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rilK NATIONAL TUEATHE. eating story under the title "Flare Ip SaL" The title role luis bucu entrusted to Miss not°ba'ra done "better, as patrons of the National will agree wbc.n Uicy huve seen the picture. TUe heroiuc is the adopted daughter of i> ltiln.T, who. while he is shifting with his family ami beloiißinjjK to a gold district, gambles away the whole of Ills unlill lo a saloon proprietor oC n Htopeuedlnge, unU gambles b«r»ei£ against the goods. Sin: loses ami agrees to put on the tinsel carl) of Ibe siiloou. Her fiere.e tem|H!r keeps her wouUI-be lord more or less respectful, while uiiiouk the habitues she achieves j?reat popiilarlty. A bolil, bail, careless lilKhwuyiiian liears or her fame, aud his heart opens to her. So lie Catches n parson takes his clothes. «u<l kwh into I lie town. All the folk hail him as a Ruide to he-iven :iuil Sal takes a violent dlftllke to him even to the extent of plotting u> Let him run out of town. But Khe liiids out in time he Is Just an ordinary sinner, sn bur feeling* chnugc, and when the alleged parson person comes In and starts a tll-'ut. with the object of carrying her olt to freedom he linds Sul to be 11 rather willing i-iptive The tale ends well, and thoiißii Ihe plot Introduces nothing new in action or in diameter types, yet it is II rather in lorcKtlnß ,<t"ry of border life In the early fifties Tin- supportinc bill is by I'ara mount and is cood as ever, while the musical accompaniments are played well

TUB TIVOLI PICTIUKS. Old Murk Twain wa.s n master when it came Ic. dewrililns the ways and the doings of lively, joyous, cureless, mischievous votilli and liis buy-character, "loin Sawyer," lias hern » favourite for yean*. This book, llSht and wholly deliehtfnl, has been pln.ved lor llic screen by Paramount, with .lack Pickford as Tom, tiud it Is now beslnuins :i season at the Tivoll Theatre. Everybody knows the story, knows of Ibe Incidents where Tom steals good tlllnp fr..m tlie larder, and is made 1" pay the price l.y his aunt hy beIUR set lo whitewash he fence. The pi.-l iire-verslon has been air-m-eil cleverly, and B»CM "■' lo show the wily Torn making ea|illttl mil or his chums while ihev endeavour to <l«> the whitewash^ !„« is and youthful crime. \ sorrowiiiK relatives, and the naUßhty boys.: Tom nnd Uilck I'liin and .!«"• Harper, com-; lnii home in pleasure t" hear their own solemn ohse,|iilcs. "Tom Sawyer' has >il | wnys delighted the henit of everyone who luis nliy hul.l.iness lit nil in his s..ul. Snrely ; the picture will do likewise. Us supports are rif-'hl up to standard. TllK o|:KKN S ({,.ud l,,und.s arc. 11l Ihe hands of Ihe World producers, a foruildable crowd, lheir owu rit;l.l rillea have to p.vern their wive.-, and flippancy or IllrUtloll Is mcl with such :, rulßlnc ..f the lv.nils nnd a lowertnß "f the forehead m.s woul.l dismay the niosl elfervescent of women. Once uiaiu, in •The Way out," the company has put tlic stern sceptic into action, uiaklns him -lulte a good fellow of course, but hopelessly itprlgnt and downright. (Mice again there Is Sb^i^'f-^v^r ,^^ I, „ Im.tle ■,tu,,.sl»herc. and the sheep :.nd I lie ROIIti" ure divided to everyone s satlsfac ti..,, ,, June KlrklßP. l-ll ««J ''«* h.r usual role of nrnnged wife, nnd Jonn. lowers Is the man who make, her unhappy. The picture has a fair amount of everyday Intercut, and will doubtless please IJuceu s visitors this week.

TIIK PIIISCKW TIIKATKK. It sounds very like pfllotcncy Hie title ■With Neatness and l>es].ai.h. ' which in tn.iluces the new Metro picture and I nut fav.mrlte Metro pair. I ran.i.- Uumliluuii uu-I Ucvcrl.-v Hiiviic l.i l-rlncss patrons Bgatii to-dliv " The picture ha.- II plot I lull Ls really a nithor cnm|ili>x Laurie of loves and romances, l.ul th-v «re all hand ed «> skilfully (hut after a few scenes all tlie illlTcreut pairs ..f lover* sort tlieinnelven out naturally. There Iβ nn auntl.etltia is her name who practically ror--1,1.1s the linnns" of her two But they themwlvra have other i'lejis concerning incu The one just naturally ryusi "If with a 'fine young fellow. and another yi.iniK iiiHU, liner. If anything, than the ilrst cuiues ulung I" Ihe terrltk- aunty's house to iln ii certain J»l> concern lue law breakers ami other nn Klivmiry persons. Bnl he nillte n:\tnrtillT decirteM to mil n little swi-etnes-s Into hi> doing*, anil so excncdH his urders to the extent or rnllins 'n 1,, v,, wi,h the other niece. It is on the doings ot thLs yonnc man iiud the rather pretty Incidental romance lie has with the winsome heroine, that RlrpM the tlliii its iiuine. For Julin ihe hero wus certainly a nent hand at catehlni: bad men mid nooliiK pretty Kirls. Then- Is v Rood deal of cenuine humour in Ihe Incidental scenes of "With Soilness and Despatch." hut the pint i* not at all new. A likeable series of ii.u.slcal and Nlni siipimrts are presented.

<;i:i£Al!l> PKHTKK AT KVKIIYKODYS. The uleture. showing what Ambassador (i.Tiiril saw In Ucrniany has been shifted from the Strand anil the Lyric, nnd starts. now at Kverybody's. where all those people! who have liaii n<. chance yet .>f seeing it will ! have more opportunities. "My Knur Years in (ieruiiiny" is history combined with drama, for besides tin- exact insight It | (lives Into Ccrinanys methods of preparing. starting, and maintaining war. the Him has a splendid enunerted story luterestL and lirlllßK t" light the characteristics' anil! fulliles "f all the Merlin war Rung, from TirpltJ!, the pirate. u> the ntlk-lal secretary man. TIIK I.Villi". The l.yrle Theatre presents Kill lUrt again in several connected screen scenes l.ronght together unilpr the title "The Patriot." It Is ii dramatic sort of a picture with rather a fast action set to scenes thai will interest the audiences. Hart has a ml.- that Is vivid. In full sym I pathy with his abilities, and he makes a| Din-cess of it. The other pictures arc Ruod. | TIIK (iUAND. Charlie Clmpliu in the hilarious farce, "Kasy Street" is not the only favourite on the tiew Grand bill today. There Is also Miss .lane Cowl, who has the leading mle in the latest l.oldwyn picture "Spreading IHlwn " A new serial is :>lso startinj.'. It has name "The Fatal Itiug." and Pearl White is to he star. TIIK AIU'AHIA. The chief picture al the Areadlfl is still "Kindling." the drama "f Itnssia. Blanche Sweet is the heroine, and there is a pood romance in the plot. ■Kindling" Is supported liy another Instalment of the Paramount serial nlm -Who Is Number Oner' The bill will lie changed on Monday. TIIK OI'KIIA lIOt-SK. The Opera House hill that is nearly at the cud of its seasnn now has found favour in the eyes or patrons nil the week. There was a considerable attendance at the matinee presentation this afternoon. Tonight the programme, which is well diversi fled, will be staged nightly. Change ou Monday. TIIK STRAND. "KleldH of Honour" is the latest (ioldwyn picture In be tilmed at the Strand. It' starts to-day, with Miss Mac Marsh as the central figure. The story lias war acencH In it. Inn in the main it is a romance, with plenty of kisses, some humour. and some tragedy. The programme as a whole Is good. TIIK ni.OIIK. The Clohe Theatre starts with 'The Forbidden Adventure" today. The prin cipal two players arc Louise Clauifa and Charles Hay. TIIK I'ALACK. The new Palace hendliner is "The Trap." the World picture, in which Alice Brady has the part of the girl whose way lies through temptation. The slory is rather well presented, and the supports have a varied Interest. TIIK KMPUKSS. The programme of pictures at the Km press Theatre has two features. "Her Hoy" stars Kflie Shannon, and "Itawlis of Blue Itirlge" is a drama starring Bessie Itarriscale. OKUAX RKCITAI. TO-XIGUT. A special programme of French music has been arranged fur the organ recital in the Towu Hall to-night. The city organist will play works liy Saiut-Saeus. Wldor. Vierne, ami v Fantasia on old French airs and dunces. Miss Lalla Knight will sing songs by llarutt aud (Jodard. TIIK VICTORIA. folks ovor in I>e yon port will bt* iutt?rpptc*l to know that the Victoria Theatre to-night Is running Earle Williams In a drama "The Stolen Treaty." also Charlie Cliapllu lv tbe l'uu-lihn "Kasy Street.' ,

Tim BGAOIJST T.ROCBADOUKS. Mr Edward Braneeonibc's iwpular company claims to cater for all classes of people in quest vt amusement or acceptable relaxation. The artists are said to T>; capable of satisfying the desires of the dull person equally with those regarded by their friends as belnj; very keen people. In song, jest, and dance the. Tronbadoars find the avenues for the presentation ot their iimoeement wares. In places which lave already experienced the merit of the company's Individual and collective anilities report Is decidedly to the advantage of the locally it Is claimed by the management that The Jk-arlet Troubadours will fully v ptiold. t.l\c fjivotiraiilt* rci»orLs which luiv« teen reccivird from other places. Today the demnml Is for amusement <>£ a light lor comedy nature, and It Is «.iid that the company appearing at Hie Town Hall Concert I'hanrber this evening are fully qualified to meet, the demand. Seats may he rexerved till eight oVlwk by rtagfng telephone 140. THK WKST KNI). "Ills Own l'<>oi>le" Is by (irreiter ViUKraph, and with Harry More? as the prin elpul it runs again at the West lOud to ulßht. The other of the two features is "The More Kxenllent Wiiy." prpswnHni; Aniun Stewart. Tho comedy is "tier Punic, and Her Shame,' , by Keystone. irVPNOTIC ENTERTAINMENT. Mr. Ij»»p Oelrnira. the returneil soldier hypnotist, who had favourable receptions at the Kmptre Theatre, Dominion Koad. on the Inst five occasions, is tn make his fareda v evening next, when he will present new lteniß. One of the special Item* will be "the hypnotic blacksmith's shop." Tile entertainment commences at S p.m.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 208, 31 August 1918, Page 6

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 208, 31 August 1918, Page 6

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 208, 31 August 1918, Page 6