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AMUSEMENTS. j Ol"It GREAT DOUBLE FEATURE WEEK. Search Auckland Round, a Better Programme Can't be Found. "VfATIONAL "PICTURES. XT ATIONAL T.ICTURES. •*•' ATIONAL A ICTURES. 'PHONE i> ATIONAL A. ICTURES. "VTATIONAL "PICTURES. 210 DA. "VTATIONAL T>ICTURES. ■National J- ictohes. -National at irtdhj*s. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS IN" A GREAT SUPER PRODUCTION, rpilKl.A *n.H!A, As the Champion Heart- milE QUE "pjEVH* A- lIKDA -E>Al-A, breaker of Spain. A Wily J- HE Q.II. J-'EVIL. riIHEDA "TJAKA. Spanish Siren's Love Story. milE CJHB ""TkEVIL. -L.TEDA JJARA. —— lllE ©lIH ■L'eVIL. rpiIEDA TDARA, A Modern Mephlstopheles. niHK QUE T^EVIL. L heda -ljara, J- he Que -L'evil. HER HEART WAS MARBLE, Rut she proved she was only a woman when she gave relentless chase to the man of her choice. She wns a coquette—dangled men's hearts from her finger-tips—but when the right man came along won bim by her daring. A TENSE MELODRAMA OF A SIREN'S CONQUESTS. PRETTY. TETITE. PIQUANT PEGGY "rrYLAND. Id a Slory of Convent ZITHER -j\fEN'S T-vAUC.IITERS KOCV A3. V LAND. Life nnd the Cay "till.ll i-'J-EN'S -L'al'G [ITERS "DEIIUV TTVLAXIJ. World. /"iTHER "il TEN'S TVAUOIITERS A ECSGY -LJ-YLAXD. VI'IIER l'J-EX'S ■t-'ADOHTEHS A Violation of ih. O.ild.n Rule that Striken r.nck Home. A Piny with a Moral and Many Rig Thrills. A Picture tbat will make you Think! You will like the (loml Girl and pity tbe Erring One In this Play. FATHERS, WIVES, DAUGHTER!". SONS WILL ALL HE INTERESTED IN THIS FINK I'HOTO.-PLAY. "Do unto others as you would be done by" Is well exemplified lv OTHER TVfEX'S TkAUGIITERS." THER -i-'J-EN'S -SLAUGHTERS." •V"ATIONAL /*\RCIIESTRA, "piNEST TN AUCKLAND. OVERTURE, "WILLIAM TELL" (ROSSINI), S T.M. Sessions: 11.1"*. 1.15. 3.30, 5.45, S p.m. HOOK VOIR SEATS, S P.M. SESSION. PHONE 2160 A. -, ___ " Tj* V'RYB'DY'S." EVERYBODY GOES TO "EV'RYB'DY'S." "-EJ V'RYB'DY'S." At 11 o'e, 12.50, 2.10. 4.30, 6.15 and 8.15. EVRYBDYS." ■/RYB'DY'S." "V EW PROGRAMME EV'RYB'DY'S." -"EW A ROGRAM-ULE V'RYII'DY'S.'* rpO-NIOHT ! " X7IVRYBDYS." X O-NIGIIT ! i " JIiVRYI! lIY'S." mO-NIGHT I I EV'RYB'DY'S." . -"-0 night:; V'RYB'DY'S." " milE rnEST r\F TTONOUR." "-pV'RYB'DY'SV "J-HE J- EST Up -Q-ONUUR," .X_/ V ;ryb;dy;s.'; a Scrccn version of " Ev'RYß'DYs!* E - PHILLIP OPPENIIEIM'S GRIPPING NOVEL EV'RYB'DY'sI" ONE VItYB'DY'S." OF EV'RYB'DY'S." THE V'RYB'DY'S." MOST EV'RYB'DY'S." POWERFT-LLY VRYIVDY-S" DRAMATIC " T-T-VRYBDY-S." PRODUCTIONS. •• All V'RYB'D Y"S." "rpnE rnEST fAk' TTONOm " "T**VnYB'DY*S." "A. HE I EST vp -HONOUR" " AJVRYR'DY'S." »js A DRAMATIC TRIUMPH." " T7IVRY B'DY'S. ' "Xj-y'RYH'DY'S." Strong ami An Wonderfully I ""El V'RYB'DY'S." Intense Excellent Realistic i "Aa V'RYB'DY'S." story Cast. Acting "E™™:| : :: ::t™ Tig or* HSSSI-2:" j" JIIVRYB-DY-s!" A S?TORV OP 2 WOMEN AND 2 MEN. EVRtB'DY'S." .lOIIN BARRYMORE As MARTIN WIKGRAVB • V'RYB'DY'S." CONSTANCE BINNEY ~ JULIET lIOLI.IS ' "PI VRY'B'DY'S. ' MARCIA MANON „ RUTH CURTIS (nfterwards • J^\"RYB'DY'S." . Mrs. Ferris). " TT-.V'RYrrnTS." I. W. .IOIINSON „ GEORGE CURTIS • -LiVUYIt-nV-S.-' vifsHT «• "nV'PYB'D v, S ■j'l'-iMlilH. " JCiV'I.YB'DY s'" -"-O-NIGIIT. RESERVES Tlionc 4402. " TTIV'RYB'DyS'" "pV'RYB'DY'S Great /ORCHESTRA, ..J-_.V-RYP.'l)V's'.- V_» KC HI_STRA, " T7*V'RYB'liY's!" EVERY Evening at O o'clock. ■' -Ci V'RYB'DY'S/* °

"LECTURES. YM.C.A, "TO-MORROW (SUNDAY), AT O SHARP. "REV. "iroßßis -\ror_Ris, M.Sc, AIiEV. -"J-ORRIS - i -' J -ORRIS. M.Sc, WILL GIVE A FAREWELL MESSAGE. "" Mr. Morris leaves for Melbourne In a few days. MR. L. KEVEN Will Sing "Nearer My God, to Then." V.M.C.A. ORCHESTRA. Conductor: J. W. McElwain, A.T.C.L. Meeting Open to Men «a< Women. 550 I ' THE "T-MPRESS rpHEATRE. HE -IVJ.MPKESS A lIEATHE. THE 'TT-MPRESS rpHEATRE. HE ALiMPRESS A HEATHE. NEAR RESERVOIR CORNER. NEWTON. I \f B. "ROBT. A T AIDLAW AAA-H. AVobt. aA., JUaidlaw MR. XJOBT. A X AIDLAW 11. AAijht. ATA., AJaidLAW VILL SPEAK ON rpHE TTANDWRITING ON THE WALL A HE AAaNDWRITING ON TIIE » » ALL TIIE TTANDWRITINITON TIIE WALL HE JJ-ANDWRITING ON THE V*» ALL Come to the Empress Theatre Services Every Sunday Evening, 7 p.m. sharp. Singing, 0.45 p.m. 000 free seats. No Collection. 573 j I j UNDER THE AUSPICE'S OF THEVEGETARIAN SOCIETY OF N.Z. A LECTURE Will be given iby DR. J. SLINGSBY REEKIE. At LEYS INSTITUTE. Three Lamps, Ponsonby, Ou MONDAY, May 3rd, nt 8 p.m. Subject: "What Constitutes a Food Sub--1 stance, and What Vltamlnes Are." I T. W. Leys. Esq., in the Chair. ' Admission Free. Collection to defray expenses. 84 TEYSTNS T I T U T E I WTNTER COURSE.* I T ECTURES AND ' r""l ON CERTS. MUSICAL EVENING by AUCKLAND ORPHAN" CLUB. DR. NEIL McDOUGA'LL: "Radium and X-Rays" (with experiments!. AIR. 'P. R. OAKLEY: "Magic. Through the Ages" (with illustrative illusions). 'REV. J. W. SHAW. M.A.: "Songs of Scotland" (with musical illustrations). AUCKLAND COMEDY PL AVERS, directed by AIR. J. F. MONTAGUE. DR. BUCK, "Maori Legends." .PROFESSOR F. V. WOR'LEY. M.A., D.Sc: "Perfumes and the Sense of Smell." CONCERT arranged by MR. and MRS. I TOWSEY. O/ft — Limited Number of — O//*. —/ « Course Tickets. aa/ M AVHITCOMBE AND TOMBS. WILDMAN AND AREY, OR THE LIBRARIAN. 105 i PICNICS, EXCURSIONS, ETC. "VJORTHE'RN STEAMSHIP AS COMPANY, LTD. SUNDAY TRIP. (Weather and other circumstances permitting.) SUNDAY. MAY 2. O.V. WAIUKU 10 a.m. For OSTEND Fare 2,6 AWAROA ) ORAPIU ) Fare 3/- j COWE'S BAY ) Wharves Only. 1 Vessel leaves Cowes Bay on return trip at 3.30 p.m.. and Osteud at 5 p.m. Arrives in Auckland about 7 p.m. I Tickets available on day of Issue only, j CHARLES RANSON. I 508 Manager.

IN MEMOHIAM. MENDOZA. —In loving memory of our deadnd. John Momloza, who departed this life April 30, 1910. Loved and respected by all who knew him. Inserted by his loving daughter, son-ln-law and grandchildren, A. and A. Eccleslou. MENDOZA.—In loving memory of my dear brother. John, who departed this life April W), 1019. Thy will he done. Inserted by his loving brother aud family. POOLEY.—In loving memory of my dear wife. Annie, who departed this life May 1, 11)11). One year has passed since that sad day. When one I loved was called away; The end was sad. the shock severe. To part with one I loved so dear. Sad thoughts still linger round my heart, While tears will often How, And to that sad and lonely grave My thoughts will often, go. Inserted hy her sorrowing husband,. W. 11. Pooley. I ' POOLEY.—Tn loving memory of our dear sister nnd aunt'e. Annie, who passed away May 1, 1010. To memory dear. Inserted by her loving sister Bella, brother-in-law aud family. ROGERS.—In loving memory of Pte. F. J. Rogers, killed lv action at Mall ley Mallet, on May 2. IDIB. Inserted by his loving brother and Sister-in-law, J. and R. A". Rogers. STEWART.—In loving memory of my dear mother, who died on May 2, 191*". Not forgotten. Inserted by her loving son Robert. TROUGITEAR. —Tn loving remembrance of our dear husband nnd father, who passed away iv Coromandel Hospital on May 2, 11)10. Until tbe day breaks. 1 Inserted by his loving wife and family. BEREAVEMENT CARD. MRS. BAILEY AND FAMILY. Mount Street, wish to convey their sincere thanks to kind friends and relatives who sympathised with them in their sad bereavement, also for telegrams, letters, cards and floral emblems received. MR. AND MRS. J. EVANS AND FAMILY, of Mangere Bridge, desire to thnul; till friends wJio so kindly sympathised with them In their recent sad bereavement; especially Drs. -McKenzie and Howard-Thomas, and the Sisters and Nurses of the Mater M Iserlcordlae j Hospital for their untiring attention, and the Onehunga Waterfront Workers; also for letters, cards, telegrams, and tloral emblems. MR. AND IABRIS. (M. McALISTEIt express their grateful thanks to the many kind friends who forwarded expressions of sympathy with them in the loss of their beloved child. Special thanks are accorded to Dr. iSweet, Dr. .Lindsay and Dr. Williams, ; also the Sisters and Nurses of 'Ward 23 for their kind attention. AIRS. MOREY, of No. 2, King Edwara I Street, Dominion Road, wishes to convey her sincere thanks to the sisters ana m-rses of Ward 25, Princess Mary's Hospital, for their kind attention to little; Winnie during her short illness; also, to the many kind friends who sympathised I with her; also, for cards, letters, and tloral I emblems received. j Mr. and AIRS. S. THOMAS, of Grey Lyun, ' wish to convey, their sincere thanks'to" the sisters and nurses of Ward 2-* i, Princess Jlary's Hospital, for thrir kind attention to little Ruby during her short illness, kind friends for their sympathy, also grateful acknowledgment for telegrams, cards, and floral emblems. FUHBRAI" DIRECTORS. j C LITTLE AND SONS, LTD., Under- ' • takers and Embalmerri, "Alarble Arch," Hobson St., Auckland. I'hone 301. D Y-VATXEY SIBUN, UndertaiTer a"nd *' Embalmer. Phone .">34A. Newmarket and Symonds St.. Auckland. Official Undertaker to X.Z. Defence Department. D j YX7INKS AND HALL, Undertakers and j * ' Embaltners, Shortland St.. Auckland. Phones: Bus., 332; Private, 1007 and 1D29 (2 rings). p rp J. McIVOR AND SONS, Undertakers -*-• and Embatmers, IDS, Karangahape Rd. I Alotnr or Horse Hearse. Phones GS9, 2134 (2 rings). j. \A'ESTERN TARK FUNERAL CO., 70, *' Ponsonby Rd. Jns. Weir, Manager. Funerals Furnished. Town or Country. Motors. Phone IS3B. "_) TAS. jaMTESON; Funeral Undertaker. 27, <J Be.gium St. date Upper Qnecn St.), near Newton East School. Phone 233. li T\EyON.PORTIANS were Honoured by a AJ 'visit from his Royal Highness, hut- perbnps there were so mP who missed seeing I hm. Now is their chance, as they can see I huu at the Town Hall. Popular prices. OOJ

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 104, 1 May 1920, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 104, 1 May 1920, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 104, 1 May 1920, Page 16