close to profit, making from .£l6 10/ to £19. others £18 5/ to £ Iβ 7/6, poorer and backward £8 IS/ upwards; bnll, £9 5/; Jersey heifer calves. f4.

At Pukekohe on' Tuesday we held' our monthly snip, when there was an average yarding. We report a good sale for dairy and fat cattle, while yearling to 18-months steers and heifers showed a slight improvement on late sales. Other cattle were neglected, .and proved dull of sale Best dairy cows and heifers, fie to £21; fair young cows, £12 to £15 15/, others £7 to £11 10/. 'Beef, In scarcely average numbers, coll well. Steers to £18 15/. cows and heifers to £13,10/. •Calves, 13/ 'to £2 10/, others 15/ upwards. Yearling to l&months heifers. iE2 15/ to. £4 -10/; do. steers', £S 5/ to £5 I<V! two to two and a-half year steers. i£s 13/ to f7 5/; heifers due in spring, £5 10/ to £9 12/0; empty cows and heifers, £4 to £7 6/.

f— ■ — H- ■a & &' : FATSTOCK MARKETS." *"ff: /Alfred Buckland and Sous, Ltd., report: Yesterday at our weekly West Held fat stock market we. penned tat cattle to. the number of 602 head, comprising 458 steers, 132 cows and heifers and 12 bulls. TCiesa numbers were far In excess of requirement? and all classes were lower, ordinary and n^ 0,5 ™ff?rtn* most. Choice ox sold to £2 11/ per lOplb, prim* ox £2 7/ to £2 10/ per 1001b; ordinary and plain £2 2/ to £2 6/ PerlOPK>; rouirh beef £1 7/ to £1 13/ per 1001b; cow and nelfer.teef £1 IS/ to £2 »/ per 1001b; steers ranged In price from £1« 10/ to £22 for.heavy .steers; lighter prime £14 10/ to £17 io/, plain and light £8 JO/ to S2 extra "eavy prime cows £14 to £20 2/6 for m barren better,from Maungatawhiri Valley; heavy fat cows £11-to £18 10/, other cows £4 15/ to, £10 10/. The highest averages for steers were: 25 from Mr. O. J. Storey, Woodstock,' TevAwainutu. £19 12/3; 8 from A. R.-Wattte, .Takanlnt £18 3/»: Iβ on Recount ot'cllent, £» .18W; Iβ. from Mr. B. H. Nicholson. Ngarnawahla, £l 7 7/;-13 from Mr. C. F. :Stdrey r . ; Kio Klo'fie 15/»; 8 JromMr. Geo.iHull, Otaua,. £16 13/ D; 8 fro* &£ oY. W " 5* c %'f hu »., *«P«toetoe, £ltt BV9; 24 from theiWalkato, *W 1/8; 72 from TOhangarel, £15 2/; 35 from Mr. Gi T. Bayly, Wharepana. OS 1/;. G cow* fronr Mr. £eo. toons; Maungatewhirl, Valley. fie 14/e. Our entry of sheep totalled .2Mo,.as. against 2738 last week. There : was a steady demand throughout. Wet Here : maintained late values. -Ewes, .unless, prime, were ?* sler -,i Extra heavy prime wethers made ** V to.-fa'V for a pen of wethers from Mr. John Fellow, Onewhero. Heavy prime wethers £ J. 17/« to £2, medium to *eevy, prime W ethers;£l. 15/ to £1 17/, nntlnletied and light jvethers £1 6/ to £1 14/fS; extra <heayy prime ewes £1 15/ to £2; heavy *at ewie till/to £1,13/, lighter fat ewes £1 7/ to £1 10/, other ewes »/ to ~*A .■A, , av «*ee,«opiUy. of lambs met with a fair sale. Meat-heavy prime £1 9/ 12/. lighter prime £1 5/ to £1 8/6. W" "2/ to £14/0: others 18/6 to fl'l/ (341 sold). Fat and young calves were yarded; In. Increased ...numbers, and values ?**Sr I ?? er v Run o*»-fwought-from » 2/0 to £7 15/: heavy vealers £? 15/ to i» 15/, medium-£8 18/ to £* 12/6. light £2 15/ to *S 10/, small £1 0/ to £2 12/; fresh-dropped. •14/ to.fl 6/. ,-.< l« eoM.) There wuVn average yarding of plge; the demand'was steady, and values were on a par with lam w *!f£3 «»°J*J ,OB »- **« Heavy baconers yarded. 'Medium baconers,. £5- to £5 17/; light Darners. .£4 10/ to £ 4 17/; heavy 22 T £i' P WJ&-& 7/: «c*«™ porkers. «2 17/6 to *3 8/;. light porkers. £2 2/ to £2 16/; Blips from £16/ to £2 (239 sold);

Tlie New Zealand Loan .and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report:— At Westfleld rat rtock market on Wednesday; beef wae penned in more Hun average numbers, competition, w** dull, and prices were again easier. .Choice: ox sold to £2 9/-per IOMb, prime ox £2 5/ to f2 8/ per 1001b, Inferior and rough £118/ to £2 4/ner 1001b. Cow and heifer beef £1 18/ to £2 7/ per 1001b. Steers sold %t from, for best,' fie to. £19 15/ (no extra neayy weights' were yarded), others £12 to £15 17/6, Interiorly fatted £7 2/0 to £11 17/6. Cows and heifers sold at £7 to £13 S/; Sheep were, penned In large numbers. - quotations being on a par with last; week's report. Xo extra heavy, prime wethers or ewes were penned. Heavy prime wet here £117/ to £2 1/3, medium prime wethers £1 14/ to £1 ltt/0. light prime wetnera £111/ to £1 13/9, Inferior and email wethers £1 7/ to £1 10/9; heavy prime ewe* £1 11/ to £1-14/0, medium £1 8/ to £1 10/0. light-£l?s/ to £1-7/9, email'and unanisbed 15/ upwards. Calves came forward in large numbers. Good butchers'sorts sold freely, others were easier; runners sold from £4 5/ to £12 for a- two-year belfer from. Glenalva Park; heavy vealers £3 5/ to £4 2/9, medium £218/ to £3 4/, light £1 15/ to £2 17/, Itthter fat calves 18/ "to 33/. fresh dropped 10/ to 17/: An everaee yarding of pigs were slightly better than last - week, the market easing as the sale progressed. Baeoneris, £4 5/ to £6 7/6; porkers/ £3 to £4 4/. (Lambs, penned in, average numbers, sold under steady competition at late quotations. ," No extra heavy prime lambs were /penned. Heavy prime lambs £1,8/ to H 12/, medium fljs/to fl 7/9,Jight £1 2/, to £1 4/9, small and unfinished 15/ to £1 1/9. ;■

Dalgety and-Co.v Ltd., report having held their -fat «tock sale at Westfleld yesterday, a* follows:—■ - •..;.;■ • '■* • tA -Beef.—a large yarcing' The market wae easier, only* prime cattle being com-, P**«2 prime £2 10/, prime £2 8/ *££^£*&*l >: *L& / J& ret -ti\«v«i extra prtoe £2 6/. prime, £2 3/, ordinary w/\IO 38/. - '. .'■'■'.--.z. "" . .■ '■ ' ewes : to'£2, : nrtoe;aß/>o33^th^%fto ~ < 2JjT e, -~ : *-'^ e *y ""lack- sale. Banners £3 to »_«>/. '"Jewfi I©/ to 30/. other. 10/. vJ!JP-~» A BOod 5a rtl "*-' 'Blddteg was not

.HIDES. SKIXS, AXD TALLOW. Alfred Bnckland and Sons, Ltd., of the tlaym.irket. report having held their weekly sale of bides, skins, and tallow on Tuesday. Best hides anil calfskins declined slightly in value. Faulty and damaged sorts were hard to dispose of even at low prices. Hides.—Cow, beet grades 17d, seconds 13d; ox. light 17d to 17Jd. medium 18d, heavy 18{d to aojil: cut bides. 12d to 13d: kips. 16d to 17d: yearlings, 16d to 17Jd; calfskins, heavy 22d to 24d, light 36d to 39d, cut calfskins 2ld to 24d, sloppy and damaged 2d to 12d. Ilnrsehides, 15/ to 28/6 each, according to size and condition. Tallow.—ln barrels and tins, 36/ to CO/ per cwt. Bones.—£9 per ton (dry condition). Horsehair.—l/ oto 2/ per fa tor tail, 1/3 to 1/8 for mixed. ADDIXGTOX. (By Telegraph.—Press Assodation.l CHRISTCHDRCH, Wednesday. At the Addlngton market there was a large yarding 'both of beef and mutton, and v umaller one of most sections of state stock. There was a strong market for prlme mutton, but all classes of inferior (at stock were in poor request. LONDON WOOL SALES. Dalgety and Company, Limited, have received the following cablegram from their London hue, under date May 8:— Wool Hales opened with lees spirit, anil prices rather low as compared with last sales' closing rates. Merino combing super, 5 per cent to 10 per cent lower: merino combing, good, 15 per cent to 20 per cent lower; average merino wool, 15 per cent to 20 per cent lower; faulty merino, 15 per cent to 20 per cent lower; good crossbred, line quality. 10 per cent lower; faulty crossbred, line quality, in per cent lower; medium and coarse qualities, 10 per cent to IS per cent lower. Withdrawals fairly heavy. French bnyem nre operating cautiously, and American buying very little.

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 114, 13 May 1920, Page 10

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 114, 13 May 1920, Page 10

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 114, 13 May 1920, Page 10


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