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CHEESE. TAIXORS. for Christmas 1 _ m C 11 iV 1 * """"" " Ar-/" 1 ""'"".! MSpjn YouuMe m*Z?<_wf of a toff - I a?> Children's Clothes 5 $ Flavor : M the -tailor at. I W ,or mtn y y eirs ws have I i •'! ~ , . t ifci |W ■*.!,„ +r>-; 1 «„* I fv| W A I specialised in Children's A/M'JlrhSfjJirl \ n v —try this piquant Cheese ,y,i M*F the ball BTld I SN igp.» i v / L if Clothing of all descriptions, ra?yf mr 1 \ _ iaj for pour Afternoon Tea »& , Q <~,. _„ + 5 JTI Vtf / and onr showroom is there- l /// I NsK. I .... Sandwiches. It Is alwaps gg - 1 lore able to supply esacUy /II / 1 :J. rfa/nru ana appetising, and ffl I UA / TTr/vTiTrTm '1\ "hat is required at Anck- 2 [:• spreads easily. -M . I 11/ //' i'i'V W\ land's Lowest Prices. 9 /RJSSiriSjW 5 J- Be sure nou get "Rex." :jjj PLTJItBERB ■ IT" "V< TC / //'' ll iI i A\NsO s —- Mothers find it an economy // fnTffjK/ g '•/. :}3 . ____. £ // M\ I ill 111 *° P urc hase garments iroin 111 II n I Jt" Actnll: Thompson Bros. Ltd. ;•« 1 \\ ///ill i'\ \\\ us tßa &f to put On. Full SI I I ll \\ ■ "•:' Wellington . M |/f|ll\ w' 'I I IV uW information, is always avail- JULLII fili v •;""• PnckedbTFoßEitt.Jonei&C«.U<l M nilinnPl I O finiHlfPlilU ■ / I i 111 I—l II 2 JVA \ \ » ble Irom experienced as- /OTjT Hi B :■* nisi IiHnPHF o»nn RTFNfIY. / ll J U sistants ' b,u in no cas6 is i :;. ' -/l VllMr I LLL *" UUUIII LIliH I S /| Vj ' 1,1 ~j anyone pressed to purchase. Alffj l/if" I •'•'-Sfß --t!!**'***. SR'vJ C TV A irCTirTTrT T"a CTT?I7'T7"T> i '-/ I I I \ / POSTAGE <-j \. ]\ \ H ;V;HSU^^^^^^?^g^S ' AliUir UliLilJ OlittVliiJ.. S // { / \ j TO ANT i£s*»lvsS. I\ \ I IV* <OT — Child's White voile }$!MnlW=§ T/7 « N<A *=*>—Ci Frock, trimmed V»l. inscr- r) E tion ot neck, finished with LS 0 _ _ KH49 Qirls' Crash Coat. loose sash at -waist— „, __ ._, ...... ~.. £ ■ *•■""--•* Ir » , •»"••■ S««« TO 31 Ti sfll — Maid's White Yon« fc a I » " m^\T C 1?,, t ' wlt S co ?" , ~rt ,~ , n fMfWMBSSm P"*. trimmed tucks B «**■. A ■ I I vertlble collar. Can b. <M / 99/(? «» embroidery: 1 H« • 4 ■» I «or; op.n or do M J . _j±/ _j_i/K) Z'O/O While ribbon belt. Si MO a there's money I sr^lf ____"&s£ Jl&wllii 39 - 42 '^ 9/G ' ,2/ - "'• \ W A\W\\l\S in inventions : 24 . c 2 t u 3 r o. 33 >f% Ja KAIAIVVIVI „ ... „ I Prices, 17/6, 19/ B. 22/6, */#ii. #v ? —" pronamg they are pstonled an4protecteS. I 25/.. 27/6. •?"-*•/« >,« tverj mrentor should write for free I Ai. *£§? I F*i# 0 -» BALDWIn'/raywaßD i &_W )it>_kL Mill I •S ■ S6 it «99> afC 0K- Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers 3 XJttVtffc'.S f >. ISS S»3 VI PsL ' II■IBI II V He.dOffico -- Wellington 9 A WW P\ /<\ Vi TV i BIIH £ v \k „ , Auckland Office : 3 '"THB t__W /i V S M \f\ f\ V/CT<-/ V\ JIAAJ.i.iIMVt9 8 Smeeton'sßnildrngs, Queen Street I rf5K -JES /// jSmieWfffiA \ ffl ffl U' V h\ V V\ 8 lyP Jta P ™"'™ TE: W. Pinches, M.E. _ 1 1 \')_4 \\ I \ \ wn morf nF tup r " tB " t «' T , r >< i "m"k»aiidcopw!«htß. 1 p- I k J&nr'm \ ////''' \ \ jfeii iHk l ! I.U IVlUnt UIICMU Ur lilt phed for throughout the world. Specin- 1 \\ fctj.jT.JKy /! Ill] I \\ \ \3k I I nnii i -—- ' u " s *" r " rln>: *P re P» red . HJTVEC _ 9 \\ 9I V . __/'.;-■••" .-.••/ / rf \l i\ | \V\ J ! UtNllo! o UnILL. ,'/ a 1 f LWu? l E24—Glri*s Simple Cut JSJ&Li, ' i NO MOHE PAIN. I /\\ ml.;" ,-, L '"c° ll ' Painless extractions have been " Tnnrr -.„_____ I \ I\\\\ V\'. : ffl/,fc' i\ CHWlLlLillELnn' wit A SS?i, H C r, k ri WTTT ,I I iNvt I . .. .... IKUXX Laa£nC£, ■ \ »\\J \ ].■ ■ . \__f /f\ A *"\ patch Dockets and Wll Uk»l \ ill 1 tor some time an accomplished . ■ VilV \ / '. •ir^:\'.'i' : '\ r Belt8 elt - Co ]? nrs: ? ,nk - . f // lE, I 11 fact—we use the method every __ S JfV] J/) ( / f ?U A ! day. Now we announce pain- r^js_qr>^r a K a W&'-&& | » P^^.'V''V''\-"'' : '\ I If I 17/0 ' i less filling of teeth by our desen- St/- • "» 5 '•'• •W''t'*'V-»iy L / t — l „,,„, .' " H e ._i.. /TrT ! sitising method, which banishes 3 , 3 £ V/ ]/ // pain completely. It enables us cjH Ly* W I HVI SS. ___% wIVIZ belt I/ 1 / to fill teeth Without pain, and 13 !(1 I~—% ** wa iS I / \ \ sM all round. crossover I / I I ~ «i ... . __ . \M m mm B 111 W—W ~*—* fastening at front: made J / I / ! available without extra charge. II | w ■ 111 m Hoiiand-coionr crash. /-/ H rri,« D „ +-„,> „; i »il JJOOCIVV.W. PS i I E2lß6—Chil«ft Pretty Little trimmed cable stitchine. / / II lnese are tne plain, Simpla S| . the mo . t de i ic lou. .ummer g. I / I I YttHU Muilin Frock. contrastinc colours. Sizes // l\ facts' Eack Of them is OUT W\ drink imaginable. Made, (rom I < / \ / trimmed Snot Mnslin and 21. 26. 28. 30. 32. 34. 36. / / aaaj\ IdLU.. tJt» Ol mem IB our r\ A I .- i- L v.l. Lace and Insertion. 39 — Prices, 17/0. IS/8. _\J <^X, reputation as Surgeon Dentists §4 f«ti7whoi«om=. smaiibotti. j) ■ ~ S i«s ie is-iB/«. 19/6. 21/- 22/6.23/s. 25/., ~n. W ** for 20 years. We know that it g J S -■'-' VV,J3 v|l ; ; E1433 - ---is a big claim to make, but it f\ obtainable in bottiea e»m m l fc~\ 7 j *; __-—%_ __—. , j. 1.1- Y. J a. ■ 7 » principal iTocera. V" B I IS ' " t <aal a»T» ~m is an established fact in our i, fi„oura: - Raspberry.!««. | A-y Ls/ „«v.rir c jB "a^t~'- ~*~- -''•'"■" H surgeries, and we want you to W _£;£?&.* c™r,kn., o"™= Ul g «i-/ <i—' %. V "■" «¥^ aC Tl T! tCfi W% V inspect. U and Strawberry. T.r it to-dw,. | E22o3 _ClrlS' Dainty Littl. Two- lIHBIIf*J Lltfll HJI J B BfffPM W Wt. I Pi °" Freclra - T 1 " Monse ton ■■• l» '^a» r —_»M QAIIIM AMn RIIQQriI atK-rl. T*'\ f * frock in White Muslin U wi'th' B dALLIF. ANU nUoocLL, s^,5 —v i ii^n<M r Y*rr.kj ■ or Pink .pot : ai so Pawn. pink, a W y tttTL# t» = ti.»- r»„, c.._> llaf jf B or Bine around and White spot. Wholaaale and Family Drapers. --W \ * X - > f W Dental Speclallits (by Eisn.), 3fc< _e_^_taW mm - m HKrv/Oi & I Siws 20, £2. 24. 2C—Prle«s, Wit. m i .-.'lral 1' "' it 7«." ie/c; u7« """ """ 553-265, queen stseet, SXTtIONDS STBEET. v «mm am%a»i ' """ ■!■■■ .- «-»»« hw> " _____ a /a. An storM. rpO Motor Cyclists—Sp*aal line of Motet «iil«W 2 uminm i. Coats. 17/6.—At Tutfa. My Battel *g«nt, FRANK H. SUCKLINO, . ana. Mercer, symomla EU 1 21. Victoria StrMt Kaau

X. HART BROS, Ltd., of AUCKLAND! THE BIG DEPARTMENT STORE. sff' Fast Extra. Special ! ~«£.s£ ■ Mbtars of t?s Known Becoming *-*0 sT for Years Year Gift-giving, as Auckland's |ja .a Commencing WEDNESDAY Morning at 8.30 OCSI faVOUrite Finishing SATURDAY a/ / o'c/ocA. Fft«/»xr U^n^rJ^^r DRAPERY PLACe\ Fancy Repository IN THE HABERDASHERy. A Few of the Many from Here and There. .. m W_%\ 3 - 2 6 dMen - /% IVI 1 I SILK FRI:<GE < lt>- wide, In Black, Cream, Sky, Khaki—l/- yard. ? DRESS GOODS. «*»* Aasf SPECIALS !.N HANDKERCHIEFS, LACE, ETC. FANCY VOILE—A very nne range—Usually 2/0 and 2/il per yard. rn^mmpr? l vlfr,v^= ST - ITC , , , ,ED , HANDKERCHIEFS—4 for i/-. 1/11J pop yard. m a* _ -a <*•_ — COLOURED VEILIKOS, in Bottle Green, Hello., Black and Emerald-^ GINGHAMS (Fancy), mostly stripes or splendid dye. A very nne shirting HjlA W.I \f WHIIEato rnnw vu tire ~..., for either sex. They are worth 1/11 per yard—Price for day or IVI #■_ ■ VvHUE AJ\D CREAM \AL. LACE—I/11 dozen yards. so, 1/3 per yard. !>»■* _. * JaY JAPANESE SILK—AII or the very latest striped ideas —broken, block, IN THE CROCKERY SECTION etc., etc.. so much the vogue for sports coats, jackets, blouses, TUMBLERS—A real useful tumbler, strong but line—3/9 half-dozen etc. oood quality: 27in wide—Goods usually 7/il. The price for Ik M _f\ V_\ WT% GLASS JUGS, extra large size—4/6 In tins line you nave a blending MUKL TEA ~^f ' r ?i, t ß>?„ e sl a '_ t _ o \7 ltn ana dalnty "esign-Really or elegance, style, and economy. It is showing in mack, Biscuit, ~' ~~ "• •"*•' ' CT P ,eoas - Sky, Fink, Heliotrope, Navy, and Cerise. The width Is 381n.— . _ . The value was 5/11. Tho price is 3/G. A ftW from the ShOWrOOm IN THE TOILET DEPARTMENT. B | g Barg__l_ LmCt "Will UNDERCLOTHING. S^^^_^_ iD ___W__hj_ n^ MU^-V * i ' » _. f. "»»»• W»« CAMISOLES, or longclbth, neck and sleeves, trimmed lace and emhroibe fo^d ~ CK ° f «"» -SSrßi™ ™€-' «— -— - — C ?I^TPB Mlt *_~_._ . -a Ribbed Vests, full length-Price, 3/6. Now, 2/9. x\jsic! sl r;^r s A o L AP e^ M c^ , Vor ,, V/-. MANY DEPTS *•»»* — * ** A-* Mm 4M. A lasts SCOTCH HONEYCOMB SHAWLS—Price, 7/1 I. Now, 5/11. A LITTLE OF THE RIBBON STOCK. "IBS, lac e trimmed—6d. each. ROYAL AND RED BABY RIBBON—9d. down yards. COTTOn'VKT^ltfe'lVnlv—ll Id each. SKY GLACE RIBBON —Uin., 6d. yard; 21n., B}d. yard; 2Jin., 10Jd. INFANTS' LACE'bonnets 'fnutrif stvie)—•«/«. Now, 1 c. y - r . d - „„..,. „„,„„,. , ~, ~„ - GIRLS' LONGCLOTH KNICKERS, Ciituroirtery triiunilnir—3/11. Now, i FAWN AND GREY SATIN RIBBON. <lln. wide—l/ 3 yard. A ... , ~ o/ R nair ; TARTAN SILK RIBBON, Hill, wide—4Jd. yard. Ala appreciation Of the VaSt PRINT OVERALLS. ISin.. 201n.. 22in., nursery braid trimming-—l/ 11. I some of the hosiery specials. business done by this store Now ' 1 3 each * CHILDREN'S RIBBED HOSE, sizes 3 and i only; in Black and Tan— - .. , MILLINERY. 9Jd. pair. during the festive Season. GIRLS' SILK HATS droop shape, rose irlmmlnsr — 3/11 each. BLACK, WHITE AND TAN LISLE HOSE, in all sizes. Special value— iIIRIS' CREAM«Tn \\v ll \T< '.' «u-=hri.oui stvle>—Sd. each. KNITTeVgIOVES, In White, Brown, Beaver, Grey, Black; all sizes- LADiES-READY-TO-WEARS, Ped..... Ta-U, and Fancy Chlps-Prlco, 1/6 pair. | J .' n_\, T%--r- ~~\. TO IT! -Uays yr 20% discount. 4/.t<\ WcdBMTOy Mornlng of Specials OFF ALL TOYS. 8.30 I* -r» to Saturday, ff*Qf|\ ILVCrV Ss 80ME V9XM THE HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY SECTION. or HEMSTITCHED AND EMBROIDERED SIDEBOARD CLOTHS, ISin. X I O.S£\. SS 50in.—1/11 each. >Os. .pa, _• // MARCELLA TOILET COVERS—I/11 each. >o\. ~~1- -. *'«, «a 1S ! S«5/»Bir\f\ 30-INCH WHITE CALICO— II/ 6 dozen yards. >>v •"• *»•**«* »li 1 Va#W>W liV/11 S/r 54-INCH HEAVY WHITE TWILL SHEETING—I/11 yard. >o>v _r_r r WHITE AND CREAM CASEMENT VOILES, taped noider—l/11 yard. Vv S/ WHITE CALICO PILLOW CASES—II Jd. eaoh. >>v HORROCKSES' WHITE CALICO —1/6 yard, 17/6 dozen yard». >Os. CUSHIONS, well tilled, covered striped print—l/ 3 each. " ' >>s. SEAGRASS MATS, 18in. x 30ln. —1/6 each. POINT LACE D'OYLEYS, Gin. x 6ln.—3d. each. ,i ><s. /HART BROS., Ltd., OF AUCKLAND.X^

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 5, 6 January 1920, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 5, 6 January 1920, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 5, 6 January 1920, Page 9