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HABERDASHERY, FANCY QOGDS , and SMALL WARES. Al-ways Fully Stocked. -A-X-eo-aa-ys Best Value. Just as much attention is given to a purchaser of a packet of pins as to one who buys a Sixty Guinea Coat. Value, Variety and Service Built tkis Business* jBL. LITTLE LIST. : REEL. Sizes 2, 34. wW ! scarcity of iICOCOANLT? OIL-6d. and 1/DOZFN : TAPp" r.n ,U4 EMrw ! supplies, wo strongly advise those inter-! DRESSING COMBS—3d to 1/9 EACH COHWT lAm irnTTftNl Q yaptw : vtl-nvKF Rn?™ i?Fi* ~ ,IB ' fsted to become annual subscribers to this'CHAMOIS LEATHERS—2/11 3/9 ldEAra fiMrds oj^rn ARDS '\HJigi-kBBRAIDS—9d, and 1/61; leading Fashion Journal. 9/- Perl 4/11 EACH. /U, 3/9t A. a. aA\,ti. , O l-illUto, itf<l KiACtl. ' XJ*j£il\,Pi lAnuO. r Annum Prmt FVp** ' r. , App /~itt « >r,-»Tci *• ■■ *-i ««™ I SEWING COTTON, Swiss made, Black or: WOOLS— . <| Annum - Pobt rree ' ; ,*ACE CIIA MOIS—Sd EACHFINKiEIS SlilELDS— l&d EACH. ; Roslyn, 2-ply, 6d; 5/9 HEAD. 3-plv,': mr t -'a t^-I 6, Vlim.T FBATHEK-STITCH BRAIDS—7*Sd, 9d. 8d; 7/9 HEAD. 4-ply, Hd; 10/gI'HAIR COMBS AND ORNAMENTS—A big' \ °<£a??fS , D /« NTAIi CREAM—SmaII. lOiid, 1/2, 1/3, l/4i6 PEK DOZEN! HEAD. c| range of smartest styles, just in. There CArROT TP Tnrvrw pnm YARDS. " ; Wheelings—Paton's, 1/4: 10/6 HEAD.!■ are Forks, Back Combs, Prongs, Slides/ DFRSm-ill • T n r.» i?J POW * HOSE SUPPORTS—So-on, 9d PAIR;!* Roslyn, 1/4: 10/6 HEAD. Kaiapol,!; Side Combs, Pins, all with or without / n \7j ™S Inrl™ SwV™ o^ Others, 1/6, 1/9. 1/11. 2/9. ll%d; 7/3 HEAD. Onchunga ]' brilliants. Prices are from Id EACH for ROOI?<? ?J halr NB^sM e .S, rd Si l^r^ RD - : > 9i6d: 9/3 D ° ZEN SKEINS - J t0 8/6 f ° r COMBS - ;Invblopb|22s^^"pa^t^^ lj J3IOCK Only. > ■■ g» M I v ■■ i«pr . v-a-t m u>r-i\Tr- r\ —- m/ , , -: I the ill stopf I iffplc^fl^lld-Doz IVY MENDING CARDS—Id EACH. | *■ I I-< sfe H M |j E CIXETS Oin nw wmpS? MERCERISED MENDING. Colours: Blue,; : I Jβ II A I ' 1 / L»/9T\ ISH POT POURRI— lMd CARD 080 ' Ue "°' PUrP,e, Cream -:| BBHBBDH| * HHHhJI |:keis" t CHAIn ADHESIVE PLASTER-6d COTTON MENDING—Id CARD. I 1 8 i PETROLEUM JELLY Wliitp 7L-.1 Bn d %2SL W&SSESgSMiaf ■ I aTx/4 "sswrarai 0 - 1 - than Bod -i^^E w p O^°D^r(^ K c c HT - soME "^^A ßDinras . i^ B^^Wh»£S£J ll lg. (I, S,Hi ar s2 ) - Bl ? ck ' : Pom P l ' la . Boiine, Safranor, Muguct. LeI:^X)L,INE-9d .and 1/- TUBE. I PLAIN WHITE PAPER SERVIETTESor White—2%d, 3d. 4d. Tretle lucarnat, Vivitz, each in ' TO , Y BALLOONS—SmaII, 2%d EACH; 5 7d PER 1OO: 5/6 PER 1000. COLUMBIA SEWING SILK, 80 shades, DOMtOGER ANT* GAI.LE'rS VELOUTE POW-'! 1A nl >d 1/H BOTTLE. . ICTLSIA "SHAMPOO POWDERS 4d yards—2d REEL. ,; DEU, Roses, V|.»l e ttes. Carnation Flores! FACE CREAMS— ■ EACH: 2/3 BOX 1 , 1 ?V?°J, D . 1 ?5 Y TT, S( i ISSORS ~ 2/O EACH - !' do ToWo, !n Pink, White, or Cream-2/- 1 : f teams' Peroxide—l/ 6. IHAZLEHURST SHAMPOO POWDERSTAPE MEASURES—3d and 7i£d EACH.- BOX. '! Hazlehurst Cream—l/4}£. ! 4d EACH- 3 for lid. KNOTS LINEN THREADS—I/4, 1/6.! STITriIING AND EMBROIDERY SILKS,'! Oatmeal Snow—l/ 11. !|GUEST'S BARILLA SOAP— BAR. r: n 1 .2 / 3- ' : Blnck - White. Crpam. Browns and Grevsl' Oatmeal Cream—l/ 11 and 4/3- \OUTICURA SOAP—I/6 CAKE. 50 i7 3 r, REBLS . THR EAD, Drab, Black, or; for Gabardines, V. Rose. Salmon Pink ■ Hazellne Snow—l/-. ; VINOLIA EGG SOAP—4d EACH; 3 for W. Brown—l}£d REEL. , Rose Pink, Purple. Hello, Red, Wine !> -Tergen's Antoinette Cream—9d- ■[ Hi THIMBLES, Metal or Celluloid—ld and' Fawn. Navy, Emerald, Joz reels—l/ 4i , CINET - S CLOTH CLEANER—I/- EACH.; WRITING PADS—6d, Bd, 9d, 1/-. 1/6 l»d EACH. I J CAMPHOR, ioz cakes—7 for 6d; 4/6 LB. BACH. IN THE FURNITURE SECTION Those Bimu High-backed Chairs are still 11/6 each. New Zealand's Best Value by far. GEORGE COURT "IXf*

SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. . Sir J. Madden. K.C.M.G.. etc.. LieutenantGovernor and Chief Justice of Victoria, when delivering judgment is a case io which an Inferior substitute had been pushed as "Just as good as SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, said with regard to the GENUINE SANDER EXTRACT: "Whenever an article is commended to the public by reason of its good quality, it is not permissible to imitate auy -e£ its features." When using a medicine it is "good' quality" that you want, and BANDER'S EXTRACT has the endorsement and approval of the highest authorities. Inhaled, applied locally, taken on sugar or in water as directed, SANDER'S EXTRACT is equally beneficial, because It is specially refined and prepared by .Sander's process, nnd contains no harmful by-products. Use SANDER'S EXTRACT only when you desire good and lasting effects; no "just at geod." *j t*c c» l> r ™ Doig's Goitre Treatment reduces AT ,ile neck to natural size in a lew V months. It seldom fails—over 3,000 m Huecessfnl cases testify to its merits. a Does not stain the skin nor affect the ■ system. Results are usually seen in I the first feiv weeks. Write for free ■ Booklet on Goitre and further particuB lan to £ A. UOIG, Family Chemist ' b U5 A Victoria Avcnne - WANGANUI . Pale Faces There is " Life " for the Anaemic in Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Pale cheeks glow again when Dr. CaßScll's Tablets are taken for anaemia. Languor, weakness, faintness, headache, all the many little miseries which afflict the antemic disappear, and >iew health and energy and tiriehtness come again. The vital power of the entire system is renewed by these incomparable'restoratives. Dr. Cassell's Tablets are the recoamised modern remedy for shattered nerves, indigestion, kidney weakness, aritpmia, and all debilitated conditions in young or old. Prices 1/9 and */- Refuse imitations. Dr. Cassell's TABLETS. The Sure Invigoratore. ■ IK PLUMBERS. CHAPPELL & GOURTENAY ABB PLUMBERS 6 WAKEFIELD STREET. ■PHONE 1782. TIMBER MEKCHAHTS. THE KAURI TIMBER CO., LTD., CUSTOMS STREET WEST. BUILDING TIMBER. BAOBI, BIMU, MATAI, TOTARA. JARRAH. OREGON. JOINERX, DOORS, SASHES, MANUFACTURED FHOM THOROUGHLI SEASONED TIMBER C2tXY. CATALOGfES AND PRICE LISTS O.N APPLICATION. B D. GOLDIE & SONS, LTD, OCEANIC SAWMILLS, BREAKWATER ROAD. Phones: 653. Head Office; 06, Order Office. KAUKI, TOTAKA. KIMU, WHITK PIXK, OREGON PINK. IiLUE GUM. TRONRARK Joiner? nnd Mouldings always in stock. D. GOLDIE & SONS, LTD.

TAILORS. LADIES the LAST WEEK of EXTRA SKIRT FREE WITH EVERY TO ORDER COSTUME At sor GUINEAS LADIES.— Tbis offer closes Next Saturday, it is absolutely your last chance to obtain this generous concession. Why should you lose a discount worth from 30/- to 40/- by delaying the ordering pi yonr Winter Coetnme? No need to pay all the money down. A deposit secures your order, and you out pay the balance when you take delivery. Every Costume is guaranteed absolutely to your satisfaction, or money refunded. NOW is the time to secure Three Garments for the Price of Two. NOT NEXT WEEK—NOW ! THE BRITISH WOOLLEN GO. IT 5 NEWTON (Opp. Bank ef N.Z. and Fort Office)

If your throat is sore and irritable, take NAZOL; it will give you relief.— (Ad.) There is a coupon in every tin of Hudson's Balloon Brand Baking Powder that entitles you to receive a free copy of the famous "Balloon" Baking Book. Buy a tin to-day.—All grocers. Everywhere. — (Ad.) When you feel a cold coming on, don't wait until it has gripped you, but take NAZOL at once.—(Ad.)

Vval Al^°ys a Welcome Meal [ jcj Y° u '" &nd 'hat your home f olki and guests will ► ftifcfo ~- ■ ybl a!w *y« welcome the meal where C.M.C. ► BsJHhf— 1 Tonguea are served. Nutritious mnd delicioui I 4 please the palate. Yon know they are wholesome became every tin bears the » « signature of the Government Meat Inspector— a guarantee of goodness. The ► « special sell-spenint; key with every tin does away with the tin openers. 45 * yVt*ltlUPtlimMttilffV¥mm<Jfv l PlVv l T¥V¥fVf» ► ■m m — * m ■ HOT DRINKS-WARM BEDS ■ -AMUSEMENTS For Millions of Men ! The work goes on continuously—every hour—night and day. Wherever our Troops are to be found. The Church Army's War Work is increasing their Comfort, Efficiency, and Morale. Oyer 1000 Rest Huts are being operated by The Church Army—22o are in the Shell Zone in France. Each of its 50 Kitchen Cars provides 300 Hot Drinks at every boiling, for men entering or leaving the trenches, day and night. 1000 Beds are always ready for Troops on leave in London. Thousands of Parcels are sent every week to Prisoners of War. £50,000 URGENTLY WANTED To Extend the Work in N.Z. Training Camps, on Troopships and Hospital Ships, in Hospitals and on every Front. HELP to give Comfort and Relieve the Needs of Our Brave New Zealand Boys ! » Send Your Donation—Largm or Smmtt—Without Delay to THE MILITARY AFPAIBS COMMITTEE _ Jas. "W. Hendnraon 1-Honorary — ■ • Geo. Shirtcliffe i Treasurers ■■ - 20 Itulcrave Street, WELLIKGTOU m ■ Crou Cheque* "Übiaw Bank. Wellington." " __ HAINES-β ' (_ 58 E3 CT ============= BB§ XOTE.—Church Army Donations may also be sent to Rev. J. B. Burgin, C.F., Box 652, Auckland.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 63, 14 March 1918, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 63, 14 March 1918, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 63, 14 March 1918, Page 7