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AMUSEMENTS. TIVOLI. The rpiVOLl. IVOI.I. Premier J-IVOLI. a-Vl VOLI. Picture rpiVOLl. •IVOLI. House. -—- J-IVUL.I. TONIGHT AT Q ONIGIIT AT O. I CONTINUED SUCCK.SS I CONTINL'EU SUCCESS ■Of the ARTCWAKT SuperUlm, presenUug for mc sei-ond lime the Screen v .Most Beautiful Woman. ELSIE IjIKKGUKuN 1-SIK ->- KUULKON j,M..-;iK J-'I.SIK -*- ivItGLSON I," LSI 10 LALUGUSUN iJ i-MK KHIiI'XON X,M.SIK -'LSIE J- KKiit SON ELSIE S.MIIIGISON I/SIX J- KKGISON 1.-MCIKifSON -IUi.SII-: J- 1 EHGUSON E LSI 10 IjMCRUUSON LSI 10 -I ritGUSON ijiKicursuN lj \, SlK -L , KttCl'KON T.MOItGISoN -'-'LSIIO J- EKGUKON 1.-" Lsi X i,iion<iusoN J- EUGI.SiIN Whose inngnineent Acting will be rememIhti ! in;i.ji, with "iiurlmry Xliwu," where she nt once phu-.-d herself in the j front rank of Screen Actresses, in her latest | masterpiece, iTIM I E -L in-: I I>IKK f\V lIONMIO /-irSHINO. KISK / vi- lENNIE I 1US1I1N<;. I ISIO \J\.- WINNIE ! KISIO /\V IKNME / MSIIING. isio v/|.< "loNNiio V_>rsiiiN<;. insio /vf ji-Nv;:: /msiiixo.; ■••Vise *'f w kssik v7 r siiiN<;. ; imsio /\f [k.-nii: /irsiiiNi;. *- *■ i s I-: \Jv Ue.wie vrsiiiNG. E'.sle Ferjrnson rises lo i:nusu:il lieightH of \ j i-notion, mill carries n remarkable story to, Ia i Intensely Inleresillnii eoii'-liwloii. It is ill l>iK μ-rippint' siory, original In eoncpptlon, ! nuil exhlhitini; the hlgli slandanl of merit f..r nhli-li the authoress, Mary S Watts, is noted. I ALSO. A Trip lo Hie l'yramld» nlong the "Banks of the Nile, etc., wit li Ihe Worlcl-fnine.l explo:.T, I'.IHToN HOLMES, etc.. etc. ijksekve yum csEats. ■•■ v i;si;rvio J- mv Oeats. rpiVOi.i - Iteservcs at 11. — miVOLI. -*- IVOLI Clcals. ijiK-en IVOLI ■ rpiNOi.i _ st., or Thiiitru — miviiu. - 1 -IVOLI - Thouc Si:K A. - J-IVOLL BOROUGH NOTICES. JKMMU-GH OF ONKHLWUA. ; A Mi-ctl!i X of H:ite|.avers will lip hi-lil in j I tin- Forcvtci-s , Theatre, on TIIURSIiAY I NEXT. January lit. :,t k p.m., to coliMldur ; the |iri>|nwiil to raise :i Loan of f:K..O(Kj tv , form Hi.- Main Thoroughfare in ( oucrete. ! 11. A. YOt'KNEY, I Town rierk. Jnniino , ' :l - ''■"'•' '<o-i | -|>iilioL'GH OF (ITAIILIIU. j Notice is hereby clven Hint under the i provisions of S.cti..|i 11', of "The Shops! and iiiUrre An, l!" a Spc<-ln! Mi-t-tin:: ; .of the Diahnhu Itoroiisli O.nn.-il will be I held in the I'omuil ihaiiibers, Olahuhu, on ITIHRSIiAV. Hi.- j::rd January, mm. Nt iT.l.i p.m.. for the purpose of decidlne what worklui: ilny In Hie week shall be the Statutory I'loiltii; I'ii} In respect lo shops in Hie Itoruucli nf i italiiitiu. WM. J. DINNISON, Town rierk. Olahuhu, i::ih January. lUli). :,is ROAD BOARD NOTICSS. !/\MO TKLIO HILL HOAL) BOARD. I -Nulli 10 OF PUurofAL TU RAISE M'l.t IAI. LOAN. Notice is Hereby Ulvcu that the One Tree ' Hi.l limn, I'.jurtl piopn>e» to laise uudul" the p.uVUluUh or -ll.c Loral lluaißS' I A»l, mv a. J Ha Auivudiucuu, a blm'Ul i....,., of x:u,&u. Ihe particular purposes for whi. h the I L. ..i, ir. n.i-.iued v.v as follows: I UK i '..11,1111. tine in i oi. lete all that )>or- ! tion oi tlie i Way on Manukau Uoad ! uu.ii-r the luuliol ol mc One 'l'reu ilill ' Hoard Iroin Market Uoad to that I point 0|.|..--.1,- liH- Auckiulld Llci-trle Traul- : »'»)" ' oii.p.mjs repiiiriii); woikshups, a UlsUilli.l. of about IHI . turns. ibj Keibliiß uii<] > oM.-iructiiiK Footpaths j lon Muiiukau lioa.. adjui'L-lit to the t-eclloii iahl J..HH In I'uni rite. jp i 1 .-tkuit; up iii.d lU-lay lus Water l'ipea ! ;in Maiiukaii Load. ; ' .dj i i, in r.nieretc all Hint porIlifii ol the i :irriagi> Way ou tti ■ Great I N.iiUi lioa>l ur.ili-r I lie control of the One I ,Tr.-,. Hill 11... I.i lioirdi Iroiu 11..i1l Ruu-1 • " ' an.[.lull I;'a.!, a LlU*taueu ol' aboui V 0 i ,' "•' lu,> - i e| KerhiiiK an:! I'otistructlng Footpaths .on I I.i- t;: i-.i l South Iti.ail. adjacent to the .-c ■.-, i .1 >«n in . lete. ■f. Tnk.iiri up a...1 K. laylujj Water Pipes, ill 111. 1.1 :ll South ! The i r..ii «•.! Mftirli}- .or the is a I Spe- Ull Unle in 7 lilllis of n penny In the i .!.' -.a Hie . -(tilinl viilni- i,r nil ratabli- iiro-IH.-HJ oi. the iiin- Ir.e Hill Ku.ul l>b>trlet, i a.hi the |>r.iii>luii for repiijmeiii ..f the .said ! : I .an is by means ..I ,i SinkiiiK Fund of il 1 pi r . i-niuin per ai nuin on ihe amc.uut of I hi- u>.. n. Ihe whole Loan to lie repayable at I lie (-ml of Mij vi.'irs. il l< prop, s.-d lo |in> out of the Uian the I ...~i ..f raisiim Hie Loan aud the Interest . for I In- liret year. bated tlii.s I'Hh duy of Heceuiber, 191 S. 11. 1!. Dor.l'.lio, (. hairman. i ' Pursuant to of "Tlie Local , > Itodie). , Leans α-i. I'.irV I lleri-I-y Give .N.tic.. ilia! ;. I ..u ~r Hie Rat.;- yers* of the i Hii- Tree Hill ll.m>l Hlslrl.l uill be taken !■>• the one Tree Hill Komi Hoard on WKIiNKSHAY, ihe -JL'nd d.iv of January. llUli, between Ihe lu.iirs of :i a m and "(! I p.m. on Hi,- ul.ove pr..i>.>-iil. and Hie follow-l-ollin- riaci-s arc luieby appointed fur j Hi,- iiurposo of ukins Mil h Poll: - I U'hc otlleo of the P.oiiril. Manukau Rd l.psom I'ulillc Hall. Manukau Roail G-,-. ii L.-.iie Fire IliisiaUo Station, Gγ. en l-<ll-e Uoad. and rullivHs More, I'vnruso. JJattil i hi.- 24Hi day of ember, 101 S. 11. 1!. bOHISIK. '■'I Chairman. i ( )m:tkkk hii.i. iioAD iiisTHicr. v ' ex ti:aohi>i\aiiv v.\t',\xrv Planum lo .„ .•,!,.„ ||. OI •;,„. ~l i(. l U '■-'.•.•lli:i.s iiiul !-,:is \n. l!n»s. node,, is jhive :>eeii i:, .iiiiiai,.,; ~s Cau'llihiiTw lor lV> i O.llci- ol Meinher of Ihe Ouetrcc Ilill Road I J" , ;' 1 " , '; ,iz ' fI.ARK. G.; RHOIHOS. I I.KM.ST 11. As ,)„. number of fandidites i-i esc'cds Die number of vneaiu-ics il) -\ Iv'i-'i v,-", " I!"" ,1 ""' ,, ™ wi " I" 'n k <-n 'on w I- I'.M.M'AV, January L-Jnd, I'llO, beiwecn Hie hours of «.| n . ul . nnil ,; ~ m Vollin- -,' , , 1 - : ""'■ f Uie Unanl. Mnniikaii Hond: , I-üblle Hail. Mnnukan Ron,]; Green ..■mi' I-in- ItrlciiilP Stallon. Green Uinn I i-MttrvH-H Store. renrnsp.-WM i '•■;:. Returning Offici-r. January 13th. | 1 " 1:> - _ HO.'! ROAD BOiAItD~ Aiipll.-allons are invited lip tn Noon of FRIDAY, J miliary 21. I'.ri'.i. r,. r the position Of KaiiL'rr nnd Itun-fee Toller-tor for the Man core Uoad Disirlet. Salary {W γ-or annum. Full parti.-ul.irs may be obtained on applying to undersigned. KI>GAR ASHC.ROFT, Clerk. January 1 I, 11)10. a-r>4 j : I COUNTY NOTICES. TyjAXiKAi: nii'XTv council. I NOTIOIO TO RATIM'AYIC'RS. 1 Notice is hereby Kiven Ulat all Rates OUtKtatMiiiig ,„, vie nist Jamrary, ;OIH are liable t» an additional Id icr -ent noiuiltv whl.l, win ~c elianrpd ~,,7,11 unpaid iZiS* li accordance wi-l, u u . Uatin X Art. After Ihe above date all Kales will be placed in the-hands ..f the c,>iincils i-olieltore for col-k-ctlun. wttlMmt any furlln-r notiiv whatever. Owners of any properties in i_uc I ouiily v. ho have not ro,eive,l Ik-maud I .Notes arc ri-qiiested h> advise the Clerk, as many Kale \,li,-es haw been returned nilclaimed, and the properly is liable for all Rates due ibcrcun. ALIiX. MOLL, ; " ,t! Co-unty Cleric.

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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 12, 14 January 1919, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 12, 14 January 1919, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 12, 14 January 1919, Page 10